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Ocean Engineering 111 (2016) 56–66

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Stochastic extreme motion analysis of jack-up responses during

wet towing
Won-Hee Kang a, Chunwei Zhang a,b,n, Jian-Xing Yu c
Institute for Infrastructure Engineering, Western Sydney University, Penrith, NSW 2751, Australia
School of Civil Engineering, Qingdao University of Technology, Qingdao 266033, China
State Key Laboratory of Hydraulic Engineering Simulation and Safety, Tianjin University, Tianjin 300072, China

art ic l e i nf o a b s t r a c t

Article history: This paper aims to perform stochastic motion analysis and the system probability estimation of excee-
Received 5 August 2014 dance in motion of a jack-up unit in wet tow mode to assess its safety in terms of its translational and
Received in revised form rotational motions. When a jack-up unit is afloat and towed in seaways, it is important to determine the
28 October 2015
extreme motion response for the stability of the platform and to ensure the safety of equipment on the
Accepted 29 October 2015
deck. This paper discusses the hydrodynamic characteristics and motion behavior of a jack-up unit with
mat at a certain towing speed in various sea states with significant wave height ranging from 2 m to 5 m
Keywords: and wave directions ranging from 0° to 90°. The significant motion responses, such as heave, roll and
Jack-up pitch, are estimated by the frequency domain method. The probability of exceedance of the motion
Wet towing
responses of the jack-up in random seas is estimated by means of system reliability analysis, considering
Extreme motion response
wave overtopping, instability for roll, instability for pitch, and their series system. In order to efficiently
Subset simulation
System reliability determine the limit state exceedance probabilities due to time varying random variables, the Monte Carlo
simulation technique and the subset simulation method have been employed in this study. The results
from deterministic analysis and probabilistic analysis are comparably discussed, and the estimation of
the extreme value statistics of motion responses in various sea states is provided. The approach devel-
oped in this paper can be applied to predict an unsafe condition of the jack-up and other platforms
during wet towing in seaways supporting the officer's decisions on the action taken if excessive
responses are foreseen for the present course and speed.
& 2015 Published by Elsevier Ltd.

1. Introduction the wet tow approach, in which the jack-up floats on its own hull
and mat with its legs raised.
A jack-up unit is an offshore structure composed of a hull, legs, Many researchers have studied the dynamic response of a jack-
footings, and self-elevating systems. The unit allows the platform up with footings on/into the seabed, and its structural risks during
to be towed to a site, to lower its legs into the seabed, and to lift its each stage of a jack-up deployment. Wang et al. Wang et al. (2014)
hull to support a stable work deck capable of withstanding the applied sub-structural identification and genetic algorithms for
environmental loads. Generally, a jack-up unit operates in the the structural health monitoring of a jack-up unit in time and
three main modes: (i) the transit mode from one location to frequency domains. Vlahos et al. (2008) presented experimental
another, (ii) the elevation mode with its legs, and (iii) the jacking investigation of the system behavior of a three-legged jack-up
up or down mode between (i) and (ii). There are two main footing model on clay. Bienen and Cassidy (2006) advanced a three-
types: mat footings and spud cans (Zhao and Sun, 2014). Generally, dimensional fluid–structure–soil interaction analysis of offshore
mat footings exert a lower bearing pressure on the soil and pro- jack-up structures. Leira and Karunakaran (1995) analytically
vide considerable buoyancy than spud cans in the afloat transit estimated fatigue damage and the extreme response exceedance
probability of a jack-up platform with respect to relative operation
mode (Vazquez et al., 2005). Based on this provided buoyancy, a
time at two sites different in terms of wave environment and
jack-up can be transported from one location to another, taking
water depth. Jensen and Capul (2006) predicted the extreme
response for jack-up units in the second order stochastic waves
Corresponding author. Tel.: þ 61 2 4736 0182; fax: þ61 2 4736 0054. based on the theory of random vibrations and the first order
E-mail address: (C. Zhang). reliability method (FORM). Jensen (2011) further investigated the
0029-8018/& 2015 Published by Elsevier Ltd.
W.-H. Kang et al. / Ocean Engineering 111 (2016) 56–66 57

reliability index estimation for overturning of a jack-up rig and a provided in this paper are useful to ensure the safety margins
nonlinear wave induced hogging bending moment in a ship based included in the design of the application jack-up unit under tow
on a FORM approach in combination with proper scaling function operation.
obtained from a Monte Carlo simulation analysis.
The management of risk for an in-situ jack-up is important,
such as the drilling risks, the in-transit, jacking, and pre-loading 2. Theoretical background
phases of a jack-up under operation (Hunt and Marsh, 2004). In
particular, a moving jack-up over long distances appears to be A floating body in waves is normally assumed rigid and has six
dangerous because it often encounters substantial risks, including degrees of freedom motions named surge, sway, heave, roll, pitch,
a loss of towline or headway, green water damage, flooding, and and yaw. In order to determine the floating body's responses, the
capsize. World Offshore Accident Databank, commonly known as following equations of coupled motions in various degrees of
WOAD (Det Norske Veritas, 2007), even records that many jack- freedom are required to be solved.
ups have been lost while afloat. Many jack-ups have sunk while
they were under tow in the North Sea when a single vessel was M jk þ Ajk x€ k ðtÞ þ Bjk x_ k ðtÞ þ C jk xk ðtÞ ¼ F j e  iωt ðj ¼ 1; ⋯; 6; k ¼ 1; ⋯; 6Þ
used for tow. The well-known examples were Rowan Gorilla I k¼1

located off the east coast of Canada when being towed by M/V Smit ð1Þ
London, and West Gamma when being towed by Normand Drott
(Gibson, 2000). As can be learnt from these examples, the roll and where xk is the kth motion of the six-degree of freedom motions;
pitch motions of the platform can lead to various types of failures, M jk are the components of the generalized mass matrix for the
structure; Ajk and Bjk are added mass and damping coefficients; C jk
ranging from seasickness and equipment shift to capsize of the
are the restoring force coefficients; and F j are the complex
platform. Also, green water will occur with a large heave, roll and
amplitudes of the exciting forces and moment-components with
pitch in uncalmed seas, causing severe structural and equipment
the force and moment-components given by the real part of F j
damages. A tow analysis should be conducted to verify if a hull has
e  iωt (i is the complex unit). If the floating body has its forward
sufficient buoyancy and stability to withstand the target motions,
speed, the wave frequency ω in the above equation is replaced by
which can typically be defined as the probability of deck wetness,
ωe , which is the circular frequency of encounter obtained by:
or a maximum pitch/roll angle at a given oscillating period, acting
in conjunction with heave accelerations. As such, many studies ωe ¼ κ ðc  V cos μÞ ð2Þ
regarding the development of stochastic analysis techniques for where κ is the wave number, c is the wave speed of propagation, V
offshore platforms including a jack-up platform under transit is the forward speed of floating body, and μ is the wave direction
condition have already been carried out. However, they have not with an angle relative to the jack-up's speed direction.
been essentially extended to a reliability analysis of a specific jack- These hydrodynamic coefficients can be obtained by solving a
up model during a wet towing condition in practice considering boundary value problem for a velocity potential, which is usually
the uncertainty in the stochastic wave input process and the joint- called the potential flow theory (Newman, 1977). Since the motion
first passage probability of multiple limit states. In addition, few is assumed harmonic, the solution can be performed both in the
studies exist in the literature regarding the dynamic motion
frequency domain and in the time domain. This study mainly
response of a jack-up unit with mat foundation in transit by the
employs the frequency domain analysis for the deterministic
wet tow approach.
response estimations in Section 3, which has proven to be a sui-
This paper aims to present the hydrodynamic performance of a
table approach to provide reasonable predictions for analysis at
jack-up unit in wet tow mode in terms of the events of wave
preliminary stages of ship or floating platform motion control
overtopping and instability for roll and pitch and their system
system design (Perez, 2005).
limit state exceedance condition by estimating the unit's respon-
Short-term stationary irregular sea states can be expressed by a
ses and limit state exceedance probability. The analysis is targeting
wave spectrum Sζ ðωÞ, which is the power spectral density function
at evaluating the joint first passage probability of the jack-up unit's
of the vertical sea surface displacement. Through spectrum ana-
responses with respect to four limit states for these four kinds of
lysis, we can set up the mathematical models of the structural
events against a stochastic wave input process. This study con-
responses in a seaway, normally based on irregular and random
siders extreme-motion related limit states that can be violated
waves, by using a superposition of regular wave components
more likely in a system-level reliability estimation. This study
(Journée and Massie, 2001). A block diagram of this principle is
limits the scope from the consideration of the structural failure,
shown in Fig. 1.
secondary or long term effects such as wind-load induced fatigue
Many investigators have attempted to describe a wave fre-
failure although they are important issues in a jack-up unit design
quency spectrum in terms of measured spectra or parameterized
(Shabakhty, 2011). Also, they should definitely be considered for a
severe sea states mainly for permanent platforms, which will
Input (t ) , waves Output R(t ) , motions
affect the structural integrity. Furthermore, stability issues
regarding multiple compartment flooding is also an important
issue especially for naval ships rather than commercial ships Ships &
Floating structures
against a much higher load from extreme flooding events. They
can be considered as additional limit states within the proposed
t (time) t (time)
framework if a proper analysis algorithm is available, but at the
same time they also need to be analyzed based on the number of Frequency
cycles to failure and have different nature and considered time Wave spectrum response Motion spectrum
range from the extreme response analyses. function
S( ) SR ( )
The proposed analysis framework will be applied to a specific
jack-up unit to be operating in Bohai Bay in China. These analysis
results are denoted as decision support tools for the application
jack-up unit, which are represented by dangerous sea states in
terms of significant wave heights and wave headings. The results Fig. 1. Relation between sea waves and ship motions.
58 W.-H. Kang et al. / Ocean Engineering 111 (2016) 56–66

analytic formulas in a table form (Det Norske Veritas, 2007). The

mathematical formulations of these normalized uni-directional
wave energy spectra are based on the two environmental para-
meters: the significant wave height H s and the average wave
periods T in terms of the mean zero-up-crossing wave period T z or Topside
the spectral peak period T p . The significant wave height H s is
approximately equal to the average height (trough to crest) of the
highest one-third waves in the specified time period. The zero-up-
crossing period T z is the average time interval between two suc- Hull (42m×30m×5m)

cessive up-crossings of the mean sea level. The spectral peak

Leg (65m×Ø2m)
period T p is the wave period determined by the inverse of the
frequency at which a wave energy spectrum has its maximum
value. In this paper, the Pierson-Moskowitz (PM) spectrum is
applied for wind seas, which often occur for the most severe sea
5 ω 4
Seabed Mat (42m×38m×3.5m)
SPM ðωÞ ¼ UH 2s ω4p U ω  5 exp  ð3Þ
16 4 ωp
Fig. 2. Jack-up in on-bottom operation.

where ωp ¼ 2π =T p is the angular spectral peak frequency.

To discuss the stochastic dynamic transfer function further, the
following information on theoretical basis, equations, and used Total Weight=6750t
software for RAO evaluation is provided. Assuming a steady state,
Leg (65m×Ø2m)
with all transient effects neglected, the motion response of the
floating structure in regular waves is oscillating harmonically with
the same frequency as the incident waves, or with the frequency of
Helicopter Deck
encounter in the case of a forward speed. Therefore, the response
in irregular sea can be described as:

N   Topside
RðtÞ ¼ ζ an Hðωn Þ sin ðωn t þ δðωn Þ þ εn Þ ð4Þ

  Waterline Hull (42m×30m×5m)
where Hðωn Þ is called the transfer function, also denoted the

Response Amplitude Operator (RAO), which is the response Mat (42m×38m×3.5m)

amplitude per unit wave amplitude. δðωn Þ is a phase angle asso-
ciated with the response. These parameters are functions of the Fig. 3. Jack-up during towage.
frequency of oscillation ωn . ζ an and εn are the phase and the wave
amplitude of the nth regular wave, respectively. 3.2. Numerical model
Here, the key of the motion response is the solution of the
transfer function. The RAO HðωÞ is defined by the following for- The coordinate systems for the motions of the jack-up platform
mulation: are shown in Fig. 4, in which OXYZ is a fixed coordinate system
with origin on the still water surface, OXYZ is a (moving) coordi-
F j ð ωÞ
HðωÞ ¼ ð5Þ nate system with the origin at the center of gravity of the jack-up
 ω2 ½M jk þ Ajk ðωÞþ iωBjk ðωÞ þ K jk (the circular black point in Fig. 4) while the directions for the x, y,
and z axis are the same as those in the OXYZ axis. In this model, a
In this study, to evaluate RAO, a frequency domain analysis
total of 2192 diffracting elements are meshed in this model.
software package AQWA-FER (Ansys, 2010) is employed. It takes
linearized hydrodynamic fluid wave loading for a floating or fixed
3.3. Response Amplitude Operators (RAO)
rigid bodies and static equilibrium configuration as part of inputs
to estimate RAO of an offshore platform.
The motion of the jack-up towing in waves is a result of the
wave excitation due to the varying distribution of pressure on the
hull. The wave excitation and the motion response will depend not
3. Case study only on the characteristics of the waves, including wave amplitude
and wave frequency, but also on the towing conditions, such as
3.1. Application description encounter angle and towing speed. Response Amplitude Operator
(RAO) is usually used to represent the transfer functions of vari-
The application jack-up platform in this study is designed to be ables, for instance, exciting forces/moments and platform motions
operating in Bohai Bay in China, and its average water depth is per unit wave amplitude. Fig. 5 shows the frequency character-
40 m. The platform will be transported to the offshore oil field by istics of the coupled heave and pitch motions of the jack-up in the
wet tow with a forward speed of 4 knots. The on-bottom operation three different wave headings: a following wave (μ ¼ 0o ), an
condition and components of the jack-up are illustrated in Fig. 2. oblique wave (μ ¼ 45o ), and a beam wave (μ ¼ 90o ).
The footing type in this study is the mat, and the towing condition In very long waves, the heave amplitude of the platform
is illustrated in Fig. 3. The geometry and weight parameters of the becomes equal to the wave amplitude, and the pitch amplitude
jack-up are also illustrated in Figs. 2 and 3. While towing, the becomes equal to the wave slope amplitude; both dimensionless
vertical center of gravity (VCG) is located at 7.24 m height from the transfer functions become to 1. At frequencies higher than the
base-line of the mat. natural frequencies of heave and pitch, the transfer function values
W.-H. Kang et al. / Ocean Engineering 111 (2016) 56–66 59

Fig. 4. Definitions of coordinate systems for the motions of the jack-up platform.

2.0 14

RAO of heave motion (-)


RAO of pitch motion (-)




0.0 0
0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0

Wave frequency (rad/s) Wave frequency (rad/s)

Fig. 5. RAO heave and pitch of the jack-up with the speed of 4 knots.

decrease, and at even higher frequencies with the wave lengths The significant motion amplitudes of the jack-up for various sea
shorter than the platform length or width, the transfer functions states are shown in Fig. 6.
become zero. Resonance, which is usually marked by a local These figures show that all motions, including heave, roll and
maximum in the RAO curves, occurs in the neighborhood of the pitch, increase with the significant wave height, and the motions
natural frequencies, and the values are 0.78 rad/s for heave motion of the jack-up at a certain forward speed are significantly influ-
and 0.55 rad/s for pitch motion, respectively. It is also observed enced by the wave direction. It is certain that the pitch motion
that the resonance does not always appear at the natural fre- becomes the largest in the following waves (μ ¼ 0o ) than that in
quency due to the coupling effects, and RAO values are generally other sea conditions. The roll motion shows generally greater
larger than 1.0 at the wave length of approximately the platform value than the pitch motion in an oblique wave, because it has a
length, when a platform has a forward moving speed. greater frequency of encounter than the other motions depending
on the wave frequency, wave direction, and platform forward
3.4. Significant motions of the jack-up speed. In a level 5 sea state, where Hs ¼ 2.5 m and smoother sea
states, the rotational motions in different wave angles are com-
In this section, we focus on the statistically significant motions monly negligible, and the vertical motion of the platform is mostly
of the jack-up unit in a natural seaway, which is assumed to be dependent upon the heave amplitude. In rough seas (Hs 4 2.5 m),
stationary with known spectrum Sζ ðωÞ as mentioned in Section 2. the rotational motions are significantly affected by the wave
The random response spectrum SR ðωÞ can be computed directly headings, and the gaps between the curves are increasing with the
from RAO and the wave spectrum as follows (Chakrabarti, 1987): significant wave height. This makes the vertical motion of the
SR ðωÞ ¼ Sζ ðωÞRAOðωÞ ð6Þ platform more dependent on the pitch and roll amplitudes.

Similar to the wave motions, the variance of the response can

be estimated:
Z 1 4. Probability analysis of exceedance of structural responses
σ 2R ¼ Sζ ðωÞRAOðωÞ dω ð7Þ
0 In the previous section, the resonance frequency that should be
The short-term response statistics can be obtained based on avoided in the actual sea state was estimated from the hydro-
the response spectrum. For example, the significant motion dynamic Response Amplitude Operators and the significant
amplitude is defined as the mean value of the highest one-third of motions of the jack-up unit. Likewise, the trends of heave, roll, and
the amplitudes, given by: pitch motions with the level of the sea state were seen. Yet, a
specific criteria still needs to be established to define the critic-
rs ¼ 2 σ R ð8Þ ality of the jack-up in various sea states considering possible
60 W.-H. Kang et al. / Ocean Engineering 111 (2016) 56–66

Significant values of pitch motion (degree)


Significant values of heave motion (m)




1.0 20


0.5 10

0.0 0
2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0
Hs (m) Hs (m)
Significant values of roll motion (degree)






2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0

Hs (m)

Fig. 6. Short-term significant motion amplitudes of the jack-up in various sea states.

uncertainties in wave motions. This section will implement the interval, S(  )¼wave spectrum, κ i ¼ wave numbers, and
probability analysis of exceedance of motion responses. This study
σ 2i ¼ Sðωi ÞΔωi ð10Þ
limits the scope to the consideration of uncertainties in random
sea waves including the uncertainties both in wave amplitude and In this wave motion model, ui ; ui are independent standard
phase only (Jensen and Capul, 2006; Dostal et al., 2013). For a more normal random variables introducing randomness to the wave
realistic modeling, all the parameter uncertainties and modeling amplitude Ai and the phase εi in Eq. (9) according to the following
uncertainties related to the model needs to be considered usually relation:
considered in the design stage. The additional consideration of qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
those parameters can be easily implemented in the outer loop or Ai ¼ σ i ui 2 þ ui 2
an extra dimension of the Monte Carlo simulation analysis used in
this study, but it can create significant computational demand tan ðεi Þ ¼ ð11Þ
requiring repeated updating of RAO. It can be expected that the
addition of those uncertainties can slightly reduce the overall where Ai and εi follow Rayleigh and uniform distributions,
reliability but their contribution will be less significant than the respectively.
stochastic characteristic of the input wave. In this study, all the other parameter uncertainties and mod-
eling uncertainties related to the jack-up unit model are not con-
sidered for simplicity.
4.1. Stochastic motion models of sea waves and structural responses

In this study, the assumption for relatively moderate sea states 4.2. The definitions of limit states
is made such that the excitation of wave input is a stationary
4.2.1. Limit state formulation
stochastic process and the wave elevation is normally distributed
In the reliability analysis of a time-varying system response, a
(Jensen, 2007). The normally distributed wave elevation can be
limit state function is often defined by the first exceedance of a
expressed as a function of space X and time t as follows:
random response within a specified time window. If a threshold
n level for defining an exceedance event is given as b, the corre-
HðX; tÞ ¼ Ai cos ðωi t  κ i X þ εi Þ sponding failure event is defined as follows:

F ¼ [ nk ¼ 1 Xðt k Þ 4 b ¼ max Xðt k Þ 4 b ð12Þ
¼ ui σ i cos ðωi t  κ i XÞ ui σ i sin ðωi t  κ i XÞ ð9Þ k ¼ 1;…;n
where k¼ 1,…,n denotes n discrete time points within the specified
where ωi ¼ discrete wave frequencies, Δω ¼wave frequency time window, and X(tk) is a time-varying random variable. The
W.-H. Kang et al. / Ocean Engineering 111 (2016) 56–66 61

union event represents the exceedance event of the random 4.3. Monte Carlo simulation (MCS)
variable X(tk) at least once within the specified time window.
4.3.1. MCS formulation for a failure probability estimation
4.2.2. Limit state of wave overtopping A failure probability P(F) for a given function g(X) having
A wave overtopping event on the deck of an offshore platform negative values for a failure state can simply be estimated using
can cause severe structural and equipment damages due to the MCS as follows:
considerable wave force and can increase safety risk (Zhou et al.,

1X N
1999; Bea et al., 1999). For a more reliable design and prompt PðFÞ ¼ P gðXÞ o 0  I ðgðxi Þ o 0Þ ð16Þ
decision support during the operation of an offshore platform, it is
essential to make a stochastic prediction of a wave-overtopping where N ¼the number of samples used in MCS, xi ¼the ith set of
event. A limit state function for a wave-overtopping event is samples of random variables X, and I¼ an indicator function giving
defined in terms of an instantaneous air gap, a(x, y, t), which is binary value according to the limit state exceedance to a failure
defined as follows: region. For a first passage limit state function with time-varying
aðx; y; tÞ ¼ a0 þzðx; y; tÞ  ηðx; y; tÞ ð13Þ random variables X(t), the MCS formulation can be made as
where a0 ¼ the still-water air gap, which is the difference in ele- 1X N
PðFÞ ¼ min gðXðtÞÞ o0  I min gðxi ðtÞÞ o 0 ð17Þ
vation between the bottom of the deck or other equivalent parts, t ¼ 0;:::;T N i ¼ 1 t ¼ 0;:::;T
and the mean water level, (x, y)¼a given horizontal location, z(x, y,
t) ¼the vertical displacement of the platform at the given hor- where T ¼the end time point within a discrete time range con-
izontal location, and ηðx; y; tÞ is the instantaneous wave surface sidered. This MCS formulation is highly convenient in terms of
elevation at the same location. The vertical displacement of the implementation as it does not need complex identification of a
platform z(x, y, t) can be calculated based on the assumption that failure event.
the platform make a rigid body motion as follows:
  4.3.2. Subset simulation formulation for a failure probability
zðx; y; tÞ ¼ ξh ðtÞ  x sin ξp ðtÞ þ y sin ξr ðtÞ ð14Þ estimation
However, the convergence rate of MCS is well known to criti-
where ξh ðtÞ ¼heave translational motion, ξr ðtÞ ¼roll rotational cally be dependent on the number of samples, and it is difficult for
motion, and ξp ðtÞ ¼pitch rotational motion. The failure event from MCS to achieve a sufficient convergence using a limited number of
this instantaneous air gap is defined as the air gap becoming a samples, especially for very low probability estimation. This study
negative value, i.e., a(x, y, t) o0, meaning that the elevation of a adaptively employs the subset simulation method developed by
wave exceeds that of a deck or an equivalent part, and an over- Au and Beck (2001), which achieves much faster convergence
topping occurs. particularly for low probability estimation. The basic idea behind
the subset simulation is that for given failure events F0⊃F1⊃…⊃Fk
4.2.3. Limit states of stability based on roll and pitch motions …⊃Fm ¼F, the failure probability P(F) can be represented by the
Two more limit states are also defined in this study in terms of product of the conditional probabilities of the intermediated fail-
the instability of the platform according to the roll and pitch ure events as follows:
rotational motions. Since the threshold for this instability of a jack- m1  
up unit is not clearly specified in international design code pro- PðFÞ ¼ PðF 0 Þ U ∏ P F k þ 1 j F k ð18Þ
visions, this study adopts the threshold value 17° equally for roll k¼1

and pitch rotational motions from DNV-OS-C301 (Det Norske where P(F0)¼ the probability of the intermediate failure event F0,
Veritas, 2013) for mobile offshore units and floating offshore and P(Fk þ 1|Fk)¼the conditional probability of the intermediate
installations. Any exceedance of this threshold value either by the failure event Fk þ 1 for the given former intermediate failure event
roll or the pitch rotational motion is assumed to result in the Fk. In this formulation, the probabilities P(F0) and P(Fk þ 1|Fk) are
instable state of the jack-up unit. respectively estimated using MCS and the modified MCMC algo-
rithm (Au and Beck, 2001) for time-varying random variables as
4.2.4. System limit state follows:
Additionally, a system limit state is defined as the series system  
of the abovementioned three limit states for wave overtopping, 1X N
PðFÞ  I min gðxi ðtÞÞ o 0 ð19Þ
instability for roll, and instability for pitch. This is in order to N i ¼ 1 t ¼ 0;:::;T
determine the system failure state of the platform at a given
horizontal location. This series system failure is defined by the 1XN
PðF k þ 1 j F k Þ  I min gðxki ðtÞÞ o 0 ð20Þ
following limit state: Ni¼1 t ¼ 0;:::;T
F sys ¼ [ nk ¼ 1 min aðt k Þ o 0 where xki ðtÞ ¼ conditional samples generated by the modified
k ¼ 1;…;n MCMC algorithm. The algorithm of the subset simulation method
  and the implementation of the Eqs. (19) and (20) are summarized
[ [ nk ¼ 1 max ξr ðt k Þ 4 17 3
k ¼ 1;…;n as follows: (1) N samples are simulated using direct MCS to
  compute P(F0). (2) Define an intermediate failure criterion b1, and
[ [ nk ¼ 1 max ξp ðt k Þ 4 17 3 ð15Þ select a subset of the N samples that have N1 samples according to
k ¼ 1;…;n
the criterion, g(X) ob1. (3) Based on these N1 samples, generate
In sum, this study considers a total of four failure events for additional (N-N1) samples using the modified MCMC algorithm,
wave overtopping, instability for roll, instability for pitch, and their and combine the N1 and (N  N1) samples to make a new set of N
series event. Other limit states that are considered to be less likely samples. (4) Define a next intermediate failure criterion b2 and
to be happened compared to the four limit states considered in calculate the conditional probability by counting the N2 samples
this study such as wind-induced fatigue failure are not considered that satisfy g(X) o b2. Then, generate (N  N2) additional samples
in this study. using the modified MCMC algorithm to generate a full set of N
62 W.-H. Kang et al. / Ocean Engineering 111 (2016) 56–66

samples for the ith level. (5) Repeat these processes for further and the chance of a negative air gap increases. Note that, for
conditional probability estimations until it reaches the mth level. Hs ¼2.5 m, the probability of exceedance event regarding wave
Finally, the probability of interest is estimated using Eq. (18). overtopping is less than 5% as suggested in reference (Faltinsen,
1990), which shows the safe operation of the jack-up unit under a
4.4. Reliability analysis less than-extreme sea condition. However, the wave overtopping
event becomes larger than 5% probability for Hs 42.7 m, which
The subset simulation method is applied to estimate the leads the jack-up unit to the unsafe operation condition according
probability curves of the application jack-up unit according to the to the limit state definition considered in this study. The stability
four limit states for wave overtopping, instability of roll, instability of the jack-up unit is well ensured until Hs ¼ 3.8 m.
of pitch, and their series system as defined in Section 4.2. The Fig. 8 shows the exceedance probability curves for the four
analysis has been repeated for varying sea wave conditions limit states at the three horizontal locations, but the angle
represented by the changing value of Hs. Using the P-M spectrum between the wave direction and the moving direction is 45°. In
(Zhu, 1991), the other wave input parameters Tp and Tz are this case, Fig. 8(b and c) at the horizontal locations (21, 0) and (21,
obtained from their deterministic relationship with Hs. The dis- 15) show a similar trend with Fig. 7 such that the wave over-
cretised time window of 20 min is considered with the sampling topping is the most dominant event defining the system failure,
interval t¼ 0.5 s; thus the number of time instants is 2401. Three and the series system probability is mostly determined by this
horizontal wave angles, 90°, 45°, and 0°, are considered. For the air limit state. However, for Fig. 8(a) at the horizontal location (0, 15),
gap estimation, the still-water air gap a0 ¼3.96 m is used to the trend is a bit changing, and the three limit states, i.e., wave
represent the elevation of the deck of the jack-up unit. The subset overtopping, and roll and pitch exceedances, contribute together
simulation method summarized in Section 4.3 is applied to solve to the series system probability. This is because the wave-
the first-exceedance failure probabilities. In the subset simulation, overtopping event is not as likely as other horizontal points in
the intermediate thresholds are adaptively selected such that the this wave direction, and its probability is relatively reduced. Fig. 8
intermediate conditional probabilities P(Fk þ 1|Fk) are estimated to shows that the series system probability starts increasing when
be 0.1. The proposal PDFs in the subset simulation are chosen to be Hs ¼2.2 m at the locations (21, 0) and (21, 15), which means that
uniform distribution with the width of 2. the 45° angle between the directions of wave and platform moving
The conditional probability curves of the four limit states for a create a higher likelihood of system failure than the 90° angle
given value of Hs are shown in Figs. 7–9 for different wave direc- cases in Fig. 7.
tions and different horizontal platform locations (three square Fig. 9 again shows the repeated analyses of four curves at the
black points on the deck shown in Fig. 4). Each of them shows four three horizontal locations, but it considers the following sea
curves for the four limit states discussed in the previous section. waves, where the wave angle and the moving direction of the jack-
The proposed conditional probability curves can be used to sup- up unit are now in the same direction. The main difference caused
port the decision on maintaining the platform operation according by the change of the wave direction is that the instability event
to the estimated Hs level. In addition, each plot has a zoomed-in due to pitch exceedance becomes much more dominant, while the
plot for the range of Hs ¼2–2.6 m, which is intended to clearly roll exceedance event becomes almost negligible. In Fig. 9(a), at
present the small probability estimated using the subset simula- the horizontal location (0, 15), the conditional probability for the
tion method. Note that the y-axis of this zoomed-in plot has a log- series system limit state is mostly affected by the curve for the
scale to clearly show the small numbers, which ranges from 10  1 pitch instability, and the other events do not contribute sig-
to 10  6. Therefore, any probabilities below 10  6 are not shown in nificantly. Although the wave-overtopping event shows increasing
this zoomed-in plot. conditional probability for Hs 44 m, this is mainly caused by the
Fig. 7(a) shows the conditional probability for the four limit uncertainties in the wave motion and does little to affect the
states at the horizontal location (0, 15) in beam seas, where the system event probability. In Fig. 9(b) and (c), at the horizontal
wave direction is 90° from the moving direction of the jack-up locations (21, 0) and (21, 15), the probability of the wave over-
unit. It is seen from the curves that the curves for wave over- topping becomes the most dominant in terms of the contribution
topping and the series system are very close to each other, while to the system event, as the large pitch of the platform generates
the two instability curves have small probabilities for the range of large vertical displacements under the rigid body motion
Hs ¼2–5 m. This means that the wave overtopping event is more assumption, and it increases the likelihood of a negative air gap
likely than instability events, and the series system event is mainly event. In these curves, the instability event due to roll is again
represented by the wave-overtopping event, which is the most almost negligible. Fig. 9 shows in general the highest series system
dominant. Notice also that the wave-overtopping event curve is probability compared to Figs. 7 and 8, representing the most risky
sharply increasing within the range of Hs ¼ 3.5–4 m, while that of case in terms of the limit states considered.
the instability curves regarding roll are within the range of Hs ¼4– From the discussion of the results shown in Figs. 7–9 above,
4.5 m, which again shows the dominance of the wave-overtopping several observations can be made. The probability of exceedance of
event. For Hs 45 m, the probabilities of all curves almost reach motion responses is exactly proportional to the significant wave
1 except the instability probability of pitch. In this wave direction, height with non-linear characteristics. Comparing with the results
the exceedance event regarding pitch is not significant as the wave shown in Fig. 6, the system reliability index can provide further
direction and the platform-moving direction are perpendicular to information on dangerous conditions. For example, when the jack-
each other. up is towed on the oblique waves with the significant wave height
Fig. 7(b and c) show the conditional probability for the four 2.4 m, the motions are usually small. The significant value of heave
limit states at the horizontal locations (21, 0) and (21, 15) in beam is 0.539 m, roll is 1.145°, and pitch is 5.532°, respectively. These
seas. These plots show a similar trend with Fig. 7(a), except that motions are safe for the stability of the jack-up in waves since they
the conditional probability of the series system event starts neglect the uncertainties in the wave motion and the corre-
increasing from a bit earlier than Fig. 7(a) in terms of Hs. This is sponding extreme cases. Nevertheless, the failure probability of
because the horizontal locations considered in Fig. 7(b and c) are the system at the deck location (21, 0) is up to 30% as shown in
further from the center of gravity of the jack-up unit than that in Fig. 8(b), which can be considered as a relatively high probability
Fig. 7(a), and consequently, the vertical displacement of the plat- of exceedance and dangerous for the jack-up unit considered in
form becomes greater under the rigid body motion assumption this study. It can be noted that the four extreme ship-wave motion
W.-H. Kang et al. / Ocean Engineering 111 (2016) 56–66 63

Fig. 7. Probability of exceedance of platform responses for four limit states in beam seas.

related limit states considered in this study show the non- In these analyses, the subset simulation method was adap-
operational risk of a jack-up unit for not-too-extreme severe sea tively used because its use is not necessary for relatively large
states with Hs ¼2–5 before considering other types of structural probabilities for which the use of MCS is generally acceptable.
limit states. Thus, in each analysis, MCS has firstly been performed, and the
64 W.-H. Kang et al. / Ocean Engineering 111 (2016) 56–66

Fig. 8. Probability of exceedance of platform responses for four limit states in oblique seas.

results were checked based on their coefficients of variation if equation:

there is a need for the use of the subset simulation. In MCS, it is rffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
well known that the coefficient of variation (c.o.v.) of the esti- 1P
δ¼ ð21Þ
mated probability can be obtained based on the following NP
W.-H. Kang et al. / Ocean Engineering 111 (2016) 56–66 65

Fig. 9. Probability of exceedance of platform responses for four limit states in following seas.

where P ¼ the estimated probability and N ¼the number of sam- of RAM. If the estimated probability is smaller than 2/N, which
ples in MCS. In this paper, we used 500 samples for MCS, and the corresponds to approximately 0.7 of c.o.v. from Eq. (20), addi-
computational cost is approximately 125 seconds with MATLAB tional 500 samples have been generated based on MCMC within
on a computer with an Intel Core i7 CPU 930 (2.80 GHz) and 3 GB the subset sampling framework, which requires 194 s. If the
66 W.-H. Kang et al. / Ocean Engineering 111 (2016) 56–66

estimated conditional probability using the additional 500 MCMC estimation. From this probabilistic analysis, the safety of the jack-
samples is still too small, additional 500 MCMC samples are up unit in terms of its motions was evaluated considering possible
generated again. The maximum number of the addition of new uncertainties in wave motions in various sea states, and the con-
500 MCMC samples is limited to three times, and if we still get a ditional probability curves were generated to support the deci-
probability very close to zero, we assume that the final prob- sions on the action taken if excessive responses are foreseen for
ability can be regarded as zero. the present course and speed. The proposed framework and pro-
When we use the subset simulation, the coefficient of variation cedures for deterministic and probabilistic analysis of a jack-up
(c.o.v.) of the estimate P(Fk þ 1|Fk) in Eq. (20) is estimated in an under towing condition can extensively be applied to other
asymptotically unbiased manner as (Au and Beck, 2001): floating platforms or ships in a natural seaway.
1 P k  
δk ¼ 1 þ γj ð22Þ
NP k
X  This research was supported by the National Natural Science
jN s
γj ¼ 2 1 ρk ðjÞ ð23Þ Foundation of China (Grant no. 51350110230), “973” Project (Grant
j¼1 no. 2014CB046804), Australian Research Council (Project no:
where Lc ¼the length of each chain, Ns ¼the number of seeds at LP140100030), and the Western Sydney University Research
subset level k, and ρk(j) is the average j-lag auto-correlation Partnerships Program. The authors would like to acknowledge Dr
coefficient of the stationary sequences represented by MCMC Zunfeng Du from Tianjin University for his involvement in the
samples (Au and Beck, 2001). By assuming the statistical inde- application.
pendence of the estimates of the conditional probabilities, c.o.v. of
the probability P(F) in Eq. (18) can be estimated as:
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