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AYA/Social Studies–History

Assignment/Prompt Description Form

Directions: Use a new form for each assignment/prompt.
Indicate your Candidate ID and the assignment/prompt (#1, #2, or #3) below. Respond to the prompts
(no more than 1 single-spaced page in Arial 11-point font, including the prompts) by typing your responses
within the brackets following each prompt. Do not delete or alter the prompts; both the prompts and your
responses are included in the total page count allowed. Pages exceeding the maximum will not be scored.
With each completed Assignment/Prompt Description Form, include the associated assignment/prompt and any
other relevant instructional material(s). Include completed students’ rubrics if used in evaluation.
If a student’s work is graded, explain criteria for grading.

Candidate ID#: [03001104]

Assignment/Prompt: #1 [] #2 [ X] #3 []

1. Briefly describe the nature of this assignment/prompt.

[Assignment 2 was a document-based question designed to elicit an analytical response to the
prompt, “For the years 1880-1925, analyze both the tensions surrounding the issue of
immigration and the United States government’s response to those tensions.”]
2. What specific student understanding and/or skills is this assignment designed to elicit?
[Assignment 2 was designed to elicit the student’s analytical response to the document-based
prompt. The prompt measured students understanding of the reasons for increased immigration
during the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries and the U.S. government’s response to
this immigration increase. This provides a historical context and demonstrates students overall
understanding of the broader historical concepts present during the period. Skills included the
ability to evaluate a variety of primary and secondary source materials and determine the
author’s purpose for writing and how the source fit into the historical context of the period.
Students were also asked to provide evidence from the documents to support their analysis of
the writing prompt. Other skills included basic writing conventions and use of standardized
citation methods for primary and secondary source materials.]

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