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-r Chip Seal Best Practices
'., )

.J Genter
lbr Pnemenil Pmsefü¡tion

Ð National Genter for Pavement preservation
Department of Givil & Environmental Engineering
J Michigan State University

Best Practices
1.0 INTRODUCTION .................................................................................... 1-1
) I.I Preventive Maintenance Concept. .................................................................................... I-I
1.2 Chip Seals - A Tool for Preventive Maintenance ........................................................... 1-2
1.3 User Survey ........................................................................................................................ 1-3
1.4 Regional Context ............................................................................................................... 1-4

1.5 Chip Seal- Art or Science? .............................................................................................. 1-5

1.6 Sound Engineering Principles .......................................................................................... 1-6

1.7 Chip Seal Terminology ..................................................................................................... 1-7

2.0 CHIP SEAL DESIGN .............................................................................. 2-1

2.1 Introduction ....................................................................................................................... 2-1

2.2 Chip Seal Programming.................................................................................................... 2-2

2.3 Chip Seal Design Methods ................................................................................................ 2-2


_ 2.4 Chip Seal Design Practices ............................................................................................... 2-5

2.5 Chip Seal Design Conclusions and Best Practices ........................................................ 2-14

3.0 MATERIALS SELECTION ..................................................................... 3-1

3.1 Introduction ....................................................................................................................... 3-1

3.2 Aggregate Selection ........................................................................................................... 3-2

3.3 Binder Selection ................................................................................................................. 3.3

3.4 Aggregate-Binder Compatibility.................................................................................... 3-22

3.5 Geotextile and Fiber-Reinforced Seals .......................................................................... 3-23

3.6 Specifications ................................................................................................................... 3-23

3.7 Materials Selection Conclusions and Best Practices ..................................................... 3-26

4.0 EQUIPMENT PRACTICES .................................................................... 4-1

4.1 Introduction ....................................................................................................................... 4-1


4,2 Asphalt Binder Distributor 4-l

4.3 Aggregate (Chip) Spreader 4-5

4.4 DumpTrucks........ 4-8


4,6 SweepingEquipment.. 4-tl

4,7 Unique Equipment 4-t4

4.8 Equipment Conclusions and Best Practices 4-t6

5.0 coNSTRUCT|ONPRACT|CES........... 5-l

5.1 Introduction ..............5-1

5.2 Project Selection .......5-1

5.4 Surface Preparation and Traffic Control....... .......................5-4

5.6 Aggregate Spreading... ................5-f2

5.10 Laboratory Design and Materials Testing ...5-17

5.11 Field Testing ..........5-17

5.12 Construction Conclusions and Best Practices..... .,...,........5-21





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1 .1. Preventive Maintenance Concept
Historically, most transportation agencies in North America have tended to
allow their pavements to deteriorate to fair or poor condition before
applying remedial treatments. ln the past few years, as a result of the
national pavement preservation initiative, funding agencies have become
more familiar with the cost effectiveness of using Preventive Maintenance
(PM) to preserve their infrastructure and are finding that chip seal
research translates into a worthwhile investment. Figure 1 illustrates the
concept of preventive maintenance; where each dollar spent on
maintenance before the age of rapid deterioration saves six to ten dollars
in future rehabilitation costs and could conceivably save even more when
user delay and traffic control costs are included in the calculations.

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Figure 1 Preventive Maintenance Concept
A "chip seal" (also called a "seal coat") is essentially a single layer of
asphalt binder that is covered by embedded aggregate (one stone thick)
whose primary purpose is to seal the fine cracks in an underlying
pavement's surface and prevent water intrusion into the base and sub-

The aggregate's purpose is to both protect the asphalt binder from

damage and to develop a macro texture that results ¡n a skid resistant
surface for vehicles. Chip seals and similar seal coat treatments date
back to the 1920s when they were predominantly for placing surface
courses on gravel roads. ln the past 75 years, chip seals have evolved


into maintenance treatments that can be successful on both low and high-
volume pavements. The popularity of chip seals is a direct result of their
low initial costs in comparison with thin asphalt overlays and other factors
influencing treatment selection where the structural capacity of the existing
pavement is sufficient to sustain its existing loads.

1.2. Ghip Seals - A Tool for Preventive Maintenance

Chip seals are preventive maintenance treatments applied as a
component of a pavement preservation program.

Pavement preservation may be uniquely defined to clarify its relationship

with and distinction from preventive maintenance.
"Pavement preseruation is not a maintenance program, but an
agency program. Almost every part of an agency should be
involved. Success depends on support and input from staff in
planning, finance, design, construction, materials, and
maintenance. Two other essenfia/s for an effective program are
long-term commitment from agency leadership and a dedicated
annual budget."

Chip sealing is the application of a bituminous binder immediately followed

by the application of an aggregate, after which the aggregate is rolled to
embed it into the binder. Multiple layers may be placed and various binder
and aggregate types can be used to address specific distress modes or
difficult traffic situations.

Chip seal applications essentially require four types of equipment - the

binder distributor, the aggregate spreader, rollers, and brooms.

The chip seal process begins in the planning stage when the pavement
surface is analyzed to determine if a chip seal is an appropriate PM
treatment. Surface characterization may consist of assessing the
hardness, texture, and other measures of the structural condition of the
pavement surface. lf a chip seal is determined to be an appropriate
treatment for the pavement, various surface preparation techniques are
then performed on the surface. Crack repair, selected patching, leveling,
pre-sealing, and/or texturizing can be used to prepare the surface prior to
chip sealing. These techniques should normally be performed six to
twelve months prior to the chip seal to allow sufficient time for curing.

The main advantages of chip seals include:

. lmproved Skid Resistance: Chip seals provide good skid
. Gost Effective Treatments: Chip seals are typically cost effective
when properly placed on the right type of pavement,


) a Good Durability: By using durable aggregates, chip seals wear
) well and can have long service lives,
Ease of Gonstruction: Chip seals are typically constructed rapidly
and cause less disruption to the traveling public.

) The main disadvantages associated with chip seals include:

) . Gure Time: Chip seals takc scveral hours (depending on the
) climatic conditions) to reach a stage where they can tolerate
unrestricted traffic,
o Flying Ghips: Chip seals must be swept to remove excess stone
to avoid broken windshields and vehicle damage,
) o Noise Considerations: Chip seals can generate tire noise when
traversed by traffic,
o Weather Gonsiderations: Chip seals using asphalt emulsions
must be constructed during warm, dry weather and during the
daytime only,
. Pedormance: Chip seals create a rougher surface and are
generally not used for parking lots, and
o Ride Quality: Chip seals do not improve ride quality
Chip seals are not expected to provide additional structural capacity to the
pavement, although it appears to be common practice to apply chip seals
to pavements that have structural distresses. Chip sealing as a "stop gap"
measure is often justified in the belief that the treatment will reduce the
rate of further deterioration until funds become available for a conventional

However, as a PM treatment, chip sealing pavements that are not in good

condition is not recommended and will likely be more expensive in the
long run. Therefore, chip seal applications should not be applied on badly
distressed (cracked), or weathered pavement surfaces where
reconstruction or rehabilitation is needed.

Other limitations of chip seals include:

.J o Emulsion Based Chip Seals: Chip seals without polymer
modification are not normally suitable for intersections or high
lateral stress areas. (These areas can be handled successfully
with the addition of suitable polymer in the asphalt emulsion.)
. Performance Graded Binder Ghip Seals: These cure quickly,
but are not suitable for very high stress areas due to their low initial
.) shear strength.

-- 1.3. User Survey

ln 2003-2004, the National Cooperative Highway Research Program
(NCHRP) initiated a research study (synthesis) to identify and promulgate
chip seal best practices.


One of the first tasks of the NCHRP's synthesis was the preparation and
administration of a survey intended for those public highway and road
agencies that would be expected to use chip seals in their maintenance
programs. ln addition to sending the survey to the chief maintenance
engineer in each state Department of Transportation (DOT), the
researchers sent the surveys to officials at the federal, municipal, and
county levels across the USA as well as to international highway
authorities in Canada, Europe, Africa, and the Pacific. The survey
generated 92 individual responses from 42 states, 12 cities and counties,
10 Canadian Provinces, one Canadian Territory, two Canadian cities, four
Australian states, two New Zealand provinces, two public agencies in the
United Kingdom, and one South African agency.

The survey disclosed that considerable chip seal research had been
performed in Australia, Canada, New Zealand, South Africa, and the
United Kingdom. lnnovative and advanced chip seal programs were
identified with respect to critical factors that could be emulated in other

The comprehensive review of chip seal literature provided a solid

theoretical and anecdotal foundation for the review of chip seal
construction practices and provided a global perspective for identifying
successful chip seal programs. The study paid particular attention to the
sophisticated chip seals of Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, and the
United Kingdom as these nations consistently confirmed chip sealing
benefits and successful results on both low-volume and high-volume
roads with routine service lives that were nearly double those achieved in
North America.

The survey results showed that although the U.S. and Canada have very
similar chip seal practices, they are quite different from those employed
overseas. States and provinces that reported good results with their chip
seal programs were fairly evenly distributed across the continent and the
average daily traffic (ADT) levels at which U.S. and Canadian agencies
use chip seals were similar. Both of these facts supported the finding in
the literature review that the experience of the field personnel seems to be
a major factor for achieving chip seal success. Other success factors will
be discussed later in the course.

When the survey responses were segregated by AASHTOI climatic

region, the researchers were surprised at the lack of trends. Another
surprising result was the almost total reliance on asphalt emulsions. Only
three responding U.S. state DOTs indicated that they regularly used hot
asphalt cement binders in their maintenance chip seal programs.

American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials


1.4. Regional Context
ln preparing the NCHRP synthesis, the researchers found that it was
critically important to evaluate the findings within a regional context. They
found that chip seal practices generally varied between regions as a result
of three factors: local climatic conditions, binder availability, and local
) aggregate quality.
Climate and weather play an important role in chip seal operations and
previous studies have shown that ambient temperatures at the time of
) construction closely affect the quality of chip seal applications.

When compared with hot applied asphalt cement binders, asphalt

emulsions are generally believed to be less sensitive to failure when
aggregates are damp. Emulsions, which require much lower application
temperatures than hot applied asphalt cement binders, are also more
suitable for chip seal work later in the construction season when average
overnight temperatures begin to decline.

Aggregate selection is largely a cost function of availability and

transportation distance. Although it is common for locally available
aggregates to be the least expensive (on the basis of initial cost), they are
sometimes marginal (i.e. at the low end of the specifications) rather than
premium quality. Often time agencies tended to use such marginal

aggregates to minimize their initial costs, but face reduced treatment

longevity and performance.

Australian road agencies, which place considerable emphasis on

aggregate quality, have been known to be willing to pay for high quality
) aggregate imported from great distances (up to 500 miles) to ensure the
I quality and performance of their chip seals.

Finally, different types of aggregate are more suited to certain binders as a

result of electrostatic compatibility, and this fact requires chip seal
designers and contractor to consider local aggregate electrostatic
compatibility during binder selection.

1.5. Ghip Seal - Art or Science?

Traditional thought in the United States has portrayed chip seals as an
"art" rather than a science. Beliefs that chip seal design is simply a
"recipe" to be followed prevail to this day. The reasoning behind these
beliefs is that the majority of North American chip seal practice is based
on local empirical experience rather than sound engineering principles.

The main reason to approach the application of chip seals as an "art" is

due to the uncertainties and variability that exist with all chip seal projects
As such, the experience of the construction crew, familiarity with the local


materials, and suitable equipment usage are considered to be the critical
factors for project success. Since the variability and uncertainties that
affect chip seals are independent of the design parameters, proponents of
the "art" view of chip seals argue that formal design procedures are futile.

One of the major difficulties involved in the design of material application

rates is non-uniformity of existing pavement surfaces. Such conditions
necessitate field adjustments to binder rates at the time of construction, a
phenomenon that undermines formal design. This realm of thought
contends that if chip seal projects require field adjustments to application
rates, formal design is simply a tool for estimating quantities.

1.6. Sound Engineering Principles

Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, and the United Kingdom have all
developed their chips seal programs based on a more extensive use of
engineering principles than those used by highway agencies in Canada
and the United States. For example, all of the overseas agencies actually
measure surface texture using a sand circle test to characterize the
existing pavement surface. In addition, all of the overseas agencies find it
necessary to carry out surface hardness tests using specialty testing
equipment such as a penetrometer or ball penetration device, to
determine the nominal aggregate size to be used in their advanced design

Greater reliance on sound engineering principles reduces the uncertainty

and variability associated with chip sealing to the point where field
adjustments of binder and aggregate application rates are minimized.

The use of sound engineering principles tends to optimize material

application rates and also is a basis upon which to develop and enforce
specifications to an extent where performance-driven contracts transfer
the risk of the project to the contractor. As such, they have moved the
chip seal project out of the maintenance world and into the construction
contract arena.

The survey revealed that the majority of the US respondents are

performing most, if not all, of their chip seal program internally. The
situation is reversed in Australia, Canada, and New Zealand where most
of the work is contracted out.

1.7. Ghip Seal Terminology

Effective communication of technical matters between highway agencies
is hampered by the different technical terms of art that are inherent in this
process. The difficulty is further exacerbated by the fact that practitioners
invariably believe that the terminology that they use is indeed technically
correct. The Texas DOT study found that definitions for common terms


such as "flushing," "bleeding," "raveling," and "shelling" varied from district
to district within that single state. As a result, an engineer in one distrlct
who defines the condition where the chip seal is losing its aggregate as
"raveling" may make a call for guidance to another engineer in a district
where the condition is called "shelling" and the term "raveling" is only
applied to hot mix asphalt pavement distress. As a result of the different
local definitions, the first engineer may be given incorrect advice on how to
rectify the problem.

A glossary of terms is located at the end of the course text.


,'^l Chip Seal
Best Pr¡ctlces
ì !'t ?{rrÁ}-}i¿i,


) rùr 1
!{!ll! rl¡ì ì


.) 3.6

\ 3.0

,") E = 4.moax2 - o.os7x +
ì r.s
ì | - l
lsR = 4.@41x'z - o.o1o3x * 3.m7]

0,6 | "':99*l l
*) ::,. 0.0

) 1

r' Roads and Troffic Aulhorily (RTA, NSW)
r' Rood Corporolion (VicRoods, Victoria)

New Zealand
r' Tronsit New Zeoland (TNZ)

United States
r' Nolionol Cenler ÍorPovement Preservation
/ Minnesoto DOTâte,
r' Texos DOT

f !'!.iiL!È':. :.'rr:rl

Chapter I


aar cccc ce e aa.^ a a -n 1-11a)l alaa:)f I I I ì ) I

Preventive M,aintenance Concept

Drop lñ Spcndhg 11 on
ot Lfê inaintananil

40olo Drop ln


Chlp Seals - Development

Dote from the L92O's
Originolly designed os weoring courses
for low volume grovel roods
Evolved into maintenonce t reotments
for low ond high volume roads
Protect aspholt loyer from domage
Skid resistont surfqce

Chip Seal Service Life



Un¡td Statæ AU, M, UK,SA

'l 'A progrom employing o network level,
long-lerm sirotegy fhot enhonces
povement performonce by using on
) inteoroted. cost-effective set of
proc-tices thot extend povemenl life,
) improve sofety ond meet motorist
') expectotions."

/ CostEffective Treotments
/ Good Durobility
) r' Esse of Construction
I / Tmproved Skid Resistonce

) / CureTime
) / Flying Chips
J r' Noisø Considerotions
.) { W eather Considerolion

J / Performonce
/ Ride Quclity (willnor improve)

./ Adding Structurol Capacity
r' Unsuitoble for Bcd Roods

r' Conducted2OO3-2OO4
I Review of Best Proctices
r' State,Federal, ond Locol Agencies
/ Internofionolly; Canoda, Eu rope,
Africo, Pocif ic Notions

y' Oversas a<perience much different thon

North Americo experience
r' Rely on emulsion binders in the U.S.
{ Clirwte most critical
r' Emulsions better in hot weotherond
osphall cemenl betfer in cool weother
/ Aggregate choice ond tronsPortotion cosls
r' Electrostotic compotibility of oggregoles
ond binders

Art .Voriable Conditions
) .Judgmentol Adjustmenfs
.Experienced Personn¿l
) .Voriabl¿ Resulfs

) Science .Uniform Conditions

I .Faw Adjustmenls
'Flexible Personn¿l
.Prediclable Results
) i.',. i'.-, .

.J North Americs Overs¿as

J / Distress r' Low skid numbers

J r' Prevention of woter / Need for weoring

inf iltrotion Surfoce
.) 7
Evolution of Chip
ChÉctq{sd. North Americr Overseas

llll"E!Y Science
Ágency Reolm Moinienonc¿ Consfru"t¡ø
Risk Agetlcy ¿oh+rdclor
PdEhdt S¿l¿¿tioà Vor¡oble
Ls¡4 9t
Srfe? Hsd¡€Ér Yes
Ouicone lJncerloi¡ i""a"roUt"

iììl tt iì--;

Chip Seal Terminology

/ Flushing, bleeding, roveling, shelling?
/ Vqriotions between regi ons, within
agenèies, ond from þroctiti oner to
r'Terminology variotions impoct decision
moking. evoluotion, ond corrective


ìrì iì?i i ìt I



.t.oaoaaaooooaaoao o oa oo ooo aao oooooa.aao ooo o

2.1. Introduction
) Properly designed chip seals have proven to be cost effective in sealing
asphalt pavements and providing a new riding surface with enhanced
frictional characteristics. Many countries have developed rational chip
seal design methods and successfully used these preventive maintenance
treatments on major highwaYs.

Prior to any consideration of design methodology, it must be understood

that the selection of those roads that will benefit from the pavement
preservation technology inherent with chip sealing is the first and most
fundamental decision in the design process.

Chip seals are not meant to enhance the structural capacity of the
pavement section and therefore should not be applied to roads that exhibit
severe distress.

The formula for chip seal success has been rather eloquently framed by
the following quotation:
"Succinctly stated, the correct approach to preventive maintenance
is to place the right treatment on the right road at the right time."

Binder and aggregate are the two basic types of materials used in chip
seals, and their application rates are the only important variables to be
considered. However, to correctly calculate these rates requires an
understanding of the materials and the surface on which they are to be
applied. Additional factors to consider include traffic, climate, and existing
surface condition.

Aggregate selection is a function of geography where availability and

trãnsportation distance essentially define the aggregate cost function.

Not only does aggregate selection depend on seeking optimum gradation,

but also on selecting the most appropriate type of chip seal for the project.

Selection of a binder depends on the pavement's Surface, size and

gradation of aggregate, traffic conditions, and local climatic

\ One of the major difficulties encountered in designing material application

rates is the non-uniformity of the existing pavement surface. The engineer
must remember that variation in the existing pavement occurs both in the

transverse and longitudinal directions. The transverse variation is usually

defined as the difference in the surface texture on the wheel paths and
outside / between the wheel paths, including rutting. Longitudinal variation

occurs as the surface condition varies along the road from areas where
the pavement surface is oxidized to other areas where the surface may be
smooth or bleeding.

Particular care should be taken when determining binder application rates

on pavements displaying varying surface textures. such conditions
necessitate adjusting the binder application rate to changes in the
underlying pavement surface, making the specification of a single material
application rate impossible. Therefore, careful characterizing of the
existing pavement surface throughout the length of the chip seal project is
vital to producing a successful end product.

2.2. Chip Seal Programming

By identifying the triggers which initiate selection of a chip sear, the
NCHRP synthesis survey identified philosophical variations in chip seal
usage between North America and the international respondents. ln North
America, the most common conditions that would trigger a chip sealwere
evidence of distress and a need to prevent water infiltration. The
international respondents identified loss of skid resistance and the need to
provide a wearing surface as major reasons for chip sealing.

2.3. Ghip Seal Design Methods

Chip seal design practices largely fall into two fundamental categories:
empirical design based on past experience and design based on some
form of engineering algorithm

A contêmporary chip seal design process involves the determination of

grade, type, and the application rate for a bituminous binder when given
the aggregate size and type, surface condition of existing pavement, traffic
volume, and actual type of seal being utilized.

The earliest recorded effort at developing a design procedure for chip

seals was made by Hanson. Fragments of Hanson's design can be found
in all major chip seal design methodologies in practice today. Today,
there are two generally accepted chip seal design methods in use in North
America: the Kearby method and the McLeod method. while a few North
American agencies have also developed their own formal design
procedures that are not based on either Kearby or Mcleod, most use
either an empirical design method or no formal method at all.

The Mcleod method is most commonly used to design chip sears and
assumes that 70% of the voids in the aggregate must be filled (i.e.,7oo/o
embedment). ln some states, this is adequate and has been adopted as
the standard. However, modifications can be made for varying project


A more detailed discussion on this design method can be found in "A
General Method of Design for SealCoafs and Surtace Treatmenfs" by
N.W. Mcleod. The Mcleod method also assumes the use of a cubical,
single-sized aggregate, although this may not always be the case (e.9.,
California specifications specify graded aggregates). The main
modification for graded aggregates is determining a median aggregate
size (50% passing). The aggregate shape must also be examined; this is
done by measuring the flakiness index. The average least dimension
(ALD) can then be determined from Equation 1:

Equation I H_
1.r3928s + 0.0I Is06(F1)

where: H : Averøge Leøst Dimension (ALD) (ínches or mm)

M = Medían Partícle Síze (inches or mm)

FI: Fløkiness Index (percent)

ASTM C29 is used to measure the loose unit weight. This approximates
the voids in the loose aggregate when it is dropped onto the pavement.
The voids in this state are 50% for cubical, single-size aggregate and
lower for graded aggregate. lt is assumed that once rolled a cubical
aggregate will reduce its unit weight to a point where the voids content is
30% and finally to 20o/o once subjected to traffic. These assumptions are
adjusted when using graded aggregates. Figures 2,3, and 4 illustrate the
average least dimension (ALD) concept, along with the effects of flakiness
and void changes due to compaction.

Aggreg ate Farticle Emuls on Re+idue

Average Least Dimension {ALD}

Figure 1 Illustration of ALD


Tïolo Voids Filled
Emulsion = 1.8 Umz (O,4O gal/y&)
Cover Aggregate = 26 kglmz ¡47.9 lb/y#)

13 mm
(14 in)


7ïolo Voids Filled

Emulsion = 0.7 llmz (0"157al/ydz)
Cover Aggregate = 11 kglmz (20.3\b/y&)



Figure 2 lllustration of Flakiness of Aggregates


Void rgacebetwemagmgtte il 5ll9ú
uplareil fromchir qrnailm

Voil r¡ræe rtiu eû to 31194 t y initi¡l mller

Voül*parereihmd ù 20S4 [yûaft conçrætion

Figure 3 Effects of Compaction on Voids in Cubical Aggregate

Overseas, four principal chip seal design methods are used. The United
Kingdom's Transportation Research Laboratory has published several
editions of a comprehensive design procedure for chip seals (called


"surface dressing" in the UK). Commonly known as Road Note 39, this
design method is based on a computer software program. A variation of
) Road Note 39, Road Note 3, has been developed for surface dressing
\ design in tropical regions. Australia, New Zealand, and South Africa have
also developed engineering-based chip seal design methods for use in
their respective countries. Australia's method is called "AustRoads
Sprayed Seal Design Method." New Zealand also uses this method with
its own regional variation, and South Africa's method is named "TRH3."
2.3.1. Empirical Methods (Past Experience)
The very early practitioners of surface treatments or seal coats appear to
ì have used a purely empirical approach to their design. Chip sealing a
) pavement was considered then, as it is now in many circles, an "art".
Experience-based design is performed by starting with a base rate for the
binder and aggregate determined after years of experience in the field.
The main reason for this approach is the variable nature of existing
asphalt pavement surfaces. Factors, such as transverse and longitudinal
texture differences, affect the ultimate performance of a given chip seal
and are in fact independent of the design parameters, thus creating a
controversy as to whether a formal design procedure is really an exercise
in pointless computation.

Agencies which predominantly use empirical methods are effectively

basing their designs on the assumption that the chip seal contract merely
specifies a base rate for binder and aggregate application, and thus, the
"design" is mainly used to estimate the required quantities to be used
during the bidding phase.

) 2.4. Chip Seal Design Practices

) The selection of a pavement for a chip seal project is based on the
structural soundness of the pavement and the types of distress that is
present. Recognizing that a chip seal can best address only certain types
of pavement distresses is paramount in project selection.

To accomplish the chip seal design in accordance with the formal

methods, the engineer must first determine the following input
. Surface texture,
. Traffic conditions: volume, speed, percent of trucks, etc.,
. Climatic and seasonal characteristics,
o Selection of chip seal type, and
o Selection of aggregate.
The above inputs then form a basis for determining an appropriate binder
) application rate.

2.4,1. Surface Texture Evaluation


Surface texture refers to the surface properties of the asphalt pavement
surface. Surface texture is a measurement which influences the nominal
size of aggregate used for the chip seal and thus, ultimately determines
material application rates, skid resistance, and road noise.

None of the North American agencies reported that they quantitatively

characterized surface texture, whereas 75% of the international
respondents characterized surface texture using a standardized test
known as the Sand Patch Method (ASTM E 965). (This test will be
discussed later.)

Also of importance is the fact that all of the non-North American

respondents characterize surface hardness during the design of their chip
seals. The significance of characterizing surface hardness is that the chip
sea/'s aggregate can be selected based on its expected embedment depth
into the underlying pavement.

Characterization of the pavement's surface texture is a critical step in the

design process because non-uniform surface textures in both the
transverse and longitudinal directions make it difficult to design a binder
application rate. ln Australia and New Zealand, it is a priority to perform
corrective measures to restore the pavement's surface prior to a chip seal
application. lt is common practice to treat flushing surfaces with high-
pressure water to remove the excess binder and obtain a sufficient and
uniform texture depth. Another technique for correcting surface texture,
known as pre-spraying, involves the application of binder to select portions
of the traffic lane and shoulders, while making sure not to apply any binder
to the wheel paths. A number of North American agencies indicated that
they require the use of variable spray nozzles on the asphalt distributor to
account for transverse texture differences.

A suitable test procedure for determining the texture depth is a method

called the Sand Patch Method, also known as the Sand Circle Test (ASTM
E965). This method is a procedure for determining pavement surface
macro texture through spreading a predetermined volume of sand or glass
bead material on the pavement surface of a given area. Ensuing
calculations of the volume of material that fills the surface voids determine
the surface texture. The principle exemplified by this method is
straightforward, the greater the texture depth, the greater the quantity of
sand or glass beads that will be lost in the surface voids.

Visual assessment of the existing pavement surface can also be used in

determining binder application rates. Surface characterization using visual
assessment is quite subjective as surface characterization terminology is
inconsistent, even within agencies. Despite this issue, visual correction



factors are essential elements of both the Kearby and Mcleod Design
) 2.4.2. Traffic Conditions
Having a fundamental knowledge of local traffic volumes and conditions is
I essential for determining the appropriate binder design rate. When traffic
l volume is used as a chip seal design criterion, the percentage of heavy
) vehicles should be considered. This may be done by calculáting ADTãnd
the_n using an adjustment factor for heavy vehicles. Typically, hlgher
traffic volumes reduce binder application rates. This ið because the heavy
traffic will continue to embed that aggregate into the underlying surface
) after the road is opened to traffic.
Additionally, areas where there is a lot of starting, stopping, and turning
movements also deserve special consíderation. These movements all
I serve to exert forces on the aggregate that cause it to rolt, changing its
position in the binder and often exposing the previously embedded surface
which is covered in asphalt. This condition reduces the road's skid
resistance and makes it prone to bleeding. Therefore, specifying a
different type of seal coat such as the racked-in-seal (to be discùssed later
) Section may be appropriate.
2.4.3. Climatic and Seasonal Gharacteristics
As previously stated, emulsions are thought to be more appropriate than
asphalt cements when done during warm weather construction when
ambient temperatures are higher, and in areas where the aggregate may
be damp.

The designer must also specify the temperature ranges and weather
conditions in which chip seal construction is permitted. Finally, the need
to apply all types of chip seals in the warmest, driest weather-possible
cannot be overemphasized.

2.4.4. Selection of Seal Goat Type

Essential to the design methodologies of Australia, south Africa, and the
united Kingdom is a contention that different types of seals require
different design methodologies. critical differences based upon the
construction sequence, number of courses sealed, and variations with
aggregate nominal size generally create the distinctions between different
types of seal coats. Single Ghip Seal

A single course chip seal is the most common type of seal coat. lt is
constructed from a single application of binder followed by a single
application of graded aggregate. single course chip seals are selected
for normal situations where no special considerations would indicate


that a specialtype of seal coat is warranted. The chip seals are used
as a pavemeni preservation treatment and they provide new skid
resisiant wearing surfaces, arrest raveling, and seal minor cracks'
Figure 5 shows a single chip seal application'

gi r*ôï¡'i* fii5dl*
Ur¡,Srr!.l:' ç t àdåd å*S el*û


Figure 4 Single ChiP Seal Double and Triple Ghip Seals

A double or triple chip seai is a built-up seal coat consisting of multiple
applicationt oi binder and aggregate' These seals are constructed by
rõirying an application of Umãer, spreading a layer of uniformly graded
u'ggr"gãt", roiling the aggregate for embedment, then repeat the
óiö"ãrr"'Oy apþtying ãñ additional application of binder,
ãnother layer oi aggrègate (approximately half the av^erage least
dimension of the Oãseioat aggregate), and rolling. Sweeping should
àM"yr be done between appiióations. This process may be repeated,
né."rrary, to build up a pavement's edges. Multiple course chip
seals are used where a harder wearing and longer lasting surface
treatment is needed. They have less traffic noise, provide additional
waterproofing, and are móre robust seals in comparison with a single
chip seat. tUüttipte course chip seals are used in high stress situations,
ruóh a. areas with a high percentage of truck traffic or on steep
grades. Figure 6 illustrates a double chip seal application'
ÂgãEsüs &:Ë¿iÉËtoo
lì çc¡*,d SÉslr'{pg¡þ r rti ãl
TJ*rf .rrnlt l)rÈè d
t pi*

Figure 5 Double ChiP Seal

The design of multiple course chip seals is based on the same

conceptjas the single chip seal. First, a design is performed for each
layer ås if it were the only layer in the system' Next, the following three
additional rules are applied as follows: 1) the maximum nominal top
size of each Succeeding layer of cover aggregate should be no more
than half the size of the previous layer's aggregate; 2) no allowance is
made for wastage; and 3) except for the first application, no correction
is made for the underlying surface texture. The amounts of binder
determined for each lãyei of aggregate are added together to calculate
the total binder requirement. Èõr two-layer (double) chip seals, 4Oo/o



the total binder requirement is applied for the first layer of aggregate
and the remaining 60% is applied for the second layer.
ìI Racked-lnSeal
A racked-in seal is a special seal in which a single course chip seal is
.\ temporarily protected from damage through the application of choke
stone that becomes locked in the voids of the seal. The choke stone
\ provides an interlock between the aggregate particles of the single chip
seal. The choke stone is used to prevent aggregate particles from
being dislodged prior to the binder being fully cured. ln areas with
large numbers of turning movements, these chip seals are able to "lock
in" the coarse aggregate with finer particles, preventing it from being
dislodged before the seal is fully cured. Cape Seal

) Cape seals, named after the area in South Africa where they were
invented (Cape Province), are basically a single chip seal followed by a
slurry seal. ln the original South African version, the base stone was a
large Yqinch (19 mm) to retard major cracking. However, applications
of Cape seals in North America and other countries use a smaller size
) aggregate. Cape seals are very robust and provide a shear resistance
comparable to that of asphalt pavement. lnverted Seal

These seals, called "inverted" because the larger size aggregate goes
on top of the smaller size aggregate, are commonly used to repair /
correct an existing surface that is bleeding. Australian road agencies
have successfully used these seals on bleeding surfaces with 30,000
I ADT and also use them for restoring uniformity to surfaces with
variation in transverse surface texture. Sandwich Seal

A sandwich seal uses similar construction procedures to those
involved in a normal chip seal operation. However, instead of the
asphalt emulsion being applied first, one course of large aggregate is
spread followed by rolling with a steel drum roller. The rolling is
followed by an emulsion application and then a second course of
smaller aggregate. W¡th the asphalt application in the middle, there
from comes the term "sandwich". Sandwich seals are particularly
useful for restoring surface texture on raveled pavements.

*l Sand Seal

This treatment is commonly used as a low cost seal to enrich dry,
weathered, and oxidized payment. The construction methods are
similar to a single chip seal, except sand or finer aggregate is used for

NCPP 2-9 MSU Geotextile-Reinforced Seal
Reinforcing a chip seal with geotextile products can enhance the
performance of a conventional chip seal over extremely oxidized or
cracked surfaces. The geotextile is carefully rolled over a tack coat,
followed by an application of a single chip seal. Stress Absorbing Membrane (SAM)

A stress absorbing membrane (SAM) seal is a modified seal consisting
of a layer of blended asphalt rubber with a performance graded binder
followed by a layer of aggregate. The application is followed by rolling
and sweeping. Binder applications are much higher than those used
for conventional chip seals. Stress Absorbing Membrane lnterlayer (SAMI)

A stress absorbing membrane inter-layer (SAMI) is a membrane seal
that is used to retard the rate of reflection cracking in new surface
courses. lt consists of an application of modified binder followed by a
layer of aggregate, spread and rolled. A surface treatment is then
placed over the membrane. lf necessary, traffic may be allowed to
operate on the SAMI prior to construction of the overlay.

2.4.5. Aggregate Selection

The selection of the specific aggregate essentially establishes the
thickness of the chip seal as this type of surface treatment is intended to
be literally one stone thick. Most agencies use a nominal size that ranges
between Te inch (9.5mm) and Tz inch (1 2.7mm). As the nominal aggregate
size increases, the surface texture becomes coarser with a resultant
increase in road noise and ride roughness. Additionally, the potential for
windshield damage due to dislodged pieces of aggregate increases as the
size of the aggregate increases. Agencies that experience the best
success with chip seals have identified the following desirable
characteristics of aggregate. These include:
o Particle size: 7a inch,
o Overall gradation: Single-sized,
o Particle shape: Cubical,
o Cleanliness: Less than one percent passing the No. 200 sieve,
. Toughness (resistance to abrasion): Abrasion below 30%.

The cost of transporting acceptable aggregates often limits the chip seal
designer's options. However, as the aggregate essentially protects the
binder that is forming the barrier to water intrusion, the designer should
use life cycle cost analysis rather than simple comparative pricing to
determine if a high quality aggregate is economically justified.

NCPP 2 -10 MSU


The voids in loose aggregate may be calculated using Equation 2:
--) Merric V=l-
W orEnetish V:1-l-Ll
Equation 2
l00o(G) " 162.4G )
) where:

) V = Voids øs ø Fractíon of the Aggregate Volume

Vl: Loose [Init úVeight of the Aggregøte (in ASTM C 29) (kg/mr or
G : Bulk SpeciJic Grøvíty of the Aggregate (usually determíned from
local informatíon or measured)

For projects in areas maintained by snowplows, the binder content is
) calculated using both the median particle size and the ALD. The average
of these two results is used as the starting application rate in these areas.
Calculation of the design aggregate application rate is based on
determining the amount of aggregate needed to create an even, single
) coat of chips on the pavement surface. The amount of cover aggregate
required can be determined using Equation 3:

Equation 3 MetrÍc C = (l- 0.4(V))(HXGX¿')


) or English C = 46.8(l - 0.4(V))(HXGX¿')

\) where:

C = Cover Aggregate Applícøtíon Rate (kg/m2 or lb/yÊ)

V: Voíds as a Frøction of the Loose Aggregate Volume

H:ALD (mm) - (See Equøtíon 1)

G = Bulk Specffic Grøvity

E : Wøstøge Føctor for Trøffic Wh¡p Off Q + fraction wasted)

Equation 1 is used to calculate H (average least dimension) and Equation

I 2 is used to calculate V (voids in loose aggregate). The bulk specific
gravity of coarse and fine aggregates, G, can be determined using the
ASTM C 127 and C 128 methods, respectively. The wastage factor (E) is
) to account for whip-off and handling and is normally estimated by the
designer based on experience with local conditions. While other design
methods are available, Equation 3 provides a good starting point covers
NCPP 2 -11 MSU
most situations. lt requires the user to consider the attributes of the
pavement surface being sealed and the conditions to which it will be
subjected, both of which are very important.

2.4.6. Binder Application Rate

The previously outlined design methodologies all determine a basic binder
application rate which typically depends on the average least dimension of
the aggregate and type of chip seal being used. lntuitively, larger sized
aggregates require additional binder to achieve the optimum embedment.
There are different schools of thought with regard to embedment. One
approach is to seek to achieve approximately 50% embedment after
rolling and thus leave room for traffic to "finish" the process by further
embedding the aggregate after the newly chip sealed road is opened.
This approach strives to avoid bleeding in the wheel paths by leaving
room for the additional embedment during the chip seal's service life. Ihe
maior disadvantaqe of this approach is that the aqqreqate outside the
wheel paths is prone to be bv traffic movemenfs across fhe
lane's width.

The other school of thought is to achieve an embedment of up to 70%

after rolling (embedding) across the entire road width. This approach will
adjust the binder application rate based on the measured or perceived
surface hardness and account for this in the design. This school is on
guard against aggregate loss and may leave the road in a condition where
it is prone to bleeding if the design calculations do not exactly match the
existing surface.

The design binder application rate is calculated after considering a

number of correction factions or allowances to the basic binder application
rate. Typical adjustments are based on traffic characteristics, surface
texture, aggregate absorption characteristics, and surface hardness.
Typically, binder application rates are reduced where large, or heavy
traffic volumes are expected to considerably reorient and embed the
aggregate after final rolling. The binder application rate may also be
adjusted depending on the existing pavement surface texture. lt is
necessary to increase the application rate on pocked, porous, or oxidized
surfaces because such textures will absorb more binder. ln contrast, it is
necessary to decrease the binder application rate on surfaces that are
exhibiting susceptibility to bleeding, or are not pocked, porous or oxidized.
Surface hardness, as measured by the ball penetration test or a
penetrometer, characterizes the likely depth of aggregate embedment into
the underlying pavement.

For chemically modified crumb rubber asphalt (CMC[A) the typical binder
application rates of 0.55 to 0.65 gallyd' (2.2 to 2.5 llm') are used. For
asphalt rubber seals, the binder application rate is significantly higher

NCPP 2 -12 MSU


compared with the base application level calculated for an unmodified
ì binder. The higher binder rates are possible due to the higher viscosity of
) these binders. Application of cover aggregate should be the same in a
,l SAM or SAMI to avoid damage to the membrane due to pick-up by the
construction equipment or when the membrane is opened to traffic.
I ln chip seal design, the residual binder application rate is the most
ì important factor affecting seal performance. Enough binder must be
present to hold the aggregate in place, but not so much that the binder
fills, or is forced by traffic action to cover the aggregate. The proper
amount of binder ensures that the desired surface texture is maintained.
) Chip seal design is not like hot mix asphalt design, in that film thickness is
not as applicable a concept. Binder application rates are determined
based on the average least dimension of the aggregate, as well as other
aggregate properties such as shape, density, absorption and gradation.
) The optimum binder content also depends on how much binder flows into
) existing voids in the pavement, and how much binder is already present at
or near the pavement surface.

Most design methods calculate the specific requirements for each job by
considering the required corrections in addition to the basic application
rate (Equation 4 shows the rate designed to result in 70 percent
embedment). One method for estimating the binder content is to use
Equation 4:

Equation 4 Metric n

\ .244)(ÐQ)V)+s+A
or English B - R

B = Binder Applicatíon Rate (/m2 or gaþÊ)
H : Average Leøst Dímension (ALD) (mm or ínches) - (See Figure 2)
T: Traffic Føctor - (See Tøble 1)
V = Voìds ín Loose Aggregøte (decímøl percent) - (See Equation 2)
S : Surfuce Condìtíon Føctor (/m2 or gøl/yÊ) - 6"" Table 2)

A : Aggregate Absorptíon Føctor (l/m2 or gaþû)

R : Resídual Asphalt Content of Bínder (Decímal percent)

NCPP 2 -13 MSU

Vehicles / Day 0-1 00 101-500 501-1 ,000 1,001- >2,000
Correction Factor 0.85 0.75 0.70 0.65 0.60
Table 1 Traffic Factors

ExrsrrNIc Prvnunnr Connrcrron (Vm2)

-0.04 to -0.27 (Depending on severity)

Black, flushed asphalt
Smooth, non-porous or smooth 0.00
Slightly porous and oxidized or matte
Slightly pocked, porous, and oxidized
Badly pocked, porous, and oxidized +0.40

Table 2 Correction f,'actors Associated with Existing Road Conditions

2.5. Ghip Seal Design Conclusions and Best Practices

First, the selection of the binder is a very important decision and should be
made after considering all the factors under which the chip seal is
expected to perform. After all, the primary purpose of a chip seal is to
prevent water intrusion into the underlying pavement structure; and the
asphalt layer formed by the binder is the mechanism that performs this

The previously explained design methods are all based on the assumption
that chip seal design requires the use of uniformly graded aggregate
spread one-stone thick in a uniform manner. The application rates of all
methods appear to be based on residual binder, and each method has a
procedure for dealing with adjustments due to factoring the loss of binder
to absorption by the undedying pavement surface and the aggregate
being used. Contemporary design practices need to determine binder
application rates based on surface characterization, absorption factors,
traffic conditions, climate considerations, aggregate selection, and type of
chip seal being constructed. Another important observation was that all
the design methods had an aggregate embedment objective of between
50 to 70 percent of the seal's depth.

Best Practices:
Best practices for chip seal design are difficult to isolate, as there seems
to be such a large variation in practices from agency to agency. However,
the following suggestions merit serious consideration:
1. Chip seals should be used only on roads with low underlying
surface distress that will benefit from this technology.

NCPP 2 -14 MSU

2. The international practice of characterizing the underlying road's
texture and surtace hardness and using that as a basis for
developing the subseque nt formal chip seal design should be
encouraged. The survey revealed that U.S. and Canadian
agencies recognize the need to consider the nature and condition
of the underlying surface into their designs. Most North American
responses indicate a routine use of qualitative characterization in
the design process. Thus, the next logical enhancement would be
to nco rporate nternational method s to q uantitatively cha racterize
i i

the underlying surface in the chip seal design process.

3. An enhancements worthy of consideration would be to try using the
"Racked-in Seal" as the corrective measure for bleeding instead of
the North American practice of spreading fine aggregate on the
bleeding surface.

NCPP 2 -15 MSU


Pote¡rtial Improvetnørt

I meosure mocro -texture and hordness
qllows suitoble binder types to be
) chosen ond aggregate grodations thot
cre compot ible with t he surfsce."
) Sourcel ef 2005

) !¡! r-!l¡:..11 ì:r.!iL



J Æ,,". Two Desip Philosophies
TJ W:;r:;:*
Empiricol (Art)
.- l\
I / Past exPerience
r' Purchoied os o bulk commodity
ì Engineerd (Science)
J t
Engineering o
Highly cusTomized
l gori thms

j !ütilnìr\ \l \l

. _,/

Chip Seal Design Methods

Nofth Americo (ranked by prevatence)

/ Empiricol / Past Experience

/ No Design Method
/ Own Method
/ McLeod (19ó0's) - Aspholt rnstiture
¡ Kearby (1953) - ÂÂodified Keorby
/ Honson (1934 / 1935) - obsolete
Seße,Ve¡rÊP Syø'D6is Jr¿,

Hanson Method (1934 / 1935)

r' Eorliest fonnol melhod
r' Developed for liguid ospholt (cufbock)
t Ba*d on Averoç Leost Umension (ALD)

Êmüls¡on Rês¡d&

Averãga Lêâst Ðlm6nôìon

Kearby Method (1953)

r' Binder rote bosed on overoge thickn¿ss.
aggregúe embedment ond voids
r' Recommended unifornrly groded oggnegotes
r' Embedment based on aggregate hardness
(increose fc hord, decraose fe soff)
/ Latge" oggregotes -less emb¿dment (high ADT)
r' ÂÂedium oggregotes -more ¿mb¿dment (low ADT)

@ :


l$, ^\,rcr,e-oqì)*:j*?*.(re6o's)
l r'
Officiølly odopted by Asphclf Insfifut¿ in 19ó9
Bosed porliolly on Honson (1953)
/ Aggregole rale bos¿d on gradafion, shope,
specific anovity, ¡vost¿ correction focfors
) { Binder rot¿ bosed on aggtega}e grodotion,
povem¿nl condítíon. troffic volume,
aspholt type (obsorption)

t6; Overseas Seal Design Methods

r' Kearby ond McLeod (1953)

r' UK TRL Road Note 39 (1996)
/ AustRosds (2001)
/ New ZealandP/L7 $o¿o¡ Ausrrotio)
/ South Africa TRH 3
(Hybrid of UK & Austrolic)

Soøßs C¡t¡Rl4¡vS 20{13

',&* uK rRL Road Nore 3e
- | øNpd
W { IRL R6øch t¡bor¿tor-v)

r' Bínders selecled bosed on viscosity

r' Polymer modified bindens encouroged
r' Binder grade bosed on troffic. s¿oson
r' Aggregole síze bosed on troffic, povemehl
hcrdness, desired fricfion
/ Binder rafe bosed on oggregafe, sunfoce
lex'¡u?e, ¿mbedment by fraffic
r' Aggnegote rote based on size, shope,
nelotive density
--"- tñ!üffi
:,: .,

6, AustRoads Design Method

Áustrolian Sproy S¿al

Penfo¡"monce -bosed method
Binder ond aggtegale rafes bosed on;
o T¡affic volum¿
o Rood geonctr.y
o Aggregrte ALÞ
o Aggregîl¿ ûbsorptio
o Prvament obsorptidr
o lextur: depth
Aggregale one loycr thick
-** @¡*

New ZealandPllT
ffi, {P/

Þe¡ígn Fcclon¡
l7 - P€rf(@Ée Bð€d SpæiJicffonr

/ Aggregaie:
o Angulority
o Size ALD
o Absorptbh
o Embednent
/ Troffic volum¿
/ Rood geomelry
/ Povemenl Absorption
r' Texture Dcplh

@,, ..
South African TRH3
(TRH = Tðhnical R@m'mdatio6 for Highq¡ys)

Deslg¡ Foclor¡
/ Vsed on roods up fo 5O,000 ADT
'/ P?lma?y inputsr Traffic, preferred t€xfune
deplh, sunfoce handness
r' Ádjustments mcde for cllmcte, grodienfs.
existing coorse texfure, hof appllcotions,
preterred aggregole matrix, polyner-
modified binders
/ llybrid of Road Note 39 ond AustRoods



\ -./
t Surface Properlies of Aspholt Povement
r' Nof Quanlitotively Determined in N. Americo
r' Oversæs, (75% quonrify)
.) r' Sond Potch Method (AsrMEe65)
ì r' Surface Hordness (expected embedmønf depih)
/ Non-uniform Textures moke selecf ion of
J proper binder opplicotion rote problemofic

,) !'i 1{i. fr { \l I


Sand Patch Method
ffi', ,,-,.

/ Also known os the "Sond Circle ÂÂefhod"

/ lÂethod for detenmining pävement mocro-texture
{ Spread known volume of sond or gloss beods
r' Calculate volume of moterial fhat fills surfcce
voids to d¿lermine surfoce texture
r' The grealer th€ textur"¿ depth, the greoter fhe
quontity of sand or gloss beods thot will be lost
in fhe surface voids

Traffic Conditions
r' Know locoltroffic conditions ond volqmes
,/ Heavy vehicles must be considered in
oddilion to totol volume
/ Calculote ADT ond use odjustment for
heovy vehicles
',/ Heavy troffic moy dislodge aggregote early
/ Tntersections - storting, stopping, lurning

Climate Considerations
r' Emulsions versus ospholt cements
r' Weather condilions
/ Ambient ond rood surfoce temperotures
r' Aggregale moisfure cohïent
/ Apply chip seols in the eorliest port of
lhe construction s¿oson os possiblel


bo l
Þs a¡¡ ::
ç 5$




aCalaCCC, aal aa-aa^ ^, I

th$¡e $t ûü {åppl¡ed dry}

Unltûru¡ly êrsd¡d



8.¡l t

Unlfornly ê¡rdsd I
ÁCengr¡ I

YT\ ¡

Smrlter Àg¡rcgrtø Âspittallon

:,, :. .-: 1wi5r-ffi

'.sþ;: " +"'-f\lì,r'rr¡4r4s


J.t _
e ?" s6
Èã ¡
.ã o
e ê
5< .! .! ð
ø d
c å


. a :îcarrfia--,/-/-an
Stress-Absorbing Membrane (SAM)

r' Sinole chio seol which utilizes o

íolvmel'-modif ied binder
(ofîen ospholt rubber)

Stress-Absorbing Membrane

& Interlayer (sôMI)


r' Single chip seol which utilizes a polymer-

modified binder (often ospholt rubber)
z AsRhort c1:::::1i:ï'T+
, ;. li
:¡¡i: ¡ :.

& r'
Aggregate Selection

Protect binder from weat frcm troffic

r' Estoblishes seol fhickness
/ ÍnÍluence-s surfoce texture
r' Impocts ride ond noise
/ Potentiol for windshield domoge
/ Cost issues - Lif e Cycle Anolysis
r' Compotibility


ll-) üqximum size: 3/8 inch
Single size agrygale

.) Cubicol or pyr.omidol ond ongnrlor

. 17o poss¡ng No. 2OO sieve

I o No Cloy lf posslble

) Abrosion < 3O7"

) -rilr,,lÈt


) r' Single Chip Seols
) o Yainch (10 mm)

) r' Double Chip Seols

Ìhê botton loyer should be twlce
) as blg cs the lop loy¿rl

ot inch (12.5 mm) (lsf App)

) of inch (ó.25 mm) (znd App)
) \t'11:l!t¡| 1':!1i,

-) lbesign for eoch AggregoÌe Loyer
.") o Combine binder reguirements for both
._) . Normolly reconmend method is to apply
4O % of binder iotol firsl ond large stone.
J . Sn€ep then opply remoining binder ond
smoller stone.
.) o Other methods
._) -ifurTffi
6.. Flat Chips

If he æal cæt is designd for chips in the


'^ii LOSS
, \-^/l
Thele is not enough blnder in the non-trafflc areas to
prevent trafüc and snow plows from d¡slod:inS the ch¡p&

'l'. ..Ñ

6,, Flat Chips

lf the seal coat is designed for chìps in the

non- taffic aræs:
There is too much bindêr ln the wheelpaths after the flat
chips laì,/ on thelr flattel slde,

t6_ Dense Graded Vs. Single Size!



f o 80

l-) =


) [
l¡¡ 20

) 0
0 .,q1 9.2 0.3 0.4 0.6 0.€



..) r' ùense Grodød $t î ç22. ton

. ^-?.q
18.5 lbs/yda needed = $O.21 Per Ydz
-,) / SingleSized
\) . 14.5 lbs/yd2 needed = $0.16 per ydz

J r' Can Pay $ó.3O o ton more for single sized

aggregate ot the some squore yord cosl os '
J dense graded crgg? egal e'.

,) uÌ{ltf;1r !¡,\'1

l eÌîict Y =,- r#,o, Êngllsh: øt
V = volds as fractlon of aggregate vol,
W = loose unit weight of aggregate
G = bulk spscif¡c gravity of aggregate

I Achieve on evEn, si le


/ ALD ond Seol Type

r' Traffíc
r' Surface Texture
/ AggregoleAbsorption
/ Surface Hordness


f ohd oxid¡zEd

-) g

I ond oxid¡zed

dnd ox¡diz¿d

Trallìc Volume

) The êoal:
r' A.hiev.7o+'h Aggrcgot. Einql Enb¿dñenl
) ì1!1 .1'i1.ri)



.) 1 5
o Emulsion 65% P,A dverage
o Cufbocks 85%P.A averoge
o Hot opplied AC IOO%
r' Fills existing povement voids
o Whot seols ond protects lhe HMA
r' Holds cggtegate in-ploce

81 1t1ú{\ 1l rl I

Existing Povement Correction gratryc¡

-0.09 lo -0.06
Block, flushød ophah (dEpsnd¡ng oh s¿veriTy)

Smoolh, non-porous or smooth 0.00

Slightly porous crd oxid¡z¿d or motle +0.03

Slightly pockd, porous, and oxidized +0.0ó

Bcdly pod<ed, porous, and oxidized +0.09

Bodly pocked, porous, ond oxìd¡zed

ond oxidiz¿d

ond ox¡dized


') &^r,,, Design Best Practices
-) ry:.j*:_
l ¿ Binder selection is criticol
r' Si¡gle siz. aggregale
'l ¿ Uniform aggregatedisfl"ibution
-) r' 7O*% fíncl enb¿dmenl of cAgregole
/ APPIY to roods with low surface distr¿ss
) / Characterize texiun¿ ond surfocc hardness
r' Rock¿d-in s¿ols for bleeding
) .i'J,l {!r1! ll}rr


ltj'-lltl!,i¡. il:t 1,,.





.\ 3.1. lntroduction
The two main chip seal materlals are blnder and aggregate
Chip seal material selection generally depends on climatic conditions,
aggregate quality and compatibility with binder, product availability, and an
agency's and contractor's experience with particular practices.
) Bituminous binders and cover aggregate make up the finished product.

The bituminous binder's functions are to seal the existing pavement from
the environment, provide interfacial bonds between the aggregate
particles, and provide the adhesive which bonds the aggregate to the
existing flexible pavement surface.

The main methods of avoiding potential storage problems are to ensure

that storage equipment is properly designed, in good working condition,
and correct procedures are established and followed. All binder tanks
should be designed in accordance with a recognized standard (e.9., API
650, the American Petroleum lnstitute's standard for welded steel oil
storage tanks). General design considerations include tank shape, tank
foundations, tank thickness, and tank access. Best management
practices require a secondary containment around all storage tanks.
Vertical tanks yield the highest asphalt to tank volume ratio of all tank
configurations. Vertical tanks with a cone shaped roof are preferred,
although temporary storage in horizontal tanks is acceptable. The
operational tank design considerations relate to:
. Minimizing the risk of overheating: The tank requires accurate
thermal sensors which should be placed near the heaters and also
uniformly distributed throughout the tank. The probes should be in
thermal wells and removable for cleaning and calibration. Heating
may be accomplished via heat transfer (oil or steam), electric coils,
or direct fired. As asphalt is a good insulator, the heating rate must
be controlled to prevent localized overheating, particularly when
direct-fired systems are used. The specific heat capacity of asphalt
may be estimated as 0.5 (kJ)/(Kg oK) and the heating rate should
be limited to 25"C (77"F) per hour.
. Minimizing oxidation and loss of volatiles: To minimize oxidation
and loss of volatiles, contact with air must be minimized which may
be accomplished by using pressure-tested, fully enclosed tanks.
To avoid air entrainment, all circulation lines should re-enter the
tank under the liquid level. When filling a tank, it should be filled
from the bottom and the asphalt should not be allowed to fallfreely
as this can result in entrapped air. Venting is an essential safety
precaution and cannot be eliminated to reduce oxidation.


I Maintaining asphalt homogeneity: To maintain asphalt
homogeneity and avoid temperature variation, the asphalt should
be mixed intermittently, either through circulation or using side
mixers under the liquid level. Vortex mixing entrains air and its use
should be avoided. When adding fresh asphalt to a tank,
circulation is necessary to maintain a uniform temperature and
combine the existing material with the fresh material.
I Minimizing heat loss: To conserve energy, all tanks should be
insulated with fiberglass or rock wool insulation which should be at
least 50 mm (2 in) thick and sheathed in aluminum or galvanized
steel at least 0.7mm (0.03 in) thick. Lines should also be insulated
and heat-traced with electric tape, steam, or oil.

3.2. Aggregate Selection

The aggregates in a chip seal serve several functions. Cover aggregate
should provide a good skid resistant surface while resisting polishing,
abrasion, and disintegration caused by weathering.

Aggregate selection is critical to determining which type of seal to use,

which type of binder to design for, and which type of construction
procedures to specify. Aggregate quality, which is important to the overall
success of the chip seal program, involves a number of constructability
requirements for the use of aggregates which are clean, durable, and
abrasion-resistant. The cover aggregate, which is expected to transfer the
load to the underlying surface, should provide adequate skid resistance
and should be durable against climatic effects and traffic wear.

In North America, aggregate selection is a function of geography where

availability and transportation distance essentially define the aggregate
selection process. Local availability often constrains the quality of the
aggregate, causing agencies to select lower quality local aggregates
based on cost and availability.

The use of lesser quality local aggregates based solely on initial cost,
conflicts with philosophies in New Zealand and Australia, where aggregate
is transported up to 500 miles to ensure the performance and longevity of their
treatments. They justify the added expense of using higher quality
aggregate with the benefits accrued in extended service life. The cost
implications of using the higher grade aggregate in conjunction with the
appropriate binder type should be carefully assessed, not on the myopic
basis of first cost, but using life cycle cost analysis.

Another aggregate issue is ionic compatibility with the selected binder to

ensure that good adhesion is developed between the rock and the binder
This is especially critical when using emulsions because they routinely
come in either anionic or cationic grades.


The aggregate's role is to form the matrix of strength in a mix and as such,
their properties are critical to the success of a mix. Local sources are
generally used but some other materials such as expanded clay (light
weight aggregate) or slag may be used if they meet the required

Aggregate physical properties include:

o Gradation or particle size distribution,
. Cleanliness or presence of deleterious materials,
. Hardness or abrasion resistance,
o Durability or soundness,
o Particle shape and surface texture, and
o Absorption characteristics.

Aggregates must be handled and stored in a manner that avoids

contamination and minimizes degradation. Specific guidelines are as
o Stockpile areas should be clean and stable to avoid contamination
from the surrounding area,
. Stockpiles should be on free-draining grades to avoid moisture
o Stockpiles of different aggregate sizes should be separated to
prevent inter-mingling,
. Segregation or separation of a blended aggregate is the primary
concern. Segregation occurs mostly with coarse aggregates but
even slurry-combined aggregate may segregate in the stockpile or
on handling if it gets too dry. Segregation may be avoided or
minimized by not stockpiling in a conical shape. Acceptable
stockpile shapes are either horizontal or radial. Making each end
dump load a separate pile, each adjacent to the next, makes
horizontal stockpiles. Radial stockpiles are made with a radial
stacker, and
. Degradation of the aggregate by creating fines can be avoided by
handling the stockpile as little as possible. ln chip seal applications,
re-screening may be useful in minimizing degradation.

For chip seals, the best performance is obtained when the aggregate has
the following characteristics:
. Single-sized particles, if possible,
o Clean,
o Free of clay,
. Cubical (limited flat particles),
o Crushed faces,
. Compatible with the selected binder type,
o Surface damp for emulsion use, but dry for use with hot binders.


3.2.1. Gradation and Size
Grading, the proportioning of particle sizes, is important as it
determines the mixture's characteristics with respect to its physical
properties. For example, in hot mix asphalt (HMA), this includes
fatigue resistance and load bearing. ln open graded asphalt
concrete mixtures, it will determine porosity, while in chip seals it
will determine seal durability.

Aggregate size, typically referred to as nominal top size, is the

smallest sieve to which one hundred percent of the aggregate
passes. The average of the smallest dimension of the aggregate is
referred to as the Average Least Dimension (ALD).

The nominal size of aggregate is selected based on traffic, surface

condition and type of chip seal. Larger aggregate particle sizes are
generally more durable and less sensitive to variations in binder
application rate. Additionally, as the binder material is meant to
seal the surface, a larger sized aggregate will result in a thicker
asphalt layer enhancing the quality of the seal. However, if not
properly embedded and swept, larger aggregate can cause more
damage to vehicles, immediately after application. lts coarser
texture also results in a chip seal which produces more noise when
traversed by vehicles.
The most common size for a single course chip seal is usually a
(1Omm) chip. ln addition, survey respondents commonly indicated
that double course seals usually have a y2"(12.5 mm) initial
aggregate application, followed by a second aggregate application
of approximately half that nominal size.

Single-sized aggregate with less than two percent passing the No.
200 sieve is considered ideal. The amount of fines in the gradation
affects the binder's ability to adhere to the aggregate. As the
amount of fines increases every time the material is handled,
Minnesota requires a tighter specification of less than one percent
passing the No. 200 sieve to allow for degradation during material
movement and installation.

3.2.2. Aggregate Shape

The shape of cover aggregate is crucial to the successful
performance of a chip seal. Aggregate shape is typically
characterized by angularity. As the orientation of the embedded
chip is important, cubical aggregate shapes are preferred because
traffic does not have a significant effect on the final orientation of
aggregate. Cubical aggregates also tend to lock together and


provide better long-term retention and stability. The quantity of flat
particles in the aggregate can be determined by the Flakiness
lndex test. A low Flakiness lndex indicates that all the particles are
near to having a cubical shape. Under traffic, elongated and flat
particles will lie on their flattest side and become covered within the
binder. As a result, flatter aggregate is more susceptible to
bleeding in the wheel paths. Since the orientation of cubical
) aggregate is not as susceptible to displacement by traffic, the
opportunity for bleeding is reduced.

The angularity of the aggregate, a characteristic that can be

) measured by testing for percent fracture, determines a chip seal's
propensity to damage by stopping or turning traffic. Australian
practice requires that75% of the aggregate particles have at least
two fractured faces. Rounded aggregates, as indicated by low
percent fracture, are susceptible to displacement by traffic because
they provide the least interfacial area between the aggregate and
binder. The roundness of the aggregate will determine how
resistant the chip seal will be to turning and stopping movements.

3.2.3. Aggregate Gleanliness

Dirty aggregates may cause adhesion problems in chip seals.
Dust on the surface of the aggregate particles is one of the major
causes of aggregate retention problems. Dust is defined as the
percentage of fine material that passes the No. 200 sieve. To
improve the quality of the material, the percentage of fines passing
the No. 200 sieve should be specified as a maximum of one
percent at the time of manufacture. Dusty and dirty aggregate
ultimately lead to problems with aggregate retention because
) asphalt binders have difficulty bonding to dirty or dusty aggregate,
causing the aggregate to be dislodged upon opening to traffic.

The aggregate should be sprayed with water a couple of days prior

_.1 to the start of the project. Washing chip seal aggregate with clean,
potable water prior to application may assist in removing fine
particles that will prevent adhesion with the binder and surface
damp chips will assist the binder in wetting the rock, thus increasing
adhesion. ln addition to washing with water, petroleum materials
are sometimes used to clean the aggregate prior to application.
Petroleum based materials such as dieselfuel, are commonly used
to wash aggregate in Australia and New Zealand, but this practice
is not likely to be found in North America due to environmental


3.2.4. Aggregate Toughness and Soundness
Since aggregates transmit the wheel loads to the sub-grade, they
must resist crushing and wear to maintain this function. They must
also resist crushing and degradation during stockpiling. A polished
or worn aggregate will reduce skid resistance.

Resistance to abrasion, degradation, and polishing will ensure that

the selected aggregate remains functional for the expected life
span of the chip seal. lt is desirable to use aggregates with
resistance to polishing, as indicated through tests such as the
British Wheel (AASHTO T279, ASTM D3319). The results of this
test indicate the Polished Stone Value (PSV) of the aggregate, and
Australian practice recommends a PSV in the range of 44 to 48.
Resistance to degradation and abrasion are also important
characteristics of suitable aggregates. The survey results indicated
that this testing procedure is quite common and usually measured
by the Los Angeles Abrasion Test (AASHTO T96, ASTM C131).
Resistance to weathering and freeze-thaw degradation is generally
measured by either magnesium sulphate loss or sodium sulphate
loss (AASHTO T104, ASTM C8B).

Aggregates must also be resistant to break down due to the cyclic

action of wetting and drying and freeze-thaw cycles.

3.2.5. Aggregate Type

Major aggregate types include:
. lgneous rocks: Volcanic rocks formed from molten rock.
Examples are granite and basalt.
o Sedimentary rocks: Rocks formed by the deposition of layers of
material that are subsequently compressed. Examples include
limestone, sandstone, and chert.
. Gravel: Formed from the breakdown of any natural rock. Usually
found in rivers or waten¡vays. An example is river gravel.
o Sands: Formed from the deterioration of any natural rock.
Sands often contain clay or silt and should be washed.
o Slag: A by-product of metallurgical processing. Slag, which may
be derived from tin, steel, or copper processing, is generally
hard but absorbent.

The literature and surveys revealed that aggregate selection is

usually based on the availability and cost of aggregates within close
proximity to the project. lgneous, metamorphic, sedimentary, and
manufactured aggregates have all been successfully used for chip
sealing. Table 3 illustrates the varieties of aggregate used for chip



seal projects both domestically and abroad. Limestone, granite,

and natural gravels are most widely used in North America.

) Australia,
ì North New Zealand,
America United Kingdom,
South Africa
) Limestone 37o/o 13o/o

) Quartzite 13Yo 38o/o

Granite 35Yo 38%
Trap Rock 13o/o 25%
Sand Stone 10% 25%
Natural Gravels 58o/o 25%
) Greywacke, Basalt 4% B8o/o

) Table I Natural Aggregate Used for Chip Seals


A more recent study showed that lightweight synthetic aggregate

furnished a superior ability to retain its skid resistance. Such a
phenomenon was highlighted by Australian and U.K. responses
that stressed the use of calcíned bauxite, a synthetic aggregate, in
) high stress areas where chip polishing is an issue. Lightweight
aggregates carry the additional benefit of a significant reduction in
windshield breakage claims as their specific gravity is about 25% of
that of natural stone aggregate. However, lightweight aggregates
are generally more expensive than natural aggregate and may
have high water absorption.'
Aggregate chemical properties identify the changes an aggregate
) may go through due to chemical action. Some aggregates contain
substances that are soluble in water or are subject to oxidation,
hydration or carbonation. However, the main chemical property
that affects asphalt applications is the aggregate's affinity for
asphalt. Asphalt must wet the surface of the aggregate and adhere
to it. Failure to do so may produce the phenomena of stripping and
disintegration failure of the hot mix or loss of stone in other
treatment types such as slurry or chip seals. No reliable indicators
exist for determination of stripping potential based on chemistry of
the aggregate alone and most tests are based on testing the
mixture (AASHTO T283).

The survey revealed that2gYo of U.S. agencies used lightweight aggregate compared with43o/o of
agencies in Australia, New Zealand, United Kingdom, and South Af¡ica. Canadian responses were
excluded because none ofthe Canadian provinces responded that they regularly used synthetic aggregates.


3.2.6. Texture
Aggregate particles for use in. most treatments should be cubical
rather than flat or elongated. This creates more interlock and
internal friction in generating higher deformation resistance. ln chip
seals, it creates greater seal texture depth and skid resistance.
The surface texture and the shape are determinants of workability
in mixes and may affect compaction. A rough fractured particle has
a higher surface area and forms tougher adhesive bonds.

3.2.7. Absorption
Aggregates may absorb asphalt, reducing the effective volumetric
percentage of the binder mixtures or the effective application rate in
chip seals. These changes can result in raveling of the applied chip

3.2.8. Pre-Goated Aggregates

The use of pre-coated aggregate improves aggregate binding
properties, reduces dust in the aggregate and results in better
contrast between the pavement and its markings. Pre-coating
generally involves applying either a film of paving grade asphalt or
a specially formulated pre-coating bitumen to the aggregate. Pre-
coated aggregates considerably shorten the required curing time by
minimizing the problems associated with aggregate dust and
moisture. Dust reduction enhances the bonding between the
aggregate and binder and lowers the probability of vehicle damage
due to loose chips.

ln a 1991 study, pre-coating the aggregate chips with asphalt prior

to placement was shown to decrease the initial amount of chip loss
ln that same study, chips that were 90 percent pre-coated were
found to have up to an 80 percent lower initial loss than uncoated
aggregates. The amount of pre-coating asphalt is typically 0.8-2.4
gallons / cubic yard (4-12 L I m3). The application rate depends on
the size and absorptive properties of the aggregate, the amount of
moisture and dust present, and the type of pre-coating material.
When using emulsion binders, the aggregate is usually not pre-
coated because the pre-coating would inhibit the breaking of the
emulsion. The rough surface of the aggregate provides the
interface necessary for the emulsion to cure.

The survey also indicated that most U.S. and Canadian agencies
do not pre-coat chip seal aggregates, although two agencies
routinely pre-coat with asphalt cement binders and four DOT's that
pre-coat with asphalt emulsions. All respondents from Australia,


New Zealand, and South Africa indicated the use of pre-coated
aggregate with asphalt cement binders.

) 3.3. Binder Selection

The binder type varies according to the type of chip seal being used. The
principal types of binder are:
o Standard Paving Asphalt: Aged Residue (AR) grade,
. Asphalt Emulsion: Polymer-modified emulsions (PME)
) . Polymer Modified Asphalts: Performance-based asphalts (PBA
. Chemically Modified Crumb Rubber Asphalt (CMCRA) and
Modified Binder (MB) grades: Binders modified with high levels
) of crumbed tire rubber and a high natural rubber content material.
These binders are sprayed hot and require hot chips pre-coated
with asphalt. Hot applied binders can be placed at cooler
temperatures than emulsion binders and can be placed at night,
) and
) . Rejuvenating Emulsion: Emulsions modified with rejuvenating oils
(and sometimes polymers) that are used to penetrate and soften
existing asphalt pavements.

) Table 4 lists common binder types and their suitable applications.

Binder Type Single Multiple Sandwich SAM / SAMI

Asphalt Emulsions Yes Yes Yes No
Yes Yes Yes No
Asphalt Rubber Yes Yes Yes Yes
Yes Yes Yes Yes
,) Emulsions
, Table 2 Binder Types and Suitable Applications
The Asphalt lnstitute's Aspha ft Surtace Treatments-Construction
Techniques (ES-12) outlines the following requirements for chip seal
o The binder should not bleed when applied at the appropriate rate,

. Upon application, the binder needs to be fluid enough to uniformly

cover the surface, yet viscous enough to not puddle or run off the
pavement, and
. The binder should develop adhesion quickly to the aggregate and
to the roadway surface.


There are two main binder types used for chip seal operations, asphalt
cements and emulsified asphalts. Binder type varies according to the type
of chip seal being used. Binder types include:
o Performance-Grade Binders: Hot applied modified binders that can
be placed at cooler temperatures than emulsion binders and can be
placed at night, and
o Chemically Modified Grumb Rubber Asphalt:

Climate and weather play an extremely important role in chip seal binder
selection in addition to surface temperature, aggregate, and climate of
region during construction operations. One of the most important
environmental factors that should be considered when using any
bituminous binder is the ambient air and pavement temperature. lt is an
accepted fact that ambient temperatures at the time of construction closely
affect the quality of chip seal. In hot weather, bleeding can be prevented
with binder selection directed towards the use of "harder", hot applied
asphalts and emulsions. During construction at low ambient air
temperatures, or with high humidity, or damp aggregate and pavement
surfaces, emulsions are generally believed to be more successful than hot

Binders need to provide good adhesion andior stickiness to adhere the

pavement surface and aggregate. Polymer modified emulsion binders
usually contain latex additives, although other elastomeric polymers are
often used. Polymers improve stone retention during the early life of the
treatment and increase the softening point of the binder after it has cured
(i.e., the temperature at which the binder changes phase from being
primarily solid to being primarily fluid).

More rapid break times come from highly charged aggregates and lower
concentrations of emulsifier. Slow break times come from neutral charged
aggregate and higher concentrations of certain emulsifiers.

Anionic versus Gationic Emulsions:

. Anionic emulsions (slow set) are more compatible with soils and easier
to dilute with water. Normally chosen for soil stabilization and fog
seals, anionic emulsions break by flocculation and coalescence. ln
this process, as water evaporates from the emulsion and the asphalt
particles come into close contact, they stick together (flocculate), as
illustrated in Figure L These particles then "floc" or coalesce into
larger particles. This process continues until the particles begin to
form films. No specific reaction occurs with siliceous aggregates, but
with calcareous aggregates a reaction does occur. Thus, anionic
emulsions are suitable for use with calcareous aggregates such as





¿t Ð


a) Particles begin to stick together b) Particles coalesce to form larger
(Flocculation) particles

() Figure I Particle Coalescence Process

Figure illustrates material compatibility in general terms along
with the associated breaking process.

ñilatêrial Catlonlc êmulElon Anlonlc emuls¡on

Elertrôoositive mäterials NêulfËrlrzrng reâGlron åtlråclíoR
(caicium. basalt)

tonï¡ng of insoluble

fûrfi¡ng 0t insoluble
Ì gm'r1e cårtrÖnâte ca,c¡um ËùÊf)

Ëlêtlrone0åtive materiäls attÉdiqû

{$ilèx, qirarlz, granite)
rìo neulral¡zing
BRËAKING rèåclion
forminü 0f insÖluble
ami"ne silicåte

nû sllråction

l tr'igure 2 Materiat Compatibility and Reactivity of Emulsions

.*rl o Cationic emulsions may be formulated for all application types and
aggregates as illustrated in Figure 10. These emulsions are most
useful for rapid setting chip seals because, when a cationic emulsion
reacts with compatible aggregates, it creates a stronger adhesive
bond. For the same reason, cation¡c emulsions are also less
susceptible to cooler conditions and dampness than anionic emulsions.


ül Jr¡
(Þ.' (Þ"

. .*t

L svÞ
b -B @r"*
e" q-
, r

tr'igure 3 Cationic Emulsion Physio-Chemical Reaction with Aggregate

The curing process (illustrated in Figure 11) is the same for both types of
emulsion (anionic and cationic), except the reaction mechanism for
cationic emulsion pushes water away from the aggregate surface. Thus,
cationic emulsions tend to cure faster.

Breaking Process
Emulsion Step I Step 2 Step 3
Evaporation Evaporation Fully Gured

M + Þ
111111111 111111111
o% - oo

a"¿a¿l on o
Curing Process

Figure 4 Emulsion Break and Cure Stages

Commonly used emulsion types:

o Anionic,
o Cationic,
. Polymer-modified (anionic or cationic),
Cutbacks. A cutback is a solution of asphalt in a hydrocarbon solvent
(e.9., kerosene, diesel, or naphtha). Solvents are used to reduce the
asphalt's viscosity so that the cutback can be pumped and sprayed at
lower temperatures [40 to 145oC (104 to 293'F)] than that required for



conventional asphalt. Selection of the solvent, which performs no other

function in road applications, depends on the grade of the cutback, which
in turn, is based on the expected setting rate.
Asphalt Emulsions. Asphalt emulsions are a convenient way of handling
asphalt. Water is the carrier of the asphalt and the system is chemically
stabilized, emulsions may be subject to settlement or breaking
prematurely. For this reason storage and handling are important issues.
Over time emulsions will become coarser and undergo property changes,
so to avoid these problems, timely use is often required. Some simple
rules for storing and handling asphalt emulsions are discussed below.
(See section 4.3.4)

Performance-based asphalts properties are modified to accommodate

special conditions such as hot summers and cold winters. This means
that they may contain a range of materials to enhance certain
characteristics. Chemically modified crumb rubber asphalt (CMCRA)
binders contain high levels of crumbed tire rubber and high natural rubber
materials, which increases the softening point of the binder, improves
stone retention, and produces good resistance to reflection cracking. ln
general, the base binder largely determines the low temperature
I properties and therefore, softer bases should be used in lower
temperature areas. Selection of a particular binder type should also take
into consideration climatic conditions, traffic levels, and types of loads
associated with the project (e.9., consideration of snow plow use, AADT,
and percent trucks).

3.3.1. Asphalt Cement Binders

Standard paving asphalt, which is derived from refining crude oil,
J can be manufactured by various processes such as:
. Steam distillation,
o Straightrun/blending,
o Solvent refining,
o Air blowing.

Some agencies use hot-applied asphalt cement as the binder for

chip seals. Soft asphalt cement grades are recommended for use
in chip seal applications. Adhesion agents may be added to these
asphalt cements to enhance chip retention. Asphalt cements are
advantageous because the roadway can be opened for traffic early
after a chip seal application and brooming. However, its
disadvantages include high application temperatures, sensitivity to
moisture in rock particles, and a requirement for more rolling
energy. High working temperatures can also create safety
concerns. Harder (stiffer) asphalt cements hold cover stone more
tightly, but initial retention is more difficult to obtain.


Asphalt is also measured for its susceptibility to penetration. The
penetration test involves insertion of a standard needle into an
asphalt sample under a standard weight applied for a standard time
and at a specified temperature.

Asphalt aging is associated with oxidation and hardening which

results in a loss of volatile materials. Asphalt's susceptibility to
aging can be measured using the AASHTO test T-49.

Asphalt purity is a measure of the asphalt's solubility in a solvent

such as trichloroethylene. Safety tests are based on the
flammability or flash point of the fumes emitted by asphalt when

Asphalt binders are often modified by the addition of recycled

rubber in the form of large particles. The asphalt rubber binder
improves fatigue life, resistance to rutting, and provides stone
retention and crack alleviation in chip seals when compared with
other binders.

Storage and handling affects safety and quality. When handled

properly, asphalts may be reheated or maintained at elevated
temperatures without adverse effects. lf asphalt is thermally
abused in storage, handling or application, it may harden and
compromise service properties.

3.3.2. Emulsion Binders

Emulsified asphalts have three primary constituents: asphalt
cement, an emulsifying agent, and water. The asphalt cement is
suspended in the water with the help of an emulsifier agent.

Emulsions lie between solutions and suspensions. An asphalt

emulsion is asphalt particles dispersed in water. lt is not a solution
because the oil and water are susceptible to separation. The oil is
stabilized with an emulsifier to keep it dispersed.

Upon application of the binder to the pavement surface, the water

evaporates, leaving behind the residual asphalt which bonds with
the pavement and aggregate. One of the major concerns with
using emulsions is the spreading time of the aggregate after the
emulsion is applied. The phenomenon that occurs when the water
evaporates is called "breaking" which is indicated when the binder's
color changes from brown to black. The aggregate chips must be
applied and rolled before the emulsion has "broken". This
emulsion-specific issue means that excessive delay in the



application of the aggregate could jeopardize the ability of the
rollers to properly embed the aggregate.

Emulsions can be either anionic or cationic depending on the

chemistry created by the emulsifying agent. Generally, cationic
emulsions outperform anionic emulsions on a chip seal project
because they are less sensitive to weather, have inherent anti-

ì stripping qualities, and are electrostatically compatible with more

ì types of aggregate. Cationic emulsions have a positive charge and
since opposite charges attract, they are drawn toward most
aggregate particles. Thus, a direct and very rapid bonding between
the emulsion and an aggregate or pavement is possible. ln
addition, emulsions are not as sensitive as asphalt cements to the
moisture in aggregate and in the atmosphere. Moreover, since the
presence of water reduces the viscosity of the binder, emulsions
require much lower application temperatures than asphalt cements.
Asphalt emulsions are graded based on setting speed and the
relative viscosity of the emulsion.

"Breaking" (curing) is used to describe the process by which the

asphalt expels the water and dries to an integral film / layer on the

3.3.3. Safety Hazards

Safety hazards can arise from:
o High Temperatures: Since asphalt must be stored at high
temperatures, safety issues involving burns, along with the
material's contact with water, which causes rapid expansion
resulting in foaming and explosive boil over, must be addressed.
ì Burns may be avoided by always using the correct safety
apparel. Additionally, all lines and surfaces should be
thoroughly insulated. Due to the potentially hazardous side
effects of water contacting high temperature asphalt, steps need
I to be taken to avoid this interaction. As water is slightly lighter
than asphalt, it will rise in tanks. However, during transport cold
water may migrate to the bottom of a tank. Water entrapment in
tanks can be avoided by using watertight, cone-topped tanks,
ensuring that tanks are watertight, and hatches are sealed.
Water-finding gel should be used to check tanks before filling. lf
water is present, the asphalt should be heated through the
range from 92 to '125'C (198 to 257"F) at a rate of 10 to15"C
(50 to 60'F) per hour. Silicone anti-foaming agent at a
concentration of 0.1 o/o can also be added. Pipes and any
additives that are to be blended with the asphalt need to be
checked for water.

NCPP 3-1 5 MSU

a Flammable or explosive atmospheres: Asphalts normally
have flash points exceeding 250'C (482"F). However,
flammable atmospheres may form if contamination by light
products (e.9., products created from cleaning or flushing lines)
is disturbed. lgnition sources may include sparks, or static
electricity. With this in mind, proper electrical grounding is
important along with the use of shielded electric motors.
o Presence of toxic materials: Fumes can be generated when
asphalt is heated. These fumes contain particulate asphalt,
hydrocarbon vapor, and sulfide gases. The latter are highly
toxic and tend to build up in headspace. Proper venting is
required to dispose of these fumes.

3.3.4. Recommended Storage and Handling Temperatures and Times

Asphalt and modified asphalt are stored and handled in similar
ways. An exception is CMCRA, which must be used shortly after
manufacture. Allowable storage times are product-specific and
take into account the rate of property change which occurs during
storage. For example, an AR grade of conventional asphalt can be
stored for several months, a PBA modified grade can be stored for
several days, and asphalt rubber stored for only several hours.

Handling of emulsions is not difficult. By following the rules below

potential problems can be avoided:

a Pumping: Pumps are a way of doing work on an emulsion by

compressing or shearing the material they pump, resulting in a
compressed emulsion. lf compression is too severe or occurs
too often, the emulsion will become coarser by the mechanism
of flocculation and coalescence and may revert back to
separate phases of water and asphalt. Pumps should be
selected carefully. Diaphragm pumps are gentle, but require
high maintenance and should only be used if essential.
Centrifugal pumps are acceptable as long as the peripheral
speed does not exceed 300 rpm. Positive displacement pumps
may be used, but usually two to three thousandths of an inch
must be shimmed from the gears to provide adequate
clearance. (Old and worn pumps may be able to provide
adequate clearance.) Always get expert advice on the
appropriate pump to use.

a Temperature: When asphalt materials get cold, they shrink. ln

an emulsion, this means that the asphalt droplets get closer
together. This has a number of important consequences. The
material can flocculate and may coalesce which could cause the
emulsion to settle out more quickly than desirable. lf the

NCPP 3-1 6 MSU

'ì material is pumped when cold, the droplets are more
compressed due to temperature related shrinkage. As a result,
a pump that was not too tight in January may be far too tight in
) July. lf the emulsion actually freezes, the droplets become
frozen in contact and the emulsion will revert to bitumen upon
thawing. For most emulsions, this happens if the emulsion gets
to below 4'C (40'F). When materials get hot they expand.
However, when water gets hot, its evaporation rate increases
enormously. lf the water evaporates, the droplets get closer
together and can result in an emulsion reverting back to water
and asphalt by the action of flocculation and coalescence. lf
any part of the emulsion gets hotter than 95"C (203'F) localized
boiling may occur. lf this happens, the droplets fuse back into
asphalt. The risk of fusing necessitates the following
o Emulsions should only be heated gently and according to
\ o Use agitation while heating,
o Warm pumps before use,
o On bulk tanks in cold areas, use electrical heating if
o Do not use fire or a blowtorch to apply direct heat to

Emulsions are generally stable enough to transport. However, a

common problem arises when air enters the emulsion. Air can
cause the emulsion to break in the bubbles of air; cationic rapid
set (CRS) emulsions are particularly prone to break in this way.
These larger particles can "seed" the emulsion causing
\ settlement. Problems also arise when transport tanks are not
clean. Mixing cationic and anionic emulsions can lead to
breaking of the emulsion.

) The points made for storing asphalt relate equally to the storage
' of an emulsion. When an emulsion is stored, it has a finite
lifetime which is determined by its formulation, handling and

As asphalt is normally slightly heavier than water, its particles

will gravitate to the bottom of the storage container, a
phenomenon known as settling. lf the particles pack in this way
they can stick together (flocculate and coalesce) leading to the
eventual reversion of the emulsion to bitumen. Settlement may
be controlled to some extent by formulation. lf the initial
emulsion particles are fine enough, they will settle more slowly,
allowing for longer storage life. lnter-particle electrical attraction


can also cause flocculation and coalescence to occur. lf an
emulsion is electrically unstable, it will flocculate and coalesce
and while this process may not take the emulsion entirely back
to bitumen, the large particles formed will settle faster.

It is important to prevent settling by mixing an emulsion before

flocculation or coalescence can start to occur. Once an
emulsion has coarsened, re-mixing will not be able to separate
the larger particles. lf too much coarsening of the emulsion has
occurred, pumping may cause it to break. Problems can be
largely prevented by starting with a very fine emulsion and
keeping it properly maintained.

While verticaltanks are preferred for plant storage, mobile

storage is achieved with road tankers which increase the
surface area of the emulsion exposed to air and can promote
skinning. However, if properly handled, this will not become an
issue for fieldwork. Specific guides for tankage include:
o The contents of bulk tanks should be slowly circulated at
regular intervals,
o The frequency of circulation will depend on the weather
and how long the emulsion has been in storage,
o Most emulsions only require circulation once a week in
summer and once every five days during the winter,
o Circulation should be performed in the middle of the day,
rather than first thing in the morning when temperatures
are likely to be colder,
o Circulation times are based on the tank size. A 5000 Lt
(1320 gal) tank should be circulated for 15 minutes while
a 10,000 Lt (2640 gal) tank requires 20 minutes,
o Pumps must be flushed after use, but never into the
emulsion tank,
o Lines and pumps should be able to be warmed before
use, and
o Lines should not be left partially full of emulsion.

Table 5 shows the storage and application temperatures for

commonly used emulsions.

NCPP 3-1 8 MSU


Mixing Spraying Storage

Product Temperature Temperature Temperature
ì oc oc oc
RS-1 N/A 20-60 20-60
) RS-2 N/A 20-60 50-85
MS.1 10-70 20-70 20-60
MS-2 10-70 NiA 50-85
) MS-2h 10-70 N/A 50-85
I ss-1 10-70 10-60 10-60
ss-1h 10-70 10-60 10-60
cRs-1 N/A 20-60 10-60
CRS-2 NiA 50-85 50-85
CMS-2s 10-70 N/A 50-85
CMS.2 10-70 N/A 50-85
cMs-2h 10-70 NiA 50-85
css-1 10-70 20-60 10-60
css-1h 10-70 20-60 10-60
PMRS-2 N/A 50-85 50-85
PMRS-2h N/A 50-85 50-85
PMCRS.2 N/A 50-85 50-85
PMCRS.2h N/A 50-85 50-85
QS-1 10-40 N/A 10-60
QS.1h 10-40 NiA 10-60
CQS.1 10-40 N/A 10-60
cQS-1h 10-40 N/A 10-60
LMCQS.I h 10-40 N/A 10-60
MSE 10-40 NiA 10-60

Table 3 Mixing, Spraying, Storage Temperatures of Emulsions

For emulsions, cleanliness is very important. A sloppy

) operation will produce problems. When an emulsion comes in
contact with air, it can begin to break. When a cationic emulsion
comes into contact with metal, it can begin to break. Thus, if a
pump or spray bar nozzles are not properly cleaned after use, it
will clog. lf lines are left partially full of emulsion, they may clog.
The higher the performance of the emulsion, the more critical is
cleaning. Before any emulsion equipment is stored, it should be
thoroughly cleaned. Specific guidelines include:
o Flush equipment including hoses thoroughly with
o Flush equipment and hoses with kerosene, NOT diesel
fuel, distillate or other solvents. While these materials
may dissolve asphalt, they are also incompatible with the
emulsion and may cause the emulsion to break rather


than be flushed away. NEVER FLUSH INTO THE
EMULSION TANK, and finish with a second flush using
o lf a pump or line is already clogged with bitumen, apply
gentle heat only at the blockage. Do not apply heat to
the lines, as this will break the emulsion. Soak pumps
with kerosene for an hour or more.

Rust, dirt, grass, or other foreign material should be kept out of

the emulsion. This is especially important when working with
cationic emulsions as they can break by reacting with foreign

The main transport requirements are to ensure that correct

pumping is used and that pumps are warmed in cool climates.
Clean tanks should be used or a switch-load process should be
followed. With switch loading, materials are transported in tanks
that last carried a compatible material and therefore, tanks need
not be cleaned between materials. Table 6 provides acceptable
switch loading combinations. Always pump into clean tanks and
always transport full containers.

Product to be Loaded
Last Product
Asphalt Cutback Gationic Anionic
in Tank.
Cement Asphalt Emulsion Emulsion
Empty to No Empty to No
OK to Load OK to Load Measurable Measurable
Quantitv Quantitv
Empty to No Empty to No Empty to No
Measurable OK to Load Measurable Measurable
Quantity Quantity Quantitv
Empty to No Empty to No Empty to No
Measurable Measurable OK to Load Measurable
Quantitv Quantitv Quantitv
Empty to No Empty to No Empty to No
Measurable Measurable Measurable OK to Load
Quantitv Quantitv Quantity
Empty to No Empty to No Empty to No Empty to No
Petroleum and
Measurable Measurable Measurable Measurable
Residual Fuel
Quantity Quantity Quantity Quantity
Any Products
Tank Must Be Tank Must Be Tank Must Tank Must Be
Not Listed
Cleaned Cleaned Be Cleaned Cleaned
Table 4 Acceptable Switch Load Combinations



Emulsions are chemical systems and to avoid contamination,

they should never be mixed with other types of emulsions or
with other chemicals.

3.3.5. High Float Emulsions
High float emulsions are those emulsions that pass the float test
(AASHTO T-50, ASTM D-139). High float emulsions allow for a
thicker residual asphalt film on the aggregate and this prevents run
I off of the asphalt from the surface of the road. The wetting agents
used in this type of binder penetrate the dust coating and provide a
good bond with the aggregate particles. Agencies that use high
float emulsions do so because local aggregates are excessively
dirty or dusty, and the cost to wash them to meet a specification of
less than one percent passing the No.200 sieve would be too
expensive. This type of binder can be used with aggregates having
as much as five percent fine material passing the No.200 sieve.

3.3.6. Modified Emulsions

The survey results show that modified emulsions are used by most
agencies, with the only limit to their use being the additional cost.
The most common type of modification is through the utilization of
polymers. Research has shown that polymer modification reduces
temperature susceptibility, provides increased adhesion to the
existing surface, increases aggregate retention and flexibility, and
allows the roadway to be opened to traffic earlier. Polymers are
considered to be beneficial in minimizing bleeding, aiding chip
retention, and enhancing the durability of the chip seal and are
recommended for high traffic volume roads and late season work.

lntegrating crumb rubber into chip seal binders has proven

successful at mitigating reflective cracking, improving aggregate
retention, and reducing tire noise. When blended with bitumen, the
asphalt binder behaves as an elastomer. ln Australia, crumb
) rubber is added at a rate of sixteen to twenty percent by volume.

Proprietary additives, known as adhesion agents, are used to

improve the degree of wetting of the aggregate by the emulsion,
thus enhancing the adhesion between the binder and aggregate.
Adhesion agents are generally proprietary products. Therefore,
their application rates are usually specified by their manufacturers.
Also known as anti- stripping agents, these additives may be added
to either the binder or pre-coating asphalt. ln addition, hydrated
lime can also be used to enhance adhesion and improve a binder's
resistance to oxidation. Polymer-modified binders were the most
popular among survey respondents with 57 agencies responding
that they regularly used them.


Polymers are large molecules that enhance the properties of virgin
asphalt. For engineering purposes, polymers have either glassy
(stiffness) or rubbery (elastomeric) properties. Examples of
commonly used polymers include:
. Styrene Butadiene Styrene (radial and linear) (SBS),
o Polyethylene (PE),
. Styrene Butadiene Rubber (SBR),
. Polybutadiene (PB),
o Ethylene Vinyl Acetate (EVA),
o Ehtylene Methyl Acrylate (EMA),
o Atactic Polypropylene (AP),
o Epoxies and Urethanes, and
o Tire Rubber (Crumb).

3.4. Aggregate-Binder Gompatibility

Adhesion between the aggregate and binder is governed by a number of
variables, of which the most important is type of aggregate. The adhesion
between aggregate and binder depends on mechanical, chemical, and
electrostatic properties. Possible mechanical and chemical related factors
include aggregate dust, moisture content, and binder temperature.
Different types of aggregate are better suited to certain binders as a result
of electrostatic charges. Basically, the binder and aggregate must have
opposite charges. lf this does not occur, the binder will not form a strong
bond with the aggregate, and it will ravel. As such, local aggregate is
critical to determining which type of chip seal to use, which type of binder
to design for, and which type of construction procedures to specify. ln
addition, porosity and the presence of water also affect binder-aggregate
compatibility. Aggregate, which is quite porous, will actually lead to
excessive absorption of the binder. Loss of aggregate shortly after
construction is indicative of poor adhesion between the binder and

Emulsifiers may have a negative charge (anionic), a positive charge

(cationic), or no charge (nonionic). Critical factors include emulsion pH,
binder content, particle size ldistribution, and compatibility with

Before construction, it is essential to conduct laboratory testing to

determine the compatibility between the aggregate and the binder. An
anti-strip test, such as ASTM D1664 (AASHTO T-182) will assist in
determinin¡¡ the compatibility between the aggregate and binder. This test
may also highlight the need for an anti-strip additive.

Table 7 lists common binder types and their suitable applications




) Asphalt
Yes Yes Yes No
) Emulsions
) Yes Yes Yes No
Grade Binders
) Modified Crumb Yes Yes Yes Yes
Rubber Asphalt
) Yes Yes Yes No
Table 5 Binder Type and Suitable Applications

Table I lists appropriate binder/chip seal combinations for addressing


various distress mechanisms.

lt tr
E¡ c CD
.E tt(' o¡ .9
Binder/ Chip o oÊ
*E eb
Seal (! FË 6' Ë*ËÉ.
Combination É, aú
o- =go- 'n É.

Emulsion -
Single Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Emulsion - No
Yes Yes Yes (liqht) Yes No
PG Binders -
Single Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
) Sand Yes Yes Yes No Yes No
Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

Table 6 Binder/Chip Seal Combinations to Address Specific Distress Mechanisms

3.5. Geotextile and Fiber-Reinforced Seals
Some agencies use a treatment called geotextile-reinforced sprayed
seals. The treatment - which involves tack coating the existing pavement,
spreading a geotextile, and capping with a chip seal - is used on roadways
with moderate cracking. This treatment retards reflective cracking primarily
in wet and dry no-freeze climates. ln addition to the geotextile, it is
believed that modified binders, including crumb rubber, aid in the
retardation of reflective cracking.

3.6. Specifications
Asphalt specifications cover:


. Viscosity (on aged residue and emulsion) AASHTO T 59 and T
o Penetration (AASHTO T 49)
o Ductility (AASHTO T 51).
o Solubility in Trichloroethylene (AASHTO T 44)
o Demulsibility (emulsion) (AASHTO T 59)
. Particle Charge (emulsion) (AASHTO T 59)
. Residue by Evaporation (emulsion) (CT 331)
. Penetration (aged residue) (AASHTO T 49)
o Torsional Recovery (aged residue) (CT 332)
o R¡ng and Ball Softening Point (aged residue) (AASHTO T 53)

Emulsion tests:
. Binder content is measured by distillation or evaporation,
. Viscosity indicates the application properties (whether the emulsion
can be pumped and sprayed) and whether it will remain where it is
applied without running off. The viscosity of an emulsion is related
to the binder content within the emulsion as shown in Figure 12.


o I

'õ o
(J o 5

.9, .9,
o o
.¿ 3
(¡¡ -g
ú. o 2

50 54 58 62 66 70 74

Binder Gontent (%)

Binder Gontent %

Figure 5 Relative Viscosity Vs Binder Content

a Settlement and storage stability determine whether an emulsion

can be stored without breaking in the storage container. Settlement
may be an indication that the emulsion could break in storage
Settlement is shown in Figure 13.



l"t Step 2nd step 3'd Step

f igure 6 Settlement and Storage Stability Test

o Demulsibility is the measure of an emulsion's resistance to

breaking and gives an idea of whether the emulsion is rapid or slow
a The coating test refers to mixing characteristics with soil or
The cement-mixing test is a stability test that is relevant for mixing
emulsions with soils or aggregates.
o The sieve test is another measurement of quality and stability of the
emulsion. The retention of an excessive amount of asphalt
particles on a sieve indicate that problems may occur in the
handling and application of the material. ln the sieve test, a
representative sample of asphalt emulsion is poured through a No.
2 sieve. For anionic emulsions, the sieve and retained asphalt are
rinsed with a mild sodium oleate solution then with distilled water.
For cationic emulsions, distilled water only is used for rinsing. After
rinsing, the sieve and asphalt are dried in an oven the amount of
retained asphalt is determined by weighing. The sieve test is
shown in Figure 14.


tr'igure 7 Sieve Test

3.7. Materials Selection Gonclusions and Best Practices

Materials selection conclusions are quite evident. First, the selection of
chip seal materials is project-dependent, and the engineer in charge of
design must fully understand not only the pavement and traffic conditions
in which the chip sealwill operate but also the climatic conditions under
which the chip seal will be applied. lt appears that the widespread use of
emulsion chip seals is due to the fact that emulsions are less sensitive to
environmental conditions during construction. Additionally, since the
temperature of the emulsion is at a lower temperature than asphalt
cement binders, they are probably less hazardous to the construction
crew. Binder performance can be improved through the use of modifiers
such as polymers and crumb rubber.

Next, the selection of the binder is dependent on the type of aggregate

that is economically available for the chip seal project in the U.S. and
Canada. The fact that Australia and New Zealand are willing to bear
additional aggregate costs to ensure the quality of their chip seals is
something that should be seriously considered in North America.

Pre-coating of the aggregate seems to be required for use with hot asphalt
cement binders to ensure good adhesion after application. Geotextile and
fiber-reinforced seals should be considered for addressing asphalt
pavements with numerous surface cracks.

ln the area of materials selection, several best practices can be

summarized as follows:
1. Specify a uniformly graded, high quality aggregate.
2. Consider using lightweight, synthetic aggregate in areas where
post-construction vehicle damage is a major concern.



,tl 3. Use life cycle cost analysis to determine the benefit of importing
/. ')
either synthetic aggregate or high quality natural aggregates to
areas where availability of high quality aggregate is limited.
) 4. Use polymer-modified binders to enhance chip seal performance.



Chapter 3



l r' sk¡d r¿sistonce
J ,, Limit polishing
) / Control obrosion
) ' r' Prolects the binder from trqffíc

) iii,tì\ìit

) 1

nisk of overheofing
r' Oxidqtlon ond loss of volatlles
r' iÂointoining ospholl homogeneity
(phase separotion), especlolly
when using polymer modlflcrs

' ,' ,/ S¿ek advlce from yo.r suppllen

Sl !-:f!¡1ts:ï¡l-



-) United Stotes Overseos '
r' AvoilqbiliTy r' Life Cycle Anolysis .

) r' ïronsportotion / Tronsporlotion :,,

.) o iìÂethod o Up io 500 miles .,, ,

o Cost r' Performance

) I Favor locol sources r' LonEevity
r' Emphosize Quolity
/ Grading / Parlicle Sizet
) Determln¿s mixtune physicol
chorocleristlcs thot offect fofigue
) r' Cleonliness:
Dusty oggregotcs couses adh¿sion
) problems in chip seol
'l:,r,¡!¡:, :l¡1'

) / Hqrdness / Abrosion Resistonce¡

J .:
: /
ÂÂust resíst cr.ushing, polishing,
degrodofion, ond mointcin skid resisfonce
,._) Paûicle Shope ond 9.¡rfoce Texluner
Cubicol, not elongoted for bette¡. int¿rlock
. ond internol fríctíon
-) ' r' Absorptionr
\ ', Excessive obsonption of binder con resulT
in roveling

,') 3
"..- Aggregate Performance
Best Performonce when¡
r' Singlesized / Crushedfaces
r' Minimum fines r' Abrosion < 30%
/ Cleon { Binder compotible
{ Freø of cloy / Domp for emulsions
/ Cubical r Dey for hot binders


r' Þouble opplicolions

Bosolt, guortzife,
gronite mosf common
/ Angular shopes problem
r' Woshed in woter or for turners
kerosene / Polished Slone Value
r' (PSV)i ¡H-48
Crushed to cubicol
shope t Some pte-cooted with
liquid osphoh
r' Uniform grodotion


f6r' .: -- itîjslTrestns
/ Sieve Anolysis: <17o possíng No.2O0
/ ASTì Þ3319: PSV volue 44 to 48
r' ASTI C131: u¡ Abrosíon Test <3o%
r' Percent Frocture: 75% with ol leosl
2 fi.ocfure foces.

North Amøico ÁU, NZ, SA, UK
) Llmestonê 37Vo 't\Vo
') Ouartzlte 38o/o

.) Granlte 38o/o

Trap Rock 13yo 25%

) Sandstone 1Oo/o 25%

Nat|mlGr1rel 5B% 25%

) Greywacke, Basalt 40/o 88%


fmproves binding propertiøs
) Reduces dust

r' Enhonces visibility of morkings
/ Decreoses required curing time
) I Decreoses chip loss
) r' Not used with emulsions
(inhibiTs breoking of emulsion)



.,J 5
r' Poor compotibility leods to:
o Stripping
o Disintegrotion
o Stone loss
r' No relioble chemicol indicotors
for stripping
l.lll¡l{ 1\ t-'il

r' No bleeding when opplied properly

¿ Fluid enough to cov€r surfoce
r' Viscous enorEh to prevent puddling
or povement runoff
r' Develop sdhesion quickly ond
retoin oggnegoie

14¡: liÌlì¡ "i ¡Â j iì

Stondord Poving Aspholt

Áged Residue (AR) grode

Aspholt Emulsion
(hod¡f¡ed, unnod¡fied. rejuvenoting)

Polymer- lv\odif ied Aspholîs

Includ¡nq PBA grodes

cÁ cRA
6henicolly-Modified Crumb Rubber Aspholt
ond Modif¡ed Binder (MB) grodes




) Selection Charr

) sÂt /
Bi¡de¡ Type Singla Âlultipla Scndwich
sA/ì l
Aspholt Êhuls¡ons Y¿s Yss Yes ?2?No
Polyner Bosed Yes
Yes ????NO
Asphoh Rubber Y¿s Yes Yes
Rejuvenotors Yes Yøs Y¿s

.!rt¡i!., li,l'I¡ l

.) Disqdvontoges
r' Open earller fo traffic / High temperotun¿s
,J r' Agwoviate for high r' High enetry consumpl¡on
surfoce f¿mpcrotures ¡ Safery concerns
.) r' 6ood slone ref€nî¡on / Sensitive to aggtegoÌe
r' Can b¿ r.eheated or. moisfure
'- ,) slored ot high
t¿mD€r.otures r|lo
) odvårsc effecls

) tt.r1t,, rn \i\l i

,) 7
Asphalt Emulsion Binders


l#,., . . .E*:"L:ieir{nerogv

"Emulsions lie belween solutions and susoensíons.
AÏã3õñõlÌ-enuls íon is osoholf oorticles disoers¿d
in woier. It is not a solütion 6ecause the b¡l dhd
woter ore susceptible to seÞorotion. The oil is
sfobilized wifh tin emulsifiei to keep it

"Breokinq (curinq) is used fo describe the

oiõõã315V ùhichlhe osoholt exo¿ls th¿ ùydt¿r
bnd dri¿s'to on ínfegral'film / làyer on lhe
:.: ::
Qfl.ElNs lf{\9'J9E-¡¡

Emulsification Process

¡rt6x lFÊl

ütrt F Ocasf 1,.ãiex lpoår)


f6,n' Types of Asphalt Emulsions

r' Anionic
/ Cationic
r' PoDmer-modified
(cotionic or onionic)

C{tlonlc 8l$rnren Parllclo

r& Emulsion Particle Coalescence

Porticl¿s fo slick
*"(& çffi
fsf '*w 8.';{*
:t :')

Porlicles coolesce 1o form lorger porticles



Compati bility and Reactivity


I sRsKrNo l f-",*-" 1

ffiHfu rufu¡¡r

Emulsion Break & Cure Stages

Asphalt Emulsion Binders

6, Advqntqges Disodvontoges
r' Lower energy use '/Timing the "break" with
r' Low ooolicotion dggtegare spreoolng
tempdiotures ¿ T.mproper ond prolonged
/ Reduced emissions ;1"":?e:"TåI"iÍ#]t'.
r' More omenoble for use oi toolesceirce
r¿mote sifes r' Lonoer cure Time thon hot
r' Lower cost per increose in oppfed cements
useful servi'ce life
Y Suitoble for treatino o
wide orray of distreÉses

ffi Emulsion Handling

r' If comoression is too seveteot occuns too
ofteñ. the emulsion will become coorser bv
floccüloiion and coolescence cnd phose
seporotion moy occur.
r' Limit number of times pumped.
r' Tolk to.your emulsion suppliers for proper
hcndling nrethods.

6 Emulsion Handling

r' Fbçculotion.ond coalescence moy occur
too cool
/ Tt too hot. wofer will evoporate
premof uiely resulti ng iÀ coalescence
änd premotLre breokr- n9
r' Bindør Supoliers ore best source of
heofing iriformotion!

r& Emulsion Tank Storage

{ Circulale slowly ot regulor interuqls

r' Circulotion frequency deoends on
weqther ond stoÉoge'fime
/ Flush pumps ofter ur" U,rt nof into
/Worm lines qnd pumps os n€c€sscrT
r' Do not leove lines porlially-filled

Emulsion Storage and Application
ProducT Max¡nq TehpoC Sproyinq lempoC Slordq¿ ÏehÞ"C
RS1 @
RS -? 20-60 m- &5
ffs-1 20 -70 zc- æ
¡s-z tin ¡o- a5
Q5, ¿Q5,
55-1 / th
c¡i-2,2",¿¡ s-85
cRs-1 20-ó0 l0 æ
i¡sl so-a¡ 85


tol@: c&fwtrlAO,@

High Float Emulsions
6'/ ',
r' Allow for thicker residuol ospholt film
r' Minimize ospholT runoff
t Penelrale dust cootings (<5% fines)
r' Promote good bonding wilh oggregcfe
/ Good for siluotions where ovoiloble
oggregote is very dirly
r' Must be qllowed to skin over

Switch Load Combinations

Produdto be L6d€d
La3t Produd
in Tank I cûßåcr ÂÊ"hâk c"t'"[ i

OK lo I ôâd oK to Loâd EmptyTank Empty-fa¡k

EmptyTank OK lo Load EmptyÌank EmptyTânk

;";;;; EmptyTank Empty Tank I o^ t.,o Émpty-fenk

EmplyTânk EmptyTank EmptyTank OK to Load
EmplyTånk Emptyla¡k EmptyTank Empty Tank
clqn lânk Clæn fank j ctean tant Clæn Tank

Modified Binders
r' Polymers fypicolly utilized
r' Peduce temperoiure suscepti bi liTy
o cRs-z softenþ point 108P F
o CR9-2p soften¡ng poiÉ l?8c F
r' Be#er adhesion
o Increos¿d opplicctlon rat€ by up to 15 tb
r' Tncreased slone retention / flexibility
¡ Early opening to troffic
/ Recommendød for high troffic roods

) r' Solid or liquid in form
I / ProPerties
o Plostomcrlc (odds stiffness)
) o Elasfomeríc (odds flexibllltY)
) :r'.r ,'ltri l :i_li'

) Stnene (5BS)
) Slyrene Butodi¿ne Rubb¿r (SBR)
Polybutadi¿ne (PB)
) Styrenc Burodienc (58)
Polyethylene (PQ
) Ethylene Vinyl Acefote (EVA)
Ethylene lÂethyl r{crylot¿ (EÂ14)
) Cr"umb Rubber lÂodificr (dRM) (r¡res)
Epoxies ¡nd Unsthones
'.- )

._ )

) :11: :1i,,''i:ì.i :

Cohb¡ndiion Roveling Agin9 H*u,l 5To¡e 5k¡d
Pîøoling Troff¡c Releht¡on R¿s¡sl.


P6 ginders -


l.{!1. ,tt:i\,r1 !r ¡ì I

qne not recomnended for

r' B/,eed¡¡tg / Flushing
/ Lood Associoted Crocking
r' Thermol Cracking

ill1 qi¡.ir\ !ì \i I

/ Viscosify (on aged residue ond emulsion)
) / Demulsibility (emulsion)

) { Parlicle Charge (emulsion)

,) r' Residue by Evoporotioh (ernulsion)
/ Penetralion (oged residue)
) r' Torsionol Recovery (aged residue)
¿ Ring ond Ball Softening Point
) (caed residue)

) Uì!¿Ì1¡-rÀ :j ri

) P¿netrolion
) Ductility
Solubi lity i n Trichloroethylene
A9in9 Chorocterislics
) Puri



J o

) e

T Blnd€rConfert(% )


.l 15
,/ Single size, high guolity oggregofes
r' Lightweighf aggîegnte to minimiz¿ vehlcle
¡ Life Cycle Cost Anolysis to evoluqte
oEgregole importction feosibility
r' Polym¿n-modified binders for pcrfonnoncc


aoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo oo o


4.1. lntroduction
Major chip seal equipment types:
) . Asphalt binder distributors,
) . Aggregate (chip) spreaders,
o Rollers,
o Dump trucks,
) . Sweeping equipment.

l 4.2. Asphalt Binder Distributor

ì The asphalt binder distributor is the primary piece of equipment in the chip
seal process. lts function is to uniformly apply the binder over the surface
) at the designed rate. Typically, spray distributors (boot trucks) are truck
mounted, but trailer units have also been used. A distributor should have
a heating, circulation, and pumping system, with a spray bar, and all
controls necessary to guarantee proper application.

The binder distributor is essentially an asphalt tank with spraying

equipment mounted on a truck chassis. Further analysis of binder
distributors necessitates particular attention to the distributor components,
production characteristics, controls, calibration, and spraying operations.
The binder distributor has gone through some significant technological
advancements, such as parallel spray bars (also called wheel path bars)
that enable variable spray rates across the lane. Particular attention
should be paid to the binder distributor, especially on the use of variable
nozzles and multiple spray bars.

The use of computerized distributors is becoming more common in North

America, with 63% of agencies in Canada and the United States requiring
computerized rate-controlled distributors in thêir specifications as shown in
Table 9.

Road Agencies Requirements
Yes No
U.S.A. 630/o 37%
Canada 63% 37%
Australia, New Zealand, United
BBo/o 12%
Kingdom, South Africa
Table 1 Computerized Distributor Requirements

lnternational specifications requiring computerized distributors appear to

be more stringent with BB% of international respondents indicating that
l they mandate this technology.


4.2.1. Distributor Components
o lnsulated asphalt tank,
o Heating system and circulation pump,
. Spray bar and nozzles,
o Distributor controls and gauges. lnsulatedTank
The binder distributor's tank must be capable of efficiently storing the
binder at temperatures that allow the heated binder to remain
consistent with the appropriate viscosity for spraying operations and
within the design specifications. Most of the asphalt binder distributor
tanks used for chip seal work hold from 1,000 to 4,000 gallons of
liquefied asphalt. They should be equipped with baffles to prevent
pressure surges due to the asphalt sloshing in the tank upon starting
and stopping. Heating System and Girculation Pump

Depending upon the make and size of the binder distributor, either one
or two burners are used. These burners are supported at the rear of
the tank, and positioned with a configuration that directs the flames into
the insulated tank's flues. A constant volume circulation pump
maintains a pressurized system so that the binder can be uniformly
heated. The circulation pump must also spray at a constant volumetric
rate for the entire length of the spray bar for each application. ln
addition, the pump enables the distributor operator to load the tank
with binder from a storage tank. Spray Bar and Nozzles

Figure 15 shows a typical binder distributor spray bar. Many different
bar widths are available, with typical spray bars on North American
distributors being 12feet wide, whereas agencies which "pre-spray" as
a method of surface preparation will use spray bars as wide as 24feel.





Figure I Distributor Spray Bar

Spray bars connect a series of evenly spaced nozzles along their
length. Nozzles are manufactured with different sized openings to
permit delivery at different volumetric rates from the same pump
pressure. The nozzles control the spray pattern of bituminous binder
shot from the distributor. Appropriate selection of nozzles is critical to
achieving a consistent and accurate Spray pattern. Nozzles with larger
openings need to be considered for more viscous asphalts such as
crumb rubber binders. One may be able to modify the spray bar on the
asphalt distributor so that is has smaller nozzles in the wheel paths, a
practice which results in more binder in the non-traffic areas than in the
traffic areas. The nozzles are installed in the spray bar so that the fan-
shaped spray is at an angle to the axis of the spray bar. The angle
varies from one manufacturer to the next. Figure 16 illustrates this
angle which usually ranges from 15 to 30 degrees, depending upon the
manufacturer. All nozzles must be set at the same angle to avoid
distortion of the spray pattern.


SËr¡o,rt Nr¡*r.$rx x* th !lnn* ,tr¡¡rür
&Ð !¡ir ø

Ifi{ 1¡*.Rf r 'Í'.

lülì¡ ry.q' lqú{.r.}f* *t å4|}ü rË{ '\¡¡dr$,

Figure 2 Spray Bar Nozzle Alignment

The spray bar and nozzles are designed to prov¡de an appropriate fan
width to ensure uniform transverse distribution, without any corrugation
or streaking. Chip seal projects require either double or triple lap
coverage as shown in Figure 17. The advantage of using double or
triple lapping is that it ensures a uniform distribution of binder across
the shot width and that no areas are missed. However, to do so, the
spray bar must be adjusted to the correct height or the spray pattern
will become distorted. A spray bar with a positive shutoff called a "cut-
off valve," will avert problems with nozzle dribbling. This is particularly
important on the end nozzles which might also be equipped with a
deflector to develop a sharp edge on each side of the shot.

r*o¿Tlfs 5pf{åY


tr'igure 3 Spraying Lap Coverage Binder Distributor Gontrols and Gauges

Typical controls and gauges include tachometers, volume measuring
devices, pressure gauges, and a thermometer. In addition, most
modern binder distributors have computerized systems which not only
regulate the pressure of the material to compensate for the speed of
the vehicle, but also allow the operator to make accurate rate
adjustments, adjust the spray bar height and width, and even shut-off
individual spray bar sections from the cab. Prior to the development of
computerized rate control systems, a distributor would require more
than one operator. Figure 18 illustrates a contemporary computerized
control panel for a binder distributor. Such a panel is capable of
allowing the operator to control all distributor operations from the cab
of the distributor.






tr'igure 4 Computer Rate Control Panel for Binder Distributor

Distributor Preparation - Following are the steps for preparing the
) distributor.
. Calibrate the binder distributor by spraying a pre-weighed area
of carpet (backed with a waterproof layer) and subtracting the
initial weight from that of the sprayed carpet, then dividing the
difference by the area of the carpet. Although this is the
) responsibility of the contractor, the inspector should verify that
the distributor is spraying the binder at the correct application
o Blow air through the spray nozzles to ensure that there are no
) blockages and check the nozzle angles to ensure that they
) spray at an angle of from 15 to 30 degrees from the spray bar
axis. Often, the outer-most nozzles will be turned in to give a
sharp edge with no over spray.

o Check the binder distributor bar's height. The height is usually

) set so that a double or triple overlap is obtained.
o Check the binder distributor bar's transverse alignment to
ensure it is closely perpendicular to the centerline of the
o Check the binder temperature to ensure it is in the appropriate
range for proper application. Chip seal emulsion should be
) between 105'F and 185"F (40'C and 85'C).
o Ensure that an adequate supply of binder is available for the
day's operation.

I 4.3. Aggregate (Chip) Spreader

The aggregate (chip) spreader must apply a uniform, even layer of
aggregate across the full width of the binder. Tailgate box spreaders are
commonly used for sand seals, spot (strip) sealing whereas self-propelled
\ chip spreaders are used on larger scale projects. Truck-mounted box


spreaders or self-propelled spreaders are equally capable of aggregate
application, though the self-propelled spreaders are more controllable
providing more accurate and uniform rates of spread. The most obvious
drawback of using a tailgate box spreader is that there are considerable
interruptions between the loads being spread with the result that it is not a
smooth and continuous process like that of the self-propelled spreader.
Figure 19 illustrates a typical box spreader attached at the rear of a dump
truck bed.

r¡ 1t ..+

Figure 5 Dump Truck Bed Aggregate Spreader

A self-propelled spreader, equipped with a receiving hopper in the rear,

belt conveyors to carry the aggregate to the spreading hopper, and a
spreading hopper with adjustable discharge gates, is generally specified
for most chip seal projects in North America. A discharge roller that
assists in'ensuring uniform transverse application rates is located at the
bottom of the discharge gate. These spreaders can be equipped with
variable width spreading hoppers that will hydraulically extend to adjust to
changing binder widths, such as a shoulder widening. Most
manufacturers offer chip spreaders equipped with computerized controls
that allow the gates to open and close hydraulically, to compensate for the
speed of the spreader. This ensures a constant application rate,
regardless of travel speed. Some models also come equipped with a
vibratory hopper that further improves the uniformity of the discharge.
Figure 20 illustrates a typical self-propelled aggregate spreader.


Figure 6 Self-Propelled Aggregate Spreader

Chip Spreader - Chip spreaders must be able to spread an even coating

of aggregate one chip particle thick over the entire binder sprayed surface
Figure 21 shows a typical chip spreader.

Figure 7 Aggregate Spreader

Before applying aggregate on a project, the following steps should be

1. Calibrate the spreader by spreading chips over a pre-weighed
carpet and subtract the initial weight from that of the carpet with
chips spread onto it. Then, divide weight of the stone by the area
of the carpet (suggest having the carpet 1 yard wide). Although this
is the responsibility of the contractor, the inspector should verify
that the spreader is applying the aggregate at the correct
application rate.
2. Ensure that all gates in the spreader open correctly.
3. Ensure that the spreader applies the aggregate in an even layer,
one chip deep.
4. Ensure that the spreader is not leaving piles of aggregate and is not
spreading too thick a layer. Too thick a layer of aggregate can
result in the aggregate being crushed under rollers or by traffic,


compromising the final chip seal. Too thick a layer of aggregate
can also result in a lever and wedge effect, which also
compromises the chip seal. (See Figure 22.)



tr'igure I Lever and Wedge Effect

5. Ensure that an adequate supply of aggregate is available before

applying the binder.
6. Ensure that aggregate for polymer modified emulsion (PME) chip
seals has the proper moisture content.

4.4. Dump Trucks

A sufficient number of dump trucks should be available to avoid any
interruption in the supply of chips to the aggregate spreader. The dump
trucks used on nearly all chip seal projects have tandem axles. See
Figure 23. The dump trucks used for transporting the aggregate need to
be compatible with the aggregate spreader, meaning that their hitches
must match and that the dump bed will not damage the aggregate
spreader's receiving hopper. Compatibility of the dump truck's bed is
essential to ensure that aggregate is not spilled between the aggregate
spreader and the dump truck, as illustrated in Figure 24. Dump trucks are
sometimes equipped with aprons to ensure that the aggregate is
effectively dumped into the aggregate spreader's hopper.

Tires on the trucks should be examined for binder pick up which could
severely damage the mat. Tires should be cleaned and sanded. Trucks
should not drive on the new surface unnecessarily and should never brake
sharply. When driving on the fresh mat, wheel paths should be staggered
to assist in embedding the aggregate uniformly. When pulling away from
the spreader, trucks should move smoothly and slowly to prevent wheel
spin and mat damage. Trucks should not be alÍowed to lose or dump
chips when pulling away from the chip spreader. No sharp turning
movements or high speeds should be allowed on a newly constructed chip





Figure 23 - Dump Truck

tr'igure 24 -Proper Connection


Single-axle trucks carry between 5 and 7 tons (4,500 and 6,350 kg) and
trucks with tandem axles between 11 and 14 tons (9,000 and 12,700 kg)
\ Tandem-axles are preferred because their increased capacity requires
fewer hook ups resulting in less chance for spillage and a more efficient

4.5, Rollers
Aggregate needs to be rolled to:
. Orient particles to their least dimension,
o Embed particles into the binder and,
. Achieve aggregate mechanical interlock.

The reason for rolling chip seals is to achieve the desired aggregate
embedment depth. Rolling achieves this by redistributing the aggregate
and seating it into an interlocking mosaic within the binder. Compaction
applied by traffic will aid in finalization of the process. To realize proper
embedment and orientation, particular attention must be paid to the time
between when the aggregate is spread and when it is first rolled, the
selection of the most appropriate roller type, and determination of rolling


requirements such as rolling patterns and number of rollers. Rolling
should be expedited in hotter weather to ensure proper embedment of the
aggregate before the emulsified binder or the hot applied binder begins to
cure. Steel or vibratory steel rollers are not recommended because they
can crush the aggregate.

4.5.1 Pneumatic Rollers

For all practical purposes, pneumatic (rubber-tired) rollers are being
universally utilized, shown in Figure 25. The two primary reasons
for rolling chip seals are to embed the aggregate into the binder
and orient the chips so that maximum bonding can occur.
Pneumatic rollers exploit the machine's weight per unit area of
surface contact to provide the forces needed to embed the
aggregate firmly in the binder. Pneumatic rollers are capable of
ballast loading, either with water or sand, which allows the weight of
the machine to be varied "from ten to sixteen tons" or "not more
than twenty tons" to achieve the specified contact pressure which
typically runs around 80 pounds per square inch. ln addition to the
machine's weight, the number of tires, tire size, and inflation
pressure determine the machine's contact pressure. The
orientation of the aggregate is facilitated by the seating action of the
rubber tires. Most pneumatic rollers are between 60 and 80 inches
wide and have two axles, with four tires on the front axle and five
tires on the rear axle. The alignment of the axles is such that the
rear axle tires, when inflated to the proper pressure, can compact
the voids untouched by the front-axle tire as illustrated in Figure 26.
On some roller models, if the tires are inflated to their maximum
pressures, there may not be total overlapping coverage between
the front and back tires.

Figure 25 - Pneumatic Roller




l{e;lr Tþ**

) :

) l'r¡¡si di¡çr
tr'igure 96 Pneumatic Roller Tire Configuration

4.5,2. Static Steel Wheeled Rollers
) Static steel-wheeled rollers use a smooth surfaced cylindrical steel
drum to exert rolling forces. The use of steelwheel rollers should
be carefully considered because such rollers can crush and
degrade the aggregate. Steel wheeled rollers, shown in Figure 27,
) may be used on the surfacing to "tighten it up" and create a
) uniformly prepared surface. Steel-wheeled rollers will have
difficulties when the underlying pavement is rutted as they will
bridge over the ruts and fail to properly seat the aggregate in the
wheel paths

) Figure 27 Steel Wheeled Roller

4.5.3 Other Rollers

The other types of rollers are variations on either the pneumatic or
,/ steel-wheeled roller. The rubber-coated steel-wheeled roller has a
layer of rubber attached to the drum and causes less damage /
degradation to the aggregate while retaining the high contact
pressure achieved by the static steel-wheeled roller. The vibratory
steel-wheeled roller's name is self-explanatory. This machine
vibrates as it rolls and is thought to better embed the aggregate due
to the vibratory effect. Finally, the combination pneumatic i steel-
wheeled roller has a set of pneumatic tires on one end and a steel
drum on the other. This piece of equipment attempts to combine
the advantages of both roller types in a single machine.

4.6. Sweeping Equipment


There are two main sweeping tasks on a chip seal project - cleaning the
existing road surface of dust and foreign materials, and removing excess
aggregate from constructed chip seals. Three different types of sweeping
equipment are typically used in chip seal construction - rotary (kick)
brooms, pick-up sweepers, and vacuum brooms.

Brooming is done usin$ rotary (kick) brooms or mobile pick-up brooms

with nylon or steel bristles or with vacuum brooms. The bristles should not
be worn, and should not be operated in such a manner that removes
embedded aggregate. Figure 28 shows a rotary (kick) brooming operation.

Figure 108 Brooming Process, Shown on a Shoulder Seal

4.6.1 Rotary (Kick) Brooms

Rotary brooms also referred to as kick brooms such as the one
shown in Figure 29, are employed to remove the excess aggregate
from the surface of the chip seal without dislodging the embedded
particles. The downward pressure must be kept at a minimum as
the broom's bristles can remove the aggregate with a flicking
action. The main concern with rotary brooms is with bristle
selection. While steel bristles are more successful in removing
foreign materials from the surface of the existing pavement surface
prior to placing the chip seal, they are more likely to dislodge
embedded aggregate after construction. Plastic bristles require
more frequent replacement than steel bristles, but they are not as
likely to damage the new chip seal.


Rotary brooms generate dust, which can create a problem with
visibility and air pollution. Moreover, they move the excess
aggregate to the side of the road where it can eventually be swept
back onto the traveled way by either rain or vehicles exiting onto
the shoulder.

Figure 119 Kick Broom

4.6.2. Mobile Pick-up and Vacuum Sweepers

Mobile pick-up and vacuum sweepers are similar in that they both
"remove" the aggregate from the roadway. Both sweepers have
hoppers to store the removed aggregate. lt is the manner in which
they remove the aggregate that makes them different.

Mobile pickup sweepers, shown in Figure 30, are generally used

wherever dust must be minimized and it is desirable to remove all
excess aggregate from the project site. The components of a
mobile pick-up sweeper that sweeps the aggregate to a bristle
broom that deposits the material in a hopper. Mobile pick-up
sweepers are particularly useful in urban areas for aggregate
accumulation in gutters or along the edge of the roadway.


Figure 30 Mobile Pick-up Sweeper

Vacuum sweepers remove the excess aggregate through suction

only. A vacuum sweeper is shown in Figure 31. The lack of
contact with the seal's surface minimizes damage and is the
preferred method of loose aggregate removal in Australia as well as
rn some pa rts of the United States.

Figure 31 Vacuum Sweeper

4.7. Unique Equipment

Several overseas countries use unique equipment specially designed for
chip seals:

4,7.1, Aggregate Pre-Coating Loader

Pre-coating of aggregate with a purpose-built aggregate loader is a
common practice in Australia and New Zealand. This unique piece
of equipment takes windrowed aggregate in one end and screens
out the dust. lt then, pre-coats the aggregate through a trommel
screen and loads the pre-coated aggregate directly into the dump
trucks. Figure 32 shows an aggregate pre-coating loader used by
VicRoads, an Australian state highway agency which contends that
using front end loaders is not acceptable for loading chip seal


aggregate due to the increased fines associated with aggregate
degradation during handling.

Figure 312 Aggregate Pre-Coating Loader

4.7 .2. Low-Drop Aggregate Spreader

Low-drop aggregate spreaders are used in Australia. This machine
was developed to minimize the bouncing and turning of aggregate
as it hits the freshly shot surface. lt is felt that this machine
increases the uniformity of the aggregate's spread by placing it as
close to the surface as possible. Looking at Figure 33, one can see
that the operator is also facing fonvard which also contributes to
better control of the aggregate spreading operation.

Figure 33 Low Drop Aggregate Spreader

4.7.3. Rubber-coated Steel Drum Rollers

Rubber-coated steel drum rollers are purpose-built for chip seal
operations. The rubber coating supposedly reduces the aggregate
crushing inherent with steel rollers, while increasing the
embedment and mosaic characteristics provided with a pneumatic
roller. The survey responses indicated that rubber-coated steel
drums are commonly used on chip seals (i.e. surface dressings in
British terminology) in the United Kingdom, and they are also used


when required on sprayed seals in Australia. British Columbia was
the only North American agency that prescribes the use of rubber-
coated drum rollers.

4.7.4. Water Re-Texturizing Machine

The next piece of unique equipment identified is the water re-
texturizing machine. These truck-mounted machines can eliminate
the effects of bleeding by using carefully directed high-pressure
water to remove any binder that is submerging the aggregate on
the existing surface. These machines have been used in Australia
and the United Kingdom to treat bleeding surfaces. Such
equipment is especially valuable for preparing a uniform road
surface before applying a chip seal. Figure 34 illustrates a water
re-texturizing machine in use in Australia.

Figure 34 Water Re-texturizing Machine

4.8. Equipment Conclusions and Best Practices

Best Practices:
o Computerized binder distributors allow greater control and their
use should be encouraged,
. The ability of the chip seal equipment to keep up with the binder
distributor should be determined before the start of the job,
o Variable nozzles should be used to reduce binder in wheel


o Plastic bristles should be used for rotary brooms and pick-up
brooms to reduce aggregate dislodgement,
o Water re-texturing machines should be considered where
bleeding is present on the existing pavement.



Equipment Practices
Chapter 4


Major Equipment
/ Aspholt Binder Þistributors
{ Aggregste (chip) Spreoders
/ ÞumP Trucks
/ Rollers
r sweeping Equipment


Binder Distributors
¿ Aspholt tonk (1,ooo - 4þoo got.)
¡ Healing system (gos fired)
r' Circulofion pumps
r' SPraying eguipment (fpicolly 12'wide)
r' Mounled on truck chossis
/ Compu'lerized or monuol controls



Distributor P.leparation
/ Calibrste

/ Check tronsverse olignmen t
/ Check binder temperoture
r' Ensure odeguote O,nO-:.:ru,¡O't

- -*- t,
,. ,. .r,: :,.. t.litql



(, ¡¡l
t¡¡ E
o o
o u

CC a f CCa aaaCCaa -ar-'/^ô^ : a^'î - 11û.11 )l f llaa fI)IIIf

Spray Bar Nozzle Alignrnent

..,:lií r't t

li!!!147\ iiìf

Poor Spray Pattem


Proper Spray Pattern


Spraying Lap Coverage


Poor Spraying Lap

$1ar rìiÀtj,I{l:

-) Good Spraying Lap


i .,ì til,¡. ii, ì

Ba¡ Results

!lt1lt!}i l:1ll


Hand Spraying


t& Computerized Rate Control

Computerized Distributors
domputer Requiremenfs
Rood Agencies I
Y¿s No
t I

UniIed StoTes 63% 37%

Conado 63% 37%

AU, NZ, UK, SA 88% 12%

Aggregate Sproader

l1l-!.r!:r4¡ ::Ì1!.1

ffi,i, L -,-- î'"prrg tgg:*L.tspreador

r Calíbral¿
r' corractly opcn oll sprccdar gotcs
/ Acq?ecale dlstribufion should b¿ cven,
--sinflc - loycr thickn¿ss
r' B¿ surc smeoder does not leove thick s¿ctions
or pilai of ogrygate (lcvcn t wedge ettecl)
/ Ensune od?quol¿ oggr"egote supply
r' Ensure propcn moistut'c cont€nt



) Catlbratlng Spreader

ASTM D5ó2¡t-95


) Spreader



Aggrcgate Spreader

I ASTM 0562{-95

$ l",l Crllbrrtlng Spreeder


ASTM D5ó2d-95

Dump Truck Spreader

\tlai1¡i.\\ !¡(¡¡
nrì i 1i iir 'ì

Self-Propelled Aggregate Spreader

trt¿1tr6{!'.l \rt

Low Drop Aggregate Spreader


Aggregatc Pre-coating Loader

Ðump Trucks

Durnp Trucks
r' SufficienÌ number to Þrovi de
un inter rupte d oggr ègat e supply
/ Physicslly compotible w/ spreader
/ Check tires for binder pick-up
/ Good operctioncl condition

ìr¡titÍrÀ& ¡j¡Âi i

Dump Truck Spreader Hook-up


) S.',',-



r' Orient porticles to their leost dimension

{ Embed porticles into lhe binder
r' Achieve aggregate mechonicol interlock


Steel Drum Rollsr

\tlu6tr;tÀ 5tìJ¡:

1 3
Pneumatic Rubber-Tired Rollsr

| -' i


Rubber-Tire Roller


Pneumatic Roller TirEs


i ïiì:; îli-il



r' Cledn existing roodwoy bef ore chip
seol opplicãfi on
/ Remov¿ excess aqqregalefrom
completed seafs-
/ Typg,s i¡slr!_cle: Rotary, Pick-up, ond


ffii. t-; _.,Ie99"_".{f{"-Broom


1 5
Rotary Broom


Mobile Pick-up Broom

ç!1116À¡ taì i
; ii ¡îT-ìì:ir;

Hopper Dumping

llìci{n,tt i¡\t1
ììn-ir'aì;ì i ri



) Vacuuni Broom



Broom Types

': futler Broom Tub¿



!r !.{,}\.rlùl

1 7
Water Re-Texturizing Machine

Elimingte bleeding from ex isting

/ Utilize hiqh oressure woter to
remove'eìcess binder prior fo
chip sealing
/ Used oredomincntlv in Austrslio
ond'the Uníted Kingdom

Water Re. Texturizing Machinç

3i.llll:¿s s:Âr I

Umbilical Water Cutter

) { Computeri þrecler control)
) r' Variable Nozzles (reduce binder in wheel poths)
) r' Phsli.c Broom pristles (reduce aggregate

) r' Water Re-Texfuring Mqchines (remove

excess binder)

) r' Use ol Vibrotory Pneumotic Rollers

r' Motch wÊh of

J Questions?
.J 19
oaooool oooooaootoooooooaoooaooooooo aooooooo
5.1. Introduction
As with any construction method, successful end product cannot be
obtained by quality materials alone. To obtain a successful chip seal,
each phase of the construction operation will impact its overall quality and
service life. This chapter will discuss the following phases of the
construction operation :
. Project selection
. Weather
o Surface preparation and traffic control
. Spraying
. Aggregate spreading
o Rolling
o Sweeping

5.2. Project Selection

Chip seals are designed to preserve, not improve, the structural integrity
of the roadway. Chip seals are able to seal fine cracks on the roadway
surface, prevent water intrusion, and delay oxidation of the road surface
caused by exposure to the sun. Therefore, it is important that roadways
selected to receive a chip seal have a sound structural section at the time
the chip seal is applied. lt is appropriate to perform isolated repair work or
crack sealing prior to applying a chip seal.

Figure 35 Pretreated Cracks Prior to ChÍp Sealing

5.3. Weather
On the actual day when chip seals are constructed the weather should be
clear and warm. In general, pavement surface temperatures should be at
least 55'F (10'C) and rising, and the humidity should not exceed 50%.
Excessive wind may cause the emulsion spray to be diverted and
compromise the uniformity of application rate. A gentle breeze will assist
in accelerating cure times. Any rainfall immediately before, during or after
the construction of the polymer modified emulsion (PME) chip seal will


contribute to failure of the treatment. Thus, placement of chip seals
should be avoided during such conditions. The actual requirements vary
for different binder types.

5.3.1. Material Temperature

Hot-applied asphalt-cement binders do not have water present in
the binder or aggregate, and both materials are applied at higher
temperatures. At the time of application, the temperatures of the
binder ranges from 380'F to 390'F (195-200'C), and the pre-
coated and pre-heated aggregate ranges from 240'F to 300'F
(1 15-150'C).

Emulsion binders have water present in the emulsion which affects

the actual temperature of the emulsion. At the time of application
the temperature of the emulsion ranges from I 10'F to 185"F (45-
B5'C). With emulsions, the aggregate is typically surface damp
and is not pre-heated or pre-coated; therefore, the surface damp
aggregate does not have a temperature requirement at the time of

5.3.2. Am bient Temperature

Ambient air temperature should be at least 50"F (10'C) and rising
for emulsions. Low temperatures may be partly offset by pre-
heating the aggregate.

There is not a minimum temperature requirement for hot-applied

asphalt cement binders as long as the pavement is above the
minimum roadway surface temperature.

5.3.3. Roadway Surface Temperature

Roadway temperature should not be less than 70"F (21'C) nor
more than 130"F (54"C). Excessively high pavement temperatures
inhibit the binder's ability to secure the aggregate in place. There
are times when it is too hot to apply an emulsion chip seal. lf the
ambient temperature will reach or exceed 100"F (40'C) on the day
of application, the pavement temperature could approach 185'F
(85'C), or higher.

For hot-applied asphalt cement binders, pavement temperatures

can as low as 40'F (4"C) but rising.

It is important to adhere to all temperatures during application. This

holds true for all areas where the chip seal will be applied, including
those areas in the sun and shade. Failure to have the required
temperatures in shaded areas will affect the bonding of the


Figure 36 Typical Temperature Variations

tr'igure 37 Resulting Impact of Temperature Variations

5.3.4. Rain
Chip seals should not be applied when raining or when rain is
threatened. Chip seals should not be applied when inclement
weather is predicted within a few days of placement. Any inclement
weather immediately before, during or after the placement will
contribute to the failure of the chip seal.

Figure 38 Chip Seal exposed to rain within 24-hours of placement

Chip seals should not be applied to wet surfaces, regardless of the

cause (rain, irrigation, etc). Wet pavement will affect the bonding of
the binder to the pavement surface.


Figure 39 Irrigation damage to new chip seal

5.3.5. Wind
Wind can accelerate the curing of emulsions and also distort spray
patterns when applying binder. lf the emulsion's demulsibility is in
the 90s (30's), excessive wind can cause the emulsion to cure
before the aggregate is embedded into the emulsion. As a result,
excess¡ve aggregate loss is usually experienced.

5.3.6. Humidity
High humidity (>50%) will require more time for the emulsion to
cure. However, cationic emulsions are less likely to be adversely
effected by higher humidity levels.

5.4. Surface Preparation and Traffic Control

Preparation of the suface is critical to the performance of the chip seal.
The road surface should have a uniform texture, smooth ride, and few (or
minor) defects. Preparation of road surfaces by texturing is common
overseas, but not in North America.

Areas of the pavement exhibiting isolated structural failures (such as

potholes and deteriorated patches) should be addressed by the removal
or patching and sealing of the failed area. Avoid the use of cold mix for
patching prior to applying the chip seal. Finally, the prepared surface
must be clean, dry and free of any loose material before applying the

The pavement surface needs to be prepared before chip seal operations

can begin. Some of these preparations are done the same day, or the day
before, chip seal operations occur. Preparing the pavement consists of:
o Repairing isolated sub-base failures
. Removing existing pavement markings and delineators
. Protecting existing structures
o Placing temporary pavement markers
o Placing traffic control
. Cleaning the pavement surface


5.4.1. Repairing isolated sub-base failures
Pavement candidates selected to receive a chip seal should have
good structural integrity with no need of major repair. Occasionally
some isolated repairs are necessary to correct localized failures.
These repairs must be completed well in advance of the chip seal
operation. Other repairs may consist of surface leveling or crack

Failure to address the surface cracks or deformations may affect

the chip seal performance and cause further maintenance problems
at a later date. Pavements that require numerous repairs may not
be an ideal candidate for chip sealing.

Figure 40 Poor chip seal candidate

5.4.2. Removing Existing Pavement Markings and Delineators

Existing pavement markings and delineators should be removed
from the road surface prior to the application of a chip seal.

lf it is necessary to keep pavement markings in place, then they

should be covered to prevent the binder from adhering to the
markings. Failing to protect the marking properly will require follow-
up cleaning of the marker which can diminish the visibility or
reflectivity. Avoid using tape to cover markings, because the
adhesive will adhere to the marker surface and will require follow-
up cleaning. Also, the thickness of the finished chip seal will affect
the markings visibility and reflectivity. For these reasons, it is best
to remove pavement markers prior to placing a chip seal.

Water-based paint markings normally do not require removalfrom

roadways prior to chip sealing. However, it has been found they
may require removal if heavy and multiple layers exist on the
pavement. Some markings, such as thermal plastic and epoxy, do
not allow the binder to adhere well to the surface.


5.4.3. Protecting Existing Structures
Normally it is not necessary to cover concrete curbs, gutters or
sidewalks because the end nozzle on the distributor spray bar can
be adjusted or aligned to avoid spraying binder on these items.

However, steps should be taken to protect existing highway

improvements and utility structures (manhole and valve covers, and
concrete surrounding these items) that are adjacent or surrounded
by the asphalt concrete pavement. Temporary protective covers
consisting of building or roofing paper are typically used to protect
these structures from binder spray.

@' *qffi,i¡:

Figure 41 Protecting catch basin Figure 42 Protecting castings

5.4.4. Placing Temporary Pavement Markers

Place temporary pavement markers (reflective or non-reflective) on
the road surface, after the road has been cleaned and before
binder placement begins to provide traffic lane delineation for

Temporary pavement markers designed for hot-applied asphalt

cement binders that can also be used for emulsion binders.
However, the temporary pavement markers designed for emulsions
are not designed for use with hot-applied asphalt cement binders.

The high material temperature inherent with hot-applied asphalt

cement binders requires the use of high temperature temporary
pavement markers. Markers that are designed for use with
emulsions will soften vvhen exposed to the high temperatures.

There are yellow and white temporary (reflective) pavement

markers to match the color of the existing delineation. For
example, the yellow temporary pavement markers are used for the
centerline and the white temporary pavement markers are used for
lane delineation and some pavement markings (e.9., limit lines,


There are also temporary (non-reflective) pavement markers used
to identify the location of specific markings for replacement.
FFff¡{,ii .


Figure 43 Temporary Reflective Pavement Marker

(Yellow Color for Centerline Striping)

Temporary pavement markers (reflective and non-reflective) come

with or without covers (one or two plastic covers). The purpose of
the plastic covers is to protect the reflective strip and the vertical
portion of the temporary pavement marker from being covered
during binder application

Figure 44 Temporary Reflective Pavement Marker - Single Cover

Some chip seals require the subsequent application of a fog seal.

lf the fog seal is not placed on the same day as the chip seal, then
a double-cover temporary pavement marker will be required. The
first cover is removed after the application of the chip seal, and
before traffic control is removed from the roadway, to provide
delineation for the motorists. The second cover is then removed
after the application of the fog seal and before the traffic control is
removed from the roadway.


Figure 45 Temporary Reflective Pavement Marker - Double Cover
5.4.5. Placing Traffic Gontrol Signs
The Engíneer should exam¡ne and approve the contractor's traffic
control plan prepared in accordance with the Manual of Uniform
Traffic Control Devices, Part 6. The signs, devices and traffic
controllers (flaggers) used must match the traffic control plan. The
work zone must conform to the agency's requirements. All workers
must have all required safety equipment and clothing.

Adequate traffic control is essential and should conform to the

requirements of the Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices
(MUTCD). During and after chipping, pilot cars should be used for
between 2 and 24 hours to ensure that traffic speed is limited to
approximately 20 mph (30 kph) and to channel traffic into a variety
of wheel paths. Opening to traffic should be delayed to the cooler
parts of the day and after sweeping excess aggregate from the
completed work.

5.4.6. Cleaning the Pavement Surface

A clean and dry surface is critical for the binder to bond to the
pavement. Pavement surfaces should be swept immediately prior
to the application of the binder.

Pre-Construction Sweepinq: Sweeping is done with a mechanical

sweeper or vacuum. Generally, two or three sweeping passes will
be needed.

Water Re-Texturizino: Water re{exturing (more commonly done

outside North America) removes excess binder prior to application
of a chip seal. New Zealand believes water re{exturing adds up to
75o/o to the life of a chip seal.

Pre-so ravinq: ln Australia and New Zealand pre-spraying is used

to adjust the transverse surface texture where there are disparities
in binder content between wheel paths and non-wheel paths.



Pre-spraying combined with water re-texturing allows the chip seal

l binder to be applied uniformly, eliminating the need for field
adjustments of the binder and aggregate application rates.

lf the patched areas are generally more porous than the rest of the
) pavement, a tack coat prior to sealing may be required. Known
l. shaded areas that seldom get sunlight (i.e. under bridge decks)
may need a tack coat as well to prevent rock loss.

) Regardless of the method used, the prepared road surface should

) be free of loose particles, broken asphalt pieces, dirt and all other
extraneous material prior to chip sealing.

5.5. Spraying Operations

Binder, hot-applied asphalt cement and emulsion, are both applied with a
distributor truck. Before binder spraying begins, several important areas
must be addressed:
o Determine distributor production characteristics,
o Measure distributor coverage and alignment,
¡ Blow out nozzles,
. Ensure proper temperature of binder,
o Joint construction,
o Safety warning systems.

Visual checks should be made throughout the spraying process to ensure

that the spray bars are clean and are spraying even fans. There should
be no streaking of binder visible on the surface. lf streaking occurs, the
operation should be stopped to recheck proper functioning of the spray
I bar as well as proper binder temperature. Confirm that each distributor
truck has been calibrated immediately prior to beginning the project. The
inspector should check application rates frequently using the calibration
method mentioned in Section or using an alternative method. The
J method above is recommended for equipment calibration while an
alternative method may be appropriate for quick spot-checking during

5.5.1. Distributor Production Characteristics

Production rate is determined by the distributor's capacity to apply
the binder. Other equipment should be matched to the distributor.

Care should be taken when using two distributors so that the

application of binder is within 100 feet (30 m) does not get too far
ahead of the aggregate spreader - a rule of thumb is a maximum
time lag of one minute.


5.5.2. Distributor Goverage and Alignment
After approximately 15 to 30 minutes of application, review the
sprayed areas check to insure the binder is not moving laterally
(running off from where binder was applied). lf the binder was
formulated correctly, there should not be lateral movement in any
area, including steep hills and superelevations. lf lateral movement
is occurring it compromises the adherence of the aggregate and
causes chip loss.

Figure 46 Binder Runoff

5.5.3. Nozzles
Monitor on a regular basis the distributor truck spray bar for
potential problems, which include clogged or dripping nozzles
(when shut off). The spray bar should be checked to insure the
height about the surface has not changed. This can sometimes
occur as the binder is discharged, hence reducing the load on the
truck suspension. Sometimes the truck springs are clamped into
compression to insure the proper height of spray bar is maintained

Variable Rate Distributors: Variable rate distributor nozzles allow

the binder to be placed differentially across the roadway - less in
wheel paths due to greater aggregate embedment. Less binder in
wheel paths also reduces the risk of bleeding. Modified Kearby
design method recommends a 20% increase in binder outside the
wheel paths.

5.5.4. Binder Temperature

Read binder temperature gauge on each distributor truck and
confirm the binder temperature is within the recommended range.
(Binder outside the specified range can affect uniform application of
the binder.



Figure 47 Binder Temperature Gauge

Read the gauge on each distributor truck that reads the quantity of
binder inside the truck. A uniform binder temperature should be
recorded regardless of the binder level.

Figure 48 Quantity Gauge

5.5.5 Gonstruction Joints

Seamless transverse construction joints at the start and end of
spraying should be obtained by beginning and ending chip seal
passes on felt or tar paper. This ensures that the transverse joints
are clean and sharp. lt is important not to make double
applications of binder in these areas. Longitudinaljoints may be
made with an overlap, but they should correspond to lane
boundaries rather than falling within lanes. ln this process a wet
edge (i.e., one without an application of aggregate) of 3 to 4 inches
(75 to 100 mm) is left (not in a wheel path) and the next run
overlaps this wet edge. The chip distributor then covers the whole
run to the pavement's edge. Figure 49 illustrates the layout of felt
paper at the end of a project lane.


Figure 49 Start and Stop Passes on Roofing Felt (Transverse Joints)

5.5.6. Safety
Check that each distributor truck's audio warning (back-up horn)
and visual warning (strobe or flasher) is working properly.

5.6. Aggregate Spreading

The application of aggregate should follow the binder application by no
more than 1 minute in order to obtain the best possible aggregate
retention. A good visual check is that the spreader should be no more
than 100 ft (30 m) behind the distributor truck. The aggregate spreader
should be accurately aligned and not run out of aggregate. There should
be two or three loaded trucks in the queue behind the spreader. Trucks
can also achieve some aggregate compaction by staggering their wheel
paths. The first chip spreading pass is usually done against traffic to allow
good centerline match up. The direction for spreading is chosen mostly to
minimize truck movements on the fresh oil.

Visual checks of the spreading include checking that the aggregate does
not roll or bounce when applied. The flow of aggregate should also be
checked. lf a wave of binder forms in front of the blanket of aggregate, the
binder application may be too heavy. The scalping screen should also be
checked for build up of clay or other contaminants. lf such contamination
is found, it may be necessary to re-screen the stockpile. The spread
pattern should be even without ripples or streaks. lf ripples or streams
occur, the spreading gates may need to be lowered and the machine
slowed down.



) Figure 50 Good Aggregate Flow

5.6.1. Excess Aggregate

Aggregate application rates should not result in uncovered binder
or excess loose chips. Binder should not adhere to tires of trucks,
spreader, or rollers.

Aggregate needs to be placed on the binder only. Proper

aggregate placement will result in one stone thickness in depth.
Evidence of excess aggregate generally means the chip spreader
needs adjustment or recalibration. The hydraulic chip spreaders
make this process relatively easy.

Excess aggregate is generally the result of an improperly calibrated

spreader - can ruin the job and cause vehicle damage. Any
excess should be less than 1 0% of the design rate.

5.6.2. Pre-Goated and Preheated Aggregate

Pre-coated and preheated aggregate for hot applied asphalt
cement binder chip seals require the aggregate be within a
temperature range at the time of application. Temperature can be
measured with a hand held surface temperature gauge.

Figure 51 Surface Temperature Gauge

NCPP 5-l 3 MSU

5.6.3. Surface Damp Aggregate
Excessively wet aggregate in a chip seal operation will cause
delays in production which increases cost and damages the
completed chip seal. Allowing the placement of wet aggregate can
re-emulsify the emulsion and compromise its ability to bond.

5.7. Rolling
Aggregate must be oriented and embedded with pneumatic (rubber tire)
rollers. A chip seal's service life is highly dependent on the bonding
obtained from the proper embedment and orientation of the chips.

The important variables when rolling chip seals are

o Contact pressure,
o Number of passes and pattern,
. Speed,
. Smoothness of tires, and
. Adequate number of rollers.

Any minor irregularities should be corrected with a drag broom or hand

rake before being rolled.

5.7.1. Number of Rollers

The number of rollers needed is determined by the area to be
covered, nominal aggregate size, and traffic volumes. Roller
capacity decreases as aggregate size increases. Greater attention
is paid to rolling by overseas agencies than North American

Number of rollers needed N =
Where S = distributor speed (feet / minute)
X = spray width (yards)
A = roller linger time (square yards / hour)

New Zealand has found that additional rollers are needed as the
binder viscosity increases, e.g. polymer modified binders and/or
coolweather. Light traffic roads generally need more rolling.

5,7 .2. Contact Pressure

The contact pressure depends on the vehicle weight, the number of
tires, tire size and rating, and the tire inflation pressure. Rollers that
can be ballasted are very useful in assuring sufficient contact
pressure. The ballasted weight should be 10 to 16 tons (10,200 to
16,200 kg), with a corresponding tire pressure of 87 p.s.i (600 kPa).



Tires must have a smooth tread, should not vary more than 7 p.s.i
(50 kPa) in pressure, and should not wobble during operation.

Each roller must be weighed prior to beginning the project at a

ceftified weight scale to insure the roller meets the weight
requirements. A certified weight ticket should confirm the weight for
) each roller.

Rollers should follow aggregate spreading by no more than 500 ft

(150 m) and should not be operated at more than 3 mph (5 kph).
The rolling pattern will depend on the number of rollers used. A
minimum of two rollers should be used to cover the full width of the
chip spreader. When two rollers are used, three passes are
sufficient; one fon¡vard, one in reverse, and the final pass extending
into the next section.

5.7.3. Rolling Requirements

Aggregate must be rolled while the binder is still hot to achieve
proper embedment. Aggregates must be spread before the
) emulsion "breaks" (while still brown - before turning black.) Rule of
thumb: First pass should roll the aggregate just before the binder

Most agencies specify roller weights, speed limits, patterns, and

passes. ln addition, overseas agencies specify rolling time.
New Zealand calculates rolling time (T hours) as Z =
ß# *,
where Vf = binder volume (liters)
S = roller speed (km / hour)
) /V = number of rollers.
Pneumatic rollers should limit their speed to 3 mph (5 kph) to avoid
aggregate d isplacement.

_) ln Australia, agencies hire additional roller operators to keep the

rolling continuous and also extend the rolling into evenings after
construction has ceased.

5.7.4. Steel Wheel Rollers

Steel wheel rollers should only be considered for use with the
placement of sandwich seals. lf steel wheel rollers are used, their
drums should be rubber-clad to avoid crushing the aggregate.
Steel wheel rollers should not be used on rutted pavements.
(Rutted pavements should be fixed before chip sealing.)

5.7.5. Safety

NCPP 5-1 5 MSU

Each roller should be equipped with an audio warning (back-up
horn) and a visual warning system (strobe or flasher).

5.8. Sweeping / Brooming

Sweeping is required before, after, and sometimes during the chip seal
operation. Generally, two or three sweeping passes will be needed. Pick-
up sweepers should be used in urban areas. (Australian agencies follow
sweeping with a roller to embed dislodged aggregate.) During a multi-
coat sealing operation, excess aggregate should be swept off between
coats. After the chip seal has been constructed, excess aggregate must
be swept off to minimize whip-off by traffic.

Sweeping can generally be done within 2 to 4 hours after sealing. Hot

applied chip seals can be swept within 30 minutes while conventional chip
seals can be swept in 2 to 4 hours. Sweeping should begin as soon as
the aggregate begins to adhere to the binder, but not immediately
following rolling, as the residual asphalt will not be adequately cured.
Generally, sweeping should be delayed until the coolest part of the day. A
flush coat may be applied after sweeping to eliminate further rock loss and
improve durability prior to opening the pavement to uncontrolled traffic.

5.9. Quality Assurance / Quality Gontrol

The success of a chip seal is highly sensitive to the control exercised over
the quality of materials and construction. Constructability reviews during
the planning, design, and construction phases improve the quality of the
final product. Commonly implemented quality control (OC) measures
intended for chip seal projects are provided by material testing and
inspection forces.

QC and quality assurance (QA) have been defined by the Transportation

Research Board (TRB). (85) As such, QA is the "planned and systematic
actions necessary to provide confidence that a product or facility will
perform satisfactorily in service." Additionally, QC is defined as the
"quality assurance actions and considerations necessary to assess
production and construction processes so as to control the level of quality
being produced in the end product." Both terms are inherent in all of the
best practices identified in this course.

Special attention was directed toward identifying laboratory and field tests
that could be correlated with successful chip sealing practice. The QC
section of the survey emphasized the requirements that respondents use
for ensuring conformance of the materials and the construction operation
to the contract specifications. Table 10 is an indication of some specific
chip seal testing methodologies that were identified in the survey.




Name of Test Property Measured Standard Test Number
) Manufacturing Control
Sieve analvsis Gradation AASHTO T26, ASTM C136
Cleanness value Fine rnaterials Caltrans TesI227
) No. 200 washed sieve Fine materials AASHTO T1 1, ASTM C1 1 7
Foreiqn materials Clav & friable particles AASHTO T19, ASTM C29
) lex-217-F. Part 1
Decantation Dust
Plasticitv index Deleterious material AASHTO T9O, ASTM D4318
) Agqregate Soundness
Los Anoeles abrasion Abrasion resistance AASHTO T96, ASTM C131
, British pendulum test Skid resistance AASHTO T278, ASTM E3O3
) British wheel Polishino AASHTO T279. ASTM D3319
Sodium sulfate loss Freeze-thaw deqradation AASHTO T104, ASTM C88
) Maqnesium sulfate loss Freeze-thaw deqradation AASHTO T104, ASTM C88
Aqqreqate Shape
Percent fracture Roundness ASTM D5821
Flakiness index Flatness/elonoation ASTM D4791
Asphalt Binder
Emulsion penetration Penetration ASTM 244
Emulsion viscosity Savbolt viscositv ASTM 244
Emulsion sieve test Gradation ASTM 244
Asphalt cements Penetration AASHTO M226, ASTM D3381
Float test Drain-off, hioh float AASHTO T5O, ASTM D139
Table 1 Quality Control Tests for Chip Seals

5.10. Laboratory Design and Materials Testing

Chip seal materials should be tested both in laboratory and field.
The design laboratory needs aggregate samples at design time to
test the compatibility of the aggregate and proposed binder.

I 5.11. Field Testing

ì Aggregate field testing is highly desirable to verify that the
aggregate actually used is the same as that tested for design.
Transport and stockpiling can significantly degrade aggregate.
Field sampling is preferable at the aggregate spreader applying the

Binder field testing should also be done to detect any contamination

due to transport. This testing is more common outside North

Materials - A work site needs to contain a facility for storing

aggregate and binder. Generally, binders are trucked directly from
the manufacturer and off loaded for use. However, situations arise
when distance and weather create the need for off site storage.
The site should be chosen well in advance of project start-up. The
aggregate stockpile should ideally be placed on a sloped and
paved surface, but at least on a sloped surfaced to promote


drainage of the stockpile. lt should also ideally be protected from
contamination with foreign material. Once stockpiled, the
aggregate should not be moved until it is to be transported to the
road being chip sealed. Following project completion, any
remaining aggregate must be removed from the stockpile site and
the site restored to its original pre-stockpile condition.

Field Testing - Most tests of constructed chip seals are empirical

and provide the user an indication of what extra adjustments must
be made on the job site. The Ball Penetrometer Test (77) and the
Sand Patch Test (ASTM E965) are useful methods for checking the
original paVement and the final seal. ln the Ball Penetrometer Test,
a Marshall hammer is used to hammer a ball onto the pavement
surface a predetermined number of times. The extent to which the
ball penetrates the existing surface is an indicator of the
pavement's hardness. Typical values range from 0 to 0.5 mm. The
Sand Patch Test gives surface texture information for classifying
surface type or examining seals with typical texture depths ranging
from 1 mm to 2.5 mm depending on the aggregate size.

5.11.1. Qualified Field Personnel

Qualified field inspectors are needed to make ad-hoc field

Since North American agencies typically do not adjust surface

textures prior to construction, ad-hoc adjustments require
inspectors with considerable experience.

Qualified field personnel needed to:

o Ensure all equipment is calibrated,
. Sample and test materials,
o Verify material application rates,
o Monitorconstruction.

5.11.2. Galibrating the Distributor

Distributor calibration is critical to ensure accurate binder
distribution - can have a significant effect on job quality. Distributor
calibration is more common outside North America.

5.11.3. Galibrating the Aggregate Spreader

While highly desirable, aggregate spreader calibration is less
common than distributor calibration. ln North America, there is a
fairly widespread disregard for chip seal quality control practices
which could account for perception of the treatment as an art rather
than a science.

NCPP 5- 18 MSU

5.11.4. Verifying and Adjusting Material Application Rates
ln North America, the chip seal design process is regarded merely
I as a guideline due to field adjustments expected as a result of lack
of preparation. Common North American tolerances are 10% fort
aggregate and + 5o/o for binder.

Aggregate Application - Calculation of the design aggregate
application rate is based on determining the amount of aggregate
needed to create an even, single coat of chips on the pavement
surface. The amount of cover aggregate required can be
determined using Equation 3 in Section 2.4.5.

Corrections to the basic application rate for the aggregate address
variables that affect the level to which it becomes embedded in the
binder. The corrections are ultimately applied to the calculation of
\ the binder application rate. These variables include:
. Aggregate Characteristics: lmportant aggregate
characteristics include absorption and shape. Corrections for
absorption are based on experience and the characteristics of
the local aggregates. Chip shape effects are variable: rounded
I chips leave greater voids, do not interlock, and are not
recommended. This type of chip also requires additional binder
Non-uniform sized aggregates produce uneven surfaces.
Figure 52 illustrates both rounded and non-uniform chip

a) Rounded b) Non-Uniform
Figure 52 Aggregate Shape Characteristics @!)

a Traffic Volume: This factor accounts for the role that traffic
volumes play in achieving the ultimate embedment of 80
percent (20 percent void space). The traffic factor is lower for
higher traffic volumes and higher for lower traffic volumes.
Table 11 lists the application rate correction factors associated
with varying traffic levels.


ADT 0-100 101-500 501-1000 1001-2000 >2000

0.85 0.75 0.70 0.65 0.60
Table 2 Traffïc Factors

a Loss of Aggregate Due to Traffic (Traffic Whip-Off): A traffic

whip-off correction accounts for the effects of traffic operations
on removing aggregates from newly chip sealed roads.
Reasonable values for losses are 5o/o for low volume roads and
residential streets and 1 0o/o for high-speed roads and highways
Table 12 lists road types and associated whip-off correction

Road Glass Wastage (%) Whip-Off Factor (E)

Low Volume 5 1.05
Medium Volume 10 1.10
High Volume 15 1.15
Table 3 Road Type and Associated Aggregate Loss (\ühip-Off) Factor

o Existing Pavement Condition: Existing pavement conditions

play a very important role in determining the optimum binder
content. A smooth surface will require less binder than a rough
or porous surface. Table 13 details the correction factors
associated with various existing pavement conditions.

Existing Surface Condition Gorrection (l/m2)

-0.04 to -O.27
Black, flushed asphalt (Dependinq on severity)
Smooth, non-porous 0.00
Slightly porous & oxidized or matte +0.14
Slightly pocked, porous, & oxidized +O.27
Badly pocked, porous, & oxidized +0.40
Table 4 Correction Factors Associated with Existing Road Conditions

a Embedment: Aggregates may be punched or embedded into

soft pavement surfaces by roller compaction and traffic. Table
14 provides corrections based on surface hardness and related
traffic volume using a Ball Penetrometer test.



HARDNESS 150-300 300-625 625-1250 1250-2500 >2500
Nir Nit Nit - 0.1 llm2 -O.2llm2
(Ball Valuel-2\
Medium -0.3 l/m2*
(Ball Value3-4)
Nil Nit - 0.1llm2 -0.211m2
Soft -0.1 llm2 -0.3 l/m2 -O.4llm2*
-O.1 llmz -0.21tm2
(Ball Value5-8)
embedment allowances o.f 0.3 l/m2 or more are indicated, consideration should be
given to alternative treatments such as multiple chip seal (ørmor-coating) with higher quality
materials rolled into the surface, or the use of a primer seal/ prime and seal with a small
l apsresute in order to provide a platform on which a larger ag,glegpte seal may be placed.
Table 5
Binder Content Correction Based on Surface Hardness & Related Traffic Volume

\ 5.1 1.5. Monitoring Gonstruction Operations

The actual rate of aggregate spread should be compared with the
design rate. Aggregate embedment should be checked - 50% after
the initial rolling and 70o/o after 2 - 3 weeks of traffic are

5,12. Construction Conclusions and Best- Practices

Chip seal is a "science" that can be replicated via adherence to
strict technical guidelines during construction rather than an "art"
that must follow a "recipe" to work properly.

Rollers are essential and greater attention to rolling
specifications and inspection are warranted.
Some chip seal quality assessment is visual, but many
performance concerns do not appear during construction. The QA /
QC chip seal program must be a planned system of scientific tests
and engineering principles. Chip seal errors are very hard to
correct - the contractor must "get it right" the first time.

Best practices:
1. Chip seals should be applied in the warmest, driest weather
2. Ambient air temperatures should not be below 50'F (10'C)
for emulsions; nor above 110"F (43'C).
3. For emulsions, surface temperatures should be between
70"F (21"C) and 130'F (54"C).
4. Patches should be completed 6 months before chip seals
and cracks should be filled 3 months ahead.


5. Variable nozzles should be used to permit the application of
a reduced binder rate in the wheel paths, or pre-spraying
should be used.
6. Minor aggregate spread deficiencies should be corrected
with a drag broom mounted on a roller during the first rolling
7. Aggregate should be applied promptly following application
of emulsion.
8. Excess aggregate should be discouraged by assessing a
penalty if the excess chips exceed the design rate by 10o/o or
more. A field-sweeping test can be used.
9. Before binder is applied, an experienced inspector should
drive the course and mark binder rate adjustments on the
10. A small amount of excess aggregate may be used where
extensive stopping and turning movements occur. Racked-
in seals may also be used in such areas.
11. Rolling patterns should be planned and provide uniform
coverage to all areas of each lane. Minimum rolling rates
are a function of aggregate size and traffic volumes and
should generally be in the range of 3,000 to 5,000 square
yards per hour.
12.The required number of rollers should be computed based
on distributor production and required rolling time for each
application width.
13. Rolling should follow as closely as possible behind the
l .Traffic control should be maintained long enough to give the
seal sufficient curing time.
15. Field quality control and quality assurance should only be
performed by experienced personnel.
16.The distributor and chip spreader should be calibrated
17.The results of aggregate-binder compatibility tests should be
observed in the field.
1B.The binder and aggregate should be sampled and tested at
the distributor and stockpile respectively to ensure that the
materials have not degraded due to handling during




) Best Practices
Practice Reason
') Reduce Excess Aggregate lncrease Sweeping Proficiency

) Reduce Aggregate Size Minimize Aggregate Damage

) Use Double Chip Seals Smaller Aggregate Contacting Tires
ì Use Lightweight Aggregate Minimize Aggregate Damage
Use Choke Stone Lock in Larger Aggregate
') Apply Fog Coat lmprove Embedment
) Pre-coat Aggregate lmprove Adhesion
) Use Polymer Modifiers Improve Adhesion
Allow Traffic on Chip Seal Vehicles Add Embedment
Control Traffic Speed Reduce Aggregate Loss






Construction Practices
Chapter 5


6 l.
Construction Process

Project S¿lection
2. Project Preporotion
3. Surfoce Prepûr.otion
4. Binder Applicafíon
5. Aggregale Spreoding
ó. Rolling
7. Sweepirg(Brooning)


6, Air Temperoture:
Weather Conditions

Relotive Humidity: Low
Wind Velocily: Minimol
Precipitation: None

(Low humidity is riticol for hot ospholt binders)

Temperature Consitlerations
/ Ambient oir temperqture should be r
o >óOo F for emulsions
o >ó0o F for ospholt cements
¿ Roadway surfoce >ó0o F ond <1300 F

t:1. ta,::

,. , :

sHADE i sùñl
. --;J'jw
kr¿;¿d fr.Æff#


Consider Road Temperatures

Consider Road Temperatures


r Low in Shode = Loss

lrt,ìrúÁr trÀìL


) Consider Precipitation

Roin wifhin 24 hours of = Binder Loss



, -\,


') Repoir" Surfoce Holes and Depressions
Level Surfoce Inr"egularifies offecting Ride
) Remov¿ oll Excessiv¿ Aspholt (potchês / Jo¡nts)
) Surfoce lf Extensiv¿ Loose âÂaterial

I Cnock Fill (oll lcrger cracks >f")

Remove Povement ÂÀorkers t Delineotors
) r' Cleon - full width
,) to remove
excess binder ond UK)
'I lo trohsverse
,) r'
ond UK)
Place signing
) / Tempotaty morkers

) t!i¡4,1¡'ül!




._) Potching û t¿vel

Fog Cól

.) l
¿mck Seoling

. Fæsh Povêmenl
ì r North Amaica ¡ AU, NZ,5A, UK



-J 5
:, Pâvement

!r'_!!:j\ ìñ

Poor Chip Seal Candidate

ilii! I

t# ; Protect Structtres & Castings







,) Different Curing Rates



) Traffic Control


!,¡ìÍ¡ì \\ sLrJl
¡-\'ì iai;-ìì-ì

T Markers


Traffic Control

!ç¡4,ìttÀt li¡t,

í$ Binder Spraying

f#i Pre-Spraying Considerations

r' ùetermine distributor velocity &

pump speed
/ Mork out distributot covetage
/ Construct paper joints
/ Blow out nozzles
¿ Align distributor tronsversely
(perpendiculor to center line)

Steps Before Binder Spraying

r' Reod binder temperoture 9ou9e on
eoch distribufor'truck
Verify quontily of binder on eoch truck
Obtoin truck delivery tickets
Ploce beginning ond ending poper joints
Conf irm distributor truck colibrofion
Check bock-up horn, strobe, or worning
lights on eoch distribufor truck

Distributor Truck
._ *,. Tggtp"çJ?j.ql"-,G au ge

Distributor Truck Load Gauge


Place Paper at Start ofRun



Roofìng Felt for

Start / Stop fagseç
@",, -

. Calibrating Distributor Truck

Meosurs Qucntity Inside Tonk

I After Applying Binder -

Chip Seal Production

/ Production rote determined by
distributor's copocity to opþly binder
o By chippen copoc¡ty to opply chips
r' Molch other eguipment to distributor
r' Tf usina two distributors be sure binder
opplícotion is nof too for oheod of
aggregale spreoder
o lÂqxlmum log time of 1 minufe, keep < 15O

Variable Appl ication Spraying

S:,J -
Vorioble ratenozzles ollow
differentiol binder plocement
t Less binder needed in wheel porhs
due I o. greal er aggregat e'
'r' Less in wheel poths reduces bleedíng
t ModiÍied Keorby recommends?OT"
increose in bínder outside wheel

l /
During Binder

chøikorèos wþeiã bindãr wos opplied

for lolerol flow
r' Wotuh Íor clogEed or dripping nozzles
¡ verify proper spray bor height
/ Check binder color (brown during oppl¡crf¡oh)


Emulsion Runoff


Ëmulsion Color


Collecting Samples

. Bottles for emulsions

Cons for hot ospholt i

(&" Aggregate Spreading

ffi,- Aggregate Moisture


/ Excessively wel aggregdte

con re-emulsify the seol
r' Droin excess woter

/ Tip truck beds lo droin

r' Do not droin on n9

1 3
to lication Rafe
r' Check thot Bock-uo Horn. Strobes. or
Wornino Liohts'Work Prooerlv durino
the ConÉtrúction Operatiön
/ If ne.eded,use on
to icqtion

tf ,,i'j1i i _\.i-l


(reduce spreder speed)

/ Monitor underneoth the chip spreader
insuring no woter ¡s dripping from

,lr,ùir¡r. . 1ì

not box
increoses cost)

During Aggregate Sprgading
@,,; .

When aggregate l
delivery is deloyed:

f,&, ,
During Aggregate Spreading

During the spreading

operotion, you should see
through the slreom of
aggregale between'lhe
spreader box ond
If not, possible excess
oooreaote is beino

u¡i:'Jtì:Åe sIÁì4

During Aggregate Spreading


During Aggregate Spreading

r' Placeaggregaleon nder only, not beyond

{ Close gotes fo control plocemenr locofions

During Aggregate Spreading

Control Spocing befween Spreoder & Distributor

to less thon 150 ft
--** @,,,

f& Aggregete Embedment


Before Rolling Begins

Weigh eoch rolier on o cãiiified scãle

/ Roller weiqht con be increosed by odding
) bolloslín roller's storoge oreci
r' Check oll tires ond insure eoch hos the
) reguired oir pressure
) r' Verifv bock-uo horns. strobes or worninq
lights ore uirorking þroperly

During Embedment

/ Visuolly inspect tires for uniformity

r' Rollers should not be bouncing
/ Roll¿rs close enouoh fo soreoder to embed
aggr egal e bef oie emdls o n breoks

r' Rollers should comolete 3 oosses before

proceeding to lhe next'section

L Staggering Rollers

n1ìîiì iïri

1 7
Ðuring Embedment
7 Check for emuliioñ flushing
r' Roke and level piles of excess
oggregate bäfore rolli ng
r' Ensure oll binder is covered

r¡t$iÁN !Êtr
¡-çîi ¡îäñ

ffi Raking Excess Aggregate

Roking'is o sign too much oggregot"



') The field-sweeping test used by some states,
-) curtails the bias to spread excess aggregate
created by paying for it by the ton. This method
I requires that the amount of excess chips be less

I than 1 0% of the design rate and adjusts the pay

quantities based on the sweeping test results.
f This may also reduce the potential for windshield
damage claims.
) ,4spholt Cemenl Bindgr
) Aspholl Emulsion
) ./ sweep 2-4 hours ofter chip seol placement
) r' Second suueep immediately ofter the first
r' Subseouent should
ordèr of
) ú. " ' ¡..1.,

J r'
J Ambient oir temoeroture:
Emulsions ló0o F - 110" F)
Asphoh Càment (7ú F - 1100 F)
J r' -Surf ace femoerotures:
J Emuls¡oiJ'(éd':F- 14oo F)

J 19
\1i,_f{1 r\ iifÀ1


Somple binder ot mid-tonk

Apply less binder in wheel poths

l1!ll!!.'l I :¡l: I

Construction Best Fracfices

aggregate femperoTure
r' Drain excess wofer from aggregate
r' Monitor lo

Construction Best Practices
@,,:, ^

r' Ensurø rollers moke 3 posses
r' Staggeî rollers to embed
aggtega're rn one poss
\ / Use multiple broomings to remove
excess aggtegale
¿ Considel. gxcess aggregat e

Fog Sealing Chip Seals



o Low¿r Viscosily

co te rom 0.0ó
sìrl[:{À íd'

ffi, ", . *S"$:*leg,chiPseals

"; timiË Snoúþirw"qäñ,qíä ---'^-- *
/ Increosed Embedment
o Addifíonol nesiduol ospholt
o Accelerotes Curinq of Povement becouse of
Dark dolor

o Sofi Elcstómeríc Áspholt Underneoth with
Horder Áspholt ovar Top

f& Fog Sealing Chip Seals

Locks down morginolly embedded chips

y' l okes povement morking mor¿ visible

o Reduces cmount of needed





Fog Sealing Chip Seals

2Yeors afler Seal r



r' Environmenfol Condiîions Dictote Time of Cure

r' Size Nozzles for Uniform

t Operolor is Troined & Qualified

r' Sûhd Intersections & Use Aneas

roüao oto aooooooaoooaaoooooa taaoo.o o o.a ooo o lo
Appendix A
Adhesion - Bond between a sealant material and the crack sidewall or the bond between asphalt
cement and aggregate.

) ADT or AADT - Average Daily Traffic.

Aggregate - A hard inert mineral material, such as gravel, crushed rock, slag, or sand.
Alligator Cracking - A series of interconnecting cracks in an asphalt pavement surface forming
a pattern that resembles an alligator's hide or chicken wire. In its early stages, alligator
cracking may be characterized by a single longitudinal crack in the wheel path. The
cracks indicate fatigue failure of the surface layer generally caused by repeated trafïc
) loadings. (The term fatigue cracking is also used.)

Armor Coat - A single application of binder followed by a single application of aggregate. The
aggregate is of lesser quality than that required for a single chip seal. Most armor coats
) use rounded river gravels which may be readily available in the localized area at a lower
initial cost.

Asphalt Binder - Asphalt cement that is classified according to the Standard Specification for
Performance Graded Asphalt Binder, AASHTO Designation MP1. It can be either
unmodified or modified asphalt cement, as long as it complies with the specif,rcations.

Asphalt Prime Coat - An application of asphalt primer to an absorbent surface. It is used to

prepare an untreated base for an asphalt surface. The prime penetrates or is mixed into
the surface of the base and plugs the voids, hardens the top and helps bind it to the
overlying asphalt course.
Asphalt Tack Coat - A light application of asphalt, usually asphalt emulsion diluted with water
It is used to ensure a bond between two bituminous pavement layers.

Asset Management - A systematic process of maintaining, upgrading, and operating physical
assetscost-effectively. It combines engineering principles with sound business practices
and economic theory, and it provides tools to facilitate a more organized,logical
approach to decision-making. Thus, asset management provides a frame work for
handling both short and long-range planning.

Bituminous Pavement - A pavement comprising an upper layer or layers of aggregate mixed

with a bituminous binder, such as asphalt, coal tars, and natural tars for purposes of this
terminology; surface treatments such as chip seals, slurry seals, sand seals, and cape seals
are also included.

NCPP Appendix A - 1 MSU

Bleeding - Excess asphalt binder occurring on the pavement surface. The bleeding may create a
shiny, glass-like surface that may be tacky to the touch. Bleeding is usually found in the
wheel paths.

Block Cracking - A rectangular pattern of cracking in asphalt pavements that is caused by

hardening and shrinkage of the asphalt. Block cracking typically occurs at a unifonnly
spaced interval.

Break - The process in the curing of an asphalt emulsion by which the globules of asphalt
become separated from the water. The color of the emulsion will change from brown to
black during the break process.

Cape Seal - A surface treatment that involves the application of slurry seal to a newly
constructed chip seal. Generally, the chip seal is constructed with larger sized aggregate
than conventional chip seals. Cape seals are used to slow cracking by providing a dense,
waterproof surface with improved skid resistance and ride quality.

Catastrophic Maintenânce -'Work activities generally required in order to retum a roadway

facility back to a minimum level of service while a perrnanent restoration is being
designed and scheduled.

Chip Seal - A surface treatment in which the pavement is sprayed with asphalt (generally
emulsified) and then immediately covered with aggregate and rolled. Chip seals are used
primarily to seal the surface of a pavement with non load-associated cracks and to
improve surface friction, although they also are commonly used as a wearing course on
low volume roads.
Síngle Chìp Seal - A single application of binder followed by a single application of
graded aggregate.
Double Chip Seøl - An application of binder followed by a single application of
aggregate, followecl by rolling and sweeping, and repeated a second time. The second
layer of aggregate is smaller (generally half the average least dimension) in size of the
first layer of aggregate.

Cohesion - The internal bond within a material. Cohesion loss is seen as a noticeable tear in the

Cold Milling - A process of removing pavement material from the surface of the pavement
either to prepare the surface to receive overlays (by removing rutting, and surface
irregularities) or to restore pavement cross slopes and profile. This process is sometimes
used to remove oxidized asphalt concrete or failecl pavement surface.

Contract Maintenance - The range of contracting methods and vehicles used by public
transportation agencies to accomplish maintenance programs and supplement activities
which may be performed in-house. Contracts may be activity based where the agency
provides specifications and compensation is either on a lump sum or unit price basis; or

NCPP Appendix A - 2 MSU

performance based, long term total asset management contracting which requires the
contractor to provide turn-key maintenance to an established level of service.

Corrective Maintenance - Activities performed in response to the development of a deficiency

or deficiencies that negatively impact the safe, efficient operation of the facility and
future integrity of the pavement. Corrective maintenance activities are generally reactive,
not proactive, and performed to restore a pavement to an acceptable level of service due
to unforeseen conditions. (As called Reactive Maintenance.)

ì Coarse Aggregate - Aggregate retained on the 2.36 mm (No. 8) sieve.


Crack - Fissure or discontinuity of the pavement surface not necessarily extending through the
entire thickness of the pavement. Cracks generally develop after initial construction of
the pavement and may be caused by thermal effects, excess loadings, or excess

Cure - A period of time f'ollowing placement and finishing of a material such as emulsion
during which desirable engineering properties (such as strength) develop. Improved
properties may be achieved by controlling temperature or humidity during curing.

Curing - Curing involves the development of the mechanical properties of the asphalt cement.
The end result is a continuous cohesive film that holds the aggregate in place with a
strong adhesive bond. For this to happen, the water must completely evaporate, and the
asphalt emulsion particles have to coalesce and bond to the aggregate.

Dense-Graded Asphalt Pavement - An overlay or surface course consisting of a mixture of

asphalt binder and a well-graded (also called dense-graded) aggregate. A well-graded
aggregate is uniformly distributed throughout a full range of sieve sizes. (Also see Hot
Mix Asphalt)

Depression -Localized pavement surface areas at a lower elevation than the adjacent paved

Design Life - The expected life of a pavement from its opening to traffic until structural
) rehabilitation is needed. The typical reporting of pavement design life does not include
the life of the pavement with the application of preventive maintenance. (See also
Analysis Period and Performance Period.)

Discount Rate - The rate of interest reflecting the investor's time value of money used to
determine discount factors for converting benefits and costs occurring at different times
to a baseline date. Discount rates can incorporate an inflation rate depending on whether
real discount rates or nominal discount rates are used. The discount rate is often
approximated as the difference between the interest rate and the inflation rate.

Embedding - The process of using rubber tired rollers to knead and interlock the aggregate into
the underlying binder.

NCPP Appendix A - 3 MSU

Emulsified Asphalt - A liquid mixture of asphalt binder, water, and an emulsifying agent.
Minute globules of asphalt are suspended in water by using an emulsifying agent (soap).
These asphalt globules are either anionic (negatively charged) or cationic (positively
charged). The asphalt sets when the water evaporates.

Equivalent Uniform Annual Cost (EUAC) - The net present value of all discounted cost and
benefits of an alternative as if they were to occur uniformly throughout the analysis
period. Net Present Value (NPV) is the discounted monetary value of expected benefits
(i.e., benehts minus costs).

ESAL -An abbreviation meaning Equivalent Single Axle Load. The effect on pavement
performance of any combination of axle loads of varying magnitude equated to the
number of 18,000 pound (80-kN) single-axle loads that are required to produce an
equivalent effect. This unit is used to quantify various types of axle loadings into a single
design number for pavement design.

Fatigue Cracking - See Alligator Cracking.

Fog Seal - A light application of asphalt emulsion diluted with water and without the addition of
any aggregate. Fog seals are used to renew aged asphalt surfaces, seal hairline cracks and
surface voids, or adjust the quantity of binder on newly applied chip seals.

Flexible Pavement - A pavement structure that maintains intimate contact with and distributes
loads to the subgrade and depends on aggregate interlock, particle füction, and cohesion
for stability. HMA pavements are flexible pavements; PCC concrete is not.

Flush Coat - Diluted emulsion placed over a completed chip seal to improve aggregate

Functional Performance A pavement's ability to provicle a safe, smooth riding surface.

These attributes are typically measured in terms of ride quality (see International
Roughness Index) or skid resistance (see International Friction Index).

General Emulsion Nomenclature - Each grade of asphalt emulsion is described in general

terms here. Any emulsion with a "C" before the grade of emulsion indicates "Cationic",
without the "C" indicates the emulsion is either anionic or non-ionic. Examples coulcl be
CRS or RS. The "l" or "2" indicate the viscosity of the finished emulsion. "1" indicates
a low viscosity and"2" indicates a higher viscosity.

Viscosity is defined as a fluid's resistance to flow. For asphalt emulsions, the Saybolt
Furol viscosity test is used as a measure of viscosity. Results are reported in Saybolt
Furol seconds. Depending on the type of emulsion, one of two testing temperatures are
used, 25oC and 50oC (77"F and l22F). The'oh" aI the end of the emulsion designation
stands for "Hard". The penetration of the emulsion residue when tested at a specified
temperature will be between 40 to 90 dmm when using a certified penetrometer. When

NCPP Appendix A - 4 MSU

the'oh" is not at the end of the emulsion grade, the emulsion residue is softer than the
specification for hard "h".

Rapid-Setting Emulsions - The rapid-setting grades are designed to react quickly with
aggregate and revert from the emulsion to the asphalt binder. They are used primarily for
spray applications, such as aggregate (chip) seals, sand seals, and surface treatments. The
RS-2 (anionic Rapid Set), HFRS-2 (High Float Rapid Set), and CRS-2 (Cationic Rapid
Set) grades have high viscosity to prevent runoff. Polymer modified versions of these
) emulsions are routinely used where rapid adhesion is necessary, such as in high traffic
areas, or when there is minimal traffic control, or where there is heavy traffic.
Medium-Setting Emulsions - Medium-setting grades are designed for mixing with
graded aggregate. Because the grades are formulated not to break immediately upon
contact with aggregate, they can coat a wide variety of graded aggregates. Examples of
medium-setting emulsions are MS-2 (anionic Medium Set), CMS-2 (Cationic Medium
Set), and HFMS-2 (High Float Medium Set).

Slow-Setting Emulsions - The slow setting grades are designed for mixing stability;
they are used with high fines content, dense-graded aggregates. Examples of slow-setting
emulsions are SS-1 (anionic Slow Set), CSS-I (Cationic Slow Set).

Quick-Setting Emulsions - Quick-setting emulsion is not currently specified by ASTM

or AASHTO. They are, however, widely used across the country and internationally.
The quick-setting grades are designed specifically for slurry seal applications when a
quick curing time is necessary. Examples of quick-setting emulsions are QS-1 (anionic
Quick Set), CQS-l (Cationic Quick Set), PMQS-1 (Pol¡rmer Modified anionic Quick
Set), and PMCQS-I (Polymer Modified Cationic Quick Set).

Hot Mix Asphalt (IIMA) - A thoroughly controlled mixture of asphalt binder and well-graded,
high quality aggregate thoroughly compacted into a uniform dense mass. HMA
pavements may also contain additives such as anti-stripping agents and polymers.

Hydroplaning - Loss of contact between vehicle tires and roadway surface that occurs when
vehicles travel at high speeds on pavement surfaces with standing water.

Initial Costs - All

costs associated with the initial design and construction of a facility,
placement of a treatment, or any other activity with a cost component.

International Friction Index (IFI) - A measure of pavement macrotexture and wet pavement
füction at 60 miles per hour determined using measured friction at some test speed and
macrotexture determined using ASTM E-965 or ASTM E-I845.

NCPP Appendix A - 5 MSU

International Roughness Index (IRI) - A measure of a pavement's longitudinal surface profile
as measured in the wheelpath by a vehicle traveling at typical operating speeds. It is
calculated as the ratio of the accumulated suspension motion to the distance traveled
obtained from a mathematical model of a standard quarter car traversing a measured
profile at a speed of 80 km/h (50 mph). The IRI is expressed in units of meters per
kilometer (inches per mile) and is a representation of pavement roughness.

Inverted Seal - A double chip seal constructed with the larger size aggregate on the top layer
and the smaller size aggregate on the bottom layer. Primary use is to seal a bleeding
pavement surface.

Joint - A pavement discontinuity made necessary by design or by intemrption of a paving


Lift - A layer or course of paving material applied to a base or a previous layer.

Lane-to-Shoulder Drop-off (highways, roads and streets only)Difference in elevation

between the traveled surface and the shoulder surface.

Life Cycle Costing An economic assessment of an item, system, or facility and competing
design altematives considering all significant costs of ownership over the economic life,
expressed in terms of equivalent dollars.

Life Extension - The extension of the performance period of the pavement through the
application of pavement treatments.

Longitudinal Crack - A crack or discontinuity

in a pavement that runs generally parallel to the
pavement centerline. Longitudinal cracks may occur as a result of poorly constructed
paving lane joints, thermal shrinkage, inadequate support, reflection from underlying
layers, or as a precursor to fatigue cracking. Longitudinal cracking that occurs in the
wheel path is generally indicative of alligator cracking.

Micro-Surfacing A mixture of polymer modified asphalt emulsion, crushed dense graded

aggregate, mineral filler, additives, and water. Micro-surfacing provides thin resurfacing
of 10 to 20 mm (3/8-inch to3/4-inch) to the pavement and retums traffrc use in one hour,
under average conditions. Material selection and mixture design make it possible for
micro-surfacing to be applied in multiple applications and provide minor reprofiling.

Mineral Filler - A finely divided mineral product with at least 70o/o passing the No. 200 sieve.
Commonly used mineral fillers include, limestone dust, hydrated lime, portland cement,
and fly ash.

Modified Asphalt Chip Seal - A variation on conventional chip seals in which the asphalt
binder is modified with a polymer modifiers to enhance the elasticity and adhesion
characteristics of the binder.

NCPP Appendix A - 6 MSU

MST - Moisture Sensitivity Test, also known as TSR or Modified Lottman. This test attempts to
predict whether a mixture is susceptible to stripping. It compares wet strength to dry
strength, and identifies adhesion and cohesion problems.

Net Present Value - The value of future expenditures or costs discounted to today's dollars
using an appropriate discountrute.

Open-Graded Aggregate - A blend with less-fine aggregate in which the void spaces in the

compacted aggregate are relatively large and interconnected, usually 100/o more.

Open-Graded Friction Course (OGFC) - A thin HMA surface course consisting of a mix of
an asphalt binder and open-graded (also called uniformly graded) aggregate. An OGFC
helps to eliminate standing water on a pavement surface, which reduces tire spray and
hydroplaning potential.

Overtranding - Overfilling of
a crack so that a thin layer of crack sealant is spread onto the
pavement surface centered over the crack.

Patch - Placement of a repair material to replace alocalized defect in the pavement surface

Pavement Base - The lower or underlying pavement course atop the subbase or subgrade and
under the top or wearing course.

Pavement Distress - External (visible) indications of pavement defects or deterioration.

Pavement Preservation - A program employing a network level, long-term strategy that

enhances pavement performance by using an integrated, cost-effective set of practices
that extend pavement life, improve safety and meet motorist expectations.

Pavement Preventive Maintenance - A planned strategy of cost-effective treatments to an

existing roadway system and its appurtenances that preserves the system, retards future
deterioration, and maintains or improves the functional condition of the system without
(significantly) increasing the structural capacity.

Pavement Structure - The entire pavement system of selected materials from subgrade to the

Penetration - The consistency of a bituminous material expressed as the distance (in tenths of a
millimeter) that a standard needle penetrates a sample vertically under specified
conditions of loading, time and temperature.

Penetration Grading - A classification system of asphalt cements based on penetration in 0.1

mm at 25"C (77"F). There are five standard penetration grades for paving: 40-50, 60-10,
85-100, 120-150, and 200-300.

NCPP Appendix A - 7 MSU

Performance Graded (PG) - Asphalt binder grade designation used in Superpave. It is based
on the binder's mechanical performance at critical temperatures and aging conditions.

Performance Period - The period of time that an initially constructed or rehabilitated pavement
structure will perform before reaching its terminal serviceability.

Permeability - A msasure of the rate or volume of flow of water through a soil or other material
including HMA.

Plant Mix - See Hot Mix Asphalt.

Polishing - Wearing away of the surface binder, causing exposure of the coarse aggregate
particles. A polished pavement surface is smooth and has reduced skid resistance.

Potholes - Loss of surface material in an HMA pavement to the extent that a patch is needed to
restore pavement rideability.

Present Serviceability Index (PSÐ - A subjective rating of the pavement condition made by a
group of individuals riding over the pavement. May also be determined based on
condition survey information.

Present Worth - See Net Present Value.

Pumping - Ejection of fine-grained material and water from beneath the pavement through
joints, cracks, or the pavment edge, caused by the deflection of the pavement under
traffic loadings.

Raveling - Wearing away of the pavement surface caused by the dislodging of aggregate
particles and loss of asphalt binder. Also see Segregation.

Reactive Maintenance - Maintenance applied to restore a pavement to an acceptable level of

service due to unforeseen conditions. Activities, such as pothole repairs, performed to
correct random or isolated localized pavement distresses or failures, are considered

Reconstruction The replacement of the entire existing pavement structure by the placement
- of
the equivalent or increased pavement structure. Reconstruction usually requires the
complete removal and replacement of the existing pavement structure.

Reflection Cracking - Cracking that appears on the surface of a pavement above joints and
cracks in the underlying pavement layer due to horizontal and vertical movement of these
joints and cracks.

Rehabilitation -
Møjor rehabilitøtíoø - consists of structural enhancements that both extend the service
life of an existing pavement andlor improve its load-carrying capability.

NCPP Appendix A - 8 MSU


Mínor rehabílítatì¿¡¿ - consists of non-structural enhancements made to the existing

pavement sections to eliminate age-related, top-down surface cracking that develop in
flexible pavements due to environmental exposure.

) Rejuvenating Agent - Similar to recycling agents in material composition, these products are
added to existing aged or oxidized HMA pavements in order to restore surface flexibility
and to retard block cracking.

) Rideability - A measure of the ride quality of a pavement as perceived by its users or roughness
) measuring equipment.

Roller - Generally a pneumatic rubber-tired roller used to knead and embed the aggregate into
) the underlying binder.

Router - A mechanical device, with a rotary cutting system, that is used to widen, cut, and clean
cracks in pavements prior to sealing.

Routine Maintenance - Work that is planned and performed on a routine basis to maintain and
preserve the condition of the highway system or to respond to specific conditions and
events that restore the highway system to an adequate level of service.

Rubberized Asphalt Concrete (RAC) - Similar to HMA but having a minimum 20o/o crumb
) rubber additive.

Rubberized Asphalt Sealant - A sealant, generally hot applied, that is composed of asphalt
cement, various types of rubber or polymer modifiers, and other compounding
ingredients used for pavement crack and joint sealing. Many grades and ranges of
properties are available.

) Rutting - Longitudinal surface depressions in the wheel path of an HMA pavement, caused by
I plastic movement of the HMA mix, inadequate compaction, or abrasion from studded

Sand - Fine aggregate (any fraction below a No. 8 sieve) resulting from natural disintegration
and abrasion or processing ofrock.

Sand Seal - An application of asphalt binder, normally an emulsion, covered with a fine
aggregate. It may be used to improve the skid resistance of slippery pavements and to
seal against air and water intrusion.

ì Sandwich Seal - A surface treatment that consists of application of large aggregate, followed by
an application of asphalt emulsion that is in turn covered with smaller aggregate and
compacted. Sandwich seals are used to seal the surface and improve skid resistance,
especially on asphalt pavement surfaces that are bleeding or flushing.

NCPP Appendix A - 9 MSU

Scrub Seal - Application of a polymer modified asphalt to the pavement surface followed by the
broom scrubbing of the asphalt into cracks and voids, then the application of an even coat
of sand or small aggregate, and a second brooming of the aggregate and asphalt mixture.
This seal is then rolled with a pneumatic tire roller.

Seal Coat - A generic term for a thin surface treatment used to improve the surface texture and
protect an asphalt pavement. Types of seal coats include fog seals, sand seals, scrub
seals, cape seals, sandwich seals, and most commonly, chip seals.

Sealant - A material that has adhesive and cohesive properties to seal joints, cracks, or other
various openings against the entrance or passage of water or other debris in pavements
(generally less than l6 mm (3 in) in width.

Sealing - The process of placing sealant material in prepared jointsor cracks to mrmmrze
intrusion of water and incompressible materials. This term is also used to describe the
application of pavement surface treatments.

Segregation - Separation of aggregate component of asphaltic or portland cement by particle

size during placement.

Serviceability - Ability of a pavement to provide a safe and comfortable ride to its users. As
such, it is primarily a measure of the functional capacity of the pavement.

Settlement - A depression at the pavement surface that is caused by the settling or erosion of
one or more underlying layers.

Shoving - Localized displacement of an HMA pavement surface. Shoving is often caused by

braking or accelerating vehicles.

Skid Resistance - A measure of the füctional characteristics of a surface.

Slippage cracking - Cracking associated with the horizontal displacement of a localized area of
an HMA pavement surface.

Slurry - Mixture of a liquid and fine solid particles that together are denser than water.

Slurry Seal - A mixture of slow setting emulsified asphalt, well graded fine aggregate, mineral
filler, and water. It is used to fill cracks and seal areas of old pavements, to restore a
uniform surface texture, to seal the surface to prevent moisture and air intrusion into the
pavement, and to improve skid resistance.

Stone Matrix Asphalt (SMA) - A mixture of asphalt binder, stabilizer material, mineral filler,
and gap-graded aggregate. SMAs are used as a rut resistant wearing course.

NCPP Appendix A - 10 MSU

Stress-Absorbing Membrane Interlayer (SAMI) - A thin layer that is placed between an
underlying pavement and an HMA overlay for the purpose of dissipating movements and
stresses at a joint or crack in the underlying pavement before they create stresses in the
overlay. SAMIs consist of a spray application of rubber- or polymer-modified asphalt as
the stress-relieving material, followed by placing and seating aggregate chips.
Structural Condition - The condition of a pavement as it pertains to its ability to support
repeated traffic loadings.

Structural Overlay - An increase in the pavement load carrying capacity by adding additional
pavement layers.

Superpave@ - Short for "SUperior PERforming Asphalt PAVEment" a performance-based

system for selecting and specifying asphalt binders and for designing asphalt mixtures.

Surface Texture - The microscopic and macroscopic characteristics of the pavement surface

that contribute to surface friction and noise.

Surface Treatment - Any application applied to an asphalt pavement surface to restore or

protect the surface characteristics. Surface treatments include a spray application of
asphalt (cement, cutback, or emulsion) and may or may not include the application of
aggregate cover. Surface treatments are typically less than25 mm (1 in) thick. They
may also be referred to as surface seals, or seal coats or chip seals.

Sweeper - Equipment used to remove the excess aggregate from a newly placed chip seal.

Tack Coat - The initial application of asphalt material to an existing asphalt or concrete surface
to provide bond between the existing surface and the new material.

Terminal Serviceabitity The lowest acceptable serviceability rating before resurfacing or
) reconstruction becomes necessary for the particular class of highway.

Thin Overlay - A HMA overlay with one lift of surface course generally with a thickness of 1.5
in (38 mm) or less.

Transverse Crack - A discontinuity in a pavement surface that runs generally perpenclicular to

the pavement centerline. In HMA pavements, transverse cracks often form as a result of
thermal movements of the pavement or reflection from underlying layers.

Treatment Life The period of time during which a treatment application remains effective.
Treatment life is contrasted with Life Extension.

Ultra Thin Overlay An HMA overlay over an existing HMA or PCC pavement, generally less
than25 mm (1 in) in thickness.

NCPP Appendix A - 11 MSU

User Costs - Costs incurred by highway users traveling on the facility, and the excess costs
incurred by those who cannot use the facility because of either agency or self-imposed
detour requirements. User costs typically are comprised of vehicle operating costs
(VOC), crash costs, and user delay costs. To be differentiated fi'om agency costs.

Warranty - Contractual agreement between an approved contractor/vendor ad the agency

soliciting bids, that uses specific performance measures to protect the agency from
responsibility of repair due to premature defects in material andlor workmanship.

Working Crack - A crack in a pavement that undergoes significant

deflection and thermal
opening and closing movements greater than 1116 in (2 mm), typically oriented
transverse to the pavement centerline.

NCPP Appendix A - 12 MSU

oooooootoooooooooooaooooooo oooooooao oaoooooa
I Appendix B

) Two approaches to assessing chip seal performance:
Quantitatively using engineering principles,
Qualitatively using expert visual assessment.

) ln North America, skid resistance is about the only quantitative method

used, but overseas, other quantitative performance measures are

E ngi neeri ng-Based Performance Indicators

Conventional asphalt pavements are typically assessed on the basis of
rutting and roughness, but these are not applicable to chip seals. The two
most common chip seal distresses are bleeding and raveling. Measuring
skid resistance and texture depth are the only two repeatable and
objective quantitative measures that may be applicable to chip seals.

Skid Resistance
Skid resistance can be used as a performance measure on chip
sealed surfaces. Skid resistance is generated by:
Macro-texture (frictional properties of the aggregate),
Micro-texture (aggregate size, shape, spacing).

Chip seal skid resistance is commonly measured using ASTM E

274, "Standard Test Method for Skid Resrsfance of Paved Surfaces
Using a Full-Scale Tire". This standard test returns a skid number.

Skid numbers determine a chip seal's performance as it declines

over time.

Texture Depth
Macro-texture can be measured using ASTM E 965, "Sand Patch
Method'. This test has widespread acceptance both in North
America and overseas.

The Sand Patch method is used to calculate mean texture depth

(MTD), which is an objective indicator of chip seal performance.
MTD is also an indicator of aggregate retention and bleeding
resistance. MTD decreases over time due to aggregate wear and
embedment. This method is consistent with philosophies used
overseas - texture depth is the chip seal performance measure of

NCPP Appendix B - 1 MSU

Engineered Performance Specifications
New Zealand has the most prominent chip seal performance
specification called "P17, Nofes for the Specification of Bituminous
Resea/s". At the end of one year, the chip seal's texture depth is
the most accurate indication of its remaining life.

New Zealand contends "the design life of a chip seal is reached

when the texture depth drops below 0.035 inch (0.9 mm) on road
surface areas supporting speeds greater than 43 mph (70 kph).

New Zealand requires Tdr = 0.07 x ALD x log(Yd) + 0.9

where Td1 = texture depth after one year,
Yd = design life in years,
ALD = average least dimension of the

New Zealand assumes that chip seals fail because of bleeding

Texture depth is limited only because of noise and aesthetics.

Qualitative Performance lndicators

ln North America, skid resistance is commonly measured for safety or as a
trigger for replacing seals, but not for measuring chip seal performance.
ln North America, the only true chip seal performance measure is
qualitative, viz. rating of visual distresses such as bleeding and / or

Chip seal performance depends on:

Quality of design,
Quality and consistency of construction,
Quality and consistency of materials,
Environmental conditions, and
Traffic conditions.

Visual Surface Ratings

Visually apparent distresses generally determine a chip seal's life
Aesthetics complicates evaluation and makes objective decision-
making difficult.

Visual evaluations, because of their inherent subjectivity, should

only be made by experienced personnel. Visual evaluation is also
made more difficult by lack of a consistent vocabulary for defining
conditions and appearances.

Visible Ghip Seal Distress Identification

Chip seals generally deteriorate because of binder oxidation,
aggregate wear and polishing, and aggregate loss.

NCPP Appendix B - 2 MSU


Australian agencies have observed the following chip seal distress
Binder oxidation leads to cracking which leads to rutting / potholes,
) Raveling/shelling leads to aggregate loss which leads to loss of skid
I resistance,
Aggregate polishing leads to texture loss which leads to loss of skid
) Bleeding i flushing leads to texture loss which leads to loss of skid

Bleeding and raveling are the most common chip seal distresses
Bleeding is excess binder appearing on the chip seal surface.
Bleeding is caused by either excess binder or excess aggregate
embedment. Bleeding is common in the wheel paths and is
exacerbated by high temperatures.

Raveling is caused by a loss of bond between the binder and the
aggregate and occurs mainly outside the wheel paths where the
aggregate tends to be less compacted.

Chip seals are also subject to two non-time related defects:
Poor construction, and
) Structurally inadequate underlying pavement.
Both defects can cause premature chip sealfailure.

Failure to apply binder uniformly across the roadway can result in

\ "streaking", which, while unsightly, can also reduce the chip seal's
life by permitting aggregate loss.

Chip seals applied over uncorrected rutting can cause the ruts to be
flooded with excess binder. Rutting should be corrected before
chip seals are applied.

Visual Evaluation Method

The subjective nature of visual distress assessment by
incorporating the following performance criteria into its

NCPP Appendix B - 3 MSU

Defect Severity Extent
Severe - light and heavy Greater than 40% of segment
lines over the pavement length affected, continuous or
surface localized
Moderate - excess binder
Greater than 5% of segment
Bleeding i on surface (loss of stone /
length affected continuously or
Flushing tire contact) not subject to
total of 20o/o localized problems
wearing off quickly
Greater than 10o/o of segment
Loss of Moderate - Patches of
length affected continuously or
Aggregate aggregate loss
total of 20o/o localized problems

Suggested chip seal acceptance criteria:

Finished surface has minimal tears and binder streaking,
Joints appear neat and uniform without buildup, uncovered areas,
or unsightly appearance,
Longitudinaljoints have less than 2 inch (50 mm) overlap,
Transverse joints have no more than 0.25 inch (6.5 mm) difference
in elevation across the joint measured with a 6 foot (2 m)
Chip seal edge is neat and uniform along the roadway lane,
shoulder, and curb lines,
Chip seal edge has no more than 2 inches (50 mm) variation in any
100 feet (30 m) along the roadway edge or shoulder.

Performance Gonclusions and Best Practices

Performance can be affected by design, materials, and construction,
Bleeding is the predominant distress and needs to be addressed
Measuring texture is useful in developing a pavement condition index as an
indicator of expected life,
As objective performance indicators are developed, it should be possible to
distribute performance risks more equitably between agencies and

Best Practices:
The Sand Patch Method (or its equivalent) should be used to measure macro-
texture as a performance indicator,
A chip seal deterioration model such as New Zealand's P17 Specification
should be used as an objective performance measure based on engineering
Visual distress ratings should supplement other measures.

NCPP Appendix B - 4 MSU

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Appendix G
The administration of a chip seal project has an immense impact on not
only the cost of the project, but also its ultimate performance.

For example, the heavy use of method specifications that describe in
detail the chip seal construction process essentially absolves contractors
of long-term performance liability as long as they can prove that they
followed the agency's method specifications to the letter.
Contract Types
Lump sum contracts are reasonable for construction projects where the
scope of work can be easily quantified. On the other hand, unit price
contracts are used in those situations where the scope of work is less
definable. The owner assumes the risk of quantity overruns by agreeing
to pay for the actual units applied, rather than paying a premium for
transferring the risk of quantity over-runs to the contractor via a lump sum

Given that chip seal projects usually are limited to a defined area of
pavement, quantity surveys should be fairly straightforward and not highly
variable. Thus, lump sum contracts, including the total cost of the project
including mobilization and traffic control, could be used without the agency
incurring a substantial cost increase.

North America favors the use of unit price contracts. As evident by the
) proportion of international survey responses totaling to more than 100o/o,
international agencies seem to prefer a mix of unit price and lump sum
contracts, and have also used Design-Build contracts where the chip seal
contractor is responsible for both the design and the construction.

The greater reliance on lump sum contracts by international respondents

is significant when one considers that all of these nations have developed
their own chip seal design methodologies which are based on a much
more detailed set of engineering measurements than those used in either
the Mcleod or the Kearby design methods. lt is possible that these more
scientific approaches to chip seal design allow those countries to feel
more comfortable in transferring the construction material quantities risk to
their respective construction ind ustries.

Under unit-price contracts, the contractor has an economic incentive to

install as much asphalt binder and aggregate as possible and thus could
construct the seal in a manner that would maximize material quantities
ínstead of chip seal life. Changing the measurement of the chip seal pay

NCPP Appendix C - 1 MSU

quantities to a surface area (square yard or square meter) reverses this
incentive. The significance of having an engineering-based design
method that allows significant adjustments in the field may likely reduce
quantity overruns because the profit motive for the contractor disappears.

Contract Management
There are a number of contract management issues that must be
addressed to ensure that the ultimate performance of the chip seal is
purely a function of the quality of the design and construction and not
adversely influenced by external administrative constraints.

Gonstruction Season
Chip seals applied early in the summer seemed to pefform better
than those applied at the end of the season. lt is impossible to
specify the temperature following chip seal placement so the only
way to address this concern is to limit the construction season.
This is because these early season chip seals have more time to
cure before being subjected to cold temperatures. Thus, if seems
that a best practice rs fo award chip seal contracts accordingly to
allow for early season construction, which maximizes curing time
before the first cold spell.

ln fact, most agencies, regardless of location, contract for a chip

seal program of approximately four months in northern areas to
roughly five months farther south.

Patching and crack sealing should be completed as far in advance
of the chip seal construction as possible to permit maximum curing
time for those items. Some agency constructability studies verified
that patches and crack sealing are common causes of bleeding due
to localized increase of asphalt content over the sealed cracks and
patches. One study found that these activities should be completed
a minimum of six months prior to the chip seal to allow time for the
patches to cure and evaporate most of the volatiles.

Contractor Gompetition and Competence

Research indicates that larger chip seal contracts produce better
quality chip seals since the better-qualified contractors seemed to
be more attracted to larger contracts, both in terms of quality
control and fielding their best equipment and most experienced
personnel. The survey also revealed that the typical overseas chip
seal project is more than twice the size as its North American

NCPP Appendix C -2 MSU

Sometimes contractor bonding capacity will factor into competition
Often smaller construction firms may not be able to provide the
required bonding for a large scale construction project.

Although the lengths of chip seal projects were generally not

provided by counties and cities which responded to the survey,
these organizations tended to face problems in attracting a
satisfactory number of bidders. The survey reflected BB% of the
respondents did not have an adequate number of chip seal
contractors competing for their projects. The same phenomenon
was found with state Departments of Transportation that do not
routinely use chip seals as part of their preventive maintenance
program. The smaller dollar value of projects within these agencies
may inhibit them from attracting qualified contractors.

Risks and Warranties

Contracts are the legal instruments that delineate rights and
responsibilities and distribute risk between the agency and contractor.
The type of construction contract has a significant bearing on how the
project's risk will ultimately be allocated. This influence extends beyond
the risk differential between unit price and lump sum contracts and into the
amount of design that is completed by the chip seal contractor.

Since risks are interrelated with responsibility, owners need to carefully

determine their role in the design and construction of chip seals to most
equitably allocate risk between the agency and contractor.

Contract Risk
Considering different contract types along a continuum of risk allocation,
such as shown in Figure 7, demonstrates risk distinctions based on project
responsibilities. Essentially there are four categories of contract
information that must be evaluated to ascertain the risk allocation
contained in a chip seal contract. Those categories are as follows:
Design responsibility: Who does the design? The owner or the contractor?
Level of material specification prescription: Are end-product, performance, or
method specifications used?
Level of construction methods prescription: ls the contractor permitted to
choose the construction method and equipment?
Warranty content and period.

NCPP Appendix C - 3 MSU

ln¡ rt I}ri*un (.hilpul l,Yi$*l Fr:d nn¡t-rr¡*c i l'iv,*rr

lli¡¡i; üwncr fu{¡:xi¡riu ¡n lLi,rk {:üntri.ifKrr

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{ lir¡r* l¡r¡*tiern Ilnr¡n:r¡hrh]e l'ù¡r* R¡Eti*n lvx.¡r.atrhh! I.r:'tt g-ì'rttt trlj;rr¡nlj*¡t

Figure 1 Contract Risk Continuum

lnput-Driven Contracts
Basically, the owner specifies where, when, and how. Contractors
simply get paid for labor and any equipment and materials used on
the project. Such contracts are likely to be found with agencies
which perform their own field adjustments of application rates, as
contractors cannot be expected to be responsible for the decisions
of the agency. As such, under input-driven contracts, contractors
are generally not held responsible for end product performance -
they are simply accountable for workmanship. Such contracts
effectively make performance unwarrantable as all project risk is
allocated to the agency. lnput-driven contracts are found in two
states with extensive and very successful chip seal programs.

Output-Dr¡ven Gontracts
Output-driven contracts, exhibited in the center of the contract risk
continuum, specify the "where and when" but allow the contractor's
responsibilities to broaden into control over desi$n and construction
methods. As a result of the contractor having some control over
the end-product, output-driven contracts are warrantable. The
contractual arrangement in used by some agencies is an example
of how end-product (output) specifications allow the contractor to
assume a greater level of project risk.

Performance-Dr¡ven Contracts
These contracts, as illustrated on the extreme right of the
continuum, no longer have the agency specifying "where, when, or
how". That network decision is now the responsibility of the
contractor. All design and construction liabilities are assumed by
the contractor, with the agency's only responsibility being to specify

Examples of performance-driven contracts are found in New

Zealand. The surface texture of the chip seal projects are
measured using the sand patch test after the end of one-year, and
the payment is adjusted according to whether the project's macro-
texture has performed as designed. ln New Zealand, hot mix

NCPP Appendix C - 4 MSU

asphalt pavements are only authorized on roads carrying ADTs of
20,000 or more (Brian Pidwerbeski, Fulton Hogan, Ltd.,
Christchurch, New Zealand, unpublished interview, 23 January
2004). New Zealand also has many of the same environmental
challenges faced in the northern US and Canada in its mountainous
areas where maintenance chip seals installed on top of two or
three-course surface treatments must be resistant to snowplowing.

) Warranties
) The goal of a warranty in highway construction is to effectively transfer
any risks controlled by the contractor to the contractor, basically
distributing risk in a more equitable manner. Warranties may also
minimize the agency's risk by providing a method to require that the
contractor correct failures due to unsatisfactory materials or poor
workmanship. Most agencies generally require this risk to be transferred
using a warranty bond which provides assurance that the contractor's
materials and workmanship will not fail soon after project completion and
acceptance. For instance, several states require the contractor to provide
a maintenance bond during a two-year warranty period. The key point is
that the risk be allocated to the party that has most control over the risk.
As such, when it is believed that risk is likely to be beyond the contractor's
control, limitations should placed on the warranty. For instance, in one
state's chip seal program, the warranty is restricted to two-lane routes with
ADTs of less than 2,500. Projects which do not qualify as preventive
maintenance are not eligible for warranty requirements.

Warranty Requirements
A major disparity between US contracting practices and those of
the Canadian and other foreign agencies lies in the use of

Foreign chip seal programs show a clear mandate towards the

implementation of warranty requirements for their chip seal
programs. The issue of warranties in the United States was
addressed in a comprehensive study by one state. The study
found that the construction industry viewed the issue as one of not
being able to control the risk that the traffic actually placed on a
newly chip sealed road would exceed the design levels.
Additionally, they felt that the longitudinal variation in the existing
surface condition was so great that it virtually discounted the design
calculations to a mere set of formulas to estimate the quantities for
the unit price contract, rather than being a precise engineering
design. Thus, the prevailing notion among both the construction
community and agency personnel was that chip seals were patently
unwarrantable. While warranties are an issue that needs to be
addressed in the United States, the facts shown by the international

NCPP Appendix C - 5 MSU

and Canadian responses seem to indicate that this risk can be
adequately managed.

Warranty Duration
The length of the warranty period required to catch deficiencies is a
concern. The survey responses illustrated that the most common
warranty period for chip seals projects is one year. Of the 16
foreign agencies that have warranty requirements, all but one
responded that their warranty periods were one year in duration.

New Zealand Experience

New Zealand's experience illustrates that when warranties are used
in association with performance and end product specifications, the
contractor has an incentive to pursue more innovative technologies
and methods for highway projects, leading to economic benefits for
all parties involved in the highway construction process.

The fact that the chip seal expected service life of these two nations
is twice as long of that expected by North American agencies
speaks for itself.

Contract Administration Gonclusions and Best Practices

However, if the agency wants the contractor to assume the majority of the
performance risk via a warranty, the agency must allow the chip seal
contractor to make the salient detailed materials and methods decisions
and control the outcome of those decisions through promulgated
perfo rma nce specifications.

Thus, the following four contract administration best practices have been
Letting chip seal contracts in time to permit early season construction.
Timing the letting of the contract so allow sufficient time for the curing
req u rements of pre-construction pavement prepa ration activities,

Packaging chip seal contracts in jobs large enough to attract the most
qualified contractors.
Attaching warranties to chip seal projects only where the contractor is
given latitude to determine the final materials and methods used to
achieve a successful project.

NCPP Appendix C - 6 MSU

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Appendix D

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NCPP Annendix T) - 1 MSI I



*i*fr1y Fôrl{ús
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frçlfÌs VEI¿.¿lrç*

Downloød Progrøm at Proiect/restools/sealcoatprogram.asp

NCPP Annenrlix D - 2 MSIT

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Appendix E

) 2003 Standard Specifications for Construction, Section 508, Chip Seals, Michigan
Department of Transportation, Lansing, 2003,268 pp.
A Basic Emulsion Manual, MS-19, 3rd ed., Asphalt Institute, Lexington, Ky., and the
Asphalt Emulsion Manufacturers Association, Annapolis, i|l4d., 1997, 1 20 pp.
) Abdul-Malak, M.-A.U., D.Vy'. Fowler, and A.H. Meyer, "Major Factors Explaining
) Performance Variability of Seal Coat Pavement Rehabilitation Overlays," Transportation
Research Record 1338, Transportation Research Board, National Research Council,
Washington, D.C., 1993, pp. I4ll--l49.
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