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THE AMSUN            ISSUE 1/OCT










In a study of 1,978 older adults,
WHY SLEEP researchers at Duke Health and
the Duke Clinical Research DOWN HIV IN TRIALS
SHOULD BE Institute found people with
irregular sleep patterns weighed
PRESCRIBED more, had higher blood sugar,
higher blood pressure, and a

BY SALMAN MAJID higher projected risk of having a OCTOBER'S BOOK PICK

heart attack or stroke within 10 - DIANA NG'ENDO
“No aspect of our biology is left years than those who slept and
unscathed by sleep deprivation,” woke at the same times every
says leading sleep scientist day.
Mathew Walker. “It sinks down
into every possible nook and African-Americans had the most
cranny. And yet no one is doing irregular sleep patterns
anything about it. Things have to compared to participants who
change: in the workplace and our were white, Chinese-American or
communities, our homes and Hispanic, the study’s findings
families." According to him, sleep showed. Mathew Walker
deprivation is an affliction that prescribes a non-negotiable
needs to be addressed by policy eight-hour sleep opportunity
makers and medical every night, he says, "I keep very
professionals, "When did a doctor regular hours: if there is one LETTER FROM THE
prescribe, not sleeping pills, but thing I tell people, it’s to go to EDITOR
sleep itself? It needs to be bed and to wake up at the same
prioritised, even incentivised." time every day, no matter what." 

"Companies should think about

rewarding sleep. Productivity will
rise, and motivation, creativity
and even levels of honesty will be
improved. Sleep can be measured
using tracking devices, and some
far-sighted companies in the US
already give employees time off if
they clock enough of it. Sleeping
pills, by the way, are to be
avoided. Among other things,
they can have a deleterious effect
A meta-analysis of several sleep “So why don’t we have a bedtime on memory." 
studies show that just one night alarm to tell us we’ve got half an
of sleep deprivation is linked to hour, that we should start cycling Is it possible to have too much
cognitive dysfunction, cancer, down?”   sleep? This is unclear. “There is
and dementia. The process is no good evidence at the moment.
irreversible. According to Avoid pulling all-nighters on the But I do think 14 hours is too
Mathew, for every hour that you desk, or the dance floor. After being much. Too much water can kill
are sleep deprived, your heart awake for 19 hours, you’re as you, and too much food, and I
rate increases by 5 beats per cognitively impaired as someone who think ultimately the same will
minute. And that is not the only is drunk. This is common place in prove to be true for sleep.”
thing changing in your body.  medical school, in fact we wear it as a
badge of honor. We have stigmatized What questions does Walker still
So what exactly is sleep sleep and associated it with laziness. most want to answer? “It’s so
deprivation? Mathew says the One study in the United Kingdom difficult,” he says, with a sigh.
number of hours vary from concluded that trainee medics are “There are so many. I would still
person to person, but on average often so sleep-deprived that they are like to know where we go,
sleeping less than 7 hours a day is in danger of harming patients. Yet psychologically and
considered sleep deprivation. long hours, back to back shift and all- physiologically, when we dream.
nighters are seen as part of the job. Dreaming is the second state of
"Your natural killer cells – the human consciousness, and we
ones that attack the cancer cells Leading experts argue that we should have only scratched the surface
that appear in your body every start thinking about sleep as a kind of so far.
day – drop by 70%!" This explains work, like going to the gym (with the
the links to cancer of the bowel, key difference that it is both free
But I would also like to find out
prostate and breast. In fact, and, if you’re me, enjoyable). 
when sleep emerged. I like to
the World Health Organisation  .
posit a ridiculous theory, which
has classed any form of night- According to Paul Kelley, a sleep
is: perhaps sleep did not
time shift work as a probable researcher at the University of
evolve. Perhaps it was the thing
carcinogen. Oxford, children between the ages of
from which wakefulness
eight and 10 should start school no
So what can the individual do? earlier than 8:30 a.m., 16-year-olds
First, aim to sleep more than 7 should start at or after 10 a.m., and
Mathew Walker is a published
hours everyday. If an alarm clock 18-year-olds at 11 a.m or later. The
sleep scientist, with over 20
is waking you up, then you are long-term study, which was carried
years of research. This article
not sleeping enough. Most people out in an English state school,
has been adapted from a recent
need 8 hours of sleep everyday. demonstrated the huge health impact
interview he gave to various
Aim to sleep at the same time and benefits which included halving
International news outlets
everyday and wake up at the same student illness and improving
promoting his book: Why We
time to change your sleep cycles. academic performance.
Sleep: The New Science of Sleep
“People use alarms to wake up,”
and Dreams.
Walker says. 

send your articles to


Medicine will take a lot from It’s been said that a child laughs
Your time.
DON'T 300 times a day while an adult
laughs astonishingly 20 times a
FORGET TO day. You may argue that laughter
doesn’t necessitate happiness but
Your day will comprise
studying and more studying.
LIVE take a moment and examine
yourself, how many times have
Being in the library. Dissection BY MARIANNA NYOKABI you laughed today and what was
lab. Group discussion. the atmosphere around?   
Anhedonia will creep in, you'll ‘‘Dr. Benjamin Shaffer was a kind,
be on autopilot. ‘Hello again. Chances are, we have sweet, brilliant, and sensitive soul
already met. If not yet, we who could relate to anyone.  Most
But, they'll be good days. definitely will. Now, i am not one of all, he loved helping people.
Days when you're seated at to toot my own horn but i have an Patients came to him in pain and
Jevanjee laughing about the extremely infectious personality. left his office laughing.
classmate who has bones from In a typical conversation with me, Underneath his irresistible smile,
the dissection lab in their you tend to experience joy, Ben hid a lifetime of anxiety amid
hostel. contentment, positive well-being, his professional achievements.
combined with a sense that your Eight days before he died, his
When your classmate life is good, meaningful, and psychiatrist prescribed two new
remembers your registration worthwhile. I’m so breathtaking to drugs that worsened his insomnia,
number, learns your signature be around, ask all those people increased his anxiety, and led to
and you realize they're no who know me. I can, however, get paranoia. He was told he would
longer a colleague but now a a bit annoying sometimes need medication for the rest of
friend. especially when you meet me for his life. Devastated, Ben feared he
the first time because I tend to be would never have a normal life.
You've chosen the road less all over the place and you’ll just After driving his son to school, he
traveled. Desire,decision and look at me and say, this thing is came home and hanged himself on
determination will get you crazy! But trust me at the end of a bookcase. He left behind his
through. Do not compare your the day you’ll be so glad you met wife and two children.’’
path to others, you'll only be me. Now we’ve all had/ heard of
doing a disservice to yourself. colleagues succumbing to
Trust the journey. Embrace it. My name is HAPPY, pleasure pressure, anxiety, depression and
And most importantly, find meeting you. suicidal thoughts. Studying
coherence in your being. Do not medicine is an amazing adventure
lose yourself in the midst of Let me take you back to that 5 but sometimes going through the
everything, find your small acts year old you whose greatest adventure can be the most painful
of sanity to keep you going. trouble was playing with your path to most of us and the worst
friend’s bike or asking Njeri to go thing is that those around us may
Remember that life is never that play ‘Cha mama, Cha baba’, when never know what we’re going
serious! Learn to laugh and not we knew what happiness exactly through till it’s too late.
be too hard on yourself! was. 

send your articles, poems, artwork to

Doctors, just like all other
humans, choose suicide to end
 It only matters how much you
want them, how hard are you NEW TB
their pain permanently(not
because they want to die).
willing to work to achieve them
and the sacrifices you’re willing to VACCINE
Suicide is preventable if we make.  
stop the secrecy, stigma, and We all have passions and things
Scientist have developed a new
punishment. It may seem far we want to achieve, places we
vaccine for TB after 2 years of
fetched until a classmate or want to go and we normally say
research in Kenya, Zambia and
someone from your past goes ‘‘I’ll do all these things when I
South Africa. The vaccine has a 54
through it and you’ll suddenly become a doctor, when I've
per cent efficacy as per the Phase
be left looking for clues. At finished my masters.’’ My dear,
2b results.
times the happiest people have don’t get it all wrong. Don’t wait
the most hidden pain so i’ll ask to achieve your dream for you to
The previous vaccine, BCG has been
you, how well do you know start working on your passion, get
around since the 1920s, but doesn't
your friend to tell when they’re to it now.
provide sufficient protection
not alright? How easy is it for
against Pulmonary Tuberculosis. A
those you call close friends to Be bold and know that you’re your
quarter of the world’s population is
know that they can talk to you greatest fan, cheerleader and
said to be infected with
and you’ll be there to support supporter. When that great
Mycobacterium tuberculosis, the
and walk with them, that you opportunity shows up, grab it and
bacteria causing TB.
have their back or vice versa? make it happen. Talk to that
Or do we all hide under person you’ve always wanted to
This comes as President Uhuru
‘studying medicine’ so i don’t say hi to, call that girl/guy you’ve
Kenyatta committed to ending TB
have time for friends, i’ll make been crushing on, ask that
by 2030. The President was
friends during internship! Professor that question that
speaking during the first-ever High
Ganong can’t answer clearly, write
Level Meeting on TB on Wednesday,
Robin Sharma’s ‘The Monk Who that research proposal and get
during the 73rd United Nations
Sold his Ferrari’ covers Ten ready for the critics, go on that
General Assembly in New York.
rituals of radiant living that date, eat that ice-cream or join
“Drug-resistant TB patients are to
shed light on how to take back the strongest in the gym.
receive a monthly stipend and a
control of your life, how bring Whatever you do, make it
provision for nutritional support for
to life the changes that you worthwhile.
all other TB patients,” he said.
want to achieve to become the
greatest version of yourself. Yes medical school will be long
The disease, which infects 10.4
You know those goals we set at but life tends to be over before we
million people globally, is the
the beginning of every year, know it and fear shouldn’t
world’s biggest infectious killer,
just before your birthday or at determine what you can and can’t
claiming 4,500 lives every day. “TB
the end of relationships, they do, only you can. LIVE YOUR LIFE.
knows no borders,” said World
are all achievable! 
Health Organisation Director
Don’t Forget to Live.
General Tedros Adhanom. “It thrives
in poverty, malnutrition or conflict.
We must reach everyone with
quality care... by 2022.”

“The vaccine appears to be quite

safe, except from injection site
reaction and flu-like symptoms that
may last three to four days. We have
not seen any major side effects,” Dr
Ann Ginsberg, chief medical officer
Aeras, said in a briefing to
journalists in New York. The vaccine
was developed by Aeras in
conjunction with GSK.

send your articles, poems, artwork to


Antibody Combo Knocks Down HIV in

Clinical Trials

Some patients could suppress the virus without Nussenzweig’s group decided to try a combo of two
antiretroviral therapy for months after the drug monoclonal antibodies, both targeting the HIV
infusions. A mix of two monoclonal antibodies against envelope, rather than just one.
HIV tamped down virus levels in patients not taking
antiretroviral medication, according to the results of One study gave three infusions of each antibody to 15
two early-stage clinical trials reported today patients who stopped their medication. Nine saw their
(September 26) in Nature and Nature Medicine. After viral load suppressed for 15 to 30 weeks before it
several infusions of the broadly neutralizing rebounded.
antibodies, most patients kept the virus at bay for two
to three months before it returned. The other study treated seven patients who had not
been taking antiretroviral drugs. Four responded, and
“Ultimately, this may not be good for everybody, and their viral loads stayed low for three months before
it’s expensive. But if you think about cancer, we’ve returning.
really made a big difference with immune therapies,”
Michel Nussenzweig, an immunologist at the “Antibodies can be used as a safe, new treatment to
Rockefeller University who led the studies, tells allow people to go ‘off’ of drugs for several months,”
Science. “For HIV, there’s no such thing.” Nancy Haigwood, an AIDS researcher at Oregon Health
& Science University who was not part of the research,
Typically, patients taking antiretroviral medications tells AFP.
are on them for life, and must take them daily. In the
search for a longer-lasting treatment, scientists have Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of
looked to antibodies against the virus, but so far, HIV Allergy and Infectious Diseases, tells AFP the results
bounces back quickly after people have received represent an “early step” toward antibody-based HIV
experimental antibody treatments. interventions.

send your articles, poems, artwork to



s e n d y o u r a r t i c l e s t o e d i t o r @a ms u n g a z e t t e . c o . k e

a compound that would be able to

CANADA BANS PANCREATIC halt the activity of pancreatic cancer
cells. This way, they developed a new
TRANSFATS CANCER RX drug that they named Metavert.
Canada’s ban on the main source of Pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma, a Metavert, they found, is able to
artificial trans fats came into effect common and aggressive type of inhibit pancreatic ductal
Monday, making it illegal for cancer, often develops resistance to adenocarcinoma cells' resistance to
manufacturers to use the additive in treatments such as chemotherapy. chemotherapy. Moreover, it boosts
any food made or imported into the However, a new drug tested in mice the effect of radiotherapy used in
country, as may be able to eliminate the cancer's combination with two common
well as in any meals prepared in defenses. Pancreatic ductal chemotherapy drugs: paclitaxel and
restaurants. adenocarcinoma is highly resistant gemcitabine.
to chemotherapy, which renders the
“This important and final step will survival rates for this cancer
eliminate these heart-clogging fats dishearteningly low. Its 5-year
from our food supply, benefiting the survival rate, as reported by the NCI, PIONEER
health of all people in Canada by is only 8.5 percent. Over a period of 4
reducing the number of heart attacks years, the researchers — led by Dr.
and saving lives,” Yves Savoie, the Mouad Edderkaoui — worked The first patient in the UK has been
head of heart and stroke foundation assiduously to try to synthesize treated with a pioneering new
said in a statement.
radiotherapy machine. The MR Linac
simultaneously scans tumours inside
the body while delivering X-ray
It means clinicians can plan and
ECLAMPSIA, STUDY FINDS adjust radiotherapy in real time,
Taking high-dose folic acid during pregnancy does not prevent allowing it to be more accurate than
pre-eclampsia in women at elevated risk for the potentially ever before. The machine has been
deadly condition, a Canadian-led international study has specially designed so that the
found. The finding, which refutes a long-held belief about folic magnetic coils of the MRI and the X-
acid’s preventive role in pre-eclampsia, is expected to alter the ray beam of the linear accelerator do
practice of prescribing extra doses of the B vitamin to high- not interfere with each other. It will
risk pregnant women worldwide. The 2011-2016 study be especially useful in treating
recruited about 2,300 pregnant women at risk for pre- tumours that shift in size and shape
in the body, such as in the lung,
eclampsia, who were enrolled at 70 centres in five countries —
bladder and bowel.
Canada, the U.K., Australia, Jamaica and Argentina.

The ability to give higher doses of

“What we had hypothesized and anticipated was that the high-
radiation will enable patients to
dose folic acid would reduce the incidence of pre-eclampsia
complete their treatment more
by 30 per cent,” said Walker, Principal investigator,University quickly. Mr Dolling will have 20
of Ottawa. sessions of radiotherapy in the MR
Linac. But it's predicted that
“However, what we found was there was absolutely no eventually it will be possible to cure
difference between the group treated with high-dose folic acid some cancers in a single treatment.
and the placebo. Both groups had a pre-eclampsia rate around
14 per cent.”


s e n d u s y o u r j o k e s o n e d i t o r @a ms u n g a z e t t e . c o . k e

What is the difference between a snowman and a  ''Dyslexic man walks into a bra''
- -


“Life is like a box of chocolates. It doesn’t last

long if you’re fat.” – 


If God had written the Bible, the first line should

have been ‘It’s round.


A woman gets on a bus with her baby. The bus driver

says: ''Ugh, that's the ugliest baby I've ever seen!''
The woman walks to the rear of the bus and sits
down, fuming. She says to a man next to her: ''The
driver just insulted me!'' The man says: ''You go up
there and tell him off. Go on, I'll hold your monkey
for you.

I stand and stare at the girl in the mirror,
She is beautiful, with lovely chestnut hair,
The girl in Her skin, light, almost lighting up,
Smooth even to the eye,
That girl, she was THE girl!

the mirror
They called her "hot‟, "smoking‟, "malaika‟,
They sung her songs and wrote her poems,
Her longest relationship, of the twelve, was a month long,
That girl has just turned seventeen.
and I The girl in the mirror stares back at me,
Rugged and worn, used and scorned,
by Keith Papa left when I was seven,
He couldn't bear the "teen‟ in seventeen,
Mandela He couldn't bear the bursts of anger,
background artwork
He couldn't bear the demons in my head,
by Shilla Visavadia The legion they called "schizophrenia‟,
He left, only for twelve men to take his place,
And just like papa, they took his pace!

I stare at the girl in the mirror,

She has had better days,
She has had men pay her bills,
Gifts and meals, treats…and tricks,
Tours and travel were her deal,
From the rare views to the ocean‟s sand,
Maybe that‟s why her skin is so soft…
Or is it those many massages and spas…
There goes my brain, roaming away again!

The girl in the mirror stares back at me,

I am nothing…I have nothing left,
Maybe that‟s a lie, because I have a baby in my belly,
That‟s what the last man left,
That‟s why mama has left!
She was perfect at motherhood,
Now I‟m alone in the hood, and well into motherhood.
But I have nothing left…nothing but this rope in my hands,
And this voice inside my head saying, “Go ahead!”.

I stand on this stool, my last stand,

I stare at the girl in the mirror, my last gaze,
I close my eyes…and I hear footsteps at the door,
The angel of death? Isn‟t it too soon!
“Sharon! Come down baby!”, mama screams.
She is back with groceries in one hand,
The refill of meds in the brown bag falling to the ground,
Some rolling across the room to my feet,
The angel of life is back, back with my sanity in her hand.

send us your articles, poems, artwork to


Cape Coast Castle, Ghana, where slaves awaited transit to the Americas. Photograph: Alamy



The reality that some powerful blacks were It is an enormous feat for a new writer, but Gyasi
responsible for the enslavement of their own, is rises to the challenge. At the centre of each well-
both regretful and mournful. Families torn apart, crafted, well-researched narrative episode there is
infants removed from their mothers breast, men a clearly defined and complex protagonist who we
and women alike, stacked on top of each other in a come to care deeply about, largely because of the
dungeon. The battle for power. extent of their suffering. As the generations unfold,
each is powerless in the face of their history.
Yaa Gyasi's exquisite debut novel, Home-going,
gives us the other side of the story. The often A new chapter, a new character, a new setting.
untold side of history. She gives a voice to the Generation after generation, the lives of the slaves.
voiceless, lest we forget them. All the way from the matriarch Maame, to the last of
her descendants. some of whom were fathered by
Effia and Esi, two sisters unknown to each other, the entitled whites who enslaved their people. From
live world's apart and yet within close reach of each Ghana's coastal Fanteland, to life in Baltimore, Gyasi
other. Effia, who is married off at 15 to a British explores lack of liberty, living in fear, losing
governor James Collin, finds herself living in a children before they're born, savagery, and
lavish mansion at the cape coast. Unbeknownst to ulitimately, the kindness that sees the liberation of
her, Esi her half sister is right below the mansion in slaves. She does all this in a heartwarming,
a dungeon. Cramped, airless. Surrounded by other heartwrenching but also humorous way. She is
slaves, most alive, some long dead, bodies stacked, incredibly gifted, with remarkable ability to elicit
urine and faeces flowing freely. Insults, jabs, laughter, tears, sobs and even gasps. Looking
beatings, rape. This is what the survivors had to forward to her next novel.
look forward to, in their transit to the Americas.
the Gallery
art brings color to an otherwise black and white existence


I started off with a lot of intricate Turning off all the noise and I love working with acrylics and
and zentangle sort of work as chaos, breaking shackles, trying to currently been trying my hand at
seen in my Mandalas also express her identity, a free spirit. fluid art and abstracts.
incorporating an aspect of Islamic
geometry and calligraphy.



"For as long as I can remember art has always been my form of escape
from reality. I’ve grown up loving arts and crafts and only started
taking it seriously and selling my art 4 years ago when a friend
jokingly commissioned a piece. From then on, I’ve received a decent
amount of commissions and all I can say it’s challenged my skill set
and creativity and has made me grow as an artist.  It’s tough juggling
the medicine and art, I’ve missed out on exposure and opportunities
that would have otherwise helped me grow my art platform. I love
trying out different art styles and challenging myself to make it work
because that’s the only way to push your limits. I mean, what’s life
without a challenge? "
support one of your own! Contact Shilla on OR


The following has been adapted from 2018 UoN Medics FB Page

I am a first born in a family of 8; we used to be 10 then 2 passed

on. I am not from a well- off family, so at a tender age I had to
help my parents fend for my siblings. At 13, I was crushing
stones (kokoto). I started doing this good job while in class 7; I
would sell 7 tonnes at 2500 ksh. Luckily, I got sponsorship in
high school, this made life a little bit easy. After getting my
KCSE results I continued crushing stones because, I had missed
out on Equity Scholarship by 0.1 marks and I needed to save
money for university expenses.
In November 2011 a crew from KTN, visited my former primary
school to follow up on former pupils who had performed well.
They got my results and some other students. They were
informed I had scored an A but was crushing stones in the
village. They visited my home. I told them my story; how my
stones had brought me that far and my determination to go to
university. They offered to air my story, published it on
Standard Newspaper, hoping well wishers would come in to help.
After the story aired I had about 12 contacts, after 2 weeks I
could not reach most of them. Thereafter, I came to Nairobi
where started tutoring IGCSE students. The pay was better. Jan
2012 I joined Elimu sacco as a casual worker for 500 ksh a day,
while doing my part time tutoring. I still tutor, my current focus
being AS/A2 Biology/ Chemistry. I'm satisfied with the results as
some of my students are in campus pursuing medicine, law and
actuarial science.
It's been a long journey but here I am, with a few months left to
get the degree and become a Dr Odhiambo. God has been by my
side and I have faith that He knows what will happen next, after
medical school.
Class of 2018, has been a good family to me. It has people from
different backgrounds and with different views, who are brought
together by medicine. Let's keep this unity going. Do you best as
you serve humanity.

Victor Odhiambo
Graduating Class


You wanted change, here it is. Now help me make it permanent.

Hi everyone!

I hope you enjoyed the first issue of the AMSUN

gazette! I'm super excited about it! One of the
important points in my agenda was a platform for
content creators and this is a big step towards that.

The Gazette seeks to break down the stereotype of

medical students being mundane about anything
outside the sphere of science. This is for the square
pegs in a round hole, the ones with bold, sweeping
brush strokes in a world that knows conformity.

Thank you to all the contributors! You've made this

first issue possible. You wanted change in the way the
Editorial team was run. We are working tirelessly
towards that goal, to leave something that we can all
be proud of. I am looking for your support in terms of
participation and contribution to the Gazette in terms
of articles, poems, book reviews, movie reviews, art-
work etc.

My special thanks to Salman Majid. You're the

mastermind behind the Gazette! Your work ethic and
creativity have been of utmost importance.
You're the whole editorial team!

I believe there is something for everyone in this issue

and hope you enjoy the read.
We definitely enjoyed making it.

i kariuki
priscilla njer
Black & White


2. Conducting nerve impulses
in direction opposite to normal
3. Can cause warts (3)
4. Basic structural units of
organisms (5)
6. Test for efficacy (5)
8. filled with vascular sinuses,
capable of becoming distended
and rigid due to blood filling (8)
9. A Pseudotuberculosis (11)
11. Roentgen's discovery (4)
12. primary adrenocortical
deficiency (8)
13. __________maker (4)
14. Infectious disease presents
with hydrophobia, aerophobia
and convulsions or paralysis (6)
1. Medical prioritizing procedure (6)
5. homograph; diagnostic tool and a friendly animal at home (3)
7. Number of Cranial Nerves (6)
10. Field of Medicine Devoted to Care of the Elderly (10)
13. A genetic syndrome characterized by congenital deafness, abnormality of the bony
labyrinth in the inner ear, and goitre (enlargement of the thyroid gland). (7)
15. prevents backflow of blood (5)
16. In 1906, he suggested the Existence of vitamins and that lack of vitamins caused
scurvy and rickets (7)

send your completed solution to the puzzle to or

WhatsApp 0719 115 786 to WIN free movie tickets!

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Editor Contributor Contributor


Contributor Contributor Contributor

this is an AMSUN Gazette Publication. Send us your

articles, poems, artwork via email to

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