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1. Read about this sheet on reddit: Are fields you can enter values
2. Create a copy by "File -> Make a copy..." (so you can edit values!) Are fields that will output values

3. Go to the settings tab and adjust values to match your situation

4. Use the controls below

How many chests do I need to reach a target resource amount?

Current resources Gold Wood Iron
0 0 0 Enter the amount of resources you currently have

Target resources Gold Wood Iron

0 0 0 Enter the amount of resources you want to reach

resource Difference Gold Wood Iron

0 0 0 Outputs the missing amount of resources.

Chest required 100% 125% 150% 100% is the amount of chests you will need on average for each resource.
Gold 0 0 0 125% and 150% are values you should probably choose to be sure you reach your target while opening.
Wood 0 0 0 In case its not clear, choose the column on the left with the desired level of security, find the resource with the highest number in that column.
Iron 0 0 0 Thats how many chests you need in total to reach the desired resource goal for all resources.

How many resources will I get from the chests I have?

Total chests: 0 The total amount of chests you have. Make sure you read the Chest Distribution section in the settings tab!

Expected resources
Gold Wood Iron
0 0 0 Outputs the expected amount of resources for the given amount of chests.

Using exact amount of chests

Quest Reward (Blue) 0 Enter the exact amount of each chest type in these fields. Make sure to read the Chest Details section in the settings tab!
Quest Reward (Brown) 0
Reward Chest (Brown) 0

Expected resources
Gold Wood Iron
0 0 0 Outputs the expected amount of resources for the specific chests you entered above.
Chest Details
Explains where the different chests used in this sheet come from ingame.

Quest Reward (Blue): Blue chests rewarded for the quest "Confrontation".
Quest Reward (Brown): Wooden chests rewarded for quests.
Reward Chest (Brown): Wooden chest rewarded for clearing an invasion point.

Chest Settings
Enter the minimum and maximum values for each resource you can get from each chest. You find that information in the chest preview ingame.

Min Gold Max Gold Min Wood Max Wood Min Iron Max Iron
Quest Reward (Blue) 22500 27500 14625 17875 4050 4950
Quest Reward (Brown) 22500 27500 14625 17875 4050 4950
Reward Chest (Brown) 18000 22000 11700 14300 4050 4950

Premium Account
Depending on having a premium account active, the defaul chest distribution used in this sheet changes.

Premium Account (Yes/No): No

Chest Distribution
These values are the default chest distributions used if you have a premium account and if not.
You can enter values above 0 in the overwrite column to use a different distribution. Setting values here will make the sheet ignore the premium setting.
Set values in the overwrite column back to 0 to use the premium/no-premium setting again.

Overwrite Default no premium Default with premium

Quest Reward (Blue) 0.00% 3.50% 10.00%
Quest Reward (Brown) 0.00% 25.00% 50.00%
Reward Chest (Brown) 0.00% 71.50% 40.00%
Just some math stuffs, leave it as it is

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