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Alan Zucconi

Alan Zucconi
Independent developer
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There are 12 posts filed in python ( this is page 1 of 3).

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Improving the Rainbow � Part 2

In the previous part of this tutorial, Improving the Rainbow � Part 1, we have seen
different techniques to reproduce the colours of the rainbow procedurally. Solving
this problem efficiently will allow us to simulate physically based reflections
with a much higher fidelity.

The purpose of this post is to introduce a novel approach that yields better
results than any of the previous solutions, without using any branching.

You can find the complete series here:

Part 1. The Nature of Light

Part 2. Improving the Rainbow (Part 1)
Part 3. Improving the Rainbow (Part 2)
Part 4. Understanding Diffraction Grating
Part 5. The Mathematics of Diffraction Grating
Part 6. CD-ROM Shader: Diffraction Grating (Part 1)
Part 7. CD-ROM Shader: Diffraction Grating (Part 2)
Part 8. Iridescence on Mobile
Part 9. The Mathematics of Thin-Film Interference
Part 10. Car Paint Shader: Thin-Film Interference
A link to download the Unity project used in this series is also provided at the
end of the page.

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in python, science, shader, tutorial | 981 Words | 5 Webmentions | 4 Comments

Positioning and Trilateration

This post shows how it is possible to find the position of an object in space,
using a technique called trilateration. The traditional approach to this problem
relies on three measurements only. This tutorial addresses how to it is possible to
take into account more measurements to improve the precision of the final result.
This algorithm is robust and can work even with inaccurate measurements.

Part 1. Geometrical Interpretation
Part 2. Mathematical Interpretation
Part 3. Optimisation Algorithm
Part 4. Additional Considerations
If you are unfamiliar with the concepts of latitude and longitude, I suggest you
read the first post in this series: Understanding Geographical Coordinates.
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in maths, python, tutorial | 1,658 Words | 2 Webmentions | 4 Comments

Understanding Geographical Coordinates

This series introduces the concept of trilateration. This technique can be applied
to a wide range of problems, from indoor localisation to earthquake detection. This
first post provides a general introduction to the concept of geographical
coordinates, and how they can be effectively manipulated. The second post in the
series, Positioning and Trilateration, will cover the actual techniques used to
identify the position of an object given independent distance readings. Most
trilateration tutorials require the measures from the sensors to be precise and
consistent. The approach here presented, instead, is highly robust and can tolerate
inaccurate readings.

Part 1. Understanding Geographical Coordinates
Part 2. Local Geographical Distance
Part 3. Great-Circle Distance
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in maths, python, science, tutorial | 1,553 Words | 2 Webmentions | 1 Comment

Generating Deep Dreams

The previous post in this series, Understanding Deep Dreams, explained what deep
dreams are, and what they can be used for. In this second post you�ll learn how to
create them, with a step by step guide.

The Instructions
The Code
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in machine learning, programming, python, tutorial | 1,412 Words | 1 Webmention | 7

The Top 5 Easter Eggs in Python

Despite being a very serious language, Python is full of Easter eggs and hidden
references. This post shows the top 5:

Hello World�
The Zen of Python
C-Style braces instead of indentation
Monthy Python references
I have covered the 5 most interesting features of Python in this post. Continue
reading ?

in programming, python, tutorial | 510 Words | 1 Webmention | 3 Comments

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Part 1. Implementation
Part 2. The yield Statement
Part 3. Limitations
If you are familiar with C#, chances are you might have used the List class. Like
most of the modern data structures available in .NET, the elements within a List
can be iterated in many way. The most common uses a for loop and and index i to
access the elements sequentially.

List<int> list = new List<int>();

for (int i = 0; i < list.Count; i ++)
List<int> list = new List<int>();
for (int i = 0; i < list.Count; i ++)
C# introduces a new way to loop over the elements of a list: foreach construct.

List<int> list = new List<int>();

foreach (int n in list)
List<int> list = new List<int>();
foreach (int n in list)
This new syntax allows to explicitate the intention of the programmer. The stress
now is on the fact that you want to iterate the elements of a list; not about
incrementing indices. This is particularly helpful when there are nested loops.
Indices like i and j can be easily swapped by mistake, and edge conditions are
sometimes hard to get right on the first try.

Classes that can be iterated using foreach make such a behaviour possible by
implementing the IEnumerable interface (MSDN). Inside, it contains a method called
GetEnumerator that must be used to create and return an iterator. Like the name
suggests, iterators are data structures that can be iterated upon. They implement
the interface IEnumerator (MSDN), which provides an API to iterate over a sequence
of element. IEnumerator contains:

MoveNext: A method that forces the iterator to fetch the next element in the list.
It returns true if there is a next element; false if the sequence has terminated.
Current: This getter is used to return the current element of the iterator.
After having understood how an iterator class is implemented, it�s easy to see how
those two code snippets are equivalent:

// Foreach
foreach (int i in list)
// Iterator
IEnumerator<int> iterator = list.GetEnumerator();
while (iterator.MoveNext())
int n = iterator.Current;
// Foreach
foreach (int i in list)

// Iterator
IEnumerator<int> iterator = list.GetEnumerator();
while (iterator.MoveNext())
int n = iterator.Current;
The yield Statement
Iterators are awesome. However, they are a pain to code. Recording the position of
the current object and moving it at each subsequent call of MoveNext is not the
most natural way to iterate over a sequence. This is why C# allows a more compact
way to write classes that are compatible with foreach. This is done thanks to a new
keyword: yield.

Let�s imagine that we want to create an iterator that produces the elements , 1, 2,
and 3. We can either create a class that implements the IEnumerable interface,
instancing an IEnumerator that uses MoveNext and Current to produce the desired

Or, we can create the following function:

IEnumerator<int> OurNewEnumerator ()
yield return 0;
yield return 1;
yield return 2;
yield return 3;
IEnumerator<int> OurNewEnumerator ()
yield return 0;
yield return 1;
yield return 2;
yield return 3;
The compiler will take this piece of code and convert it in a proper IEnumerator.
With this new syntax, is incredibly easy to loop over the object the sequence:

foreach (int n in OurNewEnumerator())

foreach (int n in OurNewEnumerator())
If we want the instance of the class that contains OurNewEnumerator to be
automatically recognised as an iterator in a foreach loop, what we have to do the

public class OurClass : IEnumerable<int>

IEnumerator<int> IEnumerable.GetEnumerator()
return OurNewEnumerator();
public class OurClass : IEnumerable<int>
IEnumerator<int> IEnumerable.GetEnumerator()
return OurNewEnumerator();
Now we can use the class itself as the list argument of the foreach loop:

OurClass list = new OurClass();

foreach (int n in list)
OurClass list = new OurClass();
foreach (int n in list)
Iterators are very handy. However, they have some pretty strong limitations. The
most obvious one is that elements should not be removed in the body of a foreach
loop. Most lists detect and prevent this. On top of being an anti pattern
(Wikipedia), removing elements, one by one, on a list is generally extremely
inefficient. When an element is removed from an array-based list, for example, it
causes most elements to be rearranged to fill the gap it left behind. Repeating
this multiple times is inefficient.

Removing elements from a list is, generally speaking, a �controversial� topic. A

common solution is to iterate elements in reverse with a traditional for loop. Most
.NET data structures comes with a function RemoveAll that can be used to safely
remove all elements that match a certain condition.

This post introduced the concept of foreach loop, as a safer and more elegant
approach to traditional index-based for loops. To sum up:

The foreach loop can be used to iterate data structures;

IEnumerable is the interface that iterable data structures should implement. It
GetEnumerator: must return an instance of IEnumerator
IEnumerator is the interface that abstracts the process of iterating elements. It
MoveNext: Advances the state of the iterator and returns true if there is a next
element available;
Current: A getter used to retrieve the current element being iterated upon.
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Write a Comment
January 25, 2017
You are slightly incorrect when you presented how foreach loop is interpreted by
// Iterator
IEnumerator iterator = list.GetEnumerator();
while (iterator.MoveNext())
int n = bat.Current;

IEnumerator implements IDisposable interface (unfortunately for us IEnumerator

doesn�t) and after going through all elements we must dispose it, so we should wrap
while loop into try�catch block:
IEnumerator it = �
try {

finally {
if (it is IDisposable)

Reply to 0xmarcin
Alan Zucconi
January 25, 2017
Oh thank you so much for the clarification!
I tried to make this as simple as possible. There are few aspects I have
intentionally ignore such as Reset and stuff. :p I didn�t want to get too many
concepts in the same tutorial! :p

Reply to Alan
January 25, 2017
Where did �bat� come from for �bat.Current�?

Reply to Tom
Alan Zucconi
January 25, 2017
Thank you for spotting that!
That was form a previous version of that snippet code!

Reply to Alan
January 26, 2017
You website feeds don�t work anymore. Well at least on Feedly they don�t

Reply to Sylvain
Alan Zucconi
January 26, 2017
Oh not sure why, sorry! ??

Reply to Alan
June 5, 2017
can you talk a little about the memory implications of use foreach? thanks

Reply to rich
Alan Zucconi
June 5, 2017
I didn�t want to go too much into those details for a very simple reasons.
Sometimes developers get very worried about micro-optimisations (such as foreach vs
for), and ending up writing much more code and losing the big picture. Since this
was a fairly basic tutorial, I didn�t want to scare developers too much!
I will talk about it though, don�t worry! ??

Reply to Alan
Bartosz Olszewski
August 3, 2017
�Indices like i and j can be easily swapped by mistake, and edge conditions are
sometimes hard to get right on the first try.�
That�s why I prefer using names like �enemyIndex� or �buttonIndex�. They are longer
than single-letter ones, but it is harder to make a mistake, and the code is easier
to read.

Reply to Bartosz
Write a Comment
Tutorial Series - Alan Zucconi August 3, 2017
�Indices like i and j can be easily swapped by mistake, and edge conditions are
sometimes hard to get right on the first try.�
That�s why I prefer using names like �enemyIndex� or �buttonIndex�. They are longer
than single-letter ones, but it is harder to make a mistake, and the code is easier
to read.

Nested Coroutines in Unity - Alan Zucconi August 3, 2017

�Indices like i and j can be easily swapped by mistake, and edge conditions are
sometimes hard to get right on the first try.�
That�s why I prefer using names like �enemyIndex� or �buttonIndex�. They are longer
than single-letter ones, but it is harder to make a mistake, and the code is easier
to read.


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