Teaching Competencies

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Competency 001:

The teacher understands human development processes and applies this knowledge to plan instruction
and ongoing assessment that motivate students and are responsive to their developmental
characteristics and needs.

I demonstrate an understanding of the growth of the minds of children and create my

curriculum based on this understanding. For example, a fifth grader should demonstrate responsibility
and therefore in my classroom of fifth grade students I should require students to keep up with their
work, require them to organize their binders, and clean their desks.

Competency 002:

The teacher understands student diversity and knows how to plan learning experiences and design
assessments that are responsive to differences among students and that promote all students’ learning.

Every student learns differently (visual, auditory, etc.) and it is my job as a teacher to meet all
the students learning capabilities in each way.

Competency 003:

The teacher understands procedures for designing effective and coherent instruction and assessment
based on appropriate learning goals and objectives.

I understand the things needed of me by the students and the state requirements. I
demonstrate rules in my class and provide tests with proper material that relates to the lessons I teach.

Competency 004:

The teacher understands learning processes and factors that impact student learning and demonstrates
this knowledge by planning effective, engaging instruction and appropriate assessments.

I realize the distractions and the positive catalysts that play a part in a students learning ability
and plan around these things. Such as placing students in groups of variety so each student is learning
something new instead of repeating what they’ve already learned. Also, getting rid of any possible
distractions like windows can be demonstrated with blinds or curtains.

Competency 005:

The teacher knows how to establish a classroom climate that fosters learning, equity and excellence and
uses this knowledge to create a physical and emotional environment that is safe and productive.

Bullying is not allowed, this includes racist comments, sexual comments or anything that could
degrade a student. In order to do that, I myself must be a positive influence and make sure my students
understand how hurtful those words can be. Making this a policy in my classroom demonstrates my
knowledge of positive environments.

Competency 006:

The teacher understands strategies for creating an organized and productive learning environment and
for managing student behavior.
In order to create organization and productivity in the learning field, a teacher must use things
such as shelves with color coordination, binders, lists of students and their progress, and a well-kept
knowledge of each student’s capability. It is helpful to keep an understanding of each student because it
can make the student feel appreciated and keep them out of trouble.

Competency 007:

The teacher understands and applies principles and strategies for communicating effectively in varied
teaching and learning contexts.

A teacher should always be aware of proper communication towards their students. For
example, a student in the second grade cannot understand you if you speak using words like
“comprehend” and “accountability”. You must be in constant context of the things around you and
make sure they are benefiting from your teaching.

Competency 008:

The teacher provides appropriate instruction that actively engages students in the learning process.

This means that each student should comprehend the rules and the lessons, if they don’t, you
must try teaching it in a way they personally can understand. Every student should be included in group
activities and it is important to not pick favorites in the classroom.

Competency 009:

The teacher incorporates the effective use of technology to plan, organize, deliver and evaluate
instruction for all students.

Technology includes calculators, television, or computers. Planning and organizing on a

computer can be easier than on paper because it can do things for you that make the process shorter
and more accurate, for instance gradebook. Calculators are not always needed but for those students
who just can’t get it right on paper, the calculator is there to help. Not everyone can learn form a
chalkboard, sometimes showing the students a video, or an educational video can help them better

Competency 010:

The teacher monitors student performance and achievement; provides students with timely, high-
quality feedback; and responds flexibly to promote learning for all students.

A teacher is responsible for providing students with a progress report and a report card showing
their grades. This means keeping track of each assignment and each grade followed by entering the
grades into the gradebook and calculating averages. A student also needs feedback to learn from their
mistakes and be commended on their achievements, this promotes growth in the student. Also,
response to each student’s learning style is crucial and you must be flexible in teaching a class because
you must accommodate for each learning style.

Competency 011:

The teacher understands the importance of family involvement in children’s education and knows how
to interact and communicate effectively with families.
The teacher knows that the importance of the parent is crucial to the students learning and that
the family’s inclusion in the progress of the student is not only appropriate but favored. This includes
sending home progress reports, homework, and calling for parent – teacher meetings to discuss the
student’s learning. Also, the teacher must know that each family is different and will respond to things
differently, it is a priority to know how to handle these situations.

Competency 012:

The teacher enhances professional knowledge and skills by effectively interacting with other members
of the educational community and participating in various types of professional activities.

A teacher needs to be involved with other teachers not only to understand the curriculum each
teacher is providing in their classrooms, but to learn things from them as well. One instructor’s teaching
style may show another instructor things’ that could be helpful in their classroom. Teacher workshops
are a prime example of professional activities. It is always a great idea to attend a workshop to engage
your brain and learn new things for the students.

Competency 013:

The teacher understands and adheres to legal and ethical requirements for educators and is
knowledgeable of the structure of education in Texas.

No teacher should become a teacher if they do not know the laws and regulations of teaching.
For example, you cannot pray during the moment of silence because of the first amendment in the
constitution that states freedom of religion and this would contradict the amendment because students
may feel obligated to pray as well. You have to know the TEKS for the grade you are teaching and
demonstrate them each year, along with making sure each student knows what they need to know for
the following school year.

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