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Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition

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Analysis of Soyabean Proteins in Meat Products: A

b a a a
J. Belloque , M. C. García , M. Torre & M. L. Marina
Departamento de Química Analítica, Facultad de Química, Universidad de Alcalá, 28871
Alcalá de Henares, Madrid, Spain
Instituto de Fermentaciones Industriales, C. S. I. C., Juan de la Cierva 3, 28006 Madrid,
Published online: 03 Jun 2010.

To cite this article: J. Belloque , M. C. García , M. Torre & M. L. Marina (2002) Analysis of Soyabean Proteins in Meat
Products: A Review, Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition, 42:5, 507-532, DOI: 10.1080/20024091054238

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Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition, 42(5):507–532 (2002)

Analysis of Soyabean Proteins in Meat Products:

A Review
J. Belloque,1 M. C. García, M. Torre, and M. L. Marina*
Departamento de Química Analítica, Facultad de Química, Universidad de Alcalá, 28871 Alcalá de Henares,
Madrid, Spain; 1 Instituto de Fermentaciones Industriales, C. S. I. C., Juan de la Cierva 3, 28006 Madrid, Spain.
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Dr. Lourdes Amigo, Instituto de Fermentaciones, Industriales (CSIC), Juan de la Cierva, 3, 28006 Madrid, Spain

* To whom correspondence should be addressed.

ABSTRACT: The use of soyabean proteins as meat extenders has spread significantly due to the interesting
nutritional and functional properties that are present in soyabean proteins. Together with these, health and
economical reasons are the major causes for the addition of soyabean proteins to meat products. Nevertheless,
despite the good properties associated to soyabean proteins, there are many countries in which the addition of these
proteins is forbidden or in which the addition of soyabean proteins is allowed up to a certain extent. Thus, the need
of analytical methods enabling the detection of added soyabean proteins in meat products is obvious. Microscopic,
electrophoretic, immunologic, and chromatographic methods are the most widely used for this purpose. However,
the detection of soyabean proteins in meat products presents difficulties related to the composition (meat species,
meat quality, soyabean protein source, presence of other non-meat proteins, etc.) and the processing of the meat
products, and, although these analytical methods have tried to overcome all these difficulties, there is still not a
method enabling quantitative assessment of soyabean proteins in all kinds of meat products.

KEY WORDS: meat products, meat proteins, soyabean proteins, non-meat proteins, meat extenders, fat replacers,
quality control.

I. INTRODUCTION sion-type meat products, such as sausages, a large

amount of fat is liberated. In order to prevent
In occidental countries, meat is considered coalescence of this fat during heating, an emulsi-
the top quality protein source, not only due to its fying agent is needed. In meat this stabilization is
nutritional characteristics but also for its appreci- mainly due to meat proteins. Nevertheless, when
ated taste. In order to take the greatest advantage the lean meat content is low, meat proteins are
of animals, the food industry does not only use insufficient to stabilize the emulsion and, conse-
the muscle meat but also other sections of the quently, difficulties in the manufacture of this
animal with lower quality. This is for the manu- kind of meat products appear. This problem can
facture of a wide range of marketable products, be solved by the addition of non-meat proteins,
such as sausages, hams, bologna, salami, etc.1 such as milk or soyabean proteins.2
Nevertheless, these products used to present a However, there are also other reasons that
high level of fat. For instance, frankfurters and justify the addition of non-meat proteins to meat
bolognas may have as much as 30% fat, and fresh products. Indeed, health care professionals rec-
pork sausages are allowed to contain up to 50% ommend consuming meat products with less fat
fat. The presence of this high fat content adds content in order to avoid coronary diseases. This
difficulties in the technological processes used has generated the need for manufacturing meat
for the manufacture of this kind of meat product. products with a lower fat content. Developing
As an example, during the preparation of emul- lean products while assuring the necessary palat-

© 2002 by CRC Press LLC
ability demanded by consumers is not as simple presents different functional properties, and the
as just removing fat. In fact, fat contributes to election of a soyabean product for the manufac-
flavor, mouthfeel, texture, juiciness, and storage ture of a meat product depends on its functional-
stability of meat. Thus, a way for reducing fat ity and on the particular meat product. For in-
content without altering physical properties of the stance, soyabean protein isolates and concentrates
meat product is with the addition of fat replacers. are used in the preparation of chopped meats due
These ingredients, when added to formulated to their water binding, fat emulsifying, and gel-
foods, can remarkably diminish the caloric con- stabilizing properties.16-18 An advantage that
tent, while preserving other characteristics such soyabean protein isolates shows over soyabean
as flavor, mouthfeel, viscosity, or other organo- protein concentrates is their low content in the
leptic properties.3,4 Fat replacers are either syn- oligosaccharides raffinose and stachyose, which
thetic compounds or compounds obtained from are the main cause of flatulence.19 On the other
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natural products such as lipid-, carbohydrate-, and hand, in ground meats, such as patties, nuggets,
protein-based products, the latter including egg and meatballs, the preferred soyabean product is
proteins, caseinates, wheat gluten, whey proteins, the textured soyabean. Table 1 shows some uses
and certainly soyabean proteins.3-7 of soyabean products as additives in meat prod-
An additional reason for using vegetable pro- ucts. As it is observed, soyabean proteins are not
teins as meat extenders is because they have a only added to chopped or ground meats, but also
lower price than muscle proteins and, conse- to whole muscle meats such as ham. In this case
quently, can reduce the cost of the meat product. soyabean protein isolate and concentrate are in-
In fact, high meat prices have prompted the indus- jected in the muscle piece improving its appear-
try to produce meat products with inexpensive ance, firmness, and slicing characteristics.13,15
sources of proteins such as soyabean proteins.8,9 Regarding their organoleptic characteristics,
Furthermore, in many undeveloped countries ani- soyabean flour may present beany flavor and
mal proteins are very scarce, and food supplies undesirable physical mouthfeel, while soyabean
must be supplemented with vegetable proteins.10-12 protein isolate and concentrate occasionally give
Among protein additives used in meat com- less desirable palability to soyabean-added meat
modities, soyabean proteins are the most widely products.20 In this respect, it has been investigated
employed. Some advantages of using soyabean the potential of tofu, gelatinous curd prepared
proteins as additive are the following:2,13,14 from soyabean, as a meat extender, showing that
pork sausages with added tofu showed no differ-
1. Very little off-flavor. ences in sensory attributes and presented even a
2. Low cost. better nutritional value, that is, lower fat to pro-
3. High nutritional value (soyabean proteins tein ratio, than those containing other meat ex-
contain all the essential amino acids required tenders derived from soyabean.20
by humans and its digestibility is compa-
rable to that of meat, fish, milk or egg pro-
4. Interesting functional properties (soyabean QUALITY OF MEAT PRODUCTS
proteins can easily associate with water and
fat showing good hydration, gelling, and The addition of non-meat proteins to meat
emulsifying properties).13,14 products may cause health problems. In fact, in-
5. Their presence in meat products improves dividuals that are allergic to the added non-meat
the appearance and organoleptic character- proteins can be affected greatly by the ingestion
istics of these products. of minute amounts of the allergen. Thereby, the
addition of foreign proteins to meat products is
Soyabean proteins are available under differ- subjected to legal limitations or even, in some
ent forms, such as flour, grits, concentrates, iso- cases, is not allowed. Table 2 summarizes some
lates, and textured.13,15 Every soyabean product of the regulations in the United States for meat

Soyabean Products Used as Protein Additives in Meat13
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products with soyabean proteins added.13 Simi- 3. At higher levels, the soyabean product must
larly, most countries have established regulations be part of the descriptive name as well as
to control the addition of meat extenders. For appearing in the ingredient statement.
instance, according to French legislation, meat
products can contain up to 2% binding proteins, All these legal limitations make necessary the
while Spanish administration allows less than 1% control of the level of additions and the
of soyabean proteins in cooked ham.21,22 mislabelling of soyabean protein additives. The
Furthermore, there are some rules in the United traditional analytical procedure for estimating the
States for labeling meat products based on the lean defatted meat content of a meat product,
(dry soyabean ingredient:uncooked meat) ratio:13,23 based on the determination of the total nitrogen
content, is far from being useful, because non-
1. When soyabean proteins are added at low meat proteins are not distinguished from the ani-
levels (lower than 1:13), the soyabean prod- mal proteins.24 In order to control these meat
uct must be listed in the ingredient state- products and prevent any potential fraud, an ana-
ment. lytical procedure, which was able to quantita-
2. At intermediate levels (1:10), the soyabean tively determine the amount of added proteins, is
product must be listed as a subtitle contigu- needed.
ous to the product name as well as in the In the 1970s and 1980s the detection of
ingredient statement. soyabean proteins in meat products attracted much

Regulations in the United States for Meat Products Containing Soyabean Proteins13
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attention from food scientists. From these studies, 1. Detection of soyabean proteins added to meat
an official enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay products that should not contain any amount
(ELISA) method for the detection of soyabean of soyabean protein as additive. This type of
proteins in meat products is available nowadays.25 method should have a good sensitivity and
This method, however, is not completely satisfac- specificity, but quantitative results are not
tory, and it requires knowing the source of the necessary.
soyabean added to obtain a real quantitative as- 2. Determination of soyabean proteins added
sessment. In fact, although it is able to control to meat products (whose addition is legal) at
many commodities that would cause problems to concentrations above the maximum limit set
hypersensitive individuals and can even give an by the legislation. Because the objective in
estimation of the amount of soyabean proteins this case is to discern between a legal addi-
present in a mixture, it does not solve the com- tion and an excess, a specific and quantita-
plete quality control problem.25 Nevertheless, de- tive method is needed, but sensitivity is not
spite the fact there is still no quantitative reliable required to be as good as in the first case
method, the accumulated knowledge through the being enough a detection limit able to deter-
decades has to serve for new strategies that may mine the maximum concentration allowed
finally allow for the analytical quality control by law.
requirements. Because of this, this article reviews
the methods that have been tried, their advan- Even though there are a reasonable number of
tages, and their deficiencies. reliable methods for qualitative assessment, a
definite quantitative method is still needed for the
determination of soyabean proteins in meat prod-
III. ANALYSIS OF ADDED SOYABEAN ucts. However, this problem is not limited to de-
PROTEINS IN MEAT PRODUCTS termining soyabean proteins in meat products,
but, in general, arises when quantifying foreign
The fact that processed meat products could protein in food commodities. These difficulties
contain non-meat proteins has provoked interest- can be summarized as follows:
ing but technically very difficult analytical prob-
lems for food analysis.24 In principle, the analyti- 1. Difficulties related to the composition of the
cal methods employed for detecting soyabean product:
proteins in meat products have to fulfill two dif- Food products do not present a common
ferent objectives: formulation. Indeed, meat products of the

same kind can present a different composi- ucts can be classified into two groups: (1) indirect
tion and consequently this makes the analy- methods that detect the addition of soyabean in
sis more difficult. Differences in the compo- meat products by the determination of substances
sition of meat formulations can be due to: that come together with soyabean proteins, and
(2) those methods that are focused to the direct
• The meat species used, such as beef, pork, analysis of soyabean proteins.
chicken, and turkey. For instance, it is
common to find pork and beef mixed.
• The quality of the meat used. Within a A. Analytical Methods Based on the
same species, meat can present different Determination of Substances
qualities depending on the part of the Accompanying Soyabean Proteins
animal used. Lower quality meat is char-
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acterized for containing high proportion Determination of compounds present in plant

of connective tissue, existing legal limi- cells and absent in meat has been studied as a
tations for the collagen content, charac- possibility for the determination of soyabean added
teristic of this tissue. Other products, such to meat products. However, due to the large amount
as sausages, contain blood and offals in of soyabean preparations present in the market, all
addition to muscle meat. presenting different characteristics, these methods
• The soyabean protein source used. used to be limited to qualitative assessment.27
Physico-chemical characteristics and be-
havior of soyabean proteins toward analy-
sis depend both on the soyabean product 1. Microscopic Methods
and on their genetic variant.
• The presence of other non-meat proteins. With these methods the identification of
Proteins such as those from wheat, sun- soyabean is based on the presence of characteristic
flower, mustard, rapeseed, sesame or cot- structural forms (e.g., calcium oxalate crystals ap-
tonseed and, above all, milk proteins can pearing in the cotyledon cells of soyabean can be
be used in place of or in addition to seen in polarized light as polygonal green-colored
soyabean proteins. bodies) and/or on the color developed after the
staining of polysaccharides.28-32 For instance, car-
2. Difficulties related with the processing of bohydrate staining with Toluidine Blue has been
the product: employed for the detection of textured soyabean.32
Technological treatments used in the manu- The oldest method known to detect soyabean in
facture of food can alter proteins. Modifica- meat, dated on 1913, is actually an official qualita-
tions on proteins are mainly due to heating, tive test to detect soyabean flour in meat and con-
which causes physicochemical changes that sists of a microscopic analysis under polarized
render aggregated and cross-linked proteins. light of the residue remaining after alkali treatment
Furthermore, in the case of meat the influ- of a meat sample.28 One of the main advantages of
ence of temperature is different as a function this method is that, within a relatively short period
of the kind of meat, proportion of collagen, of time, all major constituents and their forms can
post-mortem rigidity, heating time, etc.,1,26 be identified and even a rough estimation of their
which makes an even more complex scenario relative proportions can be obtained.29 In fact, this
for the analysis of added soyabean proteins. method has been claimed to detect down to 1% of
soyabean in meat products.33
Analytical methods for the detection of However, only if the soyabean additives are
soyabean proteins in meat thus have to be inde- present in the product at a detectable proportion,
pendent of all the factors described above. examination by means of microscopy through the
Methods available for the determination of detection of carbohydrates and oxalate crystals
the presence of soyabean proteins in meat prod- provide a reliable and reproducible method, com-

parable to electrophoretic and immunological tech- 1. Removal of fat, which is in a considerable
niques.34,35 In fact, detection of additions of amount in some meat products, such as sau-
soyabean protein concentrate and isolate, with a sages. For that purpose, an extraction is per-
lower amount of carbohydrates than soyabean flour, formed with an organic solvent such as ac-
to meat is more difficult.30,34 In this respect, Parisi etone, or with a combination of organic
et al.36 claimed that the increased sensitivity solvents such as a mixture ethanol:chloroform.
achieved when using periodic acid Schiff reagent The removal of fat is usually achieved by
as carbohydrate staining allowed the detection of several extraction steps that depend on the
added soyabean protein isolate in meat products. type of sample and the degree of fat removal
required. Using soyabean protein isolate and
lean meat samples allows skipping this step.
2. Chemical Methods
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Certain compounds present in soyabean, such as 2. Solubilization of proteinaceous material in a

magnesium and fiber,37 hemicellulose,38 galactose plus solution containing denaturing agents (such
arabinose,39 alginate,40 phytate,41 amino acid canava- as urea or sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS))
nine,42 saponins,43 as well as 13C/12C isotopic ratios,44 and thiol-reducing agents (such as
have been analyzed with classic methods for detect- β-mercaptoethanol or dithiothreitol).
ing soyabean in meat. In addition, other methods
based on the determination of sterols 45 and In some occasions, steps 1 and 2 are substituted
isoflavonoids46,47 have been developed recently. All by direct extraction with a buffer solution, which
these methods are less specific than microscopic ones usually contains denaturing and reducing agents.
because other vegetable products different than
soyaben may contain the same substances.27 3. Protein separation and quantitative analysis
of the proteins.

3. Biochemical Methods
1. Electrophoretic Methods
Due to the increasing impact of deoxyribo-
nucleic acid (DNA)-based techniques on the de- Electrophoretic methods are based on the char-
tection of minute amounts of DNA in foods that acteristic mobility showed by each protein in a gel
has taken place during the last decade, a nested immersed in an electrical field and depends on the
polymerase chain reaction (PCR) technique has nature of the protein and the experimental condi-
been developed recently and tested in a variety of tions. In 1969, Olsman49 developed an electrophoretic
soyabean, meat, and blended products.48 The pres- method that detected 0.5% soyabean proteins in
ence of soyabean DNA was determined with two luncheon meats and liver paste that had been heated
pairs of specific oligonucleotides from the to 115°C and 105°C, respectively. Since then, a
soyabean lectin Le1 gene. The results were in considerable number of electrophoretic procedures
good agreement with those from ELISA, and the have been tested for the analysis of soyabean pro-
test could detect DNA from textured soyabean in teins in meat products shown in Table 3.50-80 Among
meat products down to a level of 0.7%.48 them, the classic SDS-PAGE with Comassie Blue
staining has been the most commonly employed.
The selection of bands within the electro-
B. Analytical Methods Based on the pherogram is an important criteria to be consid-
Determination of Soyabean Proteins ered. Figure 1 shows the electropherograms of
protein extracts from soyabean, meat, soyabean-
In general, the procedures for the direct analy- meat blend, and a sausage with added soyabean
sis of soyabean proteins in meat products involve, proteins, showing the different pattern of bands
the following steps: that allowed to distinguish soyabean from meat

Experimental Conditions Used for the Analysis of Soyabean Proteins in Meat Products by
Electrophoretic Techniques
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TABLE 3 (continued)
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FIGURE 1. Densitograms of the electrophoretic separations of extracts

of (a) textured soyabean, (b) ox muscle meat, (c) a mixture of 10%
soyabean proteins and 90% meat, and (d) a sausage containing soyabean
protein isolate. (From Parsons, A. L. and Lawrie, R. A., J. Fd. Technol.,
1972; 7: 455-462. With permission.)

proteins. Under a qualitative scope, it is necessary from other sources such as cottonseed, peanut,
to focus on bands that are characteristic of the casein, milk whey, and egg white and found a
soyabean proteins and do not overlap with other unique electrophoretic pattern for each of them,
proteins from meat, offals, or other foreign pro- which allowed for their identification.63 Olivera
teins. Hofmann and Penny52 identified three ma- Carrión and Valencia,79 who used the SDS-PAGE
jor bands arising from soyabean-meat blends, two Lee’s method,63 also checked a variety of proteins
from soyabean (53 kDa and 17.5 kDa) and one of different sources, such as blood serum, globin,
from meat (40 kDa) that seemed to be actin. egg, soyabean, caseinate, milk, whey, and gluten,
Armstrong et al.70 studied the band pattern of finding that simultaneous detection of soyabean,
meat samples from different species (turkey, globin, and egg proteins was possible without the
chicken, lamb, and pig), different food commodi- interferences from other common protein additives.
ties (ham and sausages), as well as different parts In this work, it was pointed out that the chosen
of the animal (muscle, stomach, liver, heart, brains, band (19.5 kDa) for soyabean was better than those
spleen, and tongue) and found a soyabean protein chosen by other authors that interfered with other
band that did not interfere with proteins from any non-meat proteins.70,73 Less-crowded electrophero-
of the above sources. Lee et al.63 studied mixtures grams were achieved by Hamayounfar, who took
of meat proteins with proteins from soyabean and advantage of the higher sensitivity to heat of meat

proteins relative to soyabean proteins. Thus, using Method II (Table 3). However, Method I
samples were autoclaved at 117°C for 70 min showed better quantitative results, and it could
prior to analysis, removing most meat proteins.60,61 quantify not only cooked products (sausages and
For quantitative studies, in addition to those beef burgers) but also meat pie fillers and canned
related to the presence of interferences, there are meat loaf products heated at 115°C for 49 min.57
other considerations to be taken into account. An Furthermore, this method showed good reproduc-
absolute measurement of the soyabean band(s) is ibility and little interference from collagen, blood
difficcult to perform due to variations of the back- plasma, and eggs solids.58
ground among gels and the irregularity of bands, Although SDS-PAGE has been the most com-
which produce erroneous results by the software mon procedure used, urea-PAGE56 and poro-
packages used for measurement of bands by den- PAGE,73 an SDS technique employing a gradient
sitometry. To minimize this problem, ratios be- porosity size along the gel has also shown to be
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tween different bands can be used. Some authors useful. By another way, isoelectric focusing, an
have proposed to determine the soyabean-protein electrophoretic method in which proteins are sepa-
band/meat protein band ratio, for instance, rated as a function of their isoelectric point, has
α-conglycinin/actin.52,76,78 However, this gives a shown for soyabean-containing products complex
relationship between soyabean proteins and lean electropherogram patterns, which could be sim-
meat that is not very useful, as the latter is sub- plified by a mild aqueous heat treatment to coagu-
jected to changes. Other authors have introduced late and remove most meat proteins.64-66 These
an internal standard in the sample, such as studies showed quantitative results for additions
hemocyanin, which reduces the background prob- larger than 5%, but failed at lower concentrations.
lem, while it does not depend on the meat con- However, the authors claimed that the method
tent.70 could be used as a better qualitative method than
With electrophoretic methods it has been pos- other electrophoretic techniques due to its higher
sible to detect additions of soyabean proteins at resolving power.65,81 In 1990 Feigl80 detected down
levels down to 0.5%.49,60,61,70,71 The quantitation to a 3% addition of soyabean meal to meat in
of soyabean proteins was accomplished by Lee et Brühwurst (a frankfurter-type sausage) by iso-
al.62 in fresh and cooked samples by SDS-PAGE, electric focusing using commercial gel plates.
using Coomassie Blue as dye and measuring the An interesting approach was taken by Heinert
intensity of bands by densitometry. An extract- and Baumann, who took advantage of the heat
ability of 96% of proteins and a quantitative lin- stability of glycoproteins to develop a different
ear range from 10 to 115 µg soyabean proteins detection system based on the detection of soyabean
were achieved when the appropriate soyabean glycoproteins.74 After the electrophoretic separa-
bands were considered. Even though reliable tion of these proteins, they were transfered to a
quantitation of soyabean proteins in meat prod- nitrocellulose membrane, and detected with a lec-
ucts can be achieved in fresh products, high tem- tin (Concavalin A) that binds carbohydrate moi-
peratures cause such modifications to proteins eties on glycoproteins with a coupled peroxidase
that the procedure fails when using heated meat detection system. This procedure, similar to
products. In fact, when meat-soyabean mixtures immunoblotting, enabled the detection of glyco-
have been heated at 121°C and further electro- protein bands in meats heated at 120°C for 60 min
phoretically analyzed, none or diffuse bands have with 1% added soyabean proteins. Moreover, gly-
been found, being able to make a qualitative as- coprotein bands did not interfere with either egg or
sessment at best.52,55,69,70,71 Therefore, solubiliza- milk protein bands.74
tion of the heated soyabean proteins has been one
of the major subjects for these studies. Guy et al.57
compared two methods for the solubilization of 2. Immunochemical Methods
samples, one based on Olsman’s work49 (Method I)
and the other on Parson’s work69 (Method II), Immunological techniques are very sensitive
finding that the proteins were better extracted by and specific and have become very popular for

the detection of small amounts of proteins.10,27 sults in products highly processed. Other authors
Indeed, many researchers have tried different have found that antibodies rised against formal-
immunological techniques, such as immunodiffu- dehyde-treated soyabean could react against both
sion, Western blotting, dot-blot, and ELISA, for native and sterilized soyabean proteins, enabling
the analysis of soyabean proteins in products con- quantitative analysis.95,96 Ravestein97 used anti-
taining these proteins,25,34,75,82-126 among those are bodies against SDS-treated soyabean proteins and
meat products. They are all based on the reactiv- also claimed that quantitation was accurate and
ity between the antigen (soyabean proteins that very low limits were possible to detect. More-
are mainly glycinin and β-conglycinin) and the over, and due to their sensitivity to structural
antiserum, which recognize only particular re- changes, antigen-antibody reactions respond to
gions of the protein with a characteristic structure certain soyabean products but not to others.84,85 In
(epitopes). Developing the appropriate antiserum this regard, Berkowitz89 prepared an antiserum
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is a major limiting step for the application of designed to react with a broad spectrum of anti-
immunological procedures. Indeed, denaturation genic determinants, although textured products
of proteins is responsible for many of the failures still showed less reactivity than crude ones.
of immunological methods. Thus, if the antise- Taking advantage of the fact that most of the
rum is rised against native soyabean proteins, it aggregates that are formed as a consequence of
could only recognize soyabean proteins in the denaturation can be solubilized by the action of
native state, decreasing its reactivity if the protein denaturing agents, it is possible to obtain a better
presents an altered structure. For instance, anti- response of the antigenic substrate if the sample is
bodies rised against native glycinin do not react subjected to a treatment that enables it to recon-
with its own subunits, and those prepared against struct the target epitopes for the antiserum recog-
the subunits do not react with the native glycinin.82 nition. Thanh and Shibasaki90 found that denatur-
β-Conglycinin, however, presents antigenic de- ation of β-conglycinin in 6 M urea and further
terminants in both the native and the subunits.83 removal of the denaturing agent, produced a re-
Besides, the antibody-antigen reactions in folded protein with regained immunoreactivity.
heated soyabean proteins are very complex be- Koh91 used antibodies prepared from denatured/
cause it is not only the overall denaturation, but refolded soyabean proteins and quantified
the particular denaturation pathway of each pro- soyabean proteins in crude and cooked products.
tein that makes that the different proteins present The same principle was applied later by other
in the mixture respond differently. The antigenic- authors.92,93 Samples and calibration standards
ity of glycinin for antisera produced against na- were solubilized under denaturing conditions, then
tive soyabean proteins decreases dramatically af- the denaturing agents were removed and proteins
ter heating to 70 to 90°C, because it presents a were allowed to refold in a “nearly-native” struc-
reduced number of epitopes available to the anti- ture. However, these antibodies still showed di-
bodies.86 An approach to solving this problem is vergent reactivities on different soyabean pro-
to produce anti-denatured-soyabean proteins anti- cessed products, not allowing for a quantitative
sera instead of antisera against native soyabean assessment. In addition, Hitchcock et al.92 found
proteins. In fact, there are commercially available that the 7S fraction (mainly composed of
antibodies that enable the detection of the sub- β-conglycinin) was more antigenic after renatur-
units from glycinin when heating up to 117°C.87 ation than the 11S (mainly composed by glycinin)
These commercial antibodies allow the detection and the whey proteins. Berkowitz and Webert89
of additions of 2% of soyabean proteins.87,88 suggested that these differences may have been
Hammond et al.84 prepared an antiserum against due to changes occurring during heating that could
severely heated soyabean proteins to detect anti- not be reversed by the action of denaturing agents.
gens in processed products. Even though they They also suggested the possible role of forma-
detected soyabean proteins in sterilized products tion of lysino-alanine (LAL) or other nondisulfide
that did not respond to other anti-native-soyabean covalent cross-links among proteins, as well as
proteins antisera, they still obtained negative re- deamidation of Asn into the acidic Asp as irre-

versible changes. Some studies have included Cys examination, was applied recently to determine
in the renaturation buffer in order to yield a better soyabean proteins, detecting additions of 0 to 5%
rearrangement of disulfide bonds, and thus a bet- soyabean proteins in pork liver pate.21 This method
ter refolding of the protein.94 is based on measuring the areas occupied by la-
Some of the most important immunological belled soyabean proteins in sections mounted on
methods used for the analysis of soyabean pro- slides. Immunofluorescence tests showed a good
teins in meat products are summarized in Table 4. sensitivity, being able to detect 0.1% soyabean
Both qualitative and quantitative determinations proteins in sausages.125 In addition, this method
have been achieved. The efforts spent on this avoided problems associated with protein dena-
subject led to the implementation in 1990 of a turation.21
semiquantitative official method for analysis of
soyabean proteins in fresh and heated meats by
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means of ELISA.28 c. Immunoblotting Western Blot and


a. Immunodiffusion Techniques The Western blot combines the specificity

and sensitivity of immunological techniques with
In the 1970s, before ELISA and immunoblotting the separation capabilities of electrophoresis.
became the major choices for immunological detec- Immunoblotting consists of performing an elec-
tion of proteins, immunodiffusion techniques were trophoresis, transfering the separated proteins to a
very popular. Single radial diffusion, Ouchterlony’s membrane (e.g., nitrocellulose), incubating the
double diffusion, and electroimmunodiffusion were membrane with the antiserum for specific bind-
employed to detect soyabean proteins in meat prod- ing, and detecting the bound antibody with a sec-
ucts.10,66,77,84,87,88,91,119-122 In these techniques, the ondary antibody coupled to a detection system,
sample, which contains the antigen, was allowed to such as peroxidase or colloidal gold. The electro-
diffuse or was electrically driven in a solid phase phoresis is usually performed under denaturing
(gel) that contained the antiserum. Afterward, a pre- conditions, solubilizing the proteins in a solution
cipitation reaction between antigen and antibody containing urea or SDS and a reducing agent
within the gel formed a visible band. Ouchterlony’s (dithiothreitol or β-mercaptoethanol). Slab SDS-
double diffusion was first used in meat for the analy- PAGE is usually carried out in a pore gradient
sis of meat species as an official method.127 More- mode, ranging from 5 to 8% to 15 to 22%
over, recently Brauner-Glaesner and Kistow119 have acrylamide,9,34,112-114 but some authors have also used
used this technique for the determination of non- the disc version with a 15% acrylamide constant
meat proteins in meat products after extracting these concentration.74 The antisera utilized usually have
proteins with a buffered or a saline solution. This been rised against denatured-refolded soyabean pro-
method was valid for non-heated products (raw meat teins, although gliadin antiserum has also been em-
samples), but not for heated ones. Even though ployed.113,114 Ravestein and Driedonks97 claimed that
ELISA and immunoblotting techniques have over- the limit of detection by immunoblotting is lower
come immunodiffusion techniques, the latter have than by ELISA being able to detect down to 0.1%
been proven to be very sensitive as the addition of additions. An interesting approach has been sug-
soyabean proteins as well as other non-meat pro- gested recently by Körs and Steinhart34 who used
teins to raw meat products has been detected to very a N-cetyl-N,N,N-trimethylammonium bromide
low amounts.119 (CTAB) buffer, which is not as denaturing as
SDS, to extract the proteins. Immunological de-
tection was performed by using an antiserum spe-
b. Immunohistochemistry cifically developed against renatured soyabean
proteins, which had been denatured previously
A combination of microscopy with immuno- with urea and heat.34 With this method, it was
logical detection, commonly used for histological possible to detect 0.5% soyabean proteins in meat

Experimental Conditions Used for the Analysis of Soyabean Proteins in Meat Products by
Immunological Techniques
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TABLE 4 (continued)
products, although at this level no clear bands was solubilized in a denaturing solution. In order
appeared when the sample was heated at 100°C or to regain immunoreactivity, the denaturing agents
higher. At higher concentrations of soyabean pro- were diluted and the solution was incubated to
teins (2 to 10%) added to meat products, the allow proteins to refold. This method was consid-
intensity of the bands did not depend on the heat- ered to be semiquantitative, but, as claimed by the
ing temperature.34 authors, could be quantitative (succeeded down
The dot-blot technique is a simplified version to 1.5%) if the nature of the soyabean additive
of the Western blot. It is easy to perform, fast, and was known and if the specific soyabean was avail-
low cost, which is important for routine work. In able for calibration.117 In this respect, other au-
this case, the protein solution is placed directly on thors claimed that their method could determine 1
a membrane omitting the previous electrophoretic to 10% soyabean proteins in raw and heated meats
separation of the sample components that occurred in less than 1 day, which is a much shorter time
Downloaded by [University of Minnesota Libraries, Twin Cities] at 05:08 19 September 2013

in immunoblotting techniques. Janssen et al.112,114 than the employed in the official method. 94 Fur-
studied the application of this technique in detect- thermore, the detection limit for the determina-
ing the presence of soyabean proteins and other tion of soyabean proteins in sausage has been
non-meat proteins in meat products. Using both reduced recently down to 0.1%.121
peroxidase and immunogold detection systems, Using antibodies against SDS-denatured
they detected soyabean proteins down to 0.1%. soyabean proteins has enabled to quantitate down
However, as the dot-blot technique lacks the sepa- to 0.5% of soyabean proteins in raw and sterile
ration capabilities of the Western blot technique, meat products with no interferences of other non-
the authors suggested that samples with positive meat proteins regardless of the variety and type of
results by dot-blot should be double checked by soyabean.97 ELISA has also been tested against a
performing a Western blot.114 peptide obtained by autoclaving and trypsin diges-
tion of soyabean proteins.118 Using antiglycinine
antiserum on heated products, this analysis allowed
d. ELISA detection down to 0.4% of added soyabean pro-
teins whatever the soyabean cultivar and without
The immunological technique for excellence interferences from other non-meat proteins.118
is ELISA due to its easy automation and avail- Moreover, it has been proposed a method that
ability. ELISA presents an advantage over those avoids delipidation and protein isolation during
methods that use a gel, because in the latter some sample preparation, achieving good results.116 Re-
aggregates cannot enter the gel becoming unde- cently, a method was developed to detect trace
tected, whereas in ELISA aggregates showing the amounts of soyabean proteins in foods, detecting
right epitopes react freely. ELISA has been useful amounts as small as 2 ppm.126
whereas in analyzing soyabean proteins in meat Comparing radial double diffusion, electro-
products.9,28,75,89,92,93,97,117,118,121 Most of these meth- immunodiffusion, and histological examination
ods have used an indirect ELISA method for with ELISA, it has been possible to notice that
quantitation.28,75,92,93,97,111,115-118 For the detection although any of the above gave good results for
of soyabean proteins in heated meats, Hitchcock raw meat samples, ELISA was the only that
et al.92 designed a strategy based on the denatur- enabled working with sterile samples, even
ation-renaturation of soyabean proteins in both though this treatment decreased recovery in
the sample to be tested and the antigenic prepara- 20%.124
tion used for the antiserum production. This
method was developed further using commercial
antibodies.93 Two collaborative studies were then 3. Chromatographic Methods
carried out, which led finally to an ELISA method
that became official.75,111 In this method, the Chromatographic methods have also been
sample was treated with organic solvents to re- applied for the detection of soyabean proteins in
move fat and the residue containing the proteins meat products. These methods consisted of deter-

mining whole soyabean proteins, characteristic a reversed-phase column and a TFA/water:TFA/
soyabean peptides, or the amino acid composi- ACN gradient for the separation of caseins and
tion. Table 5 groups these chromatographic meth- soyabean, whey, and meat proteins. As an ex-
ods. ample, Figure 2 illustrates the separation of
soyabean and meat proteins from a solution of
soyabean protein isolate, beef protein isolate, and
a. Analysis of Soyabean Proteins by High- a mixture of both. As shown, it is possible to
Performance Liquid Chromatography detect the addition of soyabean proteins by the
appearance of three peaks characteristics of
High-performance liquid chromatography soyabean proteins. They also found characteristic
(HPLC) is a very popular technique for protein peaks for caseinate that enabled its quantitation
separations. Despite this, very scarce literature within the range 1 to 5% addition. Recovery of
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has been found concerning the analysis of soyabean proteins was 85.0 to 91.2%.129
soyabean proteins in meat products. The chro- In none of these attempts were heated samples
matographic modes used for this purpose were tested. However, as the buffers used for extraction
reversed-phase and anion-exchange, while mo- contained denaturing and reducing agents, it could
lecular exclusion and cation-exchange supports be expected that in these cases proteins could also
did not enable the separation of soyabean proteins be recovered from processed meat samples.
from meat proteins.64 An additional consideration when using HPLC
Parris and Gillespie128 separated soyabean is the structure of the proteins to be separated. Let
from beef proteins in a blend of beef and soyabean us consider the separation on a reversed-phase
protein isolates. They tested chemically modified column. In the native state, a protein only exposes
and unmodified proteins by both reversed-phase a portion of its residues. In consequence, only
and anion-exchange chromatography. Ion-ex- those hydrophobic residues at the surface would
change chromatography showed the vegetable be able to interact with the hydrophobic station-
proteins well separated from the meat proteins ary phase. However, if the protein is denatured,
using a steep NaCl gradient. However, they did many more hydrophobic residues would show up,
not attempt quantitation because the great over- leading to more retention. Here we find a similar
lapping of soyabean protein peaks could lead to a problem than in other techniques that find differ-
misinterpretation of the results if the different ences when dealing with non-heated or heated
soyabean proteins under the same peak presented products. To obtain reproducible results, the de-
different recoveries. 4-Vinylpyridine derivatives gree of denaturation should be the same whatever
of the proteins allowed for the separation between the product is employed. The addition of denatur-
beef and soyabean proteins in a reversed-phase ing agents to the mobile phase may solve the
column using a gradient water-trifluoroacetic acid problem, but may cause mechanical problems.
(TFA)-acetonitrile (ACN). Soyabean proteins were For instance, urea in high concentration is a good
detected at a 2% level. In both cases, the extrac- denaturant but increases the viscosity of the sol-
tion was carried out directly with a buffer con- vent and SDS may form bubbles. Therefore, it is
taining tris(hydroxymethyl)aminomethane, urea, possible that the lack of literature referring to
and dithiothreitol, which solubilized 90% of the soyabean and meat proteins separations by HPLC
soyabean proteins and 60% of meat proteins. is related to the above problems, which may lead
Ashoor and Stiles129 performed a more com- to short column life and poor resolution.
plete study. They set up an HPLC method for
analysis of soyabean proteins in raw meats from
different species (beef, pork, chicken, and turkey) b. Analysis of Peptides by Ion-Exchange
and also analyzed mixtures with other proteins Chromatography
commonly used as additives (whey proteins and
caseins). They extracted proteins with a solution In order to avoid some problems related to
containing SDS and β-mercaptoethanol and used working with whole proteins, it was proposed the

Experimental Conditions Used for the Analysis of Soyabean Proteins in Meat Products by
Chromatographic Techniques
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TABLE 5 (continued)
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analysis based on peptides, precisely on trypsin tained by trypsin digestion of beef meat, SPI, and a
hydrolysates of the proteins.130 First of all, samples mixture of both being possible to observe that in the
were preheated to bring all proteins to a “standard mixture, the characteristic peaks of soyabean (SP2)
denaturing condition”. Using a cationic-exchange and meat (MP1) were well resolved. They detected
resin, a sodium citrate buffer as eluent, and a SP2 in samples heated up to 120°C for 3 h. Caseinate,
ninhydrin detection system, a pentapeptide (SP1: egg powder, and dried milk powder did not over-
Ser-Gln-Gln-Ala-Arg) characteristic of soyabean lapped with SP2. However, although the method was
digestions can be separated. This idea was studied reproducible, quantitative results were not accurate.
further and the sample preparation modified.131,132 These quantitative divergences, which were poorer in
Agater et al.132 determined soyabean and meat soyabean protein isolate and concentrate than in tex-
proteins in raw and processed meat. They identi- tured soyabean, were assigned to an incomplete hy-
fied a peptide from soyabean (SP2) that was drolysis, because only 66% of the proteins underwent
present in all hydrolysates obtained by trypsin hydrolysis in soyabean protein isolate. The minimum
hydrolysis on different commercial soyabean prod- amount of soyabean protein detected was 1% (w/w
ucts and that seemed to belong to the 11S fraction total), and the method was considered valid for quali-
(glycinin) of soyabean proteins. Furthermore, meat tative detection in strongly heated products.130 Never-
proteins could be determined simultaneously by a theless, no additional publications were found con-
meat characteristic peptide (MP1). Figure 3 shows cerning this method, probably due to the long
the chromatograms corresponding to extracts ob- time required for obtaining results (5 to 6 days).

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FIGURE 2. RP-HPLC chromatograms corresponding to a solution of soyabean protein isolate,

a proteic extract of beef meat, and a mixture of both. (From Ashoor, S. H. and Stiles, P. G., J.
Chromatogr., 1987; 393: 321-328. With permission.)

c. Determination of Amino Acid 4. Other Methods

A fluorimetric detection method has also been
The best way to avoid problems arising from tried to determine soyabean in meat blends based
working with whole proteins is to hydrolyze them on the fluorescence spectra, related to soyabean
down to amino acids. The sample is hydrolyzed gen- proteins, obtained at 440 nm (when exciting at
erally under acid conditions and high temperatures, and 360 nm).31,137,138 The method involves simple ex-
the resulting amino acid mixture is analyzed by con- traction, filtration, and measurement of the fluo-
ventional LC or HPLC. The resulting amino acid com- rescence of the solution. However, in order to use
position of blends is then mathematically analyzed by this method it is necessary to know the type of
computer-assisted chemometric analysis and can yield product added and, in addition, it cannot be appli-
quantitative analysis.133 Lindberg et al.134 applied this cable to heat-processed meat-soyabean blends
technique to protein mixtures of meat, soyabean meal, because Maillard browning causes fluorescence.39
and rind. They determined rind proteins quantitatively, Another interesting approach has been the
but muscle protein determinations were not accurate estimation of the level of soyabean proteins in
when high concentrations of soyabean meal was present fresh meat protein-soyabean protein mixtures by
due to the similarity in amino acid composition be- pyrolysis–high-resolution gas chromatography.
tween soyabean and meat proteins.134 This analysis showed some unique peaks from
Zarkadas et al.135 used hydrolysates of meat and soyabean pyrolysates that could be detected at a
soyabean protein concentrate blends and found a 10% (w/w) addition.30 Nevertheless, it would be
decrease of Lys and Met and an increase of Glu, Trp, interesting to investigate whether this method
and Cys when increasing the amount of soyabean works with heated meat samples.
protein added. However, the actual percentages of
added soyabean to meat products were too small to be
detected by these differences. Zhi-Ling et al.136 per- C. Analytical Methods Based on the
formed a more complete study analyzing by HPLC, Determination of Meat Proteins
the amino acid composition of blends composed of
muscle, collagen, shrimp, soyabean, wheat, and whey The determination of meat proteins as an al-
proteins, and casein. These authors also pointed out ternative way to determine foreign proteins in
that similarities between soyabean and muscle meat meats has also been proposed.109,139 The determi-
protein amino acid composition caused interferences nation of methyl amino acids, particularly 3-me-
in the muscle meat content predictions.136 thyl-histidine, which is an integral component of

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FIGURE 3. Chromatographic profiles corresponding to extracts obtained by

trypsin digestion of (a) defatted beef, (b) soyabean protein isolate, and (c) a
mixture of both. (From Agater, I. B., Briant, K. J., Llewellyn, J. W., Sawyer,
R., Bailey, F. J., and Hitchcock, C. H. S., J. Sci. Food Agric., 1986; 37: 317-
331. With permission.)

actin and myosin, has given good results for de- processing conditions available and allowed have
termining the muscle meat content.39,140-142 Col- even made more difficult the analysis of these
lagen can also be determined by the content of products. During the last decade new approaches
another modified amino acid, 4-hydroxyproline. have been tried to resolve this problem. Indeed,
Thus, the foreign protein content could be calcu- methods based on techniques used previously for
lated using the difference: the same purpose have been enhanced or newly
developed. Furthermore, new methods such as the
Foreign proteins = Total proteins - Muscle pro- biochemical methods and some chemical and im-
teins - Collagen proteins munochemical methods that had never been ap-
plied before were also used recently. Nevertheless,
Even though 3-methyl-histidine can be used and despite the huge effort performed, the problem
as an index for meat content in prime cuts, it fails is still not resolved, and new methods are needed
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if other cuts and offals are present because their to control and prevent the misuse and abuse of
3-methyl-histidine content is lower. On the other additives in meat products. Moreover, additional
hand, due to the similarity in amino acid compo- difficulties with the analysis of soyabean proteins
sition, even using chemometrics to analyze the in meat products may arise due to the use of new
different components by amino acid analysis, processing techniques and the addition of geneti-
mixtures of soyabean and meat could not be dis- cally modified variants of soyabean. In order to
tinguished.136 In addition, it has been pointed out overcome these new difficulties and to face the
that the evaluation of the minor component (the analysis of soyabean proteins in meat products,
foreign protein) from the determination of the techniques used previously, such as HPLC and
major component (meat content) by difference is chemometrics, and techniques that have never been
very doubtful because of the high relative error.53 applied before, such as capillary electrophoresis
Khan and Cowen 143 developed two different and mass spectrometry, could provide clues for
methods for measuring the amount of beef pro- their solution. In conclusion, there are still many
teins in meat-soyabean protein mixtures. One of possibilities to be explored that hopefully may pro-
the methods was based on the determination of vide an answer to the determination of soyabean
phosphocreatine in meat. Phosphocreatine is re- proteins in meat products, and may also provide a
stricted to animal tissue and is present in fairly basis for the analysis of proteins in protein-based food
constant amounts in lean beef. The other method products that, in general, show similar problems.
was based on the presence of myofibrillar pro-
teins, which are only present in meat tissues. These
two parameters were significantly correlated to ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
the muscle protein content of the mixture. Fur-
thermore, the determination of both parameters The authors thank the European Comission
neither requires sophisticated equipment nor elabo- and the Comisión Interministerial de Ciencia y
rate and cumbersome procedures.143 Tecnología (Spain) for project 2FD97-1300.


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