Website - Summative Assessment - Performance Project

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Sabrina Monserate, Carrie Barnes, Luke Sain 1

“Starting Your Own Restaurant” Lesson Plan

● NC.M1.A-CED.3​ - Create systems of linear equations and inequalities to model situations in
● NC.M1.F.BF.1​ - Write a function that describes a relationship between two quantities.
● NC.M1.A-REI.6 Use tables, graphs, or algebraic methods (substitution and elimination) to find
approximate or exact solutions to systems of linear equations and interpret solutions in terms
of a context.

Measurable Learning Outcomes​​:

1. Students will be able to (SWBAT) write a linear function that describes a relationship between
two quantities.
2. SWBAT create systems of linear equations to model situations in context.
3. SWBAT use tables to find the solution between equations.
4. SWBAT use graphs to find the solution between equations.

Students are given a table of various items that have buying limits, production costs, and charging
prices for one of each item. ​ ​Students begin with a $100 budget for production cost and they must buy
at least two different items for their store.

Using the information provided in the table, students will create linear equations that will help them
develop a unique equation for total revenue given the items they want to sell.

Students will then present their model to the class as well as share 3 examples of different customer
purchases and how much the revenue would be for each scenario.


Student Name 5%
Restaurant Name & Slogan 5%
Explanation of Business Model 25%
Accuracy of equations that represent findings 25%
Equations for 3 possible scenarios 25%
In Class Discussion Participation 15%

Sabrina Monserate, Carrie Barnes, Luke Sain 2

Starting Your Own Restaurant

Item Purchase Limit Production Cost (PC) Charging Price (CP)

Maximum number of How much producing one Price you will charge
each item you can of each item costs customers for one of
buy to start your each item

1. Hamburger (H) 25 $2 $4

2. Hot Dog (HD) 30 $1 $3

3. Drink (D) 50 $1 $3

4. Fries (F) 60 $1 $2.50

5. Shakes (S) 90 $1.50 $3

Task​​: ​In groups of 3-4, you will be starting a restaurant. In order to start your business, you have
decided to sell ​at least​​ 2 different types of items (or more if you’d like) from the table above, but ​you
only have a budget of $100.00 to spend on production costs.

For this project, you will need to do the following:

1. Decide how many of each item you will purchase to maximize your $100 budget for production
■ Explain how the number of each item you chose maximizes your $100 budget
2. Write a linear equation for each of the following: production cost and charging price.
■ Combine these equations to create a new linear equation that represents your total
■ Use the variables next to the item given in parentheses (i.e. For Hot Dog, use the “HD”
3. Come up with ​3 ​possible scenarios that state what customers bought and calculate the total
revenue for that purchase (Example: “Sally bought 3 hot dogs and 4 shakes, so the total
revenue for her purchase was…”)
■ You need to show ​two different methods of solving ​for total revenue (i.e. using
tables, graphing, etc.).
4. Create a compelling advertisement/presentation for your restaurant to showcase your work to
the class and “potential investors”.
■ You will need to come up with an original name, slogan, and menu
■ DO NOT​​ copy existing slogans and restaurant names (i.e. McDonald’s or “I’m Lovin’ It”)
■ Include the work you completed for questions 1-3.
Good luck and have fun!
Sabrina Monserate, Carrie Barnes, Luke Sain 3

Starting Your Own Restaurant - Rubric 

Good Average Poor

(Full Credit) (Partial Credit) (Little/No Credit)

Student All members of the group N/A Group members did not
Name wrote their name on the write their names on the
assignment. assignment.

Restaurant The slogan and restaurant The slogan and/or There is no slogan or
Name and name was original. restaurant name was restaurant name.
Slogan unoriginal (i.e. a duplicate of
an existing restaurant or

Written The explanation for how The explanation for how There was no explanation
Business many items to purchase to many items to purchase to for how many items were
Model maximize the budget was maximize the budget was purchased to maximize the
well thought-out and clearly disorganized, but the budget.
communicated. conclusion was correct.

Accuracy of The total revenue equation There was a minor There were no equations for
Equations was accurate. miscalculation in the production cost, charging
That equation for production cost cost, or total revenue.
Represent or charging cost that made
Findings the total revenue equation There were major errors in
inaccurate. both the equation for
production cost and
The total revenue equation charging cost that led to the
is missing. total revenue equation to be

Equations Presentation included 2 Presentation included 3 Student did not include any
for Possible different methods of solving possible scenarios, but did equations for possible
Scenarios for total revenue in 3 not solve for total revenue scenarios.
possible scenarios. with 2 different methods.
Equations for possible
scenarios had major errors.

Classroom Student meaningfully N/A Student did not

Discussion contributed to the classroom meaningfully contributed to
Participation discussion. the classroom discussion.

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