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Chap 9 Quiz

1.The​ ________ portion of the supply chain includes organizations that supply materials. Upstream

2. An example of​ ________ includes someone taking out a loan and then being sold a checking account
as well. cross-selling

3. Customer relationship management applications that track Web sales and retail store sales are related
to the​ ________ aspect of customer relationships. Sales

4. Customer relationship management applications that track campaign data are related to the​ ________
aspect of customer relationships. Marketing

5. Customer relationship management primarily includes​? capturing and integrating customer data

6. SAP is the​ best-selling------ enterprise software

7. Determining the revenue produced by a customer and comparing the revenue to the expenses of
acquiring and taking care of the customer is called​ … Customer lifetime value

8. A​ ________ is a network of organizations for obtaining raw materials supply chain

9. Customer relationship management applications that track social networking data are related to
the​ ________ aspect of customer relationships. Service

10. In an enterprise​ system, the integrated software modules that focus on return requests are related
to​ ________. sales and marketing

11. ​________ in enterprise applications provides features for managers to obtain meaningful information
from massive amounts of data. Systems networks

12. Analytical CRM includes applications that analyze customer data for improving business

13. If a company produces a​ custom-made automobile only after a customer has placed an​ order, it is an
example of​ a(n) ________ production model. pull-based

14. When demand for a product mistakenly gets distorted as it passes across the supply​ chain, it is called
a​ ________. bullwhip effect

15. -------help businesses become more flexible and productive by integrating groups of processes so
they focus on efficient management of resources and customer service such as​ sales, marketing, and
accounting. Enterprise resource planning​ (ERP) systems

16. A supply chain management system using​ a(n) ________ model bases production schedules on
forecasts. push-based

17. In an enterprise​ system, the integrated software modules that focus on customer credit are related
to​ ________ .finance and accounting

18. In an enterprise​ system, the integrated software modules that focus on labor costs and job skills are
related to​ ________. human resources

19. According to Panorama Consulting​ Solutions, the average cost of an ERP project is

approximately​ ________. 6.1 million dollars
20. A supply chain management system using​ a(n) ________ model bases production schedules on
actual customer orders. pull-based

21. Enterprise applications have drawbacks mainly because they​ ________. are very expensive to
purchase and implement

22. Incorporating applications that allow customers to chat with one another about company products is
an example of​ ________ social CRM

23. If a supply chain includes organizations from the United States and​ China, it is considered​ a(n)
________. global supply chain

24. In an enterprise​ system, the integrated software modules that focus on production capacity are related
to​ ________. manufacturing and production

25. More advanced CRM applications include​ ________ and​ ________. partner relationship

management​ (PRM); employee relationship management​ (ERM)

Chap 10 Quiz
1.A(n) ________ is an Internet business model that creates a destination site and is provided by
companies such as​ Yahoo, Bing, and Google. Portal

2.Downloading a movie to watch is an example of acquiring a​ ________. Digital good

3. A(n) ________ is an Internet business model that sells products directly to consumers. e-tailer
4. The beginning of​ e-commerce occurred when​ ________ accepted the first ads from major
corporations. Netscape

5. The fastest growing type of B2C​ e-commerce is​ ________ mobile

6. ________ is another name for​ e-hubs. Net marketplaces
7. ________ enables the​ computer-to-computer exchange between two organizations. EDI
8. Buying a silver coin from an individual on eBay is an example of​ ________ electronic commerce.
consumer-to-consumer (C2C)

9. In​ 2017, approximately​ ________ Americans will shop online. 217 million

10. The primary benefit of disintermediation to the consumer is​ ________. removing layers and
reducing costs

11. Apple Pay for the iPhone​ __________. allows users to charge items to their credit card
12. According to the​ E-Commerce Presence​ Map, activities including newsletters are​ a(n) ________ type
of presence. Email

13. According to your​ text, Elemica's Web site for buying and selling chemicals is an example of​ 
________ electronic commerce. business-to-business (B2B)

14. ​A(n) ________ is an Internet business model which includes companies such as iTunes and content provider
15. A(n) ________ is an Internet business model that provides an online meeting place where people with
similar interests can communicate and share information. community provider

16. A broad term to describe extending a marketplace beyond traditional boundaries is called​ ________.

17. According to the​ E-Commerce Presence​ Map, activities such as education and branding are
considered​ a(n) ________ type of presence. offline media

18. ________ targeting techniques include​ banners, rich​ media, and video ads. Behavioral

19. is an example of​ ________ electronic commerce. business-to-consumer


20. Officially, e-commerce began in​ ________. 1995

21. If a Web site changes its prices based on the demand characteristics​ (e.g., concert​ tickets), this would
be an example of​ ________. dynamic pricing

22. According to the​ E-Commerce Presence​ Map, activities such as conversation and engagement are
considered​ a(n) ________ type of presence. social media

23. In​ 2017, about​ ________ million households will have broadband access to the Internet. 96

24. iTunes has dramatically​ ________ illegal music downloads. Decreased

25. In information​ systems, SaaS stands for​ ________. software as a service

Chap 11 Quiz
1.________ allows for the automated creation of designs using advanced graphics software. CAD

2. A(n) ________ is a major type of KM which includes specialized workstations that enable​ scientists,
engineers, and other knowledge workers to create and discover new knowledge. knowledge work

3. Which of the knowledge management systems IS activities involves Internet​ portals? Disseminate

4. Which of the knowledge management systems IS activities involves enterprise​ applications? Apply

5. The use of computers​ (hardware and​ software) to emulate human behavior is called​ ________.

artificial intelligence​ (AI)

6. A(n) ________ is a major type of KM which provides tools for discovering patterns and applying
knowledge to discrete decisions. intelligent technique

7. A(n) ________ is a​ decision-making tool that follows a series of​ IF-THEN-ELSE rules. expert system

8. The iPhone voice Siri is a type of​ ________. intelligent agent

9. _______ are used by both organizations and universities to​ manage, deliver, and assess learning and
training content. Learning management systems

10. Storing past experiences in the form of cases is a KM method called​ ________. case-based
reasoning​ (CBR)

11. The study of how computers can potentially improve without human programming is called​ ________.
machine learning
12. ______ represents an​ organization's business processes to​ create, store,​ transfer, and apply
knowledge. Knowledge management

13. Neural networks have been used to distinguish between valid and fraudulent credit purchases
because they can​ ________. learn from patterns in data

14. The KM algorithms inspired by biology that examine optimal solutions for a given problem based on
big data are called​ ________. genetic algorithms

15. Which of the knowledge management systems IS activities involves knowledge​ discovery? Acquire

16. The first stage in the knowledge management value chain is​ ________. knowledge acquisition

17. A(n) ________ is a major type of KM that​ collects, stores, and disseminates digital content and
knowledge. enterprise-wide KMS

18. A massive online course available to the general public is called a​ ________. MOOC

19. Which of the knowledge management systems IS activities involves content management​ systems?

20. A network that learns from identifying patterns in large datasets is called​ ________. a neural network

21. A scientist who works to create information for organizations is considered​ a(n) ________.
knowledge worker

22. ________ allows scientists the ability to create graphical renditions of DNA. Augmented reality

23. ________ knowledge is the opposite of explicit knowledge in an organization and is difficult to
transfer. Tacit

24. Training is part of a knowledge management systems​ ________. management and organizational


25. Visiting a website or forum to discuss a hobby such as stamp collecting is an example of​ ________. a
community of practice

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