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ELO iSearch

Information Retrieval - the Key to Competitiveness

Time Savings through Intelligence

Finding Information quickly and easily
ELO iSearch revolutionizes information retrieval. The powerful search engine finds the correct
information with ease. This allows employees to access specific information from a variety
of applications, including ELO, commercial applications (ERP), customer applications (CRM)
and e-mail systems. This produces top-quality results, and the search results can be ex-
panded or restricted at the click of a mouse. Consequently, no training is needed.

Enterprise Content Management · Document Management · Archiving · Workflow ·

ELO iSearch
Information Retrieval - the Key to Competitiveness

Intelligent Search Processes

The full text search is now an option, along with searching for metadata and direct
searching within a hierarchical filing structure. However, the full text search quickly
faces certain limitations. For example, a search for “insurance policy” will only return
results containing this exact string. ELO iSearch also finds documents that also only con-
tain the word “policy” or the word “insurance”. Intelligent dictionaries break down
compound terms like “insurance policy” into their individual components. The terms are
also reduced to their root form, so the user no longer has to worry about plurals or in-
flected forms or other compound terms when formulating a search request – the search
engine does this in the background, maintaining the highest quality. For example, a search
for “insurance policy” also returns hits containing “policies” and “policy’s”.

Error Correction
Entering the search term is just the start of the search request. It is very easy to make
a typing error and to not notice it. Many search applications do not provide assistance
to the user at this point and simply do not display any results. If the user enters the
misspelt term “policiy”, ELO iSearch displays the message: “Do you mean policy?“. This
intelligent monitoring picks up typing errors early on, improving the search results – or
often even ensuring that there are any results at all.

Figure shows: ELO iSearch

Use of Alternative Search Terms Revealing Connections
By creating a structured metadata search, the search The best feature of the ELO iSearch comes into play
requests are often very precise and very specific. when additional information is provided that is
Searching for an invoice, contract or quote number logically related to the search request, but which
across the entire archive can be done quickly and had not been specifically searched for. For exam-
reliably. But it often happens that the person who is ple, searching for “Mozart” can also return the re-
seeking information is not 100% clear about exactly sult the terms “Salzburg”, “festival”, “composer”,
what he is searching for. This kind of search is gener- “concert master” or “prodigy”. These terms are de-
ally very time-consuming. rived from the content and not maintained by the
When searching for “policy”, other similar keywords user. This helps to obtain information that may be
may also be relevant. The iSearch engine synonym of great relevance. Along with the synonym search,
search can suggest related search terms to the em- these connections and associations provide the
ployee. When the user searches for “policy”, the system basis for the successful retrieval of information
will then display appropriate alternatives such as within the whole company.
“agreement” or “contract”. This is just one of the fea-
tures that shows the true power of the search techno-
logy. Exploit the Potential
ELO iSearch opens a new chapter in fast and accurate
information retrieval. Apart from saving time and
money, it also increases staff motivation, because fin-
ding information is a lot more appealing than tedious
searching. This brings about a permanent increase in
efficiency, without major investment in employee
training upfront. Aside from assuring enthusiasm and
acceptance, ELO iSearch is an essential factor in increa-
sing long-term productivity and safeguarding com-
Figure shows: ELO iSearch AutoComplete petitiveness.

Our Innovation - Your Growth 3

ELO iSearch
Information Retrieval - the Key to Competitiveness

ELO ® is available at:

ELO Digital Office GmbH, Heilbronner Strasse 150, D-70191 Stuttgart,

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Item no. A000-SEARCH-EN

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Other company, product, or service names may be the trademarks of their respective owners. This publication serves only as non-binding general information and is not a
substitute for detailed individual consultation. The information contained in this publication can be changed at any time without prior notification. Technical characteristics
and functions may vary, particularly from country to country. You can obtain the latest information on ELO products, contract conditions, and prices from the ELO companies
and the ELO business partners, and/or from the ELO channel partners.
The product information reflects the product‘s present status. The subject and extent of the services are exclusively defined in the corresponding contracts. ELO does not
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Changes, errors, and misprints are reserved. Reproduction and/or distribution, in part or in whole, is only allowed with written consent from ELO Digital Office GmbH.

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Enterprise Content Management · Document Management · Archiving · Workflow ·

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