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Lea el siguiente texto y responda las consignas enumeradas a continuación

del mismo.

The internal structure of an animal cell is very complex. The nucleus is

at the center of the cell. It contains the genetic material. A
membranous envelope, the nuclear membrane, surrounds the nucleus.
This membrane has pores.

In the cytoplasm we find different organelles: the synthesis of new

proteins occurs in the ribosomes. These new proteins move to the Golgi
complex. They undergo a process of maturation with the incorporation
of residues of sugar, etc. Other organelles, the mitochondria, produce
the necessary energy to maintain the cellular functions. Lysosomes are
organelles with enzymes. They destroy themselves strange substances .
The plasmatic membrane covers the cell. It maintains the normal
internal environment and the shape of the cell.

Ejercicios de gramática

1.¿A qué se refieren las palabras marcadas en negrita?

2.Clasifica las palabras en negrita.
3. Traduce la oración subrayada.
4.Encuentra el artículo definido y un artículo indefinido en la oración
5.¿Qué pronombre puedes utilizar para referirte a “the citoplasma”?

Ejercicios de comprensión de texto:

Indica Verdadero o Falso. Justifica los falsos.

1.The genetic material is in the cytoplasm.
2.Proteins mature in the Golgi complex.
3. The plasmatic membrane maintains the normal internal environment.
4. According to the text the cell contains two organelles.
5. The enzymes are in the lysosomes.
Trabajo práctico.5to Año Nombre:_______

- Luego de leer y analizar el siguiente texto resuelva la ejercitación

que está a continuación.

Every 28 days one of the ovaries releases an ovum and this passes through
the reproductive system. The development of the ovum, its release
(ovulation) and subsequent events occur in a cyclical process controlled by
hormones. This is called the menstrual cycle. Menstrual cycle hormones
have different functions: the estrogen causes onset and maintenance of
secondary sexual characteristics, e.g. breast development, fat
accumulation, and so on. Furthermore, it repairs the uterus wall after
menstruation and increases thickness of the uterine wall.

Progesterone prepares uterine wall for implantation and inhibits oxytocin.

This oxytocin stimulates uterine muscular contraction during labour and the
secretion of milk.

. a) - ¿Verdadero o Falso?Justifica los falsos.

1- Oxytocin regulates the menstrual cycle.

2- Estrogen maintains the human secondary sexual characteristics.

3- Ovulation is controlled by hormones.

4-.Progesterone controls the secretion of milk.

5- Every 28 days each ovary releases an ovum.

b) -Identifique claramente a qué se refieren (o sea, a quién

reemplazan) las siguientes palabras.Luego clasifíquelas.

 “this” (primer renglón del texto) ............................................

 “its” (línea 2) ..........................................................................

 “this” (línea 3) ........................................................................

 “it” (línea 5) ...........................................................................

c) Traducir la oración subrayada. Indique en la misma el artículo definido
y un artículo indefinido.
WHAT’S IN A LOGO?What attracts customers? Obviously the quality of a product
does, but visual images contribute a great deal.

1. Logos are part of the image. They are symbols which often include a name or initials
to identify a company. The logo establishes a visual identity for the company, just as
different groups of young people express their identity through hairstyles and clothes.

2. In different cultures, different colours carry different meanings. Some colours may be
connected with coldness in one culture and with warmth in another; some colours
represent life in one culture but death in another. International companies have to
make sure that their logos will not be misunderstood or misinterpreted in different

3. The logos of large international companies are instantly recognisable throughout the
world. One of the most famous logos is that of Coca Cola. Many companies have, over
the years, renewed their logos to fit in with contemporary design and to present more
powerful images. Company logos can be emotive and can inspire loyalty by influencing
the subconscious. Some logos incorporate an idea of the product; the steering wheel in
the Mercedes logo, for example.

4 .Companies need to have a strong corporate identity. The logo helps to promote this
image and to fix it in the minds of the consumers. Logos need to be original and to have
impact and style.

A. Answer the questions

1. ¿Qué elementos de un producto atraen al consumidor? (Introducción)
2. ¿Cuál es la importancia de los logos? (Párrafo 1)
3.¿Qué consideraciones deben las compañías tener en cuenta para su
diseño?(Párrafo 2).
4.¿Cuáles son los efectos que producen los logos en los consumidores?
(Párrafos 3 y 4).
5.¿Qué características debe tener un logo para que sea exitoso?
(Párrafos 4)

B. Write T or False. Justify the false ones.

1. El pronombre personal they en el párrafo 1 se refiere a las empresas.
2. El adjetivo posesivo their en el párrafo 1 se refiere a los jóvenes.
3. La oración subrayada en el párrafo 1 está en presente simple.
4. En el párrafo 2 el one se refiere a el color.
5. La oración subrayada en el párrafo 2 está en futuro.
6. La oración subrayada en el párrafo 3 está en presente simple.
7. El adjetivo demostrativo this se refiere a el logo.
8. El pronombre objetivo it se refiere a la imagen.

C.Translate paragraph 1.
Home comforts at work

Technological advances help us to save time and effort in many areas of life. At work we
already appreciate benefits as computerisation and fast communication via e-mail and
satellites. There is now a growing trend towards moving technology into our home and
staying there to work. A recent survey in the UK reported that one in five of the working
population now spends at least part of the working week at home, "teleworking". But how
attractive and feasible is teleworking really?

2 What are the advantages of teleworking?

British Telecom, an employer who actively encourages its workers to work from home,
claims that people who work from home are up to 20% more productive than those in the
office. Having greater control over their working environment means that teleworkers are
generally less stressed. A report in 1994 found that teleworkers were considered to be more
productive, reliable and loyal than on-site staff. The teleworker saves money on office clothes
and on travelling costs. The employer saves money, too; one company, Digital, who has one
quarter of its workforce teleworking, calculated that the cost of setting up an office at home for
an employee, approximately £3,500, was recouped within the first year.

3 Why is there a trend towards teleworking?

British industry is changing. For instance, screen-based service industries are replacing the
manufacturing industries. There is also a noticeable shift towards self-employment and
people working on short-term contracts. A lot of work is now contracted out to freelance
B. Write T or False. Justify the false ones.
1.El pronombre “us” se refiere a ellos.
2. El adverbio “there” en el párrafo 1 se refiere al trabajo.
3.En el párrafo 3 “who” y “its” se refiere al empleador.
4. En el párrafo 3 el pronombre reflexivo “those” se refiere a las empresas.
5. En el párrafo 3 la oración: British industry is changing, se refiere al futuro.

C. Responde
1. ¿Cuál es el tema que aborda el texto?
2.¿Qué es lo que facilita el teleworking?
2. Menciona dos ventajas del teleworking para el empleado.
3. ¿Por qué el teleworking es ventajoso para el empleador?
4. Según el párrafo 3: ¿Cuál es la metodología de contrato utilizada hoy en día?
First Job Out of College: How to Deal

The transition from college life to professional life can be a big jump. Here's
how to deal.' Culture shock' is probably the best phrase to describe the
transition from college to the business world. For most people professional life
is full of sharp outfits, deadlines and midday meetings. So how do you prepare
for a life in the corporate world? Learn the rules of the office.


Different values are wanted in every company. A good way to bond with
coworkers is to master your office courtesy. According to national workplace
consulting firm MJN Consulting, the number one office un-courtesy is not
returning phone calls and email. Following closely in second is using the last
piece of paper in the copy machine and not refilling the tray. Simple things
can leave a lasting impression.


Who wears the pants in your firm? Always get to know who is running each
department. Remember: job title doesn't necessarily mean influence. Often
a lower level employee has special training or some other quality that makes
him or her the go-to person.

1.Traduce la introducción.

2. Nombra una acción que sugiera descortesía para con tu compañero de trabajo.

3. Según el párrafo 2 la persona que posee un cargo más importante es la que tiene
mayor influencia. T/F

4.Subraya una oración en presente simple y otra en presente continuo.

5. Encuentra una forma superlativa.

6. ¿Qué significa that en el ultimo párrafo?

7.¿A quién se refiere el pronombre him or her en el último párrafo?

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