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Detention Bulletin General detention

September 2010

September 2010
 Joint letter to Netanyahu

 Sexual assault complaint

 Electric shocks used on

interrogated children and
threats of rape continue to
be used

 Moatasem receives 3rd

administrative detention Al Am’ari refugee camp, Ramallah,
order Occupied Palestinian Territory –
photo credit: GhtH

 DCI Violations Bulletin

September 2010 - overview
 New media
AFP For the first time in September, DCI- Although the total number of children in
Palestine documented three cases of Israeli detention fell by six percent in
children reporting being given electric September, the number of young children
shocks by Israeli interrogators in Ari’el (12-15 years) in detention increased by 60
Settlement. The children, one as young percent.
as 14-years, were each accused of
269 children detained ( 6%) In September, DCI-Palestine and PCATI
throwing stones at a settler by-pass
continued to demand an investigation into
road in the occupied West Bank.
32 aged 12-15 ( 60%) reports that an Israeli interrogator in the
Following the electric shocks, the boys settlement of Gush Etzion attached car
2 children in administrative provided their interrogators with battery jump leads to the genitals of a 14-
confessions, although they maintain year-old boy in order to obtain a
their innocence. confession to stone throwing.

General detention figures
12 to 15 year olds 250 2008
200 2009
Girls in detention 150 2010
Administrative detention
Recent case summaries 0
Caption describing picture or
Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug graphic.
Sep Oct Nov Dec
Other developments
Number of Palestinian children in Israeli detention: Jan 2008 – Sep 2010


Page 1 DCI-Palestine ● Detention Bulletin, Issue 9 ● September 2010

Each year approximately 700 Palestinian children, some as young as 12 years,
SEPTEMBER 2010 are detained and prosecuted in the Israeli military court system.
IN FIGURES The most common charge is for throwing stones. The overwhelming majority of
these children are detained inside Israel in contravention of Article 76 of the
Fourth Geneva Convention.

Total Total number of Palestinian children in Israeli detention at the end of each month
since Jan 2008 - Note: These figures are not cumulative
According to the latest figures
compiled by DCI-Palestine from
sources including the Israeli Prison Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Aver.
Service (IPS) and Israeli army
detention facilities, there were 269 2008 327 307 325 327 337 323 324 293 304 297 327 342 319
Palestinian children (12-17 years) in
Israeli detention on 30 September 2009 389 423 420 391 346 355 342 339 326 325 306 305 355
2010. This represents a reduction of
17 children (six percent) from the 2010 318 343 342 335 305 291 284 286 269 308
previous month.

12-15 year olds Number of young (12-15) Palestinians in Israeli detention at the end of each
month since January 2008 - Note: These figures are not cumulative
DCI-Palestine remains concerned at
the number of young children (12-
15 years) being prosecuted in Israeli Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Aver.
military courts and receiving
custodial sentences inside Israel. As 2008 38 40 45 39 37 34 33 21 23 23 25 30 32
at 30 September 2010, there were
32 young children in Israeli 2009 50 54 53 47 39 47 42 39 40 44 41 42 44
detention, an increase of 12
children (60 percent) from the 2010 44 41 39 32 25 23 18 20 32 30
previous month.

Girls in detention Number of Palestinian girls in Israeli detention at the end of each month since
January 2008 - Note: These figures are not cumulative
No Palestinian girls were held in
Israeli detention facilities in
September 2010. Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Aver.

2008 2 3 3 4 3 6 6 5 6 6 5 7 4.7

2009 5 7 6 6 6 5 4 3 3 0 0 0 3.8

2010 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0.1

Administrative detention
Number of Palestinian children held in Israeli administrative detention at the end
On 26 September 2010, Moatasem of each month since January 2008 - Note: These figures are not cumulative
Nazzal (UA 3/10) was issued with a
third administrative detention order
for three months. Moatasem has Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Aver.
now been held without charge or
trial since 10 March 2010. On 26 2008 18 3 13 12 10 13 13 13 11 8 5 6 10
February 2010, Emad Al-Ashhab (17)
received the first of three 2009 5 6 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1.8
administrative detention orders.
Emad may now be released on 3 2010 0 0 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1.6
November 2010.

Page 2 DCI-Palestine ● Detention Bulletin, Issue 9● September 2010

Case summaries
Raed R. - (14 years)
Lawyers and fieldworkers for DCI-
Palestine collect sworn affidavits On 5 August 2010, a 14-year-old boy was arrested with three other boys near a settler
from Palestinian children in prison by-pass road between Qalqiliya and Nablus, in the occupied West Bank:
and upon their release.
Four boys were walking near the road used by settlers when an Israeli army jeep passed
These affidavits are taken in Arabic
and further reviewed by trained by. One boy waved at the jeep ‘just for fun.’ The jeep turned around and chased the
staff to determine appropriate boys and was joined by a number of other jeeps. The boys were detained and taken to
follow up action. the nearby Israeli settlement of Zufin. The boys report that their hands were painfully tied
behind their backs and they were blindfolded. They were given a cursory medical
Each year, around 100 of these check and transferred to Ari'el settlement, in the occupied West Bank. Raed was
affidavits are translated into English interrogated by two interrogators, one of which introduced himself as 'Zaid Eqtaish’.
from which these brief case
Threat of electrocution made Raed confess to throwing stones once. An interrogator
summaries are produced.
then slammed Raed’s head against cupboard and punched him in the stomach. The
Additional case summaries are second interrogator then gave Raed an electric shock with a handheld device,
available upon request. causing shivering and dizziness. Raed then signed a statement without reading it.
Transferred to Salem Interrogation and Detention Centre and then Megiddo prison,
inside Israel, in contravention of Article 76 of the Fourth Geneva Convention.
Malek H. - (17 years)

On 27 August 2010, a 17-year-old boy from Ramallah was arrested by Israeli soldiers at
2:00am and accused of throwing stones and Molotov cocktails:

Around 30 soldiers surrounded Malek’s family home and present a document written in
‘If you don’t confess you
Hebrew. Malek’s hands are tied tightly behind his back and he is blindfolded. Malek
threw stones, I’ll beat the
asked for the ties to be loosened but the soldier refused. He was put in a military vehicle
hell out of you.’
and transferred Ofer Prison, in the occupied West Bank. On arrival at Ofer a soldier hit
Malek on the head with an object causing 'extreme pain'. Malek was then interrogated
Israeli interrogator by man in civilian clothes who threatened him with physical violence if he did not
Ofer Prison confess to throwing stones. The interrogator then threatened Malek with rape - 'I'll f**k
you with my d**k that is bigger than you'. This was followed by verbal insults including -
'your mother's a c**t,’ followed by more threats - 'Ill put you in cell No 40 if you don't
confess' – The interrogator accused Malek of throwing stones at Route 442, a road used
by Israeli settlers in the occupied West Bank. Malek was also accused of throwing
Molotov cocktails. He denied both accusations. The interrogation lasted for two hours.

MEDIA ARCHIVE: 2009-2010 Khalil Q. (13 years)

 The Independent On 15 September 2010, a 13-year-old boy from Abu Dis, Occupied Palestinian Territory, is
 Time arrested by Israeli soldiers at 1:00am and later accused of throwing a Molotov cocktail:
 BBC Radio Israeli soldiers smash windows and storm the family home at around 1:00am. The house is
 Haaretz then searched and the soldiers inform Khalil’s father that they will take his son for
 AlJazeera questioning and that he can accompany them. The arrest is video recorded by the
 Haaretz soldiers. Khalil’s hands are tied and the hood of his jacket is placed over his eyes. Khalil
 Haaretz and his father are then taken to Ma'ale Adumim settlement, in the occupied West Bank.
 Haaretz Neither Khalil nor his father were informed why he was being arrested. Khalil was then
 ABC Radio interrogated by man in civilian clothes whilst his father remained outside the room. Khalil
 Haaretz reports feeling intimidated and he was threatened by the interrogator - 'Be straight
 Haaretz
forward with me or I'll f**k you. Did you throw Molotov cocktails at the jeep in Abu Dis?'
 Haaretz
Khalil denied all accusations. The interrogator then turned off the lights and threatened to
 Haaretz
hit Khalil with a chair and to lock him up for three years. The interrogator then told Khalil to
 Haaretz
sign a six page document written in Hebrew and then he could go home with father.
 Haaretz
 CNN Khalil signed the document without knowing its contents because he wanted to go home.
 AFP As of early October 2010, Khalil is still being detained in Ofer prison, in the occupied West
VOICES FROM THE OCCUPATION DCI-Palestine and PCATI request investigation in assault case

 Voices – Nadeem and Jihad On 15 August 2010, DCI-Palestine and PCATI submitted a joint complaint to the Judge
 Voices – Sexual assault
 Voices – 7-year-old summonsed Advocate General’s office (JAG) requesting an immediate investigation into a report
 Voices – Confession in Hebrew that a 14-year-old boy was ill-treated and tortured during arrest and interrogation in
 Voices – The cost of settlements
May 2010. One of the allegations is that an interrogator in the Israeli settlement block
of Gush Etzion, in the occupied West Bank, attached car battery jump leads to the

*** boy’s genitals and threatened to electrify the cable. After further abuse, the boy
confessed to throwing stones, although he maintains that the only reason he
confessed was so as to stop the interrogation.

URGENT APPEALS In response to the complaint, an Israeli investigator telephoned DCI-Palestine on 18

 UA 1/10 – Al Jalazun August and informed the organisation that if the boy insisted on being accompanied
 UA 2/10 – Detention in Israel by a lawyer ‘the complaint will be archived and the process terminated.’ The only
 UA 3/10 – Admin. Detention
reason given as to why the boy could not be accompanied was that ‘the lawyer
might affect the child’s testimony.’ However, no explanation or evidence was
provided to support this suggestion, and the decision appears to be arbitrary and
unreasonable. In response to the above advice, DCI-Palestine and PCATI wrote to
JAG on 20 September requesting an immediate review of its verbal decision and a
response in writing. DCI-Palestine is still waiting for a response.

For further information please read

DCI-Palestine’s latest report on
Palestinian child prisoners:
Third administrative detention order for Moatasem – UA 3/10

On 26 September 2010, Moatasem Nazzal received his third consecutive

administrative detention order. Moatasem’s third order is for three months, subject to
review by a military court. Moatasem has now been held without charge or trial since
10 March 2010, and may possibly be released on 26 December 2010. Please
continued to send Urgent Appeals (UA 3/10) on behalf of Moatasem.

Palestinian Child Prisoners: The Recommendations

systematic and institutionalised ill-
treatment and torture of Palestinian No child should be prosecuted in military courts which lack comprehensive fair trial
children by Israeli authorities
and juvenile justice standards. DCI-Palestine recommends that as a minimum

safeguard in the light of consistent reports of mistreatment and torture, that the Israeli

1. Ensure that no child is interrogated in the absence of a lawyer of their choice and

The Detention Bulletin is a monthly family member;

publication produced by Defence 2. Ensure that all interrogations of children are video recorded;
for Children International-Palestine
Section. To subscribe, go to 3. Ensure that all evidence suspected of being obtained through ill-treatment or torture be rejected by the military courts;

4. Ensure that all credible allegations of ill-treatment and torture be thoroughly and
For further information contact an
advocacy officer at impartially investigated and those found responsible for such abuse be brought to

Page 4 DCI-Palestine ● Detention Bulletin, Issue 9● September 2010

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