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Lesson Class #: November 29

Course ELA 4/5
Title/Focus Writing a Paragraph – Hamburger Style
• Class 1 (Writing):
o “Use appropriate prior knowledge and experiences to make sense of new ideas and
information.” (1.1.1)
o “Read, write, represent and talk to explore personal understandings of new ideas
and information.” (1.1.2)
o “Select from provided forms of oral, print, and other media text those that best
organize ideas and information and develop understandings of topics.” (1.1.4)
• Class 2 (Reading):
o make connections between fictional texts and historical events (2.2.3)
o use a variety of tools, such as chapter headings, glossaries and encyclopedia guide
words, to access information (3.2.1)
o skim, scan and listen for key words and phrases (3.2.2)

At the end of the lesson students will be able to:
1. Identify what a topic sentence is within a paragraph.
2. Create a topic sentence to a paragraph.
• Hamburger Paragraph Organizer
• Power Point
• Lesson Plan
• Have the PowerPoint set up and ready to use, prior to the start of class.
• Have enough copies of the graphic organizer (hamburger).
Introduction Time
• We have learned about different traits of good writing, now we are going to
be focusing on writing a paragraph.
5-10 min
o Do you think we can use our writing traits while writing a
Body Time
Topic: Writing a 1) Ask students what they already know about writing a
topic sentence. paragraph.
(Class 1) 2) Topic Sentence:
a. A Topic Sentence is a statement that tells what
your paragraph will be about.
b. A topic sentence does two important things: 40 min
i. Helps your stay focused on the topic
ii. Helps the readers know what your
paragraph will be about
c. Topic sentences have two parts:
i. It states the topic
ii. Includes or summarizes ideas within the
d. Topic Sentence Example:
i. A healthy diet includes fruits and
e. Creating a Topic Sentence:
i. Ask yourself:
1. What am I writing about? (topic)
2. What do I want to say about my
topic? (Ideas)
f. One more thing…
i. Every good topic sentence needs a
1. What does this mean?!?
2. Why is a hook important?
3) Write a Topic Sentence for all three prompts:
a. How to get rid of the hiccups.
b. Grandma’s Attic.
c. What if I were the teacher?
***If students are not finished writing their Topic Sentences,
allow time to finish in the next block instead of moving on.
Topic: Reading 1) Hand out the reading comprehension.
Comp. 2) Reading Comprehension is an activity to practice our
(Class 2) reading skills and determine if we understood what
we just read.
a. This is an individual activity. When you are
done, turn your paper over and we will go over
40 min
3) The Lady Bug
a. For this one, I will read it aloud and you will
follow along. After I am finished reading, please
answer the questions.
4) The Panda Bear (if time)
a. For this one you will read it individually and
answer the questions.
Conclusion Time
• Read to Self. N/A

Formative Assessment:
o Graphic Organizer (Hamburger)
o Reading Comprehension
Additional Notes:

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