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Lesson Plan Format:

Teacher: Brieanna Caillot Grade Level: 3rd

I. Content and Standards:

a. CC.1.2.3.C Explain how a series of events, concepts, or steps in a procedure is

connected within a text, using language that pertains to time, sequence, and

b. CC.1.2.3.E Use text features and search tools to locate and interpret information.

c. CC.1.2.3 G Use information gained from text features to demonstrate

understanding of a text

II. Prerequisites: Students should be able to write in complete sentences,they should

be able to identify characters in a story. Students should also be able to have some
knowledge on the sequencing of a story

III. Instructional Objective: After reading the book The Hole Story of the Doughnut out
loud as a whole class, students will be able to summarize informational text into five
events about the whole story

IV. Instructional Procedures:

a. Before: Before lesson, be sure to put sticky notes on the parts to stop at
while re-reading because the book does not have page numbers* review
why we summarize as readers, and introduce the story as informational text,
meaning that it is a true story. Then have a conversation about how summarizing
an informational text is like putting it into a timeline of five parts. Talk about the
strategy of reading the story once all the way through, and then re-reading it in
order to summarize.

b. During: Read through the story once so that everyone has an idea of what the
story is about, then go through it again. Re-read up until the first post it note, and
have the students come up with a summary as a class on what happened in the
first part. Continue reading until you get to the other sticky notes. When getting to
a sticky note, have students turn and talk about what they read, and then come
back together to have the whole class create a summary. Do this for parts 2
through 4 (this is when specific students, listed in the differentiation section
below, will be writing their own summary for these three parts. Then, come
together for the 5th section.

c. After: review the summary that the class has created, this is an important step
because it allows the three students who did their own summary to check their

V. Materials and Equipment: Summary worksheets for students to use, clip boards or
white boards for students to have a hard surface to write on while at the carpet.
White board will also be used for teacher to write down what students say when
coming up with the summary

VI. Assessment/Evaluation: Students will hand in their worksheet to be graded.

VII. VII. Differentiation: For M.I, A.D, and I.S have them create their own summary for
parts 2-4 in order to challenge them more

VIII. Technology: No technology is needed

IX. Self-Assessment: to be completed after lesson is over.

Summary Answer Key:

1) Hanson Gregory worked on the Ivanhoe as a cook for the crew, and he made fried cakes
called sinkers that were served in the mornings. The sinkers would always drop like
cannon balls in the sailors stomachs.
2) One day, Hanson had an idea. He used the lid of a pepper can and cut holes into the
sinkers before frying the dough. When he served them to the sailors, everyone loved

3) Hanson shared his invention with his family and they sold them in a friend’s store. At first,
everyone called them holey cakes.

4) 69 years later, when Hanson Gregory was doing an interview, a reporter asked him about
inventing the doughnuts. Hanson said he was happy with his invention.

5) At the age of 89, Captain Gregory passed away in Massachusetts. He was buried
overlooking the sea

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