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PAGE # 23.

10 Revision questions general – Friday

1 Name two categories of paint mill.

Direct charge Mill, Premix mill, let down mill.

2 What is the main reason for processing paint in a mill?

Correct mix proportionate with requirements, fineness of grind.

3 Briefly describe how a ball mill works.

Steel Balls tumbled in a horizontal rotating drum, grinding the mill base.

4 Briefly describe how an attritor mill works.

Vertical drum with motorized paddles driving the steel balls.

5 When would steel balls not be used in a ball mill?

When producing lighter coloured paints.

6 A bead mill is sometimes called by which other names?

Sand Mills, Pearl Mill

7 How does a colloid mill work?

High speed stone discs bottom one rotating at 3600rpm, (revs per minute), top disc stationary.

8 Name eight items of information listed on a materials data sheet.

Application temperature Safety
Application method and rate SG
Brand name and description Shelf life
Binder type Solvent type
Batch number Storage conditions
Colour Orifice/nozzle size
Coverage over coating time
VS% Drying time
Flash point Induction period
Pot life Mix ratio
Recommended surface preparation.

9 What do you understand from the term Halogenated Hydrocarbon?

Iodine, Fluorine, Chlorine.

10 How can we determine the viscosity of high viscosity paint?

Kerbs- stormer Viscometer

11 Briefly describe the principles of CP.

It controls the location and rate of corrosion by means of an impressed current.

12 What function does a primer have in a paint system?

Protects the substrate by means of Anti corrosion or scarification pigments

13 In a mordant primer what is the main working constituent?

Phosphoric Acid
14 What advantages do electrostatic application methods provide?
Good edge cover, good transfer, low waste, uniform thickness.

15 Which is the most expensive type of brush filling?

Natural hair

16 What is cohesive failure in paint, give the main cause?

Solvent entrapment, incorrect mixing ratio, too high CPVC.
17 Why does a zinc rich paint need a strong binder?
Good cohesive strength is required with zinc to provide sacrificial protection.

18 Why are etch primers not spray applied?

Toxic, Acid, and environmentally unsafe.

19 What do you understand by the term over spray?

Accidental spray on undesired areas (nameplates, instrumentation etc).

20 Name four methods of determining DFTs.

WFT plus calculation, PIG, electronic Gauge, Banana Gauge, Horseshoe Gauge, Tinsley Pencil.

21 What is a psychrometer used for?

To measures WET bulb & dry bulb temperature.

22 What colour should a galvanised surface be after application of ‘T’ wash?


23 How soon can a ‘T’ washed substrate be coated?

As soon as it is dry.

24 Other than pigment, base and curing agent name two other constituents of FBE powder paint.
Anti foaming agent, Wetting Agent.

25 Give the main differences between airless and conventional spray.

Conventional gives Airless gives
Better atomisation, high deposition rates,
More accuracy, less waste layer
better finish, faster,
Easier cleaning, larger area coverage.
Special container required,
26 Brush applications have advantages over spray application, what are they?
Small area Works paints into substrate
Accuracy No overspray
Accessibility Very low waste
Environment friendly thicker application
Cheaper Prevents pinholes

27 What is the main consideration when selecting a metallic pigment for a sacrificial paint?
Its position in the galvanic list.

28 What is meant by sherardizing?

Items are tumbled in Zinc dust at a temp just below melting point.
29 Name three types of paint feed for a conventional spray.
Suction, Gravity, remote pressure.

30 What is the Calorising process?

Coating with Aluminum.

31 Why would a sealer be applied to Aluminum metal spray?

Yes for high temperature service to prolong protection.

32 What is the BS 2015 term for skipped or missed areas?


33 A colour has three properties, what are they?

Hue, Brightness and saturation.

34 Why would paint be applied by ‘hot spray’?

To reduce the viscosity.

35 On an airless spray tip how are blockages cleared?
Twist the nozzle.

36 How is atomisation achieved using conventional sprays?

Airstreams convergence outside of the Nozzle.

37 How is atomisation achieved using airless sprays?

Explosive force of high pressure paint meeting low pressure air.

38 What is dip coating?

Dipping the item in a tank of paint, allowing drying.

39 What do you understand from the term ropiness?

Brush marks

40 What is efflorescence and how does it occur?

Soluble salt, normally deposited on concrete and mortar work.

41 Name two ways of melting aluminum to enable it to be sprayed.

Electric arc, Wire & pistol

42 What is flocculation?
Loosely clustered particles or aggregate often found in out of date paint.

43 What could be the cause of bittiness in a paint film?

Foreign bodies in the paints (grit, dust etc)

44 What is a tie coat?

A coat of paint applied to an area adjoining two incompatible coating systems.

45 How many depressions of the bellows are needed for the Dragger test?
Varies according to the relevant crystals required for the solvent under test.
46 What are the hazard signs for Toxic, Very Toxic, Harmful and corrosive?
Black Skull & X bones, Black X, Dripping test tubes, steel block & hand

47 What is saponification?
The production of lead soap, when using basic primer with Natural Oil paints

48 What units are used for measuring toxicity?

Ppm (part per million)

49 Which material would have to be used on a perpetually damp surface?

Moisture curing Polyurethane

50 What is padding?
Use of a pad, coated in fine natural hair, to apply paint

51 What air inlet pressure is needed to give 2500 psi delivery with 35:1 pump?
71 psi

52 What causes lifting of a paint film?

Non-observance of over coating time, applying strong solvent over weak binder

53 What is Cissing and how is it caused?

Oil or grease contamination of the substrate, causing a local lack of adhesion

54 What is meant by the abbreviations: OES, OEL, MEL, UEL, LEL and RAQ?
OES, Occupational Exposure Standard
OEL, Occupational Exposure Limit
MEL, Maximum Exposure Limit
UEL, Upper Explosive Limit
LEL Lower Explosive Limit
RAQ Required Air Quantity

55 Why would a paint inspector use potassium hexacyonoferrate?

Check for hygroscopic salt contamination

56 What would be an average thickness for galvanising?

100 μm

57 How can you tell the difference between blooming and chalking?

58 What could be the reasons for inter coat adhesive failure?

Incompatibility, contamination

59 How would you determine quality of added thinners in thixotropic paint?

Rotational Viscometer

60 Why are manufacturers developing solvent free, water borne and powders?
Environmental impact, cost

61 What would be the cause of grinning on a paint film?

Poor opacity, Low CPVC

62 How can ‘bleeding’ be avoided?

Total removal of Bitumen / Coal Tar coating prior to painting

63 In less than 30 words, explain the duties of a painting inspector.

1. 􀂾 visually inspect paint finish,
2. 􀂾 DP, RH,
3. 􀂾 Monitor against re-use of abrasives.
4. 􀂾 Monitor complaint materials.
5. 􀂾 Monitor inter coat time, painting sequence,
6. 􀂾 Monitor addition of thinners,
7. 􀂾 Measure and record surface profiles.
8. 􀂾 Measure & record DFT, WFT,
9. 􀂾 Measure & report wet bulb dry bulb,
10. 􀂾 Check surface condition & preparation.
11. 􀂾 Check adherence to Pot life & Induction period.
12. 􀂾 Check operation of blasting equipment (vapour traps earth cable,
13. 􀂾 Control storage of paint and abrasives,
14. 􀂾 Record Weather condition & compliance with specification
15. 􀂾 Report any non conformance to engineer.
16. 􀂾 Whiplash cables,
17. 􀂾 External coupling etc) should have site plan and documentation.
18. 􀂾 Administering adhesion tests
19. 􀂾 Preparation of Q panels or test plates
20. 􀂾 Prepare inspection report

64 Name five documents, which a painting inspector might need on a contract.

Contract specification,
inspection reports,
Operator qualifications,

65 What information should be given on a daily report sheet?

Air temperature WFT Colour code
Abrasive type Wind speed Contract
Abrasive supplier Weather condition Location
Application date Wet bulb Time
Abrasive size Blast grade
Rust grade location. DFT Operator name
RH Dew point over coating time
Report number Dry bulb
Specification Paint batch number Expiry or shelf life date
Standard Paint manufacturer Inspectors name and qualification
Steel temp Paint system

66 Curtains, Sags, Runs and Tears are a result of what?

Excessive paint deposition

67 Some binders can be modified to use water as a solvent, name four.

Vinyls, acrylics, emulsion, alkyds, Bitumen

68 What is meant by the term stripe coat?

Brush applying a coat of paint where spray application may be inaccessible
69 How many cm are there in 4.5 liters?

70 A paint data sheet provides a wealth of information, name eight items.

Flash point Density
VS% Health & Safety,
Batch numbers recommended thinners
Drying time at 20ºc Recommended WFT
Application method Contents
Solvent type

PAGE # 23.12 Revision questions PA 10 specific

1 What is the specified course of action for grit inclusions?
Re-blast and re-coat

2 The term ‘long term protection’ refers to what?

Protection lasting typically 10 years

3 What is the difference between new and weathered galvanising?

Weathered surface provides its own key, and requires only stiff bristled brush for preparation

4 What criterion determines which paint system should be used?

The compatibility with the existing coating system, and must be in accordance with PA 10

5 What is the total DFT of the compliant epoxy system?

265 microns minimum

6 What is the total DFT of the water borne system?

225 microns minimum

7 When can ladders and other means of access be removed?

When all operations (including final acceptance) have been completed

8 Two materials are specified for used on damp surfaces, what are they?
Moisture Curing Polyurethane and solvent free epoxy

9 After removal of a non-drying paint, which type of primer is recommended?

White spirit based primer

10 Some non-ferrous substrates are painted for aesthetics only, name four.
Stainless steel, Concrete, Fiber Glass, Aluminum

11 Which three non-ferrous substrates are painted for anti corrosion purposes?
New and weathered galvanized, aluminum

12 According to PA 10 in which situations would ‘T’ wash be used?

New Galvanised Steel, where sweep blasting or hand abrasion in inadvisable or impractical
13 How many coats of primer are specified on surfaces at 100 – 149 ?
As many as required
14 Give preferential order of coating systems for surfaces 150 – 340 .
TSA, IZS & Polysiloxane inorganic coating

15 Is it mandatory for a contractor to produce a test area?

Not mandatory, but generally upon request

16 List four items needing masking off prior to blasting and painting.
Name plates, instrumentation, vents, monitoring panels

17 Which Aluminum substrate would not be sweep blasted?

Thin aluminum plate

18 Which three paint systems are specified for use on Aluminum?

Water-Borne Acrylic, High Build Epoxy, Alkyd or modified Alkyd

19 What differences are there in new and maintenance painting specifications for substrates
below 100 ?
They are both covered by one specification = PA 10

20 Toxic coatings need special considerations for removal from substrates, name two methods
which comply. Needle gun, Water jetting, Water plus abrasive

21 In which situations is a Permit to Work required?

All BGas installations (live sites)

22 Which primers are specified for non-weathered galvanising?

Wash Primers, such as T-Wash

23 Which primers are specified for weathered galvanising?

Primer not required, initial coat MIO

24 According to PA 10 is flame cleaning allowed?

No, not on live Gas sites

25 According to PA 10 is thinning of paint allowed?

Yes, but only in accordance with the manufacturers data sheet

26 What temperature range is covered by ‘hot duty service’?

Above 100ºc

27 Does PA 10 cover internal coatings on pipes?

No, BGC/PS/PA8 covers this
28 What is the specified overlap on repair areas?
100mm onto sound coating

29 What would be the specified surface preparation and coating system for Aluminium cladding?
Etch primer

30 What would be the procedure for removal of algae and mould?

Treat with a biocidal agent for 24 hours, and then scrub with stiff bristle brush and water jetting
31 What would be the procedure for degreasing prior to surface preparation?
Oil, grease, salts removed by washing with appropriate solvent (

32 What would be the procedure for degreasing after to surface preparation?

Any oil grease shall be removed by washing with clean water and dry (

33 When blasts cleaning on an AGI what precautions are taken?

Abrasive blast cleaning should comply with current safety regulations (

34 Is it permissible to prepare paint by stirring?

Only below 5 litres mechanical methods preferred
35 What would be the surface preparation method for new galvanising?
Sweep blast (Sa 1)

36 When would it be necessary to apply a sealer to inorganic zinc silicate?

When long term protection is required

37 How could areas of a paint breakdown be prepared for repainting?

Sweep blasting, emery paper

38 What information should be on a paint can label for BG?

Hazard warning symbol, batch number, paint type, colour

39 When measuring DFTs over galvanising what allowances are mad

Deduct the thickness of the zinc, generally 100 microns

40 What is the first coat applied to galvanised substrates and why?

MIO, primer is not required

41 Properties and Performances of paint are covered in which BG specification?

BGC / PS / PA9

42 What are the considerations when selecting a paint system?

Existing coating if any (compatibility), surface temperature, environment, lifetime expectancy, cost,
cleaning methods available, specification requirements

43 According to PA 10 which two coats are applied ‘at works’?

Primer and MIO

44 Give the criterion for when and when not, painting can take place.
Max. 90% Relative Humidity, Steel & Air Temperature to be 3°c above Dew point

45 What should be the substrate reaction when ‘T’ wash is applied to a newly galvanised
The substrate turns black

46 Which two materials are specified for use on damp surfaces?

Moisture Curing Polyurethane, Solvent Free Epoxies

47 What is the maximum time lapse from surface preparation to coating?

4 Hours
48 Which is the most common pigment used in high temperature paints?

49 What would be the result of over thick application of zinc silicate?

Mud Cracking

50 According to PA 10 is roller application permissible?

PA 10 states that roller application is not recommended

PAGE # 23.14 B. Gas 3.2 Math’s Exercises

WFT calculations
1 What WFT would need to be applied to give a DFT of 45 um using a paint of 56% vs.?
2 What WFT would need to be applied to give a DFT of 60 um using a paint of 40% vs.?
150 μm

3 A paint of 38% vs. was used to give a DFT of 45 um what wad the WFT?

118.4 μm
4 A DFT of 55 um was obtained from a paint of 55% vs., what was the WFT applied?

84.62 μm
5 What WFT would be applied to leave a DFT of 65 um using a paint of 49% vs.?

132.65 μm
DFT calculations
1 What would be the DFT if 20 litres of paint, vs. 45% covered an area of 9m x 12m?

2 25 liters of paint, vs. 65% was used to cover a circular area of 10m diameter. What would be the
resulting DFT?

3 What DFT would be obtained if paint vs. content 42% was applied at a WFT of 84 um?

4 What would be the resulting DFT if a WFT of 130 um, what would be the resulting DFT?

5 A paint, vs. 65% was applied at a WFT of 130 um, what would be the resulting DFT?

VS calculations
1 A DFT of 53 um was obtained from a WFT of 110 um, what was the vs% of the paint?

2 A paint was applied at 120 um WFT. The resulting DFT was 65 um, what was the vs%?

3 What would be the vs.% of paint if it was applied with a WFT of 120 um and a DFT of 68 um was

4 What was the vs. % of a paint with a DFT of 36 um, when the WFT was 108 um?

5 A DFT of 62 um was measured, from a WFT application of 100 um, what would be the vs.% of
the paint used?
Volume calculations
1 What volume of paint would be required to cover an area of 300 square meters, to a specified
DFT of 65 um, using a paint of 45% vs.?

2 How much paint would be required to coat a tank, roof and side sheets to a DFT of 100 um? The
tank is 5 meters diameter and 6 meters high. The paint to be used is solvent free.

3 How much paint would be needed to cover a circular area of 10 meters diameter, using paint
65% vs. to a DFT of 60 um?
4 A circular area of 7 meters radius is to be coated to a DFT of 45 um. What volume of paint would
be required if the vs. content was 48%?

5 How much paint would be needed, at 55% vs., to coat an area of 250 square meters to a DFT of
60 um?

Density and SG exercise

1 What would be the weight of 16.5 litres of paint with a SG of 1.45?

2 What is the density of paint if 7.5 litres weighs 9.75 kg?

3 What would be the relative density of paint in question two?

4 If the weight of 25 litres of paint is 37.5 kg, what would be the SG?

5 A 2 pack epoxy should be mixed at one part base to one part activator; the base has a density of
1.4gm/cc and the activator 0.9 gm/cc. What would be the density of the mixed components?

6 A 2 pack paint is mixed at a ratio of six parts pack a (density 1.3gm/cc) to one part pack B
(density 0.9gm/cc). What would be the density of the combined parts?

7 A mixed 2 pack paint has a density of 1.35gm/cc. The density of the base was 1.5gm/cc and the
activator 0.9gm/cc. The mixing ratio was 3:1. Has the paint been mixed correctly?

8 A mixed 2 pack paint has a density of 1.35gm/cc. Mixed at a ratio of 6:1, base density 1.45gm/cc,
activator density 0.95gm/cc. Has the paint been mixed correctly?

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