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Name: ____________________ English 1

Ms. Cykiert & Mr. Litchfield 2018/2019

Of Mice and Men

Chapter 2
Notes: In the boxes below, take notes on setting, characterization, and conflicts that we
will encounter in the book. You may include textual evidence and direct quotes as well
as your own impressions.




Curley’s wife:

Type of conflict Description


Words in Context: Use the context of the passage given below to figure out the
meaning of the word in bold letters.

1) “Damn right he don’t,” said George, slightly mollified, “not if he wants to stay
workin’ long.” But he was reassured by the swamper’s defense. (24)

I think mollified means

A clue from the text that tells me this is

Mollified actually means

2) His arms gradually bent at the elbows and his hands closed into fists. He stiffened
and went into a slight couch. His glance was at once calculating and pugnacious.

I think pugnacious means

A clue from the text that tells me this is

Pugnacious actually means

3) George stared at his solitaire lay, and then he flounced the cards together and
turned around to Lennie. (29)

I think solitaire means

A clue from the text that tells me this is

Solitaire actually means

Short Answer: Answer each prompt using complete sentences. Use evidence to
support your answers whenever possible.
1. In the beginning of the chapter, Steinbeck describes the bunkhouse. What kind of

place is it?






2. What do the men say about Curley’s wife?






3. What do you think about Curley’s character? What details does Steinbeck include
that make you feel this way?





4. What are the two main reasons Carlson wants Candy’s dog to be put to sleep?






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