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FUG ULC Det YOUR KEY TO LITERATURE r bs 2 a rs € Hy bs & = EI fee a ania Ti il ll Cum sa reusim la examen! Doane) 789736811234 BIBLIOTECA JUDETEANA G.T. KIRILEANU " - NEAMT TERMEN DE RESTITUIRE hog We dOb, Alina-Antoanela Stefaniu READY FOR EXAMS Your Key to Literature Alina-Antoanela Stefaniu a absolvit in 1992 Facultatea de Litere,seciiaengleza-omana, Universitat «AN. Cuza, lagi, gi este profesoara de mba engleza, gradut | la Liceul Fait, Cuza’ lag. A beneficiat de o bursa FPSD la Institute of Appied Language Studies ‘din Esinburgh. De aceeagi autoare: Ready for Exams |. For Baccalaureate and Students’ Contests (incolaborare cu Radu Lupuleasa), Polrom, lagi, 1999 ; Ghid de conversajie roman-englez {in oolaberare cu Rady Lupuleasa), Polrom, lagi, 2001; Ghid de conversajie engiez-roman {in colaberare cu Radu Lupuleasa), Polrom, lagi, 200%; Practice Makes Perfect, Polirom, lagi, 2002; Dictionar romdn-englez da expres locuun, Polrom, 2002. ‘ww, polirom.s0 (© 2000, 2008 by Edtura POLIROM Editura POLIROM lagi, B-dul Copou nr. 4, P.O. BOX 268, 6600 Bucuresti, Bedul LC. Brtianu nr. 6, et 7, ap. 8; O.P. 97; P.O. BOX 1-728, 70700 Descriores CIP a Bibiiotect! Nationale a Romane: 'STEFANIU, ALINA-ANTOANELA Ready for exams: your key to Iterature: ede 2 ha revdzut Ane-Antoanele tetany ~ Ea 2a, rv. lagl:Polrem, 2008 240 p.: 28 em (BAC) ISBN: 973-681-123-8 Printed in ROMANIA Alina-Antoanela Stefani READY FOR EXAMS Your Key to Literature Editia a ll-a revazuta POLIROM 2003

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