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UC Merced

UC Merced Undergraduate Research Journal

Communication amongst Dentists, Patients, and Parents – A Triad


UC Merced Undergraduate Research Journal, 7(2)

Kaur, Armanpreet

Publication Date

Undergraduate Powered by the California Digital Library

University of California

Communication amongst
Dentists, Patients, and
Parents – A Triad
By: Armanpreet Kaur
F ear is a feeling that most people
experience at one point in their lives.

W hile pediatric dentists have been An experience in the dentist’s office can
recognized to treat children bring about this vivid emotion of fear.
in dental procedures, there are many Fear and anxiety are common among
implications in communication between many children in pediatric dentistry.
the patient, parent, and professional. Exploring the reasons behind those
Many children have a chronic fear feelings motivates this review about
of visiting the dentist, which results communication barriers between the
in excessive aggravation in the chair. triad- patient, parent, and professional.
Maintaining open communication with For pediatric dentists, who usually
the child and parent is necessary to ensure work with children ranging from ages
the best treatment and avoid referrals. 5-13 there is a vast communication
This review focuses on aspects that can concern. It is not only difficult to work
create a link between communication with children, but it becomes tough when
barriers and why children have fear there is a literacy problem. Research
in dentistry. Though, there is a lack shows that dentists should speak
of elaborative methods to solve the slower and try to explain procedures
problem. Research shows that children to their patient in the simplest terms
are able to locate and express their possible. However, the idea of pain and
pain, but the source of fear seems to discomfort disengages most children
come from the lack of understanding from the procedure. A common research
procedures or outcomes and parental barrier amongst communication with
influence. Increasing health literacy and dentists and patients is a triad formation.
open communication can potentially Because many children look to their
alleviate fear and anxiety in pediatric parents for explanations and support at
dentistry patients. that age, parents become a center point
of the triad and have to try to explain
the problems to the dentist and patient.
While most health professions usually
have one on one interaction with the
patient and doctor, pediatric dentistry methods of evaluation. A majority of
gets much more complex because of this paper focused on identifying the
terminology and the formation of a triad. problem and becoming comfortable with
To identify why children have fear and communication amongst parents, patients,
anxiety, this review will examine the and dentists. Quantitative information,
communication barriers and techniques such as statistics and evaluations of
on improving health literacy skills research were lacking. Although this
amongst patients, parents, and dentists. paper provides qualitative information to
Communication among health understand communication skills, more
professionals may seem fairly simple. statistics would benefit for support.
Having background information about Health literacy has a tremendous
similar issues allows professionals effect on the type of patient care
to communicate on a higher and received. While there is an insufficient
understanding level. However, the amount of health literacy globally, many
problem initiates between a patient and patients in the United States also lack
a professional. In pediatric dentistry, the that common knowledge. The most
first common issue arises when most common definition of health literacy
children are not able to express how is to obtain, process and understand
they feel or be able to show the need for basic health information and services
support from their parents to explain needed to make appropriate health
their feelings. In “Communicating with decisions. While 90 million U.S.
Parents and Children in the Dental adults do not have those literacy skills,
Office,” (2013) Oariona Lowe, DDS, the potential effects on child dental
claims that communication skills are care are unimaginable (518). In the
necessary amongst patients and parents article, “Dentist-patient communication
before seeing a dentist (597). The techniques used in the United States:
problem with children who have anxiety The results of a national survey,” (2011)
and fear about seeing a dentist is a Dr. Gary Rozier, interprets health
disadvantage to the patients, parents, literacy as being unable to know the
and dentists because the primary focus basic health tasks, not being able to
should be dental care for the patient in a use a chart to find the age at which
positive environment (598). Implementing a child should receive a vaccine, and
new ideas and collaborative methods being unable to read a drug label to
could positively affect communication determine when to take a medication
within this triad. The information (518). Although they discuss the
presented provides techniques in order definitions of health literacy in the
to avoid complications in communication US, the lack of information provided
(599). A method with quantitative to parents in the dental office should
information of experimentations could contribute to the reasons as to why
create more depth and concrete statistics for oral health literacy are
so low. A study discussed, showed oral The scales of measurement included
health literacy to be associated with interpersonal communication such as
knowledge, dental care visits, dental speaking slower, using simpler language,
caries severity, and oral health-related drawing illustrations or using printed
quality of life (519). Rozier’s research pictures, teach-back methods including
began when parents of children enrolled asking patients to repeat information
in Medicaid realized that dentists were back to the dentist, asking questions
not providing information necessary about follow up questions, patient-
for their children to have the best oral friendly, and etc (523).
health. Dentists admitted to withholding The results that less than one-fourth
information from patients due to lack of of dentists used any of the 18 techniques
interest in a patient, if they knew the on a regular basis suggest that open
patient didn’t have oral health literacy communication between the dentist
skills, or if the dentist believes they were and patient is limited (522). While
able to make the correct judgmental calls this paper discusses communication
about the providers decision on giving among dentists who work at private
consent (519). This information designed practices only, the information can
the study in which the American fall short when observing dentists
Dental Association (ADA) conducted who work for larger corporations because
surveys of dentists and dental teams more limitations and rules can be applied
to display health literacy relating to (520). The information provided about
knowledge, attitudes, and behaviors. communication techniques being
This study would help ensure the impacted by literacy skills of some
levels of effective communication with patients contribute to the overall lack of
patients along with the amount of communication, which causes insufficient
information they knew about oral oral health care. The insight to background
health literacy (520). Rozier evaluated lifestyle of patient, oral health literacy
the amount of communication skills skills, and communication techniques
used amongst patients and dentists. between the dentist and patient can
The surveys sent to private practices assemble numerous possibilities of how
by ADA staff members supported the dentists can work proficiently with
idea of collecting valuable information their patients to facilitate a more
about communication use. The scales understanding and helpful procedure.
of communications skills represented by Considering the impacts
a questionnaire consisting of a list of communication has on dentists and
18 communication techniques in which patients in the United States, there
participants specified a number from are also communication barriers, dental
a five-point scale (0 being never to 4 fears, and behavioral management
being always) showed the engagement problems in pediatric dentistry globally In
between dentists and patients (520). Amsterdam, Marleen Antoinette Klassen
analyzed the different reasons why The authors interpreted communication
children can be referred to a specialist between patients, parents, and dentists
clinic in pediatric dentistry (469). In and the fear within patients as the
the article, “Dental fear, communication, main problem leading to a referral
and behavioral management problems in (473).
children referred for dental problems,” Although the forms of communication
(2007) the data conducted with 80 that are available for communicating
children with patient, parents, and dentist weren’t exemplified, the specifics of why
communication explored the issues and certain children have resistance toward
reasoning as to why some children treatment and are in need of referrals
have to be referred to specialist dentists are discussed. In order to ensure
(470). Referral to specialized dentist validity of communication between the
isn’t always necessary, but clarification triad, there were specific questions
for referral and investigation of whether asked to each member of the triad.
interactions among the patient, parent, The factors were rated and majority
and dentist triad had a negative effect of the results suggest child factors,
on communication were essential for such as temperament and character
this case (470). The Fear Survey contribute most to referral. While
Schedule (FSS-FC) consisted of a dentists scored child and parental
specific dental fear questionnaire factors higher, the parents scored
for children. The survey categorized dentist and child factors higher (475).
about fifteen specific aspects of In a little less than half of the
dental treatments, such as injections cases, the child was referred directly
and drillings into a five-point scale. after anesthesia, drilling, extracting,
Although questions were asked to and x-rays (474). The interpretation
pediatric patients, parents and dentists of the studies by the authors, reveal
were asked to indicate the importance that the child’s fear of procedure
of four different factors that might and communication ‘disturbances’
have played a role in the referral (471). during treatment increases the number
The first factor to be considered was of referrals (475). Throughout the
the child’s temperament and character. study, the fear within children also
The second factor was the dentist’s showed problems in behavioral and
patience, anger, and stress. The third emotional areas (475-476). However,
factor was the parent’s influence on dentists thought that they were of
the child. The fourth factor was minor relevance when the child was
the pain of treatment and treatment being referred and parents thought
length. One of the main levels being they were of minor relevance. This
tests was communication between back and forth blame presented an
the triad during the last treatment emotional role, which increased bias.
session leading to the referral (471). The result of the child’s uncooperative
behavior, such as pain, uneasiness, and to be the prominent tool necessary
need for referral, decided by dentists for measurement in correspondence to
and parents, is the main reason for fear and dentistry. (125) In the article,
referral (475). With more information “Measurement and Assessment of Pain
about the causes for uncooperativeness, In Children-A Review,” (2012) Jain
the explanations will allow for clarity. indicates the potential sources of pain
The main reasons for the children being measurement, responses to pain control,
uncooperative remain unclear to dentists and distraction based on pediatric
and parents. Although this study does developmental stages (125). A model
not include further measurement plans, it of whether children are successful in
does include bias amongst children who communicating painful distress was
have already seen specialists. Because reviewed. The first part of the model
children are referred back to their indicated the experience of pain being
pediatric dentist after seeking special influenced by the patients thoughts
care, there must be a modification in and feeling which could be expressed
open communication by the specialist, nonverbally, verbally, or physiologically.
parent, and patient that caused the The next stage of pain assessment
child’s fear to decrease (470). To interprets the relationship between the
develop more elaborate communication observer and the person in pain. In the
techniques, further questions and surveys last stage, pain management according
about the experiences of children with to the reaction of the patient is
the specialist should be conducted. interpreted (126). Thepotential sources
While communication barriers are of pain discussed, aid to confirm ideas
measured and interpreted to provide about self-report measures, behavioral
a less chaotic conversation between measures, physiological measures, and
the triad, the interpretation of pain in composite measures (127-128). The
children varies. An important quality data included with different types of
that most health professionals need to measurement scales aid to create various
consider is the ability to detect symptoms experimental measurement techniques
and signs of pain within different age for pain. According to the Jain, the
groups and determine whether they first and most important approach to
are caused by pain or other factors pain measurement in children, is self-
(125). Pediatric dentists consult patients report measures (127). Depending on
from various ages and backgrounds, so their age, a child is typically able to
having the knowledge to access pain respond to questions depending on
is crucial for maintaining a healthy how much they have developed and
relationship and successful treatments. learned. While two year olds are able
Amit A. Jain, a Postgraduate student to report presence and location of pain
at Kanti Devi Dental College in they cannot describe pain intensity
Uttar Pradesh, India, represents pain until three of four years of age. At
about age eight, a child is able to rate the pain factors. Consultations with
the quality of pain. One of the most pediatric patients and research with
effective measurements noted was facial other dentists and psychologists can
expression scales. Facial expressions prove to further expand why children
corresponded to how much pain the in various age groups have these
child was in and how much pain fears and how they can be overcome.
was felt. While facial expressions are As discussed, pain in an
easy to administer, several prior studies underlying factor for uncomfortable
showed 55-90% of pediatric nurses dental settings. While pain has been
believed children over-reported pain measured by facial expressions, anxiety
levels (127). Behavioral measures such is also measured in similar ways. In,
as facial expressions, crying, posture, “Design and Preliminary Validation of
and movements during procedures are the Verbal Skill Scale in the Dental
indicators of discomfort and pain (127). Setting: An Anxiety scale for children
These elaborative pain scales created (2012),” Naser Asl Aminabadi, DDS,
by various experimenters in the past professor at Tabriz University of
were evaluated by the authors based Medical Sciences in Tabriz, Iran,
on measurement parameters of each evaluated how fear and anxiety can
study (130). Communication between be measured in various ways amongst
the patient and dentist are essential children ranging from ages four to
to limit levels of pain. Jain concludes six. The data included were exclusively
by devising that pain management in between the patient and dentist. The
children remains undertreated because scales of measurement: eye contact,
of the factors discussed. Therefore, the verbal performance, and facial expression
scales should beassessed according to a were classified as the Verbal Skill
patient, individually (132). While the Scale to conduct questionnaires for
scales of measurement presented in the children so their expressions could be
article can be used simultaneously to noted (44). The evaluative methods
develop better understanding for pain conducted by professionals such as
assessment, they are only appropriate child psychologists, graduate students,
for slight to moderate pain (132). certified dentists, and dental assistants
Although detailed alternatives for ensured the quality of feedback from the
coping with pain were not presented, children. The paper described effective
identification of the problem and ways to measure anxiety and fear in
acknowledgment of pain measurement children. However, only children from
was supported with adequate evidence. the following criteria were selected:
Jain describes pain management, but stable physical and mental health, no
because of underlying measures due to history of uncomfortable experiences in
a child’s background, age, and other previous dental settings, no hearing or
issues, there isn’t a method to treat speech disorders, no previous experience
of dental treatment, and much more However, India, a third world country,
(44). Also, the study only had three also has similar barriers, if not many
measurement scales. Although some more. While most studies were conducted
subjects measured to be anxious and outside of the US, the absence of
fearful in one third of the case, they research within the United States suggest
did not fit in all the categories (45). various other barriers such as influence
Aminabadi found the verbal skill scale of communities, society, literacy, lifestyle,
to be a concise measure of dental and residence. Studies in the United
anxiety for children aged four to six States can benefit in understanding
because it was easy and quick to which barrier is most common and
administer (48). However, considering how it can be resolved. While fear
each individual child has their own and anxiety about dental procedures
reactions to treatment, methods of will remain in children, communication
intensity should have been discussed. between the triad- patient, parent, and
Additional categories to test for fear dentist, can create elaborate methods
and anxiety would benefit explanations to ease the process. For any problem to
as to why certain children only fell into be solved, all parties must be willing to
specific categories, rather than all. This cooperate. Effort, patience, knowledge,
could potentially create different scales and understanding of the gap between
of fear and anxiety so that individual communication among the triad can
cases could be treated successfully. ensure positive techniques to ease child
Communication barriers and child fear during dental visits.
fear in pediatric dentistry has been an
ongoing discussion for several years.
The concerns about these problems
are presented in the United States
of America, Amsterdam, India, Iran,
and many other countries. While
studies are able to indicate who the
communication barriers are between,
what age group children are able to
express their pain, and how much fear
and anxiety
children have when visiting the dentist,
the bridge to solve these problems in
lacking. The studies have showed children
to be stubborn, in a developing stage,
uncooperative, and much more. The
lack of health literacy was discussed
to be prominent in the United States.
References Lowe, O. (2013). Communicating with parents
and children in the dental office. Journal of
Aghaee, Saba, Aminabadi, Naser Asl, the California Dental Association, 41(8), 597-
Ghojazadeh, Morteza, Oskouei, Sina 601.
Ghertasi, Sohrabi, Azin, Jamali, Zahra.
(2012). Design and Preliminary Validation Rozier, R. G., Horowitz, A. M., & Podschun,
of the Verbal Skill Scale in Dental Setting: G. (2011). Dentist-patient communication
An anxiety scale for children. Pediatric techniques used in the United States The
Dentistry,35 (2),43-48. results of a national survey. The Journal of
the American Dental Association, 142(5), 518-
Jain, A., Yeluri, R., & Munshi, A. K. (2012). 530.
Measurement and Assessment of Pain
In Children- A Review. Journal of Clinical
Pediatric Dentistry, 37(2), 125-136.

Klaassen, M. A., Veerkamp, J. S. J., &

Hoogstraten, J. (2007). Dental fear,
communication, and behavioural
management problems in children referred
for dental problems. International Journal of
Paediatric Dentistry, 17(6), 469-477.

Armanpreet Kaur will be graduating with her Bachelor’s degree in

Human Biology in May of 2015 at the University of California, Merced.
She has been involved in many events around the central valley, ensuring
dental hygiene literacy in communities including Merced and Fresno. Her
involvement in Project Smile, the pre-dental organization at the University,
the Tzu Chi Clinic in Fresno, California, and in Golden Valley Health
Centers, has allowed her to continue her goal of becoming a pediatric
dentist. She hopes to be a prospective student at the University of
California, San Francisco School of Dentistry in Fall 2016.

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