Artifact 1

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 Balance  Survey  
Artifact  1  
Submitted  by:  Carey  Schroyer  

Survey Purpose: To provide information to better understand how women in higher
educational leadership positions:
• Perceive work-life balance
• Rate the importance of self-care in work-life balance
• Describe the potential impact of work-life balance on career choices

Survey Specifics:
The survey consisted of 22 questions with an estimated completion time of 15 minutes.
The survey instructions included definitions for the following terms:
• Work-Life Balance
• Self-Care
• Family/Home Activity
• Home Life

Target Population:
The survey was sent to WOMEN working in leadership positions at Community Colleges in
the Western Washington (mostly at Edmonds Community Colleges).

Survey Embedded:
See pages 2-7 of this document.


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