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1.Skim the entire passage to get an idea of its general content. You should be able to answer
the question “What is the passage mainly about?
2. Scan the entire passage for key words and phrases. Words and phrases that are repeated
throughout the passage are usually important. Make a note of these.
3. If there are multiple paragraphs, the first paragraph will typically be an introduction to the
topic, and will often include a brief description of what will be discussed.
4. The last paragraph will typically close with a conclusion
5.Each paragraph will have its own topic sentence expressing the main idea. Typically, the topic
sentence is the first sentence of the paragraph (Rest of things are supporting arguments)
6.The task of summarizing a multi-paragraph passage is sometimes made easier by briefly
summarizing each paragraph first, and then combining these summaries into a single summary.
Make a brief summary of each paragraph as you finish reading it. You do not need full
sentences at this point.
7. Keep your summary to a maximum of 40-45 words. The response box has an indicator that
will tell you how many words you have written. If you are getting close to your word limit, but
still need to write more, edit your sentence to remove unnecessary words, especially
adjectives. These can often be omitted.
8. Use punctuations like comma, colon and apostrophe. You have to use the single full stop in
the end of the sentence.


Communication has changed significantly in the last 10 years. Discuss pros and cons of this
change. Support your point of view with reasons and examples from your own experience.

Complete the topic within 20 minutes. Write a 300 word essay.


Technology has always changed the way we communicate with each other. Back in the 50’s era,
landline phones bought a revolution in the field of communication. Since then there were a
drastic change in our main communication method. The introduction of smartphones has made
its users life much easier but this change is not entirely a good thing. There are both pros and
cons of this change. I will elaborate my views further in this article.
Earlier we need to visit someone’s home to convey a message and now it is just a matter of
click and the message is delivered to the person sitting at any corner of the world. The smart
phones have not only changed the way we connect with other people but now we can’t
imagine life without these devices. For example: Personal safety apps uses GPS tracking system
which helps us to get home safely even at the midnight. There are some people who can’t
spend a single day without their smartphones.

From shutting down the alarm clock in our smartphone early morning till checking mails before
sleeping, in all smartphone is in our all activities. And as a result it has made us anti-social. In
the effort to connect with other people who are far away from us, we are ignoring those who
are sitting right beside us. To avoid getting ignored they too get themselves busy in
smartphone. For example: If you are in a room with your near and dear ones, there are more
chances that everyone is busy with his/her smartphone rather than conversing with each other.

A study suggests that the use of smartphones have negatively affected conversations held
between good friends. Though in past 10 years our communication level has increased but
simply hitting the ‘send’ button does not mean an effective conversation. As technology is
advancing, we are getting more introvert.

Taking cues from my personal experience, I can say that smartphones are more of a distraction.
Face-to-face conversation will always remain the most effective method of communication and
it’s better to turn off the smartphones or at least resist the temptation to reach for it
immediately when talking to a friend or someone.

Forests provide us the most vital element for our survival. Destruction of forests in the world by
human beings means self destruction. Throw some light with example.
Complete the topic within 20 minutes. Write a 200-300 word essay.

There in no deny in the fact that Forests are of utmost importance to whole of the human kind.
Other than maintaining right balance in the environment, they act as habitats and shelters to
millions of species. However they are depleting at a much faster rate as we are selflessly
utilizing tress for fuel, building houses, paper production and for our endless needs. And it does
mean destruction of forests in the world by human beings means self destruction. We will try to
support the subject with valid points and examples where ever necessary.

Forests and tress are vital for every living being as its a great source of life and supports future
life. Food and shelter are not only vital for us but most of the terrestrial species of animals,
plants and insects depend on forest for their survival and rapid cutting of tress is taking away
their habitat and making the survival of this magnificent biodiversity difficult.
More than 80% of the world’s species remain in the Tropical Rain-forest and due to their loss of
habitat most of the species of animal and plants have already extinct or are in the category of
endangered species which potentially pose a greater loss to human kind.

Global warming is known to be a great threat to human kind and trees play a key role in
absorbing the greenhouse gases and in carbon storage. Plants utilize carbon-dioxide to make
their food and in return provides oxygen. As a result of deforestation carbon-dioxide will
remain in the atmosphere. Carbon Dioxide contributes much to the global warming and as a
side effect we are already facing extreme weather events including rising of sea level.

In addition, forests acts as vital source of fresh water supply. The researchers have found that
cutting down tress dramatically reduces the amount of rain that falls in that area, thus there is
decrease in the water supply.

In the 1930s, drought and dust storms greatly damaged the ecology and agriculture of the US
and Canadian prairies. The un-anchored soil turned to dust, and blew away with the prevailing
winds. During the period, tens of thousands of families were forced to abandon their farms and
migrate to other places.

The signals that our Mother Earth is giving is quite visible and is clearly giving us the warning
that, rapid depletion of forest is causing major changes in the environment which involves our
own self-destruction. If, we do not stop exploiting our ecosystem now, a stage may come where
it may become impossible to repair it.


Polygamy has increased widely in recent years. What solutions can you Brought forward to
decrease this issue.
Family is confined to happiness, sorrow and emotions. All of these come into existence when
there is a complete family. These days it is often seen that family members are unhappy
because one of the individuals goes missing. Owing to this case, people left with no other
chance other than getting married once again. This trend has increased a bit in recent past due
to various reasons.

To start with the causes of polygamy, it is important to consider the root factor that is mental
satisfaction. Many times, there is a case that reports violence among a couple just because of
unsatisfied mind. Satisfaction means a lot to people these days. Everybody wants to achieve
everything he can. When something lacks, people get disappointed and feel annoyed. In
addition to the view of dissatisfaction, kids can be regarded as the second reason of second
marriage. Medical condition of a person is never meant to be stable. Sometimes, women
become unable to bore children and sometimes men get less productive. In either case, the
fertility gets affected. Having no child brings a person into depression. Beauty is the third view
that changes the mind of people. It can attract people towards it. People often forget their soul
mate and try to find their partner in a new person.
This problem may have many causes but there are also some solutions which are effective
enough to curb the issue. People are depressed mentally which makes them feel bad and
increase the lust for others. Mental peace can be brought by covering all our worries with
relaxing music. The environment around us greatly changes our mind and the way it thinks.

To conclude, polygamy is a concern, which results in breakup of many couples but it also has
some solutions to fix the issue appropriately.


No doubt, nowadays, this is true how life has changed since technology has been introduced in
the human life. When we think about technology mostly the first thing that comes to our mind
is the image of a computer. Technological advancements such as computers have been
designed and created with the only purpose to help humans and make their lives easier.
Furthermore, computers are the greatest invention of all time because they have multi-tasking
features that can minimize your work, and they are used in almost all fields for any purpose.I
will discuss my viewpoints in upcoming paragraphs.

To commence with first point computers calculate any result of maths, the only thing you must
do is to type the information needed and your work is done. As well as computers can display
and let you manipulate stored information. In other words, you don’t need to use paper in
order to store any information on shelves. You do not even have to rewrite a whole paper
because you did a mistake. You can have as many files as you can save them without using any
extra space.

Secondly, computers are used in almost all fields for any purpose such as entertainment,
education, and any type of job. For example, you can use computers to play video games,
watch movies, listen to music or chat on the internet for entertainment. In education or any job
you can use them for video-conferences, PowerPoint presentations or just using their basic
features discussed in the first point.

After pondering, it can be asserted that computers are the greatest invention of all time
because they reduce your time consumption on your activities, you can save your information
and edit it anytime, and they let you do almost everything you need. Computers have become
the most powerful tool ever created.
Climate change is a major concern for governments all around the world. If you want to study a
particular area of climate change, which subjects will you choose?

Climate change is turning into a grave issue which needs to be addressed by countries all over
the world collaboratively. A lot of these changes are causing due to man-made activities. If I
have to choose one subject related to climate change, I would go with greenhouse effect, as it
impacts our everyday life and would also try to find a way to resolve this severe threat to the

Greenhouse effect is caused by the rise of carbon monoxide level in the air surrounding us.This
is a by-product of gases that is constantly being emitted from transports, air-condition,
smoking etc. The chloroflouro carbon (CFC) of air-condition is very detrimental to the ozone
layer of the earth atmosphere. As a matter of fact, it creates holes in the ozone layer and
imbalances the equilibrium of the atmosphere. Due to the entrapped gases, which cannot
escape the earth atmosphere, the temperature begins to rise. To simplify, greenhouse effect
leads towards global warming.

In order to curb this problem, it would be useful to find alternate source of transportation
which does not burn energy sources like coal, gas etc. One solution could be increasing the
usage of electrical cars which are not yet commercialized everywhere in the world. Raising
awareness among the mass is also significant.

To sum up, it is very important to address the roots to the problem in order to resolve it and
restore equilibrium in our nature. It is our responsibility to protect Mother Nature by taking
responsible steps towards controlling irrational climate change.

Education is the biggest barrier in my learning-Einstein (PTE essay solved)

The only thing that interferes with my leaning is my education- Einstein. What does he mean by
that? And do you think he is correct?
Formal education tends to limit the thinking you can do about a subject. For instance, you know
and accept that the Law of Gravity is valid. You've been taught that in school. Therefore, you
are not going to waste your time trying to get around it.

By the time people get their degrees, they can't see simple solutions to problems. Einstein
recognized that education also limits the mind and felt he learned more by doing research
without the confines of the degree. Einstein was a genius, so he had to more or less, self
educate on his own to be able to be smarter then he already was.

If education would have been so high level to teach Einstein to the levels he was running for, He
would have really accomplished way more than what he did. That’s why education is such a
high priority in today’s world, so that everyone has a chance to be the next great Einstein, or
even greater! If education hadn't changed from the old days, man would have never reached at

Finally in my opinion, Education has always changed for the better. If education was still the
same as back in Einstein days, Medical wouldn't be there, where it is today and millions would
died every year, Medical is the biggest resource for longer life that wouldn't be curable without
all the medical education we all have today.

PTE new essay Should richer natons help poorer nations for their develpoment?
Improvements in health, education and trade are essential for the development of poorer
nations. However, the governments of richer nations should take more responsibility for
helping the poorer nations in such areas.

The development of any nation lies in the improvement of the health, education and trade of
that country. Keeping good health keeps you mentally and physically fit which is essential for
people to contribute towards their country. It is said that the stronger the foundation, the
stronger will be the building. Similarly education forms the base on which many talents have to
be nourished. So an education with strong values and principles will form the groundwork, and
shape a path for many able and genius scholars. Furthermore the trade is essential to keep up
with the basic economic requirements of any country. The flourishing of business activities is
directly proportional to the development of any nation.

Richer nations play a vital role in cultivating and prospering the poorer nations. Instead of giving
grants and loans they can directly help the poorer nations in educating, training and developing
business with them. For Instance Cuba a small country is known for its world class health
services. Strong network of health services in Cuba ensures that not only the citizens can reach
the doctors anytime, but the doctors also visit every citizen for checkup twice a year.

When talking about education, Finland’s free and equal education for everybody is a typical
example which demonstrates how any government can strengthen its education system. In
addition to it, if you remember, Japan was devastated after Hiroshima & Nagasaki
bombing. Japan has emerged from a wrecked nation and built a world-class best public
transport services, which has been the backbone of the trade in the country.

To conclude, the richer nations should act like a mentor and strengthen up the process of
developing the poorer nation.
Improvements in health, education and trade are essential for the development of poorer
nations. However, the governments of richer nations should take more responsibility for
helping the poorer nations in such areas.

The development of any nation lies in the improvement of the health, education and trade of
that country. Keeping good health keeps you mentally and physically fit which is essential for
people to contribute towards their country. It is said that the stronger the foundation, the
stronger will be the building. Similarly education forms the base on which many talents have to
be nourished. So an education with strong values and principles will form the groundwork, and
shape a path for many able and genius scholars. Furthermore the trade is essential to keep up
with the basic economic requirements of any country. The flourishing of business activities is
directly proportional to the development of any nation.

Richer nations play a vital role in cultivating and prospering the poorer nations. Instead of giving
grants and loans they can directly help the poorer nations in educating, training and developing
business with them. For Instance Cuba a small country is known for its world class health
services. Strong network of health services in Cuba ensures that not only the citizens can reach
the doctors anytime, but the doctors also visit every citizen for checkup twice a year.

When talking about education, Finland’s free and equal education for everybody is a typical
example which demonstrates how any government can strengthen its education system. In
addition to it, if you remember, Japan was devastated after Hiroshima & Nagasaki
bombing. Japan has emerged from a wrecked nation and built a world-class best public
transport services, which has been the backbone of the trade in the country.

To conclude, the richer nations should act like a mentor and strengthen up the process of
developing the poorer nation.
A person who is fearful or contemptuous of that which is foreign, especially of strangers or of
people from different countries or cultures. but these xenophobia is elevating rapidly in the
western countries it is having numerous causes as well as to kick off, Like all phobias, there is no
universally specific cause that leads to the development of xenophobia but some symptoms
show that if it left untreated it can have some dangerous effects like Distrust aimed specifically
towards cultures perceived by the phobic to be different.

Rash generalizations and stereotypes aimed at a set of people who can be identified by
superficial qualities and Finding abusive and prejudiced behavior humorous.
On the other hand, some possible solutions can be proved helpful to combat this problem
firstly mental health therapy can be fruitful for the person’s irrational and extreme fear. The
patient and therapist talk about why the fear unfounded, how they can come to terms with any
traumatic experiences that caused the phobia, next awareness given to the person who is
having this problem can lead to a peaceful state of mind of that person.

In summary, every problem has possible solutions but this cannot be worked without the help
of self-motivation that needed to be given to victim himself.


Recent years have witnessed that life has changed since technology has been introduced in the
human life. Technology mostly the first thing that comes to our mind is the image of a
computer. Technological advancements such as computers have been designed and created
with the only purpose to help humans and make their lives easier apropos to the above
statement; I firmly believe that computer has proved beneficial to society which I will explain in
the upcoming paragraphs.

To commence with, first of all computers have multi-tasking features that can minimize the
work you have to do. For example, computers avoid you having to calculate any result on doing
math, the only thing you must do is to type the information needed and your work is
done. Secondly, computers can display and let you manipulate stored information. We can have
as many files as you can in your computer and organize them the way you like it without having
to use any extra material or space.

Further reinforcing, computers are used in almost all fields for any purpose such as
entertainment, education, and any type of job. For example, you can use computers to play
videogames, watch movies, listen to music or chat on the internet for entertainment. In
education or any job you can use them for videoconferences, PowerPoint presentations or just
using their basic features discussed in the first point.

To sum up all, computer is the greatest invention of all time because it reduces time
consumption on various activities. Computers have become the most powerful tool ever


It is highly a debatable issue that government should spend money on space travel rather than
on environmental issues because both are mandatory for mankind. Therefore, government
should allocate equal resources to both. Let discuss both views in detail in the upcoming

To begin with, space travel is the responsibility of government for the welfare of people on
earth because when the research would be done then it would definitely aids to humankind
such as scientist would find out the treatment about incurable diseases and can save the
precious life of person by the doctors or specialists. Moreover, natural resources that are going
to scarce on the earth can found and on other planet, these resources such as fossil fuels,
minerals and water are important to live on earth because regardless these resources life
cannot imagine on this planet. Furthermore, due to the increased in population, need more
habitable space and the researchers can invent several other things which can prove beneficial
for homo sapiens, if the government spend money on space travel

Although, space travel would have some fruitful results but the problem of poverty,
unemployment, terrorism, pollution has becoming a leading concern on earth. Therefore,
government should expenditure on these problems first. people in rural areas are not much
awaking about the environment problems and the awareness must be driven in those areas by
organize awareness camps. In this way, environment problem like pollution, global warming
can be minimize to some extent.

Concisely, I pen down saying that spending too much money on research of mars and moons is
worthless in front of these problems because government should solve the fundamental
problems of mankind first after that they should think about the other planets and there should
be balance between both.


It is irrefutable that law plays a significant role in human's life. The governments of a particular
nation pass these laws and people should follow them. However, a significant number of
people believe that law changes the behavior of people. But I disagree with this notion as I have
some logical and rational reasons to explain this statement. Let discuss all the views in the
upcoming paragraphs.

To begin with, there is no denying the fact that laws are made for the safety of people but
natives either in developed or in developing countries break the laws which put them as well as
others in trouble. For instance, there is a law of vandalism but when people roaming in the
public parks and gardens, they start plucking the flowers without thinking about vandalism law.
Mostly opulent people do not bother about that law because there is no rigorous punishment
and heavy fine over this practice. In this way, linear traditional laws can never change the
attitude of person.
Furthermore, traffic laws are broken by the most of the people all over the world, which may
cause a major accident, or sometimes even death can occurred. To illustrate, when the light
turns red, people must stop over there and they should not go until the light does not turn into
green. But these rules are not followed by them because of linear laws. Not only this, cyber
crime has becoming a grave issue in these days which also have some laws but these are not
followed by the people and a large amount of money transaction, information of making atom
bombs and destroy the place within seconds are still going on.

Hammering the last nail, people break these laws because of carelessness and lack of
awareness among the people. That is the reason the behavior of people is not changing.
Moreover, government should pass these laws strictly and punish those who break laws.

PTE new essay Should richer natons help poorer nations for their develpoment?
Improvements in health, education and trade are essential for the development of poorer
nations. However, the governments of richer nations should take more responsibility for
helping the poorer nations in such areas.

The development of any nation lies in the improvement of the health, education and trade of
that country. Keeping good health keeps you mentally and physically fit which is essential for
people to contribute towards their country. It is said that the stronger the foundation, the
stronger will be the building. Similarly education forms the base on which many talents have to
be nourished. So an education with strong values and principles will form the groundwork, and
shape a path for many able and genius scholars. Furthermore the trade is essential to keep up
with the basic economic requirements of any country. The flourishing of business activities is
directly proportional to the development of any nation.

Richer nations play a vital role in cultivating and prospering the poorer nations. Instead of giving
grants and loans they can directly help the poorer nations in educating, training and developing
business with them. For Instance Cuba a small country is known for its world class health
services. Strong network of health services in Cuba ensures that not only the citizens can reach
the doctors anytime, but the doctors also visit every citizen for checkup twice a year.

When talking about education, Finland’s free and equal education for everybody is a typical
example which demonstrates how any government can strengthen its education system. In
addition to it, if you remember, Japan was devastated after Hiroshima & Nagasaki
bombing. Japan has emerged from a wrecked nation and built a world-class best public
transport services, which has been the backbone of the trade in the country.

To conclude, the richer nations should act like a mentor and strengthen up the process of
developing the poorer nation.
Deforestation Means Self Destruction. Throw Some Light With Example

Forests provide us the most vital element for our survival. Destruction of forests in the world by
human beings means self destruction. Throw some light with example.
Complete the topic within 20 minutes. Write a 200-300 word essay.

There in no deny in the fact that Forests are of utmost importance to whole of the human kind.
Other than maintaining right balance in the environment, they act as habitats and shelters to
millions of species. However they are depleting at a much faster rate as we are selflessly
utilizing tress for fuel, building houses, paper production and for our endless needs. And it does
mean destruction of forests in the world by human beings means self destruction. We will try to
support the subject with valid points and examples where ever necessary.

Forests and tress are vital for every living being as its a great source of life and supports future
life. Food and shelter are not only vital for us but most of the terrestrial species of animals,
plants and insects depend on forest for their survival and rapid cutting of tress is taking away
their habitat and making the survival of this magnificent biodiversity difficult.

More than 80% of the world’s species remain in the Tropical Rain-forest and due to their loss of
habitat most of the species of animal and plants have already extinct or are in the category of
endangered species which potentially pose a greater loss to human kind.

Global warming is known to be a great threat to human kind and trees play a key role in
absorbing the greenhouse gases and in carbon storage. Plants utilize carbon-dioxide to make
their food and in return provides oxygen. As a result of deforestation carbon-dioxide will
remain in the atmosphere. Carbon Dioxide contributes much to the global warming and as a
side effect we are already facing extreme weather events including rising of sea level.

In addition, forests acts as vital source of fresh water supply. The researchers have found that
cutting down tress dramatically reduces the amount of rain that falls in that area, thus there is
decrease in the water supply.

In the 1930s, drought and dust storms greatly damaged the ecology and agriculture of the US
and Canadian prairies. The un-anchored soil turned to dust, and blew away with the prevailing
winds. During the period, tens of thousands of families were forced to abandon their farms and
migrate to other places.

The signals that our Mother Earth is giving is quite visible and is clearly giving us the warning
that, rapid depletion of forest is causing major changes in the environment which involves our
own self-destruction. If, we do not stop exploiting our ecosystem now, a stage may come where
it may become impossible to repair it.

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