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Sustainable development is the development that satisfies the needs of the current generation

in such a way as not to endanger the satisfaction of the needs of future generations as well as
the development of future generations. But presently the whole world is after development
without thinking of future. Presently the economic growth or development of a country is
measured by the use of technology, the factory system of production, rapid industrialisation
as well as urbanisation. On the basis of these only a few can be developed but a lot of
underdeveloped countries are imitating this trend blindly. The results of this imitation is
leading to Unsustainable development. Underdeveloped countries are trying to be developed
at the cost of future generations. Irresponsible planning and environmental degradation
through exploitation of resources is generating damages to ecosystems. The greenhouse
impact, the depletion of natural resources for the coming generations, the reducing
biodiversity and the unprecedented rate of species extinction everything clearly depicts that
the status needs improvement so that the further generations may also remain in peace.
Albert Einstein once said that if he had just one hour to find a solution on which his life
depended, he would spend the first 55 minutes defining the problem. Once he knew the right
question to ask, he could solve the problem in less than five minutes.
Today, humanity faces such a life-threatening problem: How are we to provide adequate
resources to the growing population of the present generation and save it for the future? To
find a solution, we must start by clarifying the problem. Humans have fundamentally altered
Earth's ecosystems. By interfering with the carbon, nitrogen, water, and phosphorus cycles,
human activity changes the atmosphere, oceans, waterways, forests, and ice sheets, and
diminishes biodiversity. Environmental deterioration is increasing day by day due to
deforestation, over-grazing, greenhouse gases, etc .As the environmental consequences of
human activity become increasingly apparent, so does humanity's responsibility to mitigate
them. A new approach for development is needed. It is the sustainable development. It is
defined as "development that meets the needs of the present while safeguarding the Earth's
life-support system, on which the welfare of current and future generations depends." After
all, a healthy, thriving planet is a prerequisite for healthy, prosperous lives. David Griggs and
his colleagues identified six universal goals for sustainable development: - lives and
livelihoods, - food security, - water sustainability, - clean energy, - healthy ecosystems, - and
good governance. The next step is to define measurable targets, such as better lives for slum
dwellers or reduced deforestation. Genuine progress in any of the six target areas will require
a comprehensive approach, with policies that span the economic, social, and environmental

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