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The Westminster School, Dubai

Year 3

Subject: Moral Education Date: 22/11/18

Choose the correct option. Tick ( √ ) the right answers.

1. We should respect ………………….

a. God

b. Elders

c. parents

d. none of the above

2. Which are the pillar of moral education. Tick ( √ ) the right answers.

a. Character and Morality

b. Individual and Community

c. Environmental Studies

d. Civic Studies

e. Cultural Studies

3. Standing up and giving chair to an old person is showing ………...

a. Disrespect

b. respect

4.Write your response for the following:

a. One thing that makes you different from others is ……………………………………….

b. One thing that makes you same like others is ……………………………………….

5. Choose the appropriate answer for the following situations:

a. Ahmed always gets to be the be a leader. (fair / unfair)

b. During assessment your best friend needs an answer. (would help / would not help)

c. A child is always late to school and the classmates tease him calling latecomer, without
knowing that his mother is sick. If you come to know about his situation what would you do?
(say sorry / tease him)

d. Before the assessment you took your partners note book without permission to complete
your previous work. You returned the notebook the next day. But when your partner needed
your note book, you refused to give. How did you treat your partner (fair / unfair)

6. The …………………………………………. program is an innovative, engaging curriculum

designed to develop young people of all nationalities and ages in the UAE with universal
principles and values, that reflect the shared experiences of humanity. (Moral Education /

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