Commissioning Preface

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I would like to gratefully acknowledge the following for their contributions

to this book. Chronologically, first is Portland Energy Conservation,
Inc. (PECI). Attending the PECI-organized Second National Conference
on Building Commissioning opened my eyes to the irrefutable logic of
commissioning as a way to improve the performance of buildings. Several
months before the conference I was sent to Portland to scope out PECI and
see if the Florida Design Initiative (FDI) should invest in the conference
as a major sponsor. My visit was also surely a chance for PECI to scope
out FDI as a potential collaborator. Luckily, all went well, and the rest
is history. FDI provided major support for three of the first five national
conferences. PECI is still doing outstanding work in commissioning and
energy. Thanks for being an inspiration.
Second, chronologically, is the ASHRAE Guideline 0 (and generally
overlapping Guideline 1) project committee. Sitting in on committee
meetings over the course of what seems like a decade (and, in fact, was
close to being so) was like getting a graduate degree in commissioning. The
committee members are amazingly knowledgeable and were exceptionally
willing to share that knowledge— investing huge amounts of time in a
totally volunteer effort. They were a fantastic group to work with, to boot.
Thanks for your collective wisdom.
Third, chronologically, are the several commissioning providers who
contributed freely of their time and wisdom through the interviews
interspersed throughout the book. In alphabetical order these valuable
contributors are:

Thomas E. Cappellin, Hanson Professional Services, Inc.

Tim Corbett, Social Security Administration
H. J. Enck, Commissioning & Green Building Solutions
Tudi Haasl, Portland Energy Conservation, Inc.
Kristin Heinemeier, Western Cooling Efficiency Center


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