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1. Name of the Society

The name of the Society shall be “ - ARYA VYSYA MYTRHI MANDALI

CHARITABLE SOCIETY” hereinafter referred to as the ‘Society’.

2. Situation of the Registered Office

The Registered office of the Society shall be situated in the state of

Telangana, at ______________________.

3. Insignia

The following shall be the Insignia (Logo) of the Society. The below
designed logo shall be the approved Insignia of the Society:

“Vasavi Matha Picture”

Beneath the said Insignia, the motto of this Society is “Live to Serve and
Serve to Live” shall be there.

4. Definitions

In this Memorandum of Association and Rules made hereunder, unless

the context otherwise signifies:
a. “Fiscal Year” shall be January 01 to December 31;
b. “General Body” shall consist of all the Members of the Society;
b. “Governing Body” shall mean Governing Body of the Society;
c. “Government” shall mean the State Government of Telangana;
d. “Society” shall mean “ARYA VYSYA MYTRHI MANDALI
e. “Member or Members” shall mean a member of the General Body
of the Society;
f. “Rules” shall mean any of the Rules and Regulations of the Society.

5. Main objects

To establish, set up, run and carry on the administration and management of
interalia perform the following functions:

1. The main aim of the Society are fellowship, leadership, worshipping Goddess
Vasavi Matha, promoting brotherhood and unitedness among the
community of the Association, service to all including all other members of
the community, State and Country;

2. To bring all Vasavians on one platform to serve poor and needy;

3. To coordinate the activities for the members of the Associations and to

organize programmes of common interest;
4. To promote peace, unity and brotherhood among the Society and to organize
vanabhojanalu for the members of the community of the Society;

5. To provide assistance in the field of education by promoting higher education

and establishing book banks, allied education development sources to the
needy by adopting such other project as deemed fit;

6. To promote community welfare, social awareness, service projects as it

deems fit for the use and benefit of Society at large;

7. To promote Vasavi Matha temples including constructing and maintaining the

said Vasavi Matha temples in such places as the Society deems fit;

8. To give financial assistance to the people of the community of the Society and
to conduct other program(s) for their upliftment;

9. To promote High Ethical Standards in various fields;

10. To acquire, construct building or building(s) for the Society;

11. To arrange organs donation camps, eye camp, blood donation camps and
such other health camps for the benefit of Society at large;

12. To see that these activities and services are reached to the people of
community, general public who are poor and needy irrespective of religion,
caste, creed, sex in India;
13. To receive donations for the purpose of purchasing any immovable property
and strive for the generation of revenue of the Society;

14. To accept contributions in the form of money or any other accepted modes of
consideration for the purpose of utilization of functioning of the Society as
well as activities of the Society and to keep such funds in the form of fixed
deposit in the bank(s) and to use the interest accrued on such deposit for
the benefit of the Society;

15. To apply for, receive, accept and utilise any Government/Corporate and/or
other grants and/or all other allowances in connection with any of the works
and activities conducted and properties held by the Society and to deal with
the same in accordance with the terms and conditions thereof and to
execute such documents therefore over all or any of the properties and
assets of the Society as may be required;

16. To borrow, raise or secure the payment of any money on such terms and
conditions and on such security as may be deemed fit and proper provided
they are not inconsistent with the objects of the Society;

17. To build character and inculcate clear notions of responsible citizenship in in

the Country;

18. To become member/affiliate of any other organization/society of the State of

Telangana or Country of India or any country abroad promoting the interests
of the community of the Society;
19. To undertake on its own and/or in collaboration with other societies, trusts,
institutions, corporates, governments for the upliftment and development of
the community and the Society.

6. Ancillary Objects

With a view to promote the foregoing objects, the Society shall have the following
ancillary and incidental objects:

1. To acquire by way of lease, sublease, gift, purchase, exchange, hire or in any

other manner, any movable or immovable properties and any rights or
privileges necessary or convenient for the purposes of the Society and to
construct, erect, alter, improve and maintain any building and to construct,
improve, alter, demolish or repair buildings and to manage, develop, sell, let,
dispose off, mortgage, or otherwise deal with all or any part of the assets and
rights of the Society with a view to achieve the objects of the Society in
accordance with law;

2. To sell, alienate, lease, give out on lease and licence, mortgage, charge,
pledge, hypothecate, transfer, surrender, dispose of and/or otherwise deal
with all or any of the properties, funds and assets of the Society as the
Governing Body of the society may deem fit.

3. To establish, equip and maintain any laboratory, research centre, data bank,
library, museum, workshop, centre and such other facilities as are necessary
for carrying out the objects of the Society;
4. To print, publish, edit, issue and exhibit any literature, books, journals,
magazines, periodicals, papers, pamphlets, advertisements, reports and
lectures and all other reading matter for the diffusion of good literature and for
the promotion, benefit and advancement of the charitable, educational,
cultural, social, and scientific ideals, institutions, works and activities of the
Society, but without any profit motive whatsoever;

5. To levy fees or other charges for services/facilities provided by the Society at

such nominal or other rates as may be specified by the Governing Body;

6. To solicit the participation of various companies and organisations in the

activities of the Society, on such terms and conditions as the Governing Body
may deem fit, for attaining the objects of the Society;

7. To negotiate contracts on behalf of the Society and vary and rescind such

8. To enter into any arrangement with any Government, Government Authority,

municipal or local authority or otherwise, that may be conducive to the objects
of the Society and to obtain from any such authority rights, privileges and
concessions which the Society may think desirable to obtain and to carry out,
exercise and comply with such arrangement, rights, privileges and

9. To initiate and award fellowships, scholarships, prizes, and medals in

accordance with the Rules and Regulations;

10. To collect and give donation(s) to temples, Arya Vysya Choultries

(Satramuluu) across India;
11. To create patron ship, affiliation and other classes of professional or honorary
or technical membership or office, as the Governing Body may consider

12. To make Rules and Bye-laws for the conduct of affairs of the Society and to
add or amend, vary or rescind them from time to time;

13. To open and operate jointly or separately accounts of any description with any
recognised or scheduled banks on such terms and in such manner as the
Governing body of the Society may deem fit in respect of the particular funds
of the Society;

14. To start, establish and maintain separate funds:

a) For the capital funds consisting of liquid capital of the Society.
b) For the new programmes, activities and projects of the Society.
c) For the repair, maintenance, renovation, alteration or extension of existing
buildings and structures and for the repair and maintenance of the Society.
d) A reserve fund for the promotion of the activities of the Society including
the maintenance and support of personnel needed for the purposes of the
Society and to pay into such funds periodically or annually such sums as are
possible and permissible and to invest the same in approved banks or
securities or in manner authorised from time to time by law.

15. Subject to the above provision for the investment of the funds mentioned
supra, from time to time to invest and deal with the monies of the Society not
immediately required in such banks and in such securities and in such
manner as the Society may think fit and to dispose of and realised such
investments and / or to lent with or without security the monies on such terms
as the Society deems fit.

16. To appoint and engage a accountant with reasonable experience to audit the
accounts of the Society and to pay the latter such remuneration as the nature
of the work warrants.

17. To employ on such terms and conditions as the Society may deem fit
employees as are necessary for achieving the main objects of the Society;

18. To appoint such person or persons from among the members of the
Governing Body or the members of the Society, as the Society may deem fit,
for the purpose of representing the Society in any legal or other proceedings
either to be instituted by the society or filed against the Society and to all the
necessary acts to safeguard the interest of the Society in such proceedings;

19. Generally to execute and perform all such lawful acts deeds and things as are
incidental or conducive, or may be deemed fit by the Society to be incidental
or conducive to the attainment of the above objects of the Society or any of

7. Interpretation of the objectives:

The Society is established for public benefit and accordingly the objectives
of the Society as set forth above will be interpreted and restricted to mean
such objectives and purposes as are regarded in law to be public
charitable in nature.
8. Society to be Open:

a. The Society shall be open to the persons of either sex, and of caste
belonging to Arya Vysya.

9. Memberships and administration of funds:

i. A person with age of 18 and above can be a member of the Association by

paying an amount of INR 100/- annually. In case of family consist of wife,
husband and two elder people, they can pay jointly an amount of INR
200/- for becoming Member of the Association. The Society will issue
receipts to the members upon payment of the membership fees;

ii. The Members must renew their membership every year. The Society
reserves its right to take a decision on increasing or decreasing of the
membership fees every year and the same is binding on all the Members
of the Society;

iii. If any Member acts against the interests, aims and objects of the Society
or violates any of the provisions of the constitution, Bye-Laws or punished
with any crime with fine or imprisonment, their membership will cease or
terminated by the Society without issuing any notice or show-cause;

iv. In addition to the membership fee mentioned above, any Member is

entitled to donate such funds or properties to the Society from time t time.

10. General Indemnity of Members

a. No Member of the Society shall be liable for any dues, debt or other
liability contracted by the Society save to the extent specifically agreed to
by such Member under a written agreement, contract or guarantee with, or
to the Society;

11. Power to Covenant

It shall be lawful for the Society to enter into any agreement(s) with its
member(s) for furtherance of the objectives of the Society.

12. Application of Income

All the incomes, earning, movable and immovable property of the Society
including any institutions thereof, howsoever derived, shall be solely
utilised and applied towards the promotion of its aims and objects as set
forth in this Memorandum of Association subject nevertheless in respect of
the expenditure of grants made by the Government to such limitations, as
the Government may from time to time impose. No part of the income and
property of the Society shall be paid or transferred directly or indirectly, by
way of dividend, bonus shares or otherwise, howsoever, by way of profit to
the persons who at any time are or have been members of the Society or
to any of them or to any persons claiming through them, provided that
nothing herein contained shall prevent the payment in good faith of
remuneration to any member thereof or to any person in return for any
services rendered to the Society including any institutions thereof or for
traveling allowance, halting or other similar charges. No Member of the
Society shall have any personal claim on any movable or immovable
property of the Society or make profits whatsoever by virtue of this
13. Members of Governing Body

The names, addresses, occupations and designations of the present

members of the Governing Body of the Society, to whom, by the Rules
and Regulations of Society, the management of its affairs is entrusted as
required under section 14 of the Telangana Societies Registration Act,
2001 as applicable to the State of Telangana are as under:

Sl.No. Name & Address Occupation Designation




The Governing Body shall have a three (3) year term commencing from the date
of registration of the Society. The Members of the Society will elect new
Governing Body before the expiry of the term of the current Governing Body and
till election of the Governing Body, the existing Governing Body will continue the

14. Association Clause

We the several persons whose names and addresses are given below
having associated ourselves for the purpose of forming a non-profit
SOCIETY and set our several and respective hands unto and form
ourselves into a society under the Telangana Societies Registration Act,
2001 as applicable to the State of Telangana and as amended from time
to time in pursuance of this Memorandum of Association of the Society
this ___ day of_______, 2018.

Sl. Names, addresses and Signatures of Names and Signatures

No. Occupations of members members/ addresses of of
Authorised Witnesses Witnesses







i. Any vacancy in any Governing Body of the Society either due to death or
disqualification shall be filled by majority decision of the members of
Governing Body present in the meeting and such appointment shall be
valid till the term of the Governing Body;

ii. The General Body meeting of members shall be held once in a year and
also before the expiry of term of Governing Body to enable the Members
of the General Body to elect new Governing Body.

iii. 30 days of written notice or by way of sms or email or whatsapp of the

meeting setting forth the date, time and place determined by the
Governing Body shall be given to each Member of the Society. The
Quorum of General Body meeting shall be 1/3rd of its Members present in
the said meeting and decision taken is binding on all Members of the

iv. The meeting of the members of Governing Body shall be held as and
when necessary with a minimum of 4 meeting in a year.

v. 21 days of written notice or by way of sms or email or whatsapp of the

meetings of the Governing Body setting forth the date, time and place
determined by the President or in his absence Vice President or in his
absence Secretary shall be given to each member of the Governing Body.

vi. The Quorum of General Body shall be 5. In case the required Quorum is
not present on the date of meeting, the meeting shall stand postponed to
such date as the Members of the General Body present on that day
decide. In case, on the extended date, the required Quorum mentioned
above is not present, the Quorum of the meeting shall be 1/3 rd of the
members present and the decision taken shall be binding on members of
the Governing Body and General Body.
vii. The members of the Governing Body are free to determine any other
mode of quorum, dates of conducting of meeting, mode of communication
as the case may be from time to time.

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