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Literature Review of Three-Dimensional Customer

Perceived Quality Factors Analysis in Increasing

Customer Satisfaction and Behavioral Intentions
Adi Markus Riyanto Agus Achmad Suhendra
Department of Industrial Engineering Department of Industrial Engineering
Telkom University Telkom University
Bandung, Indonesia Bandung, Indonesia
+62817228900 +628122377093

ABSTRACT Figure 1. Fast Casual Restaurant Growth

The increasing number of brand names and outlets of Fast Casual
Restaurant now requires companies in the fast-casual restaurant
sector to implement the right strategy to remain existing and
dominate the existing market. One of them is by knowing three-
dimensional Customer Perceived Quality factors from its restaurant
brand in its main effort to give maximum customer satisfaction so
that new and old customers still want to come and buy again at
restaurant. Three-dimensional Customer Perceived Quality factors,
such as Quality of Physical Environment, Food Quality and Service
Quality are inseparable entities, complementary to one another. The
result of this Systematic Literature Review is to map out possible
possibilities for further research on three-dimensional Customer
Perceived Value Factors for Customer Satisfaction & Behavioral The purpose of this review literature is to map prior research on
Intentions especially in Fast Casual Restaurant. three-dimensional Customer Perceived Value Factors to Customer
Keywords Satisfaction & Behavioral Intentions and any criteria in detail about
the three-dimensional Customer Perceived Value Factors will be
Perceived Quality Factor; Perceived Quality Factor Restaurant;
studied more deeply in this literature review.
Customer Satisfaction; Behavioral Intentions; Consumer
Behaviour; Systematic Literature Review. The author uses the Systematic Literature Review to review some
of the selected literature that can be used for subsequent research.
1. INTRODUCTION The result of this Systematic Literature Review is to map out
Along with the high activity of the world community, changing the possible possibilities for further research on three-dimensional
lifestyle of most people to choose everything more practical. It is Customer Perceived Value Factors for Customer Satisfaction &
very visible in the food field where there is an increase in the sale Behavioral Intentions especially in Fast Casual Restaurant.
of food in various types of restaurants, both the lowest restaurant
type, that is, fast food, or restaurant with the highest type, that is, 2. METHODOLOGY
fine dining. Eating food in restaurants is considered more practical 2.1 Systematic Literature Review
than having to cook yourself at home, moreover, the types of food Systematic literature review has many differences between
provided in the restaurant is quite varied. traditional literature review while reviewing previous research. The
The high growth of consumer interest in eating in restaurants, the aim of systematic literature review is tightly specified with the
number of restaurants also increased. In general, there are four research topics and objectives with a specific review questions,
types of restaurant, namely, fast food restaurant, fast casual while the aim of traditional literature review is to gain broad
restaurant, casual dining restaurant, and fine dining restaurant. Fast understanding and give descriptions about the research topics. The
casual restaurant is the type of restaurant that most targeted the scope of systematic literature review is narrow focus, deeply
consumer segment, because the price of food is still relatively discussing the research topic. Traditional literature review has
affordable, yet, provides a comfortable atmosphere for hangouts. quality assessment based on reviewer’s opinion while systematic
The number of restaurant growth with fast casual dining type can literature review must assess the methodology which used in the
be seen in Figure I. From this fact, we know that the level of previous research.
competition between restaurants to get customers is also increasing. The steps to write systematic literature review (Figure 2). These
A restaurant should be able to maintain market share so that the steps are:
restaurant can survive to compete. One of the keys for a restaurant
to survive is the high level of customer satisfaction with some  Mapping the field through a scoping review. This is the
quality dimension so that the customer will decide to visit the first step while doing systematic literature review. This step,
restaurant in the next day. authors must have developed the research which will be
studied. Usually, authors compile research question for
mapping research criteria more specific about the research From several sources of literature, we obtained several references.
which will be studied. Appropriate keywords are also We will sort these references by using acceptance and rejected
compiled at this stage. criteria which we will explain in subsequent chapters.
 Do comprehensive search. This steps authors define
electronic publisher databased which used to search the 2.4 Study Selection (Quality Assessment)
literary journal. Study selection serves to sort the references we have obtained from
 Quality assessment. After authors found the related journal, some online publishing. We obtained references over a thousand
authors must read the journal to identify the conformity the articles, and after sorting we got 10 references that fit our research.
research. The output of this stage is the authors can determine We use two criteria for the literature we select and use to provide
whether the journals that have been downloaded in clear limits, as shown in Table 1.
accordance or not with the research topic to be done.
 Data extraction. At this stage, the authors extract journal by
identifying information about the attributes that are contained Table 1. Selection Criteria
in the journals such as, variable, methods, suggestion for Acceptance
future search, etc. a) References that address customer
Criteria satisfaction factors related to restaurants.
 Synthesis. After the attribute of the journal have been
mapped in data extraction, the next step is doing synthesis. b) Minimal discuss Customer Satisfaction
This stage has a propose to know what has been known by with one of three-dimensional Customer
the author and which is not yet known by the author. Perceived Quality factors.
 Write up. The final step is write down the systematic Rejected a) References that discuss customer
literature review. Criteria satisfaction of hotels and tourist
Figure 2. Steps to do Systematic Literature Review b) References that do not use English.

Figure 3 describes the sequence made by the author in selecting

journals from online publishers based on selection criteria.

Figure 3. Steps to Filter the References

2.2 Research Questions

Research question holds a very important role in making the process
of making systematic literature review (Step 1). Designing a
research question should be done with precision as it will give a
decision whether the paper we read is related to the topic we will
study. Important components while drafting the research question:
1. Give a clear specification of the intervention, factors or
processes in question.
2. Give a clear specification of the population or subgroups in
3. Give a clear specification of the outcomes that are of interest
to the user. 3. RESULT
4. Give a clear specification of the contexts in which the
questions are set. 3.1 The Most Used Variables
There are 3 categories in Customer Perceived Quality:
Research questions which have been developed by us are:
1) Quality of Physical Environment
1. Which variables are most used? One of the factors customers would like to come to a restaurant to
2. Which type of restaurant is the most frequently studied? find an unforgettable experience outdoors and this can play an
3. What methods are often used to analyze? important role in creating such an unforgettable experience for the
4. Type of research topic in conducting customer ratings? customer [1]. Example: Interior Design & Décor, Background
5. What are the opportunities for further research on this? Music, Cleanliness and so on (see Figure 4).

2.3 Literature Review Source From the mapping results done, the variables that are often noticed
The literature sources that we use in this research are from several in the Quality of Physical Environment are Cleanliness [2], Interior
trusted and recognized quality publishers such as: Design [3].

 Emerald Insight (

 IEEE Explore (http://
 Taylor & Francis Online (
 Digital Scholarship (
 Sage Publications (
Figure 4. Quality of Physical Environment

3.2 Type of Restaurant most frequently

In general, the type of restaurant is divided into 5 types [8]:
1) Fast Food Restaurant
Restaurants with fast, practical service, and competitive prices.
2) Fast Casual-Dining Restaurant
Like Fast Food Restaurant, but more varied types of food,
quality and atmosphere more comfortable.
2) Food Quality 3) Family Style Restaurant
Food Quality is an important thing to be considered by the restaurant This type of restaurant has a menu and prices are standard,
because food is the main product offered by the restaurant to their usually guests who come to sit together on a table with some
customers so that the restaurant should keep consumers' number of seats. Operated and maintained directly by the owner
expectations about the quality of the products offered by the or other family members or with only a few employees.
restaurant to the Consumer [5]. Example: Taste, Healthy, Variety 4) Casual Dining
and so on (see Figure 5). The restaurant provides standard-priced menus, casual
atmosphere and table service.
From the mapping results, variables that are often considered in 5) Fine Dining
Food Quality are Healthy, Freshness, Delicious / Taste, Variety and The restaurant with full service, has a menu of food, decoration,
Visual (Presentation) [6]. specific services and tend to be formal.
From the mapping results done, Type Restaurant is the most
Figure 5. Food Quality frequently studied is Fine Dining Restaurant (see Figure 7).

Figure 7. Type of Restaurant

3) Service Quality
Service Quality is a service quality assessment to what extent the
services provided meet the needs or expectations of the customers.
The results of this assessment serve as a comparison between
consumer expectations with the reality of the services provided. If
expectations are greater than those obtained, then consumers will 3.3 The Methods Are Often Used to Analyze
feel disappointed [5], [4], [7]. Example: Food Exactly, Quick SEM (Structural Equation Modeling) is a second-generation
Service, Helpful and so on (see Figure 6). multivariate analysis technique that allows researchers to examine
the relationship between complex variables both recursive and no
From the mapping results done, the variables that are often
recursive to obtain a comprehensive picture of the overall model.
considered in Service Quality are Helpful, Quick Service and Food
Logistic Regression is multivariate analysis which is useful to
predict dependent variable based on independent variable.
Regression Analysis is a simple method for investigating functional
Figure 6. Service Quality relationships among variables. From the results of the mapping is
done, frequently used method is the SEM Method (see Figure 8).

Figure 8. Method to Analyze

 Target sampling is a controllable sampling so that the data is
very homogeneous [12].
 The research was conducted only focusing on fine dining
restaurant [9],[13].

3.5.2 Opportunities Study

From several references obtained from various sources, the authors
formulate advanced research opportunities about three-dimensional
Customer Perceived Quality factors are as follows:
 Taking into account the number and type of samples that are
3.4 Types of Research Topics Are Often more representative to represent the type of correspondence in
Reviewed the survey conducted.
Of the several studies studied are not all discuss about Customer  Using restaurant samples in accordance with the object to be
Satisfaction with the same dimensions of Customer Perceived studied, for example, if we want to assess the restaurant Chinese
Quality but may vary depending on the purpose of the researcher. food then the sample is taken from the customer population of
And over time this research did not just stop at Customer Chinese food restaurants as well.
Satisfaction but already touched to Behavior Intentions [9].  In order for the sampling process to represent a particular
population, the target sampling should be heterogeneous.
According to Kotler and Keller, customer / consumer satisfaction is  Consider the demographic dynamics characteristics of
the feeling of pleasure or disappointment of someone who emerges population.
after comparing the performance (result) of the product to the  Target restaurant surveyed not only upper middle class.
expected performance. A customer, if satisfied with the value
provided by the product or service, is very likely to be a customer 4. PROPOSED RESEARCH STUDY
for a long time. According to Kotler, customer / customer Sub factor in Three-Dimensional Customer Perceived Quality
satisfaction is the feeling of pleasure or disappointment of someone Factors commonly used in previous research is:
who derives from the comparison between his impression of the
performance (or outcome) of a product and its expectations. 1. Quality of Physical Environment
Average research on Interior Design & Décor, Background
Behavioral intention is defined by Mowen in Encyclopedia (2012). Music, Cleanliness, Neat and Well-Dressed, Spatial Layout,
as consumers desire to behave in a certain way in order to own, Color, Aroma, Lighting, Comfortable (Temperature), Parking,
discard and use products or services. So, the consumer can form the Smoking Area, Available Seat. For our next research, we will
desire to seek information, inform others about his experience with include sub factors such as increasing the plug point for laptop
a product, buy a particular product or service, or dispose of the adapter or other gadgets and providing Wi-Fi connection.
product in a certain way. 2. Food Quality
From the results of the mapping conducted, the types of research Average research on Delicious / Taste, Healthy, Variety,
topics that are often reviewed are Customer Satisfaction (see Figure Freshness, Smell, Visual (Presentation), Temperature, Food
9). Safety. For our next research, we will include sub factors such
as promoting product menus with strong local taste.
3. Service Quality
Figure 9. Types of Research Topics Are Often Reviewed Average research on Food exactly, Quick service, Helpful,
Comfortable, Competency, Empathetic response, Accurate
check. For our next research, we will include sub factors such as
promoting the variations of local original product menus.
For our next research, the sampling process by giving a questioner
with a certain amount directly to customers who at that time came
and make purchases at the outlet transactions that we will do the
survey. There are no specific criteria for the type of customer to be
surveyed. The main thing is that the customer is actually coming to
the outlet and or making a purchase transaction to the outlet.
Analysis methods commonly used in previous research is SEM,
Regression Analysis, Logistic Regression.
3.5 Possibility Proposed Research For our next research, we will use SEM (Structural Equation
Modeling). It is a complex multivariate statistic method, a
3.5.1 Gaps Found combination of factor and regression analysis. This method has been
In conducting research on three-dimensional Customer Perceived tested for effectiveness in previous studies.
Quality factors found some deficiencies that cause the results of
research is not optimal. Some of these are: In this case we use the help of AMOS software to process SEM data.
Which software is easier to use than other software, such as: SPSS,
 The sample is still small so it can not represent the population of Lisrel. EQS and Mplus.
the object to be studied [10].
 Research conducted on references obtained does not focus on Noteworthy in the process of data analysis with AMOS for SEM is
the object under study [11],[3]. the determination of Latent Variables and Manifies Variables.
Variable Laten is a variable that requires the existence of a number
of Variable Manifes so that Variable Laten can be measured. restaurant type, sample pool tends to homogeneous and sample
Variable Manifest is a variable used to describe or measure a Latent characteristic which tend to convenience. For the next research, we
Variable. Variable Laten can serve as an Exogenous Variable, that would like to examine the object about three-dimensional
is independent variable that influence the dependent variable and relationship of Customer Perceived Quality factors in fast casual
also as Variable Endorgen, that is dependent variable influenced by restaurant to improve Customer Satisfaction and Behavioral
independent variable (exogenic). Intentions with Random pool sample.
The main steps to use SEM with AMOS software are: 6. REFERENCES
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At this stage, a model-based on a particular theory-is made, both quality of the physical environment, food, and service on
in terms of equations (mathematical equations) and in the form restaurant image, customer perceived value, customer
of diagrams (figures). The diagram will include a measurement satisfaction, and behavioral intentions,” Int. J. Contemp.
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determined, the model is tested for identification, whether the Intentions,” Qual. Manag. J., vol. 15, no. 2, pp. 35–50, 2008.
model can be analyzed further. The large "degree of freedom"
count is an important part of this stage. [4] N. A. Rozekhi et al., “The Influence of Food Quality on
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specification model on a SEM model. perspective,” Int. J. Contemp. Hosp. Manag., vol. 20, no. 2,
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The original locale brand in Indonesia has grown tremendously [9] H. Qin and V. R. Prybutok, “Service quality, customer
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31 cities in Indonesia with a total of 64 outlets per month in February 2009.
2018 and will continue to grow and increase every year (see Figure [10] Y. Liu and S. C. (Shawn) Jang, “Perceptions of Chinese
10). restaurants in the U.S.: What affects customer satisfaction
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Figure 10. Outlet Growth of “Warunk Upnormal”
[11] F. Authors, “Perceptions of Fine Dining Restaurants in
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[12] J. Wang, “Customer Satisfaction and Customer Retention :
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Based on the analysis of the above paragraph above that previous 1–37, 2015.
research is all dominant object of research using Fine Dining
Authors’ background
Name Title* Research Field Personal website/E-mail
Adi Markus Riyanto Master Student Hospitality Management
Agus Achmad Suhendra Senior Lecturer Hospitality Management

*Title can be chosen from: master student, Ph.D. candidate, assistant professor, lecturer, senior lecturer,
associate professor, full professor, and etc.

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