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EXPANDED CHARACTERS | MODULE An Unofficial Rules Expansion For, ~ Y WARHAMMER. FANTASY ROLEPL a zs ee ee Mast - Credits ~ Diselaimer - Introduction CREDITS: Some of the contents art clealy inspired by the original edition of WERP and the excellent Character Pick for chat game as wel a che character creation extras found in che second edition of WERP and its Characeee Pack. “The editor wishes eo warmly thank the gang on tbe Black Industries forums and all af chose who have contributed t0 the game oficaly, unofficially, once upon a time and sell today, and to apologize For borrowing any of their hard ‘work in the guise of my own, Truly these rules and ideas come from 20 many sources that I can't claim mach credie a all. Special chanks to Whymme for advice, and for being mote skeptical fanatic, Other contributors include ‘Avucyan, Bayard, Colin Chapman, Dandan, detomo, Frederick_ Steiner, Hapimeses, Kate Flack, Mannlicb, Mayhem, MeJel, MrWhippy, One Horse Town, Philip Sibbering, Ranganathan, Schitzophrenic Sootling, Simon, SPPS, Superbeast, ren, Thor, Toastmastah_extravaganzah and uleikeham. DISCLAIMER: This document snd its content are complecely unofficial and in no way endocsed by Games Workshop Limited, Wathammer Fantasy Roleplay the ‘Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay logo, WFRE, Chaos, the Chaos devee, the Chacs logo, Citadel, Citadel Device, Darkblade,‘Eavy Metal, Forge World, Games Workshop, Ganes Workshop logo, Golden Demon, Great Unclean One, GW, che Hammer of Sigmar logo, Horned Rat logo, Keeper of Sectets, Khem, Khoene, the Khorne logo, Lord of Change, Nurgle, the Nurgle logo, Skaven, the Skaven symbol device, Slaanesh, che laanesh logo, Tomb Kings, ‘Teeentch, che Tzeentch logo, Warhammer, Warhammer World fogo, Whice Dwar, che White Dwarf logo, and all associated marks, names races, race insignia character, vehicles, locations units, artefacts illustrations and images from the Wachammer world are either , TM and/or Copyright Games Workshop Ltd 2000-2007, variably registered in the UK and other countries around che world. ‘Used without permission. No challenge to their status intended. All Rights Reserved co their tespeccive owners ‘This expanded characters module for Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay contains career classes and scores of miscellaneous options for use when cfeating characters, You can drop these rules into usual character creation routine without needing to restructure other aspects of the game. Using these rules with WERP and the Character Pack will help you create flavourful characters loaded with roleplaying hooks to jump start your game, The process of character generation will take a while longer than usual if you use this packet, but the result should be an unforgettable eo" AlLof these rules are optional and should only be used with your GM's approval. You and your GM should invent some of your character's details and pepper those choices with rolls on the tables herein. By giving your character concept a few random twists, you might find something unexpected in your lowly Rat Catcher. Of couse there is nothing ¢o stop you for taking all of che results of your rolls as they come up. For best results, don'r use these rules to diceate~ every detail about your character. Instead, use them to launch your own ideas, and override results chat are obviously incompatible. As eves, use common sense and good judgment when changing the standard game rules, Now let's make a character! “Character Race (Racial Features) - Reference Key CHARACTER RACE ‘In most campaigns, Human characters will find ie ‘easiest to blend in socially. This module is swriceen primarily with Imperial Human characters in mind, although much of it may be applied co PCs of other races and nationalities, You may choose to play a Human rather than “rolling for race. e © Jf you prefer to roll, use the table at right. The Demographic columa should be used for playing groups thar probably will be composed of Humans with a small chance of another race » being present. The Adventurous column should be used For groups with greater diversity, which is pethaps mote typical of adventuring parties. The GM may choose one or the other column to be used by all PCs ina new group, or allow each player to choose which column to use, Racial Features For this stage of character generation, use the racial features on page 19 of WFRP, with the following exception: For Halflings and Humans, you may use the Starting Skills and Talents table ‘on page 10 of ECM instead of the Random Talents table on page 19 of WFRP. Roll first on that to determine the career class column to use, then roll again co determine the skill of talent acquired. Note that itis possible to gain levels of skill mastery during character generation if the same skill is acquired through different means (racial features, career, age). If a talent is acquired a second time during character generation, roll for another rindom skill or talent on the column appropriate for your career class. Ifa skill is rolled twice, the player has the option of taking a level of skill mastery (-+10%) in chat skill or rolling for something else. Dene 01-07 Dwart 08 Er 09-15 Halfin, 16-100 Human. Alternatively, the provincial features on page 125 of Sigmar's Heirs may be used in place of the racial features fisted in WFRP. If your GM allows it, you may generate a character that originates outside of the Empire. Some of these characters may use special rules for racial characteristics. For characters from the Border Princes, use the rules starting on page 51 of Renegade Crowns. For Bretonnians, use the character rules starting on page 92 of Knights of the Grail. For Norse chatacters, uf the rules from Tome of Corruption starting on page 145. REFERENCES KEY “The following abbreviations are used inthis document. Black Indastres Produces: ‘AGM = Asbsof Middenbim CP ~ Characer Pack oN = Forges of Nuln KoxG ~ Knigh fth Grail ‘OWA = Old World Armoury RoS - Reals of Sxcery ‘SH Sigmar’: Heirs Soh — Spires of Alder? TAT = Terorin Talal ToC Tome of Corrupion WC - WERP Compenion WERP — Werbarcar Fantasy Relelay oa Fan Made Produces BoIN = Book of Inprial Names ECM Expondd Charters Male Both available fom varedavesguneset/wl=p2 LLL Liber Fanatics Vo The Character Compndin PU = Liber Funai Vel IIL Tbe Gare Master's Guide Available from along with other Fine Liber Fanatics materials,

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