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Sierra Nevada College Lesson Plan

Teacher: Viktoria McNamara Lead Teacher: Dr. Amy Hope

Grade/Subject: ELA- Springboards Activity 2.6 District: DCSD
Lesson Topic: Setting School: ZCES
SNC Supervisor: Michael Lauletta Time Allotted: 45 minutes
Date: 10/18/2018 # of Students: 25 students

State Standard(s) (Standards this lesson addresses)
RL.6.2 determine a theme or central idea of a text and how it is conveyed through particular details; provide
a summary of the text distinct from personal opinions or judgements.

L6.3 Use knowledge of language and its conventions when writing, speaking, reading, or listening.

Student Personal Learning Goals (in addition to state & district requirements, what do students want to know
and understand about this lesson topic?)
Students will use details from the setting to help identify the central idea or theme from their book club books.

Formative Assessment: (How will mastery of the standard be assessed at the end of the lesson? This data can
be used to inform instruction within the classroom and as a department/grade level team/PLC.)
Students will be assessed through student discourse,

Objective(s): high cognitive demand for diverse learners Cognitive Level (DOK & Bloom’s)
I can identify places, time, and feeling form my book to help give me DOK 1
details about a setting.
I can use details about the setting in my book to give me an idea about DOK 3
the book’s theme or central idea of the book.

Connections to past learning or experience, building background

Yesterday with Dr. Hope you learned about the details of plot and sub plot. Drawing on those events we will be
taking a closer look and identifying certain details about the setting of each of the events to understand how
setting can influence a central theme or idea.

Essential Vocabulary Definitions

Setting Where and when an action takes place in a story. Details from the
setting help create context and mood for the story.
Central idea or Theme The lesson the author is trying communicate.
Strategy for teaching new vocabulary
Vocabulary terms will be taught by asking for input from the class and writing a proper definition at the top of
their sheet.

Set (specific activity to review daily objectives, learning target & goal connection, and assessment with students,
activate background knowledge, and create interest in the lesson)
Yesterday with Dr. Hope you learned about the details of plot and sub plot. Drawing on those events we will be
taking a closer look and identifying certain details about the setting of each of the events to understand how
setting can influence a central theme or idea.

Pacing Teacher Engagement (Sequence and Student Formative Materials &

(times) Scope of Instruction (include instructional Engagement Assessment/ Technology

Sierra Nevada College Lesson Plan

strategies, questions, grouping, (discourse, written, Student

differentiation and transitions) kinesthetic, etc.) Metacognition
5 min Set: remind students about what they Whole group
learned yesterday with Dr. Hope about instruction
subplot and plot. Connect those events
with our task today to look deeper at
the details of the setting to see how it
influences the central idea or theme of
the book. Look at the “I can” goal for
the day, and read it aloud to
understand what they going to be
working towards today.
2 min Go over the necessary vocabulary Whole group whiteboard
terms for the day: setting, central idea. instruction
7 min Introduce the handout and the Student discourse, handout
different columns to think about- place, written and whole
time, mood. Have students work with a group discussion
partner clock partner to complete at
least three bullet point notes in each
column using our read aloud book, the
“Loser”. Share what partners have
come up with as a large group.
7 min Moving down the page to the second Student discourse, Elmo
set of boxes, have students work in written and whole
partners to write down details from group discussion
certain scenes in the book “Loser” that
they wrote down in the above boxes
and how they relate to what they feel
the theme or central idea is and why.
Have students share their responses as
a whole group.
20 Have students turn over their pages Independent Elmo, handout
min and do the exact same activity with work, small group
their book club books independently. work
Once students have filled up the upper
portion, then have students move into
their book club groups and fill in the
second half of the handout in a group
while sharing their thoughts on how
the setting contributes to the theme or
central idea.
3 min Metacognition: Individual work Metacognition Whiteboard
Revisit the “I can” goal and gauge
students’ progress towards achieving it.
Have students write down on their
whiteboards how they learned what
they learned today.

Sierra Nevada College Lesson Plan

Closure : specific activity to review content and progress toward objectives and goals
Revisit the “I can” goal and gauge students’ progress towards achieving it. Have students write down on their
whiteboards how they learned what they learned today.

Teacher Candidate Reflection on the lesson (after delivery)

SNC: January 10, 2018

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