International Graduate Studies in Mechatronics - University of Siegen - Siegen - DAAD - Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst

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DAAD Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst

German Academic Exchange Service

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International Programmes in Germany 2018

International Graduate Studies in Mechatronics • University of Siegen • Siegen

Master of Science (MSc)

Course language(s)

Admission semester
Winter semester only

Winter semester - October

Programme duration
Four semesters (two years)

Application deadline
As published on our homepage, usually 30 April each

Course content
The International Postgraduate Studies in
Mechatronics are offered as interdisciplinary courses
by the Department of Electrical Engineering and
Computer Science in cooperation with the Department
of Mechanical Engineering. The synergy between
these disciplines imparts the scientific basics and CONTACT
methods for the specific demands required for the
Universität Siegen
development of integrated technical systems.
Faculty IV: Science and Technology, Department of
Continuation of studies in a doctoral programme
Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Secretariat
leading to the degree "Dr-Ing" is also possible.

Educational organisation Prof Dr Hubert Roth

First and second semesters: postgraduate courses in Hölderlinstraße 3
Control and System Theory, Electrical Engineering, 57076 Siegen
Electronics, and Mechanical Engineering with the
corresponding laboratories Tel. +49 (0) 2 71-7 40 44 39
Third semester: Advanced Control Theory, Applied
Computer Science, and Mechatronics E-mail [] »
Fourth semester: Master's thesis in one of the active
research groups of the department
Course website
[] »
Grades and credit points are based on the European
Credit Transfer System ECTS.
Further Contacts
Study abroad unit(s) Kristina Borchert

Tel. +49 (0) 2 71-7 40 29 22

E-mail [] »
Not included in the course programme

Forms of assessment Submit application to

Oral or written examinations are required for all Universität Siegen
modules. Details are given in the Examination Faculty IV: Science and Technology
Regulations and Module Descriptions. Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer
- Secretariat of Mechatronics -
ECTS credits
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Dr. h.c. Hubert Roth
120 Hölderlinstraße 3
57076 Siegen
Diploma supplement Germany


Course-related German
language courses

Course objectives
Mechatronics is a multidisciplinary area in engineering
focusing on solving problems which occur at the
interface of classic areas of mechanical and electrical
engineering and computer science. Students acquire
the necessary skills and methods in mechatronics as a
new field which qualifies them for interdisciplinary
scientific work, critical assessment of scientific findings
and responsible behaviour.

Tuition fees
There are no tuition fees.

Enrolment fees
Approx. 250 EUR per semester for a public transport
ticket (valid for six months in the entire state of North
Rhine-Westphalia), social services contribution, and
students' activities

Costs of living
The city of Siegen is one of the few German cities with
very moderate costs for accommodation, but it has
attractive living conditions. Living expenses, including
accommodation and health insurance, range from 650
to 750 EUR per month.

Job opportunities
Siegen hosts a large number of mid-sized industrial
companies in electrical and mechanical engineering,
some larger examples being SMS Siemag AG and
Achenbach Buschhütten. A lot of smaller but very
successful and quickly growing high-tech companies
are located here as well, examples of these being
PMDTechnolgies and Asentics, which are spin-off
PMDTechnolgies and Asentics, which are spin-off
companies of the university.
As a result, employment chances for part-time student
jobs during semester breaks and as full-time
employees after the completion of the studies are very

Language requirements
Very good English language skills are mandatory:
TOEFL iBT minimum 87, IELTS grade 5-6

Academic requirements
Bachelor of Science in an engineering discipline,
issued by an approved university
Applicants should have excellent scores in the degree
Very good English language skills are mandatory (e.g.,
TOEFL iBT minimum 87, IELTS grade 5-6).
For detailed information, visit: [https://ww]

Where to apply
Universität Siegen
Faculty IV: Science and Technology
Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer
Secretariat of Mechatronics -
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Dr. h.c. Hubert Roth
Hölderlinstraße 3
57076 Siegen

Arrival support
Personal support after arrival is provided by the staff of
the Department International Student Affairs, a tutor, or
an experienced programme member.

Services and support for

international students
All international students are supported by the
Department of International Student Affairs, tutors, and
experienced members of the individual programmes.

German universities usually do not have campus
systems like universities in some other countries where
students can find accommodation directly on university
property. Therefore, students must find rooms on their
own. Rooms in private accommodation cost 280 EUR
on average. Rooms in student residences cost
between 220 and 400 EUR. Direct support for finding
suitable accommodation is offered by the Department
of International Student Affairs.
Detailed information concerning general
accommodation can be found at:
ml.en?lang=en [

Our International Office ( [
) will also provide you with further information about
private accommodation.

Course website [https://ww]

About the university

"Designing and shaping a humane future" is the slogan
of the University of Siegen. This motto is realised in
four large faculties offering a variety of degree
programmes such as Bachelor's, Master's, and
structured doctoral training programmes as well as
teacher training programmes and complementary
additional courses in the form of interdisciplinary
cooperation. The University of Siegen has committed
itself to interdisciplinary research that focuses on
central scientific research institutions, e.g., the
"Interdisciplinary Center for Sensor Systems" ( [http://www.zess.uni-sie]
), the "Research Center for Micro- and Nanochemistry
and Engineering" (, [http://www.uni-,]
etc. Science, research, and doctoral training and
teaching as well as the training of Bachelor's and
Master's students form a synergistic relationship that
offers students the full scope of scientific education in a
vast area of thrilling applications in science and
Numerous facilities maintained by the university, the
library, and the Centre for Information and Media
Technology (ZIMT), for example, help to provide
students with a very good study environment. The
sports and recreation department (ZB-SB) offers an
extensive programme with over 50 different kinds of
sporting activities each semester. The "Studentenwerk"
(Student Services) is responsible for providing
accommodation and catering for the students in
Siegen. The Department of International Student
Affairs helps international students with all
organisational problems concerning their studies.

Total number of students


Total percentage of
Total percentage of
international students
12 %

About the city

The city of Siegen ( []) is located
between Frankfurt and Cologne, about one and a half
hours by train from both cities. Siegen is home to
approx. 105,000 inhabitants. The history of the
Siegerland as an area of mining and iron processing
dates back to the sixth century BC. The mining industry
and iron production influenced the history of the city
from the Middle Ages up until the 1960s. Nowadays,
with the presence of many high-tech companies, the
innovative structural change that has taken place is
The district Siegen-Wittgenstein is characterised by its
excellent quality of life. It is the most densely forested
area in all of Germany and offers hundreds of miles of
hiking paths.
The city of Siegen is the birthplace of the famous
painter Peter Paul Rubens.
Siegen offers a variety of leisure activities: cultural
events (e.g., the famous Museum of Contemporary Art,
the new Apollo Theatre), shopping in various parts of
town, or sporting activities in the beautiful countryside.

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