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Angelica Marchini

Lesson date: 10/11 (regular) 10/9 (honors)

Course: Biology & Honors Biology

Length of period: 90 minutes

# of students: 18-33

I. Content

In this lesson multi day lesson students will create a large cutout model of a plant cell to display to all
the other biology classes. Each student will be assigned an organelle and they will need to cut it out and
draw it. I will provide Velcro strips to stick it onto the substrate that all the organelles will be placed on.
When they come up to stick their organelle onto the paper, they will explain its function and place it in
the correct location. When the cell is all finished, the unit on cells will be complete for this group.

II. Standards

HS-LS1-2. Develop and use a model to illustrate the hierarchical organization of interacting
systems that provide specific functions within multicellular organisms.

(HS-LS1-1) Systems of specialized cells within organisms help them perform the essential functions of

III. Prerequisites

Students are aware that cell is the basic unit of life. Students should understand that the study of cells
is one of the most important topics in Biology.

Students on the previous Friday were introduced to textbooks. During this investigation they compared
and contrasted plant, animal and bacteria cells as well as the three characteristics of life. They copied
this on a worksheet off the textbook. The students who were there have been exposed to this
information through the textbook.

Students will have viewed an onion and cheek cell under a microscope and seen the nucleus and cell.
They should understand that the circles they saw were the nucleus and will have a baseline for
understanding those structures.

Honors will have gone over prokaryote and eukaryote through the textbook but will not have specifically
done the notes.

Students will have done a quiz on cell structure

Students did a coloring activity to identify the structures of the cells

Students took notes on the structures and functions of the cells

IV. Objectives

Students will be able to identify the major structures in the cells in order to understand the process of
creating a protein
Students will be able to differentiate the features of a plant and animal cells in order to understand the
different functions of each cells

V. Students will go over the structures of cells and the differences in plant and animal cells

5E Part of the Lesson: What will the teacher and Rationale: Expected Teacher’s
(Note which phase the students be doing? (Include specific questions, What purpose does each step, question, Reactions: Anticipations:
of the activity the tasks, or activities.) task, or activity accomplish This is largely Include specific
step refers to) conjecture-driven and response to students’
there may be multiple reactions and things
possible reactions for a to remember.
given activity.
Engage Do now: Students are used Take care of
Trimates, trimates and more trimates All do nows will be trimates to fill in the blank classwork during
10 minutes do nows the do now

Students will be The do now will

given ~10 minutes NOT take more
to do this than 10 minutes
in this class
Will check at 10 period-
minutes- no
Explore Students will do an interactive on cell Students will get to see the Students will Students will
structure to explore the different parts on parts in 3-D before they go over recognize the explore the topic
a simulation the major parts parts they are yet again to
assigned because become familiar
Students will study their organelle then Students will be actively thinking we just did notes with at least one
begin tracing out how they want to draw about the structure in order to on it organelle
it. By the end of class they should be physically cut it out
able to describe to me how they want to
draw it
Explain Students will explain their thought Students will formalize their idea Students will They should
process on what their organelle does of cell structures probably mess up trace in pencil so
and ask to start that they can
over- tell them to erase it when the
do their tracing in time comes

Elaborate Students will identify the importance of Students will go deeper with Low level students The students
the role of their own organelle in the cell their understanding of function can always just cut may get off task
by applying it to their own daily out so give them
understanding specific agendas
to finish by each
Evaluate Call up students to the front to present Students should listen to each The students Allow for them to
htie rorganelle and place it on the model other and learn from their peers might not want to call a lifeline if
present so if they they write it down
tell me beforehand for me
they can get a
buddy to help
Differentiation ESOL doesn’t have to present
(if time

VI. Follow up Assignments: cell parts review

VII. Materials and technology
a. Projector/smartboard
b. Powerpoint
c. to be determined
d. Textbook of biology
e. Introduction to textbook worksheets
f. Guided notes from the previous class
g. Construction paper
h. Scissors
i. Velcro strips
j. Colored pencils and markers
k. Cell diagram
l. Rulers

VIII. Assessment: presentation

IX. Differentation
This lesson is mostly lower order and they can use their notes to know the function
I can differentiate up by giving them jigsaw articles or asking them to identify which
organs might have more of one organelle than another

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