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Gridding Report
Sun Dec 31 22:05:20 2017
Elapsed time for gridding: 8.56 seconds

Data Source
Source Data File Name: F:\suty\a1\a1.2.dat
X Column: A
Y Column: B
Z Column: C

Data Counts
Active Data: 1126

Original Data: 1127

Excluded Data: 0
Deleted Duplicates: 1
Retained Duplicates: 1
Artificial Data: 0
Superseded Data: 0

Exclusion Filtering
Exclusion Filter String: Not In Use

Duplicate Filtering
Duplicate Points to Keep: First
X Duplicate Tolerance: 0.0001
Y Duplicate Tolerance: 0.0001

Deleted Duplicates: 1
Retained Duplicates: 1
Artificial Data: 0


X Y Z ID Status

487282.01 9402745.8 173.832 2
487282.01 9402745.8 173.832 27 Deleted

Breakline Filtering
Breakline Filtering: Not In Use

Data Counts
Active Data: 1126

Univariate Statistics


Count: 1126 1126 1126

1%%-tile: 487326.071 9402216.226 145.792

5%%-tile: 487385.841 9402283.772 149.427
10%%-tile: 487427.746 9402302.371 152.79
25%%-tile: 487491.062 9402393.37 160.211
50%%-tile: 487627.692 9402570.84 167.904
75%%-tile: 487805.751 9402718.351 176.999
90%%-tile: 487899.242 9402819.229 192.246
95%%-tile: 487942.994 9402886.217 199.336
99%%-tile: 488021.054 9402947.907 211.276

Minimum: 487208.309 9402158.931 144.291

Maximum: 488098.444 9403001.858 214.78

Mean: 487649.681581 9402565.27759 170.215936057

Median: 487628.7265 9402571.2375 167.9045
Geometric Mean: 487649.646767 9402565.27564 169.605096012
Harmonic Mean: 487649.611955 9402565.27368 169.015644779
Root Mean Square: 487649.716396 9402565.27954 170.848142784
Trim Mean (10%%): 487647.32462 9402562.54737 169.433299112
Interquartile Mean: 487638.608044 9402562.6864 168.019865009
Midrange: 487653.3765 9402580.3945 179.5355
Winsorized Mean: 487649.038495 9402561.49689 169.686928064
TriMean: 487638.04925 9402563.35025 168.2545

Variance: 33985.5733879 36769.0060378 215.814669927

Standard Deviation: 184.351765351 191.752460318 14.6906320465
Interquartile Range: 314.689 324.981000001 16.788
Range: 890.135 842.926999999 70.489
Mean Difference: 211.643936733 220.873120643 16.2307456909
Median Abs. Deviation: 154.01 161.234499999 8.2895
Average Abs. Deviation: 160.894172291 164.374473357 11.2895577265
Quartile Dispersion: 0.000322659723487 1.72815245568e-005 0.0497850004448
Relative Mean Diff.: 0.000434008151193 2.34907298298e-005 0.0953538550322

Standard Error: 5.49386654518 5.71441463927 0.437795492625

Coef. of Variation: 0.000378041393881 2.03936324457e-005 0.0863058558843
Skewness: 0.17244467566 0.0873006171701 0.779111095274
Kurtosis: 1.92851664123 1.97803953027 3.27014055573

Sum: 549093541.46 10587288502.6 191663.144

Sum Absolute: 549093541.46 10587288502.6 191663.144
Sum Squares: 2.67765328885e+014 9.95476712994e+016 32866912.9672
Mean Square: 237802245901 8.84082338361e+013 29189.0878927

Inter-Variable Covariance
X: 33985.573 5609.0589 579.95361
Y: 5609.0589 36769.006 1405.4844
Z: 579.95361 1405.4844 215.81467

Inter-Variable Correlation
X: 1.000 0.159 0.214
Y: 0.159 1.000 0.499
Z: 0.214 0.499 1.000

Inter-Variable Rank Correlation

X: 1.000 0.102 0.126
Y: 0.102 1.000 0.533
Z: 0.126 0.533 1.000

Principal Component Analysis

X: 0.788663963609 0.788663963609 -0.011051709573
Y: -0.614668858442 -0.614668858442 -0.0366681325856
Z: -0.0138328220898 -0.0138328220898 -0.0366681325856

Lambda: 41208.7545442 29603.8133891 157.826162453


Planar Regression: Z = AX+BY+C

Fitted Parameters
Parameter Value: 0.0110338028282 0.0365415132817 -348794.378473
Standard Error: 0.00206113703836 0.00198158736019 18499.1577717

Inter-Parameter Correlations
A: 1.000 -0.159 0.105
B: -0.159 1.000 -0.999
C: 0.105 -0.999 1.000

Source df Sum of Squares Mean Square F
Regression: 2 64977.3221495 32488.6610748
Residual: 1123 177814.181518 158.338540978
Total: 1125 242791.503667

Coefficient of Multiple Determination (R^2): 0.267626013135

Nearest Neighbor Statistics

Separation |Delta Z|
1%%-tile: 0.36641233671 0.006
5%%-tile: 2.32422137488 0.053
10%%-tile: 3.90360346422 0.116
25%%-tile: 5.98952026504 0.365
50%%-tile: 9.32625991393 1.401
75%%-tile: 13.2718094092 3.436
90%%-tile: 17.4069707881 5.955
95%%-tile: 20.6064523153 7.575
99%%-tile: 31.2480500832 11.315

Minimum: 0.0331058908698 0.001

Maximum: 55.2869052944 14.91

Mean: 10.2264956202 2.36609857904

Median: 9.33229339936 1.406
Geometric Mean: 8.30771172791 1.02330305005
Harmonic Mean: 4.18302876374 0.114563571659
Root Mean Square: 11.8776408318 3.51920438603
Trim Mean (10%%): 9.79129721602 2.06687166831
Interquartile Mean: 9.41268293461 1.61073712256
Midrange: 27.6600055926 7.4555
Winsorized Mean: 9.84776204068 2.1258312611
TriMean: 9.47846237552 1.65075

Variance: 36.5295809596 6.79240936005

Standard Deviation: 6.04397062862 2.60622511692
Interquartile Range: 7.28228914416 3.071
Range: 55.2537994035 14.909
Mean Difference: 6.38968726503 2.64630889284
Median Abs. Deviation: 3.55072446111 1.2235
Average Abs. Deviation: 4.46942171884 1.86804351687
Quartile Dispersion: 0.378078215124 0.807945277559
Relative Mean Diff.: 0.624816897432 1.11842715104

Standard Error: 0.180116355129 0.077668108856

Coef. of Variation: 0.591010924277 1.10148627788
Skewness: 1.50135932737 1.65477682292
Kurtosis: 8.11222454467 5.89280246866

Sum: 11515.0340684 2664.227

Sum Absolute: 11515.0340684 2664.227
Sum Squares: 158854.224047 13945.284249
Mean Square: 141.078351729 12.3847995107

Complete Spatial Randomness

Lambda: 0.00150069538744
Clark and Evans: 0.792324538221
Skellam: 1497.85986329

Gridding Rules
Gridding Method: Kriging
Kriging Type: Point

Polynomial Drift Order: 0

Kriging std. deviation grid: no

Semi-Variogram Model
Component Type: Linear
Anisotropy Angle: 0
Anisotropy Ratio: 1
Variogram Slope: 1

Search Parameters
Search Ellipse Radius #1: 613
Search Ellipse Radius #2: 613
Search Ellipse Angle: 0

Number of Search Sectors: 4

Maximum Data Per Sector: 16
Maximum Empty Sectors: 3

Minimum Data: 8
Maximum Data: 64

Output Grid
Grid File Name: F:\suty\a1\a1.2.grd
Grid Size: 95 rows x 100 columns
Total Nodes: 9500
Filled Nodes: 9500
Blanked Nodes: 0
Blank Value: 1.70141E+038

Grid Geometry

X Minimum: 487208.309
X Maximum: 488098.444
X Spacing: 8.9912626262627

Y Minimum: 9402158.931
Y Maximum: 9403001.858
Y Spacing: 8.9673085106299

Univariate Grid Statistics

Count: 9500

1%%-tile: 147.029852632
5%%-tile: 150.246910141
10%%-tile: 153.675250477
25%%-tile: 161.901078513
50%%-tile: 170.360972932
75%%-tile: 180.029081744
90%%-tile: 191.534406812
95%%-tile: 200.576618158
99%%-tile: 207.925141349

Minimum: 144.72549721
Maximum: 214.45896542

Mean: 171.699125967
Median: 170.361131237
Geometric Mean: 171.127962237
Harmonic Mean: 170.569272621
Root Mean Square: 172.282470599
Trim Mean (10%%): 171.130021389
Interquartile Mean: 170.489054997
Midrange: 179.592231315
Winsorized Mean: 171.159468709
TriMean: 170.66302653

Variance: 200.680941981
Standard Deviation: 14.1661901011
Interquartile Range: 18.1280032314
Range: 69.7334682098
Mean Difference: 15.8346108157
Median Abs. Deviation: 9.05167109772
Average Abs. Deviation: 11.0353018386
Quartile Dispersion: 0.053016683927
Relative Mean Diff.: 0.0922230135215

Standard Error: 0.145342043753

Coef. of Variation: 0.0825058952473
Skewness: 0.555980024801
Kurtosis: 3.05587312475

Sum: 1631141.69669
Sum Absolute: 1631141.69669
Sum Squares: 281971871.919
Mean Square: 29681.2496756

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