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Analysing Locations

This is a picture of one of my locations that I’ll be using in my opening sequence. When I took this
picture, I tried to make it low-key lighting to give it the horrifying atmosphere. On the right side of the
corridor, there’s a wallpaper in the colour green with different pictures on it. The colour green represents
calmness and a healthy environment. However, in horror movies it could represent envy. Not only that,
what I also like about this wall, are the pictures which are related to science and how to explore and
discover science. This matches my plot, because my story will be about a teacher who died in a science
department classroom due to an experiment she did. On the left side of the corridor there are squares
and lines of many shiny, dark blue lockers. The colour blue most of the time demonstrates authority and
trust. In horror movies, it could represent depression. Using low-key lighting helps to give connotations
to the audience of what is the movie genre or what the story line might hold. As we can see from the
picture the corridor has nobody in it. This is because the scene will be shot at night when nobody will be
at school. Adding on, using low key lighting also shows how the place is trapped and not overwhelming.
The long corridors in horror movies gives a sense of isolation and increases the fear towards the
audience. This is because the audience won’t know what’s at the end of this corridor and engages them
to watch the movie. In addition, long corridors also make the audience ready for a jump-scare that might
happen as the characters walk. Most horror movies tend to use narrow corridors in houses or buildings
and the character is located at the end of the corridor to show they’re trapped. However, the corridor I’m
using in my opening sequence isn’t that narrow and it won’t have the characters located at the end of it
because, my storyline won’t start off with horror. The characters will walk pass this corridor without
knowing what’s going to happen to them at the end of the movie.
This is the restricted room in the science department. I decided to choose this room because it would
be the most suitable place due to the plot I have planned for. In this room there are many equipment to
be used in different experiments. The baskets in the room are in the colour red and some are white.
The colour red most of the times represent strength. However, in horror movies it could represent
danger or fear. Not only that, but at the end of the room there’s a small window, usually squares shows
how the place is trapped. There are also different sizes of jars. At the end of the room, I’ll be replacing
a glass jar with pieces of paper. This jar holds the story of this restricted room. The place in this room
is very narrow but to make it look scarier I’ll be adding on dust and some lights that would make the
lighting more interesting and create the atmosphere needed. I will also, add some signs which says no
entry to show the audience that no one is allowed to enter this room. I didn’t only choose this location
as my restricted room. However, there was also a different location which is the PE department and at
the end I’ll be comparing between both and give reasons why I chose one of those two locations to be
for my opening sequence.

Those are
some closer
images of the
restricted room
to show the
clearly and the
different sizes
of jars and
This is the second location that I was planning to shoot my opening sequence at. This location is at
the PE department. On the first picture it’s low-key lighting which gives me the atmosphere needed.
Not only that, but at the end of the changing room there’s a door with a sign on it that says no entry.
This door could be the restricted room for my movie sequence. On the other picture you can see the
changing room and three colours of benches one is brown the other is blue and the last one is red.
The colour blue most of the time represents trust and stability, red symbolizes danger and fear and
last but not least, brown could represent warmth. In the second picture you can see squares and
windows, the squares usually show how the place is trapped. If I had to compare between this
location and the first location I would choose the first one, this is because the storyline I chose talks
about a teacher who dies because of an experiment and this experiment could not be done in the PE
department that’s why I chose to do it in the science department. Adding on, all the equipment I’ll
need will be there in the science department such as, the jars, beakers and other equipment for
different experiments. That’s why I prefer the first location because it would be more suitable than this.

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