Flujo Sanguíneo

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Brief Review
Autoregulation of Blood Flow
Paul C. Johnson

A UTOREGULATION of blood flow, the tenden- metabolites such as CO2 or increased production of
/ \ cy for blood flow to remain constant despite vasodilator substances due to hypoxia or to both. Evi-
A. \ . changes in arterial perfusion pressure, is a dence to be presented subsequently indicates that
ubiquitous and much studied phenomenon. Autoregu- washout is probably not a significant factor. There is
lation was first described in the kidney in 1931,1 but it substantial evidence that the dependence of tissue oxy-
had been anticipated by Bayliss 30 years earlier2 based gen on blood flow is responsible for autoregulation in
on changes in hind limb volume during alterations in organs with high oxygen consumption.
arterial pressure. Bayliss noted a secondary decrease Both myocardium and brain exhibit a high degree of
of organ volume with arterial pressure elevation and autoregulation, and in both organs blood flow is highly
suggested that "the peripheral powers of reaction pos- dependent on tissue oxygen consumption.45 The latter
sessed by the arteries is of such a nature as to provide observation suggests a tight coupling between blood
so far as possible for the maintenance of a constant flow and tissue PO2 or vasodilator metabolite produc-
flow of blood through the tissues supplied by them, tion. In myocardium the hypothesis has been suggest-
whatever may be the height of the blood pressure, ed6 that blood flow is regulated to maintain a constant
except so far as they are directly overruled by impulses tissue PO2. Laird et al7 examined this hypothesis using
from the central nervous system." The widespread oc- venous PO2 as an overall indicator of tissue PO2. The
currence of autoregulation in various organs of the relation between vascular resistance and venous PO2
body began to be recognized in the 1950's as part of an was identical under conditions of functional hyperemia
intensified interest in local mechanisms of blood flow and autoregulation, suggesting that the same mecha-
regulation. In 1963 a symposium on this topic,3 pro- nism may be operating in both circumstances.
vided a detailed view of the field at that time. Consistent with this concept is the observation that
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Since the 1963 symposium, autoregulation has been in some tissues elevated oxygen consumption greatly
a topic of continuing interest. New experimental tech- enhances autoregulation. This was shown in skeletal
niques for studies in whole organs and in the micro- muscle by Stainsby,8 in stomach by Holm-Rutili et al9
circulation have provided a means for analyzing and and in intestine by Norris et al.10 The key factor in the
quantifying behavior of vessels responsible for auto- enhancement of autoregulation may be a lowering of
regulation. Also, new biochemical methods have tissue oxygen levels as oxygen consumption in-
become available to study purported vasodilators. Fi- creases." Venous O2 levels in resting skeletal muscle
nally, the importance of autoregulation in clinical are relatively high (70% saturated), reflecting a high
medicine has been explored. The purpose of this re- tissue PO2. An increase in metabolism in skeletal mus-
view is to examine the principal developments since cle leads first to increased O2 extraction and lowered
that time. venous O2 content with modest increase in flow.12 This
In 1963 four mechanisms of autoregulation — myo- increased extraction is apparently aided by a more
genic, metabolic, tissue pressure, and tubulo-glomeru- widespread perfusion of the capillary bed to include
lar feedback — were recognized as potentially impor- vessels previously without flow.13'1* Granger et al11
tant while a fifth possible mechanism — local neural have suggested that the terminal arterioles are more
control — was noted but given little credence. The sensitive than the larger arterioles to reduction in tissue
experimental evidence relevant to each of these four oxygen tension. This response would allow perfusion
theories will now be reviewed. of more capillaries and greater oxygen extraction with-
out substantially altering overall vascular resistance.
Metabolic Hypothesis Klitzman et al have suggested that relatively small
According to this hypothesis blood flow and tissue changes in tone of the distal arterioles may have a
metabolism are tightly coupled in such a way that any disproportionate effect on capillary perfusion. When
reduction in arterial inflow causes a buildup of vasodi- the capillary network is well perfused and O2 extrac-
tion is maximized, a drop in arterial pressure and flow
lator metabolites in the tissue. This buildup could be would lower tissue PO2 and lead to relaxation of the
due to a reduced rate of washout of aerobic vasodilator larger arterioles and restoration of blood flow. Avail-
able evidence suggests that low tissue PO2, whether
From the Department of Physiology, University of Arizona
Health Sciences Center, Tucson, Arizona. due to elevated metabolism or low blood flow, appar-
Address for reprints: Paul C. Johnson, Ph.D., Department of ently favors autoregulation. Jones and Berne found in
Physiology, University of Arizona Health Sciences Center, Tuc- skeletal muscle that autoregulation was much better in
son, AZ 85724. preparations with high vascular tone and low venous
Received July 8, 1985; accepted July 16, 1986.
484 Circulation Research Vol 59, No 5, November 1986

oxygen levels. Granger et al" found in a variety of not prove it is unimportant in thicker tissue. The pres-
circumstances that lowering tissue PO2 increased the ence of residual dilation in Morff and Granger's stud-
autoregulatory flow response of a skeletal muscle vas- ies23 could indicate a role for washout in their prepara-
cular bed. tion, but other evidence from those studies favored a
Tissue PO2 levels have not been examined exten- myogenic mechanism asresponsiblefor the remaining
sively during autoregulation. However, in myocardi- dilation.
um Schubert et al16 found a number of hypoxic sites Since O2 causes arteriolar constriction, it is also
(<5 mm Hg PO2) at normal perfusion pressure in prep- possible that the abolition of autoregulation is due to a
arations that showed good flow autoregulation. The nonspecific vasoconstrictor effect of oxygen. Klitz-
number of such sites increased as arterial pressure was man et al14 showed that norepinephrine suppressed the
reduced even though mean tissue PO2 was maintained. normal vasodilator response to stimulation of skeletal
This study suggests that localized reduction in tissue muscle fibers in the cremaster muscle. A nonspecific
PO2 may be responsible, at least in part, for flow auto- effect does not appear to be involved in the inhibitory
regulation. effect of oxygen on autoregulation since autoregula-
An argument against tissue PO2 as a determinant of tion is enhanced rather than inhibited in preparations
autoregulation in the brain is that infusion of vasodila- with elevated vascular tone.1113
tor substances that increase cerebral blood flow does If tissue PO2 is the sole determining factor in blood
not weaken blood flow autoregulation.17 This finding flow autoregulation, it would seem logical that there be
is surprising since it would be expected that the in- a detectable fall in flow as arterial pressure is reduced,
creased blood flow would elevate tissue PO2 and lower in order to reduce O2 delivery and tissue PO2. Howev-
tissue metabolite concentration. It is also interesting er, in some vascular beds such as brain and myocardi-
that sustained reduction in cerebral blood flow can um, there is a substantial change in precapillary resis-
occur without affecting autoregulation. After a period tance in the absence of a measurable change in blood
of spreading cortical depression, cortical blood flow flow. Mosher et al20 reported instances of no measur-
and vascular responsiveness to CO2 are reduced18 but able change in myocardial blood flow in the dog in the
the efficacy of autoregulation is not altered. In this arterial pressure range 80-120 mm Hg. Also, cerebral
case it is possible that flow is reduced in proportion to a blood flow in man does not change significantly as
fall in O2 consumption, maintaining a normal tissue arterial pressure is lowered from 130 to 60 mm Hg.24
PO2. In support of latter possibility, a normal tissue pH The latterfindingrequiresthat total vascular resistance
is seen in spreading depression. Also, when cerebral in this bed falls by half as arterial pressure is reduced.
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O2 consumption is reduced by 50% in pentobarbital Since capillary and venous vessels do not participate in
coma, cerebral blood flow also falls by 50% and auto- the response, precapillary resistance must fall by more
regulation is not impaired.19 Similarly, in the heart, than half. Tissue PO2 must change appreciably in order
reduction in cardiac function leads to a fall in myocar- to alter vascular resistance to this degree. It is not
dial blood flow but the degree of autoregulation is not immediately obvious how tissue PO2 could change ap-
impaired.20 preciably in the absence of a change in blood flow.
More direct evidence for a role of oxygen in blood One possible explanation of this finding that would fit
flow autoregulation has involved suffusion of an oxy- the tissue oxygen hypothesis is that there is continuous
gen-rich solution over a microcirculatory preparation. countercurrent exchange of oxygen from arterial to
Elevating the O2 level typically causes vasoconstric- venous vessels.23 Such exchange would be greater at
tion of arterioles and reduced flow. In such studies reduced arterial pressure when the arterioles are dilated
Kontos et al21 found that the dilation of pial arterioles, and flow velocity is decreased. In these circumstances
which normally was quite prominent following arterial capillary PO2 would fall even though blood flow is
pressure reduction, was entirely abolished when an maintained constant. This phenomenon would decou-
oxygen-rich solution was suffused over the tissue. ple flow from tissue O2 levels and flow might actually
Similar results were obtained by Sullivan and John- increase as arterial pressure is reduced. Such "super-
son22 in the cat sartorius muscle microcirculation, regulation" is seen in individual microcirculatory ves-
while Morff and Granger23 found autoregulatory dila- sels in skeletal muscle23 and mesentery26 and has been
tion in rat cremaster arterioles was diminished but not reported in measurements of total blood flow in the
abolished. Since the autoregulatory dilation in two of intestine10 during absorption of foodstuffs.
these tissues was completely abolished with elevated The studies by Schubert et al16 suggest that an in-
oxygen, it appears that in those tissues production rath- crease in the number of hypoxic sites leads to produc-
er than washout of vasodilator metabolites is important tion of anaerobic vasodilator metabolites as arterial
in blood flow autoregulation. If washout were impor- pressure is reduced. One problem with this hypothesis
tant, there should have been some residual autoregula- is that the oxygen threshold for production of such
tion despite the fact that oxygen was supplied from an vasodilators is thought to be very low. The critical PO2
external source. The firmness of this conclusion, how- for cytochrome oxidase in isolated mitochondria is
ever, is tempered by the fact that washout of vasodila- known to be less than 1 mm Hg.27 However, if the
tor substances from tissue near the surface may be intracellular diffusion coefficient is low, as suggested
quite different from that in deeper areas. The absence by studies in cardiac myocytes,2829 the critical extra-
of any apparent role of washout in these studies does cellular PO2 may be considerably higher (=6 mm Hg).
Johnson Autoregulation of Blood Flow 485

This factor, coupled with heterogeneous O2 distribu- gradient of intraluminal oxygen along the arteriolar
tion in the tissue30 could lead to localized regions network to the capillaries,45 a reduction in flow would
where oxygen supply is inadequate for normal oxida- reduce arteriolar PO 2 . The degree of PO2 reduction in
tive metabolism. In addition, there is a variety of en- any arteriole with a fall in flow would depend on the
zyme systems that have a considerably higher k,,, for location of the arteriole in the network and various
oxygen.31 If the latter play a role in blood flow regula- other factors including the magnitude of flow reduc-
tion they could sense changes at the hypoxic sites or in tion, the O 2 -Hb dissociation curve and any associated
mean tissue PO 2 , which is about 11 mm Hg in hamster change in tissue O2 consumption.
cheek pouch32 and 19 mm Hg in rat cremaster muscle.33 Since it appears that oxygen may act directly on the
In this connection, it may be significant that as suffus- arteriole, the possibility that it inhibits autoregulation
ing solution PO 2 is elevated over these preparations, by suppressing another mechanism such as a myogenic
the arterioles constrict and maintain a constant mean response must also be considered. However, as noted
tissue PO2. Oxygen causes generalized vasoconstric- in the following section (myogenic hypothesis), eleva-
tion in all orders of arterioles in the cat sartorius tion of tissue PO2 does not inhibit the myogenic
muscle.34 response.
In examining the tissue oxygen hypothesis of blood There is an additional possible mechanism of auto-
flow autoregulation, primary credence has been given regulation that involves flow but does not depend on
to an indirect effect of oxygen on the arterioles, i.e., metabolism per se. The endothelium of arteries is
via an alteration of tissue metabolism and production known to produce prostaglandins with vasodilator
of vasodilator metabolites. Relatively little work has properties that tend to reduce basal tension.46 While
been done to identify possible chemical mediators of blockage of prostaglandin production does not abolish
this vasodilation. Morff and Granger35 found that theo- autoregulation,47 it is possible that a steady rate of
phylline reduced but did not abolish autoregulatory production of such a substance by the endothelium
dilation of arterioles in rat cremaster muscle following would enhance the degree of autoregulation, assuming
arterial pressure reduction, suggesting a role for aden- that reduced flow would reduce the rate of washout by
osine in autoregulation. Schrader et al36 found that the bloodstream. Alternatively, if the plasma contains
coronary venous levels of adenosine and inosine in the a vasoconstrictor substance, as suggested by studies of
saline-perfused guinea pig heart increased at reduced Bohr and Johansson,48 a reduction in flow would re-
arterial pressures. On the other hand, Dole et al37 found duce the rate of delivery of the substance to the arteri-
that adenosine deaminase infused into the blood-per- oles. Under these circumstances vasodilation might
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fused dog myocardium moderately reduced the magni- occur in the arterioles with flow reduction.
tude of reactive hyperemia but did not significantly
affect autoregulation. Hanley et al38 also found that Myogenic Hypothesis
adenosine deaminase did not attenuate autoregulation According to this hypothesis the arterioles respond
the blood-perfused dog heart. Winn and co-workers39 to intravascular pressure as a stimulus, with pressure
found adenosine levels in the rat brain increased as elevation causing constriction. The response may be of
systemic arterial pressure was reduced, but the in- a transient or sustained nature. Mellander and co-
crease was statistically significant only at pressures workers49 have extensively studied the transient activa-
below the autoregulatory range. tion of resistance vessels and portal vein strips by dy-
It is conceivable that changes in tissue PO 2 could namic stretch. It appears that transient stretch caused
bring about an autoregulatory response by a direct ef- by the arterial pulse pressure induces an especially
fect on the resistance vessels. Studies on larger ves- pronounced response in the distal arterioles of skeletal
sels4041 revealed a direct effect of oxygen on vascular muscle50 and may be particularly important in deter-
tone. The importance of this observation for regulation mining the basal vascular tone in those vessels. If
of resistance vessels has been disputed since the larger arterial pressure to skeletal muscle is reduced, the
vessels may have an anoxic core in the wall due to a metabolic mechanism apparently is quite effective in
larger diffusion distance from the vessel surface. The attenuating the arteriolar response to the arterial
latter would not be a consideration in the arterioles.42 pulse.51
Moreover, local changes in periarteriolar PO2 did not The resistance vessels of certain vascular beds also
alter arteriolar diameter.43 However, evidence for a respond in a sustained fashion to maintained pressure
direct effect of oxygen on arterioles has been provided elevation. The sustained response is of special interest,
recently by Jackson and Duling,44 who reported oxy- as it would lead to autoregulation of blood flow, and
gen-induced constriction of isolated arterioles and will therefore be considered in detail in this section.
arterioles in a network dissected free from surrounding The evidence for a role of the sustained myogenic
parenchyma. To date this effect has been demonstrated response in autoregulation comes about directly and
only when arteriolar PO 2 is substantially elevated. also through exclusion of other possibilities. For ex-
Whether this effect is operative at normal or reduced ample, in some vascular beds autoregulation persists
arteriolar PO2 has not been determined. under conditions of elevated oxygen. In rat cremaster
If oxygen has a direct effect on arterioles, intralu- muscle the autoregulatory dilation of arterioles was
minal PO2 in these vessels as well as tissue PO2 would reduced but not abolished by elevated tissue Oj. 23 Con-
be a factor in regulation. Since there is a longitudinal striction of arterioles in hamster cheek pouch to elevat-
486 Circulation Research Vol 59, No 5, November 1986

ed transmural pressure was enhanced by elevated oxy- then elevated static intravascular pressure in the prep-
gen52 although oxygen also caused these vessels aration. He found, under conditions of no flow, that
initially to constrict." pressure elevation caused arteriolar constriction. John-
Several techniques have been employed to test the son and Intaglietta26 also reported that static pressure
hypothesis that arterioles constrict in response to ele- elevation in cat mesentery caused arteriolar constric-
vated intravascular pressure. Venous pressure eleva- tion. In addition, they found that arterioles in cat
tion (which increases arteriolar transmural pressure but mesentery dilated moderately when flow was reduced
reduces the arterio-venous pressure gradient) increases or stopped by a microneedle applied to an arteriole at a
vascular resistance in some vascular beds (small and point downstream to the site of observation, indicating
large intestine and liver)54"56 and causes arteriolar con- that mesenteric arterioles possess a degree of flow sen-
striction in the rat mesoappendix,37 rat cremaster,23 and sitivity. However, after flow was stopped completely
cat mesentery.58 In the rat mesoappendix and rat cre- by microocclusion, the arteriole still dilated substan-
master the constriction to venous pressure elevation is tially when arterial pressure to the mesentery was
greatest in the terminal region of the arteriolar network reduced.
where the pressure rise would presumably also be Isolated small arteries from brain show a myogenic
greatest. Studies on cat mesentery, however, indicate type of constriction to intravascular pressure elevation.
that the magnitude of the response is equal in arterioles Vessel diameter tends to be maintained or decrease
that experienced a large pressure increase and those slightly as intravascular pressure is elevated in the
that underwent little or no rise in local intraluminal range 55—110 mm Hg.67 This can best be explained as
pressure when venous pressure was elevated by a fixed due to a stimulatory effect of the intravascular pres-
amount. This observation would suggest that the sure. This response would aid the autoregulatory re-
mechanism of constriction of these vessels was not a sponse of the brain circulation, but would appear to be
myogenic response to local pressure rise. Alternative- too weak to account for the maintenance of constant
ly, a myogenic constriction may have been propagated flow seen in that organ.
from arterioles that did experience a pressure rise. The mechanism by which vascular smooth muscle
Propagated constriction is seen in the arteriolar net- senses the elevated intravascular pressure is an unre-
work of the hamster skin flap during periodic vasomo- solved question. Bulbring68 observed that stretch of the
tion. Vasomotion in the hamster skin flap originates taenia coli muscle of the guinea pig led to depolariza-
at vessel bifurcations, is propagated in a decremental tion and increased spontaneous spike activity of the
fashion, and as a consequence, affects the vessels in muscle. However, Bulbring found depolarization of
the immediate vicinity most strongly.
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the muscle cell to be better correlated with tension than

In some vascular beds the arteriolar constriction to with muscle length. This observation led several work-
venous pressure elevation may be neurogenic in ori- ers to suggest that circumferential tension may be the
gin. A local venous-arteriolar reflex has been de- controlled variable in the myogenic response of arte-
scribed in skin60 and skeletal muscle.61 However, the rioles.66469"71 When intravascular pressure is elevated,
reflex response is abolished by increasing the level of the myogenic response leads to a sustained shortening
sodium pentobarbital anesthesia.62 The possibility that of the vascular smooth muscle. The sustained shorten-
a neural reflex is responsible for the precapillary con- ing may reflect the special geometry of smooth muscle
striction in intestine with venous pressure elevation is in the arterioles and the dependence of circumferential
minimized by the fact that the experiments were done tension on both the vessel radius and transmural pres-
under pentobarbital anesthesia and also that sympa- sure T = Pr (Law of Laplace). According to the La-
thetic blocking agents and local anesthetics did not place relationship an increased tension occasioned by
abolish the constrictor response.5463 In rat cremaster elevated internal pressure would be counteracted by
muscle, venous pressure elevation also causes arterio- arteriolar constriction, which would reduce vessel
lar constriction, which is more pronounced in the pres- radius.
ence of elevated ambient oxygen.23 Several studies lend support to this hypothesis.
Other studies have also shown a sensitivity of arte- Bouskela and Wiederhielm64 found that the constric-
rioles to altered transmural pressure. Bouskela and tion of arterioles and precapillary sphincters in the bat
Wiederhielm64 raised arterial and venous pressure si- wing tended to maintain calculated wall tension con-
multaneously in the bat wing by placing the animal's stant during simultaneous elevation of arterial and ve-
body in a sealed chamber with the wing extended out- nous pressures. Burrows and Johnson72 found that as
side. Under these circumstances pressure elevation in arterial pressure to the cat mesentery was reduced,
the chamber caused arteriolar and precapillary sphinc- arteriolar dilation tended to maintain wall tension. As
ter constriction. The constriction is not likely to be due noted by the latter authors, if the dilation were too
to a venous-arteriolar reflex such as seen in human pronounced with pressure reduction, wall tension
skin since the terminal arterioles have inconsistent would rise, which would not support the wall tension
sympathetic innervation.65 In a somewhat similar type hypothesis. A rise in wall tension was rarely seen with
of experiment, lowering ambient pressure around the arterial pressure reduction, and the results were con-
hamster cheek pouch preparation caused constriction sidered consistent with the hypothesis. It would be
of the arterioles.52 expected that the degree of constriction of an arteriole
Baez66 stopped flow in the rat mesoappendix and would be proportional to the local rise in pressure in
Johnson Autoregulation of Blood Flow 487

that vessel. However, with a single step elevation of ing. Moreover, as the vascular smooth muscle cell
arterial pressure (or venous pressure as noted earlier) contracts it would tend to unload these parallel elastic
the magnitude of constriction in individual arterioles elements, and thus, the wall tension borne by the mus-
was not proportional to the local pressure change. cle would not fall as much as total wall tension when
Thus, wall tension did not appear to be well regulated the muscle contracts. A further complicating factor is
when arterioles were compared with each other. As that the orientation of the contractile elements on the
noted above, if the myogenic mechanism causes a luminal side of the cell apparently becomes relatively
spreading vasoconstriction, there may not be a close more radial rather than tangential as the smooth muscle
correlation between local pressure change and the cell shortens and, therefore, relatively ineffective in
myogenic response. However, the lack of correlation load-bearing.77 This would suggest that those contrac-
may also indicate that a variable other than wall ten- tile filaments on the abluminal side and the associated
sion is regulated. dense bodies carry proportionately more of the load
A more critical examination of the wall tension borne by the vascular smooth muscle cell. The effect
hypothesis requires consideration of a possible trans- of such a shift of load bearing in the cell on stretch of
ducing mechanism that would sense wall tension and the cell membrane cannot be easily predicted.
stimulate the vascular smooth muscle cell to contract. Whatever the site of transduction of the myogenic
Two sites on the smooth muscle plasma membrane response may be, there is evidence that intravascular
have been proposed: 1) the myoendothelial junction pressure alters vascular smooth muscle transmembrane
and 2) the dense area on the plasma membrane where potential. Harder78 found that pressure elevation in iso-
the actinomyosin filaments attach to the cell wall.73 In lated cerebral arteries caused membrane depolarization
respect to the myoendothelial junction, the internal of 1.45 mV/10 mm Hg in vascular smooth muscle
elastic lamina in many arterioles is fenestrated and cells. The slope of this relation was directly dependent
allows direct contact between endothelium and vascu- on external calcium concentration, suggesting the lat-
lar smooth muscle cells. It has been proposed that ter cation may play a role in membrane depolarization.
actual fusion of the two plasma membranes takes place Under some circumstances these vessels also showed
in certain circumstances.74 As intravascular pressure spontaneous spike activity that increased with pressure
rises, it is thought that the endothelial cell contents are elevation. In respect to a possible role of calcium in the
extruded through the IEL fenestration, deforming and myogenic response. Baker et al79 and Cohen and Fray80
stretching the myoendothelial junction. This would found that calcium was important in renal autoregula-
possibly lead to a rise in membrane conductance for tion under conditions where only the myogenic mecha-
calcium and activation of the contractile machinery of nism appeared to be involved. Addition of calcium
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the smooth muscle cell or alternatively to a change in channel blocking agents nifedipine or verapamil abol-
conductance of other ions that influence transmem- ished autoregulation. Also, raising Ca in the perfu-
brane potential. The ensuing contraction of the vascu- sate from 0 to 1.8 mM did not alter vascular resistance
lar smooth muscle cell would tend to oppose the trans- at an arterial pressure of 50 mm Hg but did increase
location of the endothelial cell across the internal resistance at 100 and 150 mm Hg. Haws and Heistad
elastic lamina and thus provide a negative feedback. showed that a calcium blocker, nimodipine, virtually
However, it is not clear how such a mechanism would abolished the autoregulatory response in pial arterioles
provide a well-modulated control system in which a to elevated arterial pressure.
rise in intravascular pressure would cause the vascular
smooth muscle cell to shorten to less than its initial Guharay and Sachs82 recently demonstrated single
length. Despite this possible shortcoming, it is of inter- ionic channels in skeletal muscle that are activated by
est that club-shaped protrusions of endothelial cells stretch. The channels are apparently not specific for
into vascular smooth muscle cells are common in arte- calcium but provide a possible mechanism by which
rioles of mesentery and interlobular arteries and af- force applied to vascular smooth muscle might alter
ferent renal arterioles where experimental studies fa- transmembrane ion fluxes and transmembrane
vor a myogenic mechanism. However, such an potential.
arrangement is more scarce in the efferent renal arteri- In respect to the role of a myogenic mechanism in
oles where a myogenic response is apparently absent. autoregulation of blood flow, a question remains as to
This mechanism cannot explain the stretch-induced how flow could be regulated effectively by a tension-
tone in rabbit ear arteries that is not affected by remov- or pressure-sensitive mechanism. If the arteriolar net-
al of the endothelium.76 work is regarded as a single resistance element which
acts as a unit to constrict when internal pressure is
The second proposed cellular site of transduction elevated, a reasonable degree of autoregulation can be
(the region of the plasma membrane near the dense expected, provided that there is only a moderate range
bodies) has been suggested73 because this region is in- of variability of control system gain.2683 However, if
series with the contractile machinery and, hence, the the system gain is high, an inverse relation between
cell membrane in this vicinity should be deformed to a flow and arterial pressure would be expected and might
degree which depends on the circumferential wall ten- lead to a vicious cycle, where constriction generally in
sion. However, this deformation would depend on to- the peripheral vasculature would lead to a further rise
tal wall tension only as a first approximation because in arterial pressure which would beget further constric-
other passive elements in the wall also are load bear- tion, etc., as suggested by Hall. It is true that a rise in
488 Circulation Research Vol 59, No 5, November 1986

total vascular resistance would tend to increase sys- of intravascular pressure in the myogenically active
temic arterial pressure. But a true vicious cycle could vessels. It also follows that pressure in the capillary
be induced only if the rise in total vascular resistance network will be autoregulated so long as flow is held
were greater than the rise in systemic arterial pressure. constant.
The possibility of this occuring is unlikely because The fact that individual arteries arid arterioles in
baroreceptor reflexes would come into play. Also the vitro contract in response to pressure67'86 suggests that a
autoregulatory mechanism has an upper limit (general- network composed of independent myogenic effectors
ly around 160 mm Hg) above which resistance declines is not an unreasonable model. However, in vivo, peri-
with further pressure increase. In addition, some vas- odic vasomotion seems to spread over localized re-
cular beds autoregulate poorly and would attenuate the gions of the arteriolar network.59 Moreover, this vaso-
total resistance rise. motion is pressure dependent, i.e., the frequency of
The degree of over-regulation in individual organs is vasomotion increases when pressure is elevated.72
limited by the fact that part of the total resistance of the Thus, it is quite possible that the myogenic response of
peripheral vascular bed is relatively fixed (i.e., in cap- individual vessels to pressure elevation spreads to ad-
illaries, venous vessels, and perhaps large arteries). As jacent vessels and the response of each vessel to local
a consequence, moderate changes of the gain in the pressure changes is enhanced by vasoconstrictor input
arteriolar portion of the network would not cause a from adjacent vessels. In this way the constriction of
radical shift in the pressure-flow curve as described in an individual arteriole to pressure elevation in the net-
earlier studies.73 This type of unitary myogenic con- work may be more pronounced than would be seen in
troller could however explain the occasional report of the same vessel in isolation. This may serve to increase
increased flow in individual organs or microcircula- the overall gain of the system. Speden87 has noted that
tory vessels with reduced arterial pressure (super-regu- the contractile response of the isolated rabbit ear artery
lation) cited above. to pressure elevation is less pronounced than reported
An alternative myogenic control system that pro- for individual arterioles in a network. He suggested
vides for a higher degree of precision in flow autoregu- that the presence of the vessel in the network may
lation is the series-coupled independent effector sys- enhance the response. While this may be the case,
tem.73 In this model the individual arteriolar branches studies of vasomotion suggest that the spread is decre-
operate independently of each other and respond to mental and would not make the entire arteriolar net-
internal pressure elevation by contracting. It is not work behave as a single unit.39
required that the individual vessels sense tension. The
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behavior of this system can be illustrated by consider-

ing the response when arterial pressure is reduced Tubuloglomerular Feedback (TGF) Hypothesis
modestly. Pressure in the larger arterioles will be af- Autoregulation was first described in the kidney1
fected more than distal vessels and the large vessels and that organ regulates blood flow extremely well in
will dilate, reducing the pressure drop through them the arterial pressure range 70-140 mm Hg in the dog88
and tending to restore pressure in the mid-sized arte- and 105 to 165 mm Hg in the rat.89 The main candi-
rioles downstream. If the larger arterioles dilate suffi- dates for autoregulatory control in the kidney are the
ciently to restore normal pressure in the mid-sized ar- myogenic response and the tubuloglomerular feedback
terioles to normal, the latter vessels will not dilate. mechanism. According to the TGF hypothesis, an in-
However, if dilation of the larger arterioles is inad- crease in arterial pressure leads first to increased glo-
equate, pressure in the mid-sized arterioles will be merular filtration. According to Navar et al90 the in-
reduced and they will also dilate to bring pressure in crease in glomerular filtration rate would increase the
the more distal arterioles back to normal levels. Down- solute and electrolyte concentration in the tubular fluid
stream from the point in the arteriolar network where at the macula densa. Specialized cells in the macula
pressure is restored to normal by dilation, the pressure densa are thought to sense changes in the tubular fluid.
profile and dimensions of the network will be identical The sensed variable has been suggested to be solute or
to the control state. If this is the case, it follows that sodium chloride concentration.9192 The nature of the
flow will also be returned exactly to control levels. If constrictor stimulus from the macula densa to the
arterial pressure is reduced further the vasodilation will smooth muscle cells of afferent arteriole is not known
extend further downstream. When the vasodilation ex- but appears not to be mediated by the renin-angioten-
tends to the most distal branches of the arteriolar net- sin system. Studies by Hall provide several lines of
work the autoregulatory capability of the network wih evidence which discount this mechanism as of impor-
be exhausted and any further reduction in arterial pres- tance in regulation of afferent arteriolar tone.
sure will lead to a decrease of flow. The detailed char-
acteristics of such a model have been examined in If a rise in solute and/or electrolyte concentration
respect to the interlobular arteries and afferent arte- acts as a stimulus to the macula densa, the system
rioles and good flow autoregulation is predicted by the should behave as a proportional controller. It might
model. appear that perfect regulation of renal blood flow and
hence glomerular filtration rate would require that the
A noteworthy feature of this model is that blood macula densa be exquisitely sensitive to the change in
flow can be perfectly regulated although flow itself is tubular fluid solute or electrolyte concentration. This
not sensed. Flow regulation is secondary to regulation need not be the case, however, since a small but sig-
Johnson Autoregulation of Blood Flow 489

nificant fall in volume reabsorption was seen in hydro- Maintenance of Capillary Pressure
penic animals when arterial pressure was elevated.93 When blood flow is held constant by the autoregula-
This effect, whatever its cause, would provide a resid- tory response, it is to be expected that there will be a
ual offset or error signal even in the face of perfect flow constant capillary pressure as well. From the relation
autoregulation. However, perfect flow autoregulation P c = P v + F R V , where P c = capillary pressure, P v =
by this mechanism would require that the sensitivity of venous pressure, F = blood flow, and R v = venous re-
the macula densa receptor system and the fall in vol- sistance, it can be seen that capillary pressure can be
ume reabsorption be quantitatively matched so as to expressed in terms of flow rather than in terms of
provide adequate arteriolar constriction with arterial arterial pressure. If arterial pressure changes and auto-
pressure elevation. Otherwise the system would likely regulatory mechanisms are strong enough to maintain
over- or under-compensate and renal blood flow would a constant flow, capillary pressure should be unaltered
not be held constant in response to changes in arterial and independent of arterial pressure. There is evidence
pressure. for this behavior, for example, in the kidney, where
There is evidence that the tubuloglomerular feed- autoregulation maintains a constant glomerular capil-
back mechanism does not act alone in regulating renal lary hydrostatic pressure by adjustment of afferent ar-
blood flow. Knox et al94 found that autoregulation of teriolar resistance.69 Since efferent arteriolar resistance
the glomerular filtration rate persisted in superficial is also substantial, constant glomerular filtration de-
nephrons after flow to the distal tubule was arrested. pends on the latter remaining constant.
Also, blood flow autoregulation is weakened but not In other vascular beds (hind limb, intestine) capil-
abolished in nonfiltering kidneys. 9596 Moreover, affer- lary hydrostatic pressure as measured by the iso-
ent arterioles in renal tissue transplants in the hamster gravimetric or isovolumetric method102"104 seems to be
cheek pouch constrict when vascular transmural pres- nearly independent of arterial pressure in the autoregu-
sure is elevated.97 A myogenic mechanism could be latory range. Microcirculatory pressure measure-
activated secondarily to constriction of the distal affer- ments, however, do not provide unequivocal support
ent arteriole by the TGF mechanism since such con- for this concept. Gore105 found instances in which cap-
striction would tend to elevate pressure in the arteriolar illary pressure in mesentery measured directly by the
network immediately upstream and therefore lead to servo-null technique was not maintained as arterial
myogenic constriction in those vessels. TGF alone pressure fell. Also, in capillaries where hydrostatic
may be unable to regulate flow since the control is pressure was maintained it appeared that flow redis-
located at the distal end of the arteriole and therefore tribution at the precapillary level was responsible. Re-
could not influence the total arteriolar network unless
Downloaded from http://ahajournals.org by on October 29, 2018

distribution could explain pressure maintenance in in-

there is an ascending vasoconstriction of myogenic or dividual capillaries but would not seem to account for
other origin. general maintenance of pressure in the capillary bed as
reported in whole organ studies. The degree to which
capillary pressure is autoregulated in a given vascular
Tissue Pressure Hypothesis bed depends on the degree of flow autoregulation and
If tissue pressure is to play a role in autoregulation it also on whether postcapillary resistance remains con-
must vary with arterial pressure and be high enough in stant or varies with changes in arterial pressure. These
the initial state to be an appreciable fraction of arterial factors have not been examined in microcirculatory
pressure. The best evidence for a role of tissue pressure studies to the same extent as in whole organ studies.
was obtained by Hinshaw in the isolated, pump-per- It is likely that capillary pressure would be autoregu-
fused kidney.98 The importance of this mechanism has lated to a different degree than flow if there were
been questioned99 because pump-perfusion may have simultaneous changes in venous resistance. In skeletal
rendered the kidney preparation edematous and, there- muscle and intestine it has been shown that venous
fore, tissue pressure may have been elevated above resistance rises as arterial pressure is reduced, espe-
normal levels. However, such conditions may obtain cially below the range in which flow is regulated.1*4106
in tissue injury, at least in encapsulated organs. In In intestine a local arterio-venous reflex may be in-
addition to the kidney, the brain would appear to be a volved.107 In muscle, there is evidence that suggests
likely organ for such autoregulation during tissue in- that blood viscous resistance in the venules increases
jury. In the case of head injury, autoregulation of cere- as blood shear rate decreases. The number of venules
bral blood flow is seen in areas of cortex where injury with flow or the diameter of the venules in skeletal
is more severe while it is absent in areas less severely muscle does not change significantly as arterial pres-
injured. This observation led Enevoldsen and Jen- sure is reduced.108 But direct measurements in small
sen100'101 to suggest that head injury causes a general (4th order) venules show that pressure in these vessels
depression of vascular responsiveness, leading to au- is well maintained as flow falls.109
toregulatory loss in most areas. However, autoregula-
tion due to changes in tissue pressure (as a result of
capillary leakage), which the authors characterized as Localization of Autoregulatory Adjustments
"false autoregulation," may occur in the most severely It has been shown that arterioles participate strongly
injured tissues. Decompression of the affected area in the autoregulatory response in brain,110 skeletal mus-
abolishes this type of autoregulation. cle,22 and cat mesentery. 1 " Studies in which pressure
490 Circulation Research Vol 59, No 5, November 1986

was directly measured in small arteries and determined cal mechanisms dominate when there is direct opposi-
in the capillary bed by the isogravimetric method indi- tion between central and local mechanisms. In the
cate that the larger arteries do not contribute to auto- larger vessels in skeletal muscle apparently there is
regulatory response in intestine.103 By contrast, in the similar opposition but central mechanisms prevail.
kidney it appears that interlobular arteries and afferent The degree of autoregulation that occurs in various
arterioles but not efferent arterioles participate in the organs during systemic arterial pressure reduction will
autoregulatory response."2113 In the brain there is a depend on the interplay of central and local mecha-
substantial pressure drop in the large and small arteries nisms. When systemic blood pressure is reduced there
and these vessels may contribute appreciably to the is an increase in sympathetic outflow and circulating
autoregulatory response.110 plasma levels of Angiotensin H1'7 and ADH"8 which
would cause vasoconstriction. At the same time the
Interaction Among Control Systems autoregulatory mechanisms should counteract the for-
In the brain there is evidence that the arteries are mer. The net result in skeletal muscle arterioles is
under myogenic control84 while the pial and smaller constriction in larger arterioles and dilation of the more
arterioles imbedded in the tissue are principally under distal arterioles."9 The latter can be prevented in thin
metabolic control.21 This is an example of a series muscle by elevating the O1202 level over the muscle sur-
arrangement of myogenic and metabolic control. As face. Sympathetic nerve stimulation does not inhibit
noted above, constriction of the distal afferent arterio- autoregulation in the brain but does alter the autoregu-
lar segment in the kidney by the TGF system may tend latory range. Under these circumstances the arteries
to raise upstream pressure and therefore cause further are constricted and the small resistance vessels are
myogenic constriction. This would represent a series believed to be already dilated to a degree to maintain
arrangement, in this case of myogenic and TGF control constant blood flow at normal arterial pressure. As a
mechanisms. The myogenic and metabolic systems consequence, the lower limit of autoregulation in brain
may also be present in parallel in some tissues. In the is reached at a higher than normal arterial pressure. But
rat cremaster muscle it appears that both metabolic and the upper limit is also elevated. Based on the consider-
myogenic mechanisms are present in the arterioles ations discussed above in respect to sympathetic es-
since elevation of PO2 with a suffusing solution re- cape, it is possible that vascular beds with innervation
duced but did not abolish arteriolar responses to arteri- throughout all levels of the arteriolar network would
al pressure changes. In cat mesentery the arterioles also show an alteration of the autoregulatory range. It
are sensitive to changes in both pressure and flow. In is believed that alteration of the autoregulatory range is
this instance it appears that the two mechanisms act of particular importance in the brain because the
somewhat independently since the arterioles dilate sympathetic constriction acts in concert with autoregu-
substantially with arterial pressure reduction even after lation to protect the capillary network against the dis-
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flow is stopped locally by micro-occlusion. ruptive effects of elevated capillary pressure.

In the presence of other types of vasomotor input,
i.e., humoral and nervous vasoconstrictor stimuli, the Long-Term Autoregulation and
myogenic and metabolic mechanisms may still be ef- Structural Changes
fective in producing autoregulation. In the brain, stim- Most studies of blood flow autoregulation involve
ulation of the sympathetic fibers apparently causes very short term pressure adjustments, sometimes of
only constriction of the large arteries and a transient only a few minutes duration. Guyton and coworkers122
fall in flow. The flow rapidly returns to normal as the have pointed out that the vascular adjustments to sus-
autoregulatory adjustment occurs in the downstream tained alteration in arterial pressure may differ in
vessels.114 The brain may be somewhat unusual in this mechanism from acute changes. In the areflexic ani-
respect as it lacks sympathetic innervation of the arte- mal, autoregulatory responses are more pronounced
rioles. In skeletal muscle there is histological evidence over a period of hours than over a few minutes. Guyton
that sympathetic nerves extend to the smallest arte- suggests that the more slowly developing autoregula-
rioles"3 and induce constriction of those vessels when tion is more important than the acute response since the
stimulated.116 However, there is also evidence that latter is quite weak, at least in the areflexic animal.
sympathetic innervation is not continuous in the termi- Moreover, when systemic arterial pressure is chron-
nal arterioles of the bat wing. Thus, it might be ex- ically elevated over a longer time period (i.e., days or
pected that this tissue would behave similarly to brain, weeks), structural changes take place in the walls of
with sympathetic stimulation lowering blood flow only arteries and arterioles that elevate vascular resistance.
transiently. This sympathetic escape phenomenon has Folkow and co-workers" favor the view that this
been linked to autoregulation although it is not clear structural type of autoregulation is due to a thickening
that the mechanism would be identical in all cases. of the arteriolar wall with consequent narrowing of the
In skeletal muscle, sympathetic stimulation elicits arteriolar lumen. Microcirculatory studies have shown
constriction in both large and small arterioles as well as that in spontaneous hypertension there is a decrease in
in large arteries but the constriction is not maintained arteriolar density that could also serve to elevate
in the smaller arterioles.116 The escape of the small resting vascular resistance. Whatever the nature of the
arterioles is in the face of continuing sympathetic exci- structural change, arteriolar resistance increases and
tation and apparently represents an instance where lo- this tends to maintain a constant blood flow. If capil-
Johnson Autoregulation of Blood Flow 491

lary and venous circuits are not structurally altered, perhaps due to activation of baroceptor reflexes.138 Au-
one would expect that capillary pressure would also be toregulatory dilation of arterioles in cat mesentery was
maintained at near normal levels. Studies by Mein- substantially weakened when a supplemental dose of
inger et al!28 indicate that in some types of hypertension Na pentobarbital was given." Given the clinical and
the elevated pressure is dissipated in the arteriolar net- experimental importance of the anesthetic effects, it is
work, leading to normal or near normal pressures in surprising that this area is not better understood.
the capillary network.
Chronic reduction of pressure and flow by ligation Significance of Short-Term Autoregulation
of a feeding artery leads to a change opposite to that When systemic arterial pressure is acutely reduced
described above, that is, a reduction in structural vas- to an organ, flow is better maintained in vital organs
cular resistance in the downstream vascular bed. Mi- such as brain132 and myocardium6 than in skin,139
crocirculatory studies after arterial ligation have skeletal muscle, 615 liver56 and the gastrointestinal
shown a proliferation of arterioles and return of total tract.10-57140 This comes about because autoregulation
blood flow in the cremaster muscle to normal levels.129 is stronger in brain and myocardium and also because
The stimulus for proliferation of arterioles in this cir- sympathetic innervation is considerably weaker in the
cumstance is not known, although it is generally recog- latter organs. 6121
nized that vasculogenesis is promoted under condi- When systemic arterial pressure is acutely elevated,
tions where tissue PO2 is below normal levels, perhaps the autoregulatory response in kidney, brain, and myo-
in part through stimulation of macrophages.130131 It is cardium would tend to prevent an increase in flow
also possible that elevated PO2 promotes the vascular while organs that do not autoregulate well would expe-
regression and reduction of arteriolar density noted in rience overperfusion. Assuming nutritional supply is
certain types of hypertension. adequate initially, perhaps the most important homeo-
static consequence of the elevated flow in poorly auto-
Abolition of Autoregulation regulating organs would be the rise in capillary pres-
Autoregulation is easily impaired, as those who sure. The fact that some vascular beds-do not
have attempted to study it experimentally can testify. It autoregulate well provides a safety valve for the arteri-
is often abolished under experimental conditions that al circuit that would tend to attenuate the pressure
involve extensive perfusion circuitry.132 Surgical prep- increase. From a homeostatic standpoint it would seem
aration of the tissue may also render arterioles unre- optimal if the less vital organs had a lesser degree of
sponsive to arterial pressure reduction.133 There is also autoregulation than the vital organs such as brain. In
Downloaded from http://ahajournals.org by on October 29, 2018

evidence in brain injury, as noted above, that autoregu- respect to the brain, when arterial pressure is above th^e
lation is impaired or abolished.100 Arterial hypoxia to autoregulatory range, the rise in capillary pressure can
less than 60% saturation abolished cerebral blood flow lead to disruption of the blood-brain barrier.121
autoregulation in man according to one study,134 while Organs which autoregulate blood flow incompletely
in another study autoregulation was maintained with a in the resting state (skeletal muscle, intestine) are capa-
comparable degree of hypoxia.17 By contrast, Granger ble of a high degree of autoregulation under conditions
et al11 found that arterial hypoxia (exact level undeter- of increased metabolic demand. Under such conditions
mined) enhanced autoregulation in skeletal muscle due these organs would behave, to a large degree, like
to a reduction of tissue PO2. brain and myocardium when systemic pressure is al-
Anesthetics are known to adversely affect autoregu- tered, with die proviso that their greater sympathetic
lation although the results are variable depending on innervation would probably render them more suscept-
the depth of anesthesia and type of anesthetic. Smith et ible to baroceptor reflex control.
al133 found cerebral autoregulation was well main- An obvious beneficial aspect of autoregulation that
tained under light nitrous oxide anesthesia. With deep apparently has not been fully explored to date is the
cyclopropane anesthesia cerebral autoregulation was ability of the vascular bed to compensate for increased
maintained when arterial pressure was elevated above resistance in the large arteries in atherosclerosis. When
normal levels but not when pressure was reduced arteries become stenosed to the degree that down-
below normal levels, apparently because the resistance stream pressure is appreciably reduced, it is to be ex-
vessels were already nearly maximally dilated. Mile- pected that there will be dilation of the arterioles and
tich et al136 also found that cerebral autoregulation was maintenance of constant flow, although the vasodilator
weakened as evidenced by a higher pressure threshold reserve of these vessels will be diminished. In accor-
for autoregulation with enflurane and halothane under dance with this, a study of atherosclerosis in mon-
moderate anesthesia (0.5 MAC) but that as the anes- keys141 indicated that cerebral blood flow autoregula-
thetic level with halothane was elevated (1.0 MAC) tion was not impaired in the pressure range of 86-51
autoregulation was lost. Perhaps the anesthetic used is mm Hg and control blood was normal. However,
important since, as noted earlier, Donegan et al found maximal vasodilator response to hypercapnia was
cerebral autoregulation was maintained in sheep dur- impaired.
ing pentobarbital coma. In the isolated kidney halo-
thane (0.9%) did not abolish autoregulation, but Conclusions
when systemic pressure was altered by varying anes- Over the past 20 years, substantial new evidence has
thetic depth, renal blood flow was not autoregulated, been obtained in support of the metabolic, myogenic,
492 Circulation Research Vol 59, No 5, November 1986

and tubuloglomerular feedback mechanisms of blood rather than autoregulation itself. It is to be expected,
flow autoregulation. The relative contribution of the however, that autoregulation of blood flow will contin-
metabolic and myogenic mechanisms varies consider- ue to interest many researchers because of its normal
ably among vascular beds, and in a few tissues, appar- and pathophysiological importance and because it re-
ently, a single mechanism is responsible for autoregu- veals the behavior of local mechanisms offlowregula-
lation. In organs where both mechanisms are present tion without the complication of simultaneously in-
we do not have a good idea of their relative impor- volving other, i.e., central, control mechanisms.
tance. Moreover, the contribution of each may vary
according to the metabolic activity of the tissue as well Acknowledgments
as experimental conditions of the study. Research from the author's laboratory cited in this
The metabolic or flow-dependent mechanism of review was supported by NIH grants HL AM 15390
blood flow autoregulation appears to depend on tissue and HL 17421. The expert secretarial work of Lura
levels of oxygen, probably acting through alterations Hanekamp and Joan Lavoie in preparation of this re-
in tissue metabolism. However, a direct effect of oxy- view is most gratefully acknowledged.
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