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C A-t) sEaT Ne'.,--* o.

of printed Pages:1
Third Semester Second Year B.ARCH EXAMINATION
Date: 03 May 2018. Time:10.00 am to 12.00 noon
Thrtsaal Total Marks: 50

(1) Figure to tle right indicate full marks
(2) Assume suitable data if required
(3) Draw sketches if required.

Ql. TVrite Short Note( any three) [1sl

a) Cavrty wall and its thermal performance for insulation
b) Use of Sun path diagram for orientation of the building
c) Working and Use ofWind tower
d) Micro climate elements in the building
e) Human body thermal regulator by Vasomotor

Q2.What are climate guide lines for the Hot Dry Climate discuss the different elements of the climate
and its impact on the residential building in this climate. Explain with suitable diagram. [f 0l
What are the methods of different climate devices to be used for Cold Drv climate to retain
thermal balance with in the building during day and nigbt.

Q3,Draw a Mahoney's table and explain its each part and how its is to be used for the climate related
design decisfrns. t10l

Q+.ffiite Short Note( any five) llsl

a) Evaporative Cooling
b) Day light Factor
c) Azimuth and Altitude Angle
d) Wind Shadow
( A -2) sEAr No.
No. of PrintEd pagm I L

B. Architecture, Second Year, (Sem. - lll) - ATKT Examination

AC -304: Building TechnologY - lll,
Avril- 2a18
Date: otrl orfiolS, trol4c.+ Total Marks: 50

Time: 2 Hours , !0'0 0 4t4 -

0L4o Ptr)

lnstructions: 1) Proportionate Sketches and diagrams will be consider to justify answer.

2) Assume data where necessarY.

3,1 All questions are comPulsorY.

Q. 1 Explain the following with neat sketches. (Any Three) (10)

1) Steel and its application in building construction.

2) Various types of hardware / fixtures for doors.

3) Draw types of wooden frame used for manufacturing of Doors.

4) Use of glass in building.

5) Mention types of panel doors and draw elevation of any two types.

Q.2 Draft detail of side hung wooden window of size 1200 mm (width) (15)

X 1200 mm (HT). Draw iis plan, section, elevation.


Draft wooden panel door size: 1200mm X 2100mm with its plan, section and elevation.

Q. 3 Draw proportionate sketches of the following. (Attempt any three) (15)

1) Holdfast ai door frame.

2) Meeting style of door shutter.

3) Rebate of shutter.

4) Mortice and Tenon joint at door frame.

2) Detail of glass panel and plywood panel in the door shutter.

3) Detail of pivoted door.
CA-r) sEATNo.--= No. of printed pages: 02
3'd Semester,2nd Year, B. Arch Examination

Date: F'ai day, 0410512018 Time: 10:00 am to 12:00 noon

Subject: AC 305 Structure III Total marks: 50
1. Answer each section in separate answer books.
2. Use of Non-progranimable calculator is permitted.
3. Assume suitable additional data is leouired.

Secfion 1
Q. 1 Attempt any Two 05
a) Explain types of loading with sketches.
b) Define Truss and state its applications.
c) Explain carry over moment and Distribution flctor

Q.2 Attempt any two . 20

a) Calculate deflection at free end for the beam as shown in Figure 1. Consider modhlus
of elasticity,E:2x 105 N/mm2 and cross section of beam as 300 mm (u,idth) xi450
mm (depth)
b) Analyze the continuous beam ABC as shown in fiiiure 2 using Moment distribqlion
method. Draw- shear fcrce and bending moment diaigam also. li
c) Analyze the fixed beem shown in figure 3. Draw shear force anci bending mohent
diagram. Use any metliod. ' li
Section 2 ','

Q. 3 Attempt any Two ,, , 05

a) Explain: Determinate and lndeterminate structures.
b) Explain different types of Arches with their use with sketches.
c) Explain tvpesuof beam'with sketches. '

Q.4 Attgmpt any two 2A

a) Draw shear force and bending inornent diagram for the beam as shown in figure 4.
b) Calculate the forces in all the members of truss as shown in Figure 5. Use any method.
c) A three hinged paraboX.ic arch has 20 m span with central rise of 3 m. It is subjected to
a uniformly distributed load of 20 kN/m ovgr tho left span. Calculate the support
Figure 4
'.t.t ,.

( A-L) SEAT No.- i,..

No. of printed pages




Date: 02/0512018 Time: 10:00am to 12.00pm
Wednesday Total Marks: 50 Marks

Notes: Sketches and diagrams will be considered handy to explain and justify.

Ques 1 Answer anv three of the following: (15 Marks)

a- State the characteiisticd of Romanesque Architecture.

b. Wriie in short about the Great Pyramid of Giza explaining the concept
' of Life after Death.
c. Describe the Kailasa Temple, Ellora.
d. Differentiate between an lonic Column and Corinthian column
e. Short note on Acropolis, Greece

Ques 2 Describe any five the following accompanied by sketches: (20 Marks)

a. Doric Column
b. Ziggurat
c. Stone Henge
d. Flying Butiress
e. Buddhist Pillar at Karli
f g Pylon and SarcoPhagus

Ques 3 Answer anv three of the following (15 Marks)

Christian and Byzantine eras.



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