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Experiment 4 :

Stoichiometry and
Theoretical yield
CHM420 AS2221 M1
Dr.Lim Ying Chin
1) Nurul Husna binti Ibrahim
2) Husna Affifah binti Razali
The purpose of this experiment is to identify the limiting reactant ,
excess reactant and to determine the percent yield
Stoichiometry is the science of measuring the quantitative proportions or
mass ratios in which chemical elements relate to one another. A chemical
equations is an expression of chemical process. The equation shows that the
reactants react through some process to form the products. Sometimes
when reaction occur between two or more substances , one reactant runs
out before the other. The reactant that is completely consumed is called
limiting reactant , whereas unreacted reactants are called excess reactants.
Often, it is necessary to identify the limiting reactant in a problem.
Amounts of substances produced called yields. The amounts calculated
according to stoichiometry are called theoretical yields while the
experimental amounts are called actual yields. The limiting reactant is the
limiting factor for the theoretical yields of all products. The actual yields are
often expressed in percentage , and are called percent yields. However , the
actual yield is always less because of incomplete reactions or loss.

(actual yield)/(theoretical yield)*100% = Percent yield

• 0.5 M CaCl2
• 1.5 M Na2CO3
• Buret
• Conical flask
• Watch glass
• Oven
• Analytical balance
• Filter paper
• Funnel
1. The required volume of 0.5 M CaCl2 and 1.5 M Na2CO3 was dispensed from the buret into a
clean conical flask.
Reaction 1 : 20ml of 0.5 M CaCl2 and 10ml of 1.5 M Na2CO3
Reaction 2 : 20ml of 0.5 M CaCl2 and 5ml of 1.5 M Na2CO3
2. The flask was swirled and was leaved aside for five minutes to allow precipitate to completely
3. The product was suction filter using a Buchner funnel.
4. The side of the conical flask was washed with a small amount of distilled water and was added
to the filter paper.
5. The filter paper was removed carefully on the pre-weighed watched glass. The product was
dried in the oven for half an hour
6. The product (CaCO3) was scraped from the filter paper onto the watched glass. The filter
paper was discard and being returned to oven for a further 10 minutes. The mass of
product waa determined.
7. The mass of the product wqs reheated and redetermined at least three times to complete
dryness until the mass of two weighings were within 0.02g of one another
8. The amount of CaCO3 obtained was compared with that expected.
● Reaction 1 ● Reaction 2

● Mass of the product , g ● 0.8808 ● 0.8835

● (1st heat)

● Mass of the product , g ● 0.7501 ● 0.7474

● (after reheating)

● Mass of the product , g ● 0.6376 ● 0.5674

● (after reheating)

● Mass of the product , g ● 0.7562 ● 0.7328

1. For each of the two reactions:
(a) Write balanced chemical equation.

CaCl2(aq) + Na2CO3(aq)  CaCO3(s) + 2NaCl(aq)

(b)Determine the limiting reactant

For reaction 1 :
Mole for CaCl2 = MV/1000
= (0.5)(20)/1000
=0.01 mol dm-3

Mole for Na2CO3 = MV/1000

=0.015 mol dm-3

1 mol CaCl2 = 1 mol Na2CO3

0.01 mol CaCl2 = 0.01 mol Na2CO3

:0.01 mol Na2CO3 is needed but 0.015 mol Na2CO3 is present. Thus , CaCl2 is limiting reactant
For reaction 2 :
Mole CaCl2 = MV/1000
= 0.01 mol CaCl2

Mole Na2CO3 =MV/1000

=0.0075 mol Na2CO3

1 mol CaCl2 = 1 mol Na2CO3

0.01 mol CaCl2 = 0.01 mol Na2CO3

0.01 mol Na2CO3 is needed but 0.0075 mol Na2CO3 is present . Thus ,
Na2CO3 is limiting reactant.
(C)Determine the theoretical yield

For reaction 1 :
CaCl2 + Na2CO3  CaCO3 + 2NaCl
:- CaCl2 is limiting reactant

1 mol CaCl2 = 1 mol CaCO3

0.01 mol CaCl2 = 0.01 mol CaCO3
mass CaCO3 = 0.01 mol × (40.08 + 12.01 + (16.00×3))
= 1.0009 g

: theoretical yield = 1.0009 g of CaCO3

For reaction 2 :
CaCl2 + Na2CO3  CaCO3 + 2NaCl
:- Na2CO3 is limiting reactant
1 mol Na2CO3 = 1 mol CaCO3
0.0075 mol Na2CO3 = 0.0075 mol CaCO3
Mass CaCO3 = 0.0075 × ( 40.08 +12.01+ (16.00×3))
:- theoretical yield = 0.7507 g CaCO3
(d) Determine the percent yield of the
For reaction 1 :
Actual yield for reaction 1 = 0.7562 g
Percent yield = (actual yield)/(theoretical yield)*100
= (0.7562)/(1.0009)*100
For reaction 2 :
actual yield for reaction 2 = 0.7328
percent yield = (actual yield)/(theoretical yield)*100
= 97.62%
2. Was the yield you obtained
satisfactory?justify your answer
For reaction 1 , the percent yield obtained is not satisfactory. Only
75.55% of the main product is occurred. 24.45% from the reaction has
produced the side product. For reaction 2 , the percent yield can be
considered as satisfactory percent yield. The formation of the side
product is not too much which was 2.38%. But still ,both reaction have
some errors. The source of error is probably due to human error while
taking the weight and other errors.
According to this experiment , 0.5 M CaCl2 with the volume 20ml has
been mixed with 1.5 M Na2CO3 with volume 10ml (reaction 1). The
main product and side product of these mix were obtained which are
CaCO3 and NaCl respectively. Mass of CaCO3 were taken for both
CaCl(aq) + Na2CO3(aq) CaCO3(s) + 2NaCl
For reaction 1 and 2 , by following the stoichiometry the mass of CaCO3 should be gained
was 1.0009g and 0.7507g respectively. But after running the experiment, the mass of
CaCO3 obtained for reaction 1 and 2 were 0.7562g and 0.7328g resperctively.
Thus for reaction 1 , the percent yield was 75.55% which had shown that the main
product produced was 75.55% only. The side product produced which is 24.45% is too
much that cause of wasting time and the chemical used.
Meanwhile, for reaction 2 the percent yield was 97.62%. This means that the main
product produced is almost achieve satisfactory. But still, the error is still occurred while
running both reaction 1 and 2 . There were some error while through out this experiment,
which were while transferred the filter paper containing CaCO3 from Buchner funnel to
watched glass, some of CaCO3 were scrapped and falled inside vaccum filter flask. This
error had effect the mass of the CaCO3 after heating. Process heating of CaCO3 also has
been disturbed when there was another group opened the oven to put their product inside
it. In order to overcome these errors, we should use a forcep to take out the filter paper
from Buchner funnel. Lastly , we must decide together with other group to put our
product(CaCO3)silmutaneously in the oven.
In a conclusion, the objective of our experiment to identify the limiting
and excess reactant and to calculate the percent yield has been
determined. There are two types of reaction involving the different
volume of Na2CO3 and constant volume of CaCl2 . For reaction 1 , 10ml
of 1.5 M Na2CO3 has been reacted with 20ml of 0.5 M CaCl2 to gain
CaCO3 as a main product. Thus, the limiting reactant for reaction 1 is
CaCl2 , the excess reactant is Na2CO3and the percent yield is 75.55%.
For reaction 2 , 5ml of 1.5 M Na2CO3 was used to react with 20ml of
0.5 M CaCl2 . So , the limiting reactant,excess reactant and percent
yield of reaction 2 was Na2CO3 , CaCl2 and 97.62% respectively.
• Brady , Jesperson and Hyslop (2015) Chemistry 7th Edition,
International Student Version, Wiley
• Silberberg , M. S (2013) Chemistry The Molecular Nature of Matter
and Change Global Edition, McGraw-Hill Global Education Holdings
• Chang, R (2012) Chemistry. 11th Edition , International Edition ,
McGraw-Hill Co Boston.

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