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Health Check Report Card Summary for Moderate Project

Project Lead:
Go Live Date:

Organizational Health Check

Scheduled Actual
Last Review Completion Completion % Progress
Status date Complete (R, Y, G)
Date Date
Organizational Strategy, Leadership & Sponsorship N ### 12/30/1899 0% R
Stakeholder Change Management & Communication N ### 12/30/1899 0% R
Organizational Impacts N ### 12/30/1899 0% R

Business Health Check

Last Review Scheduled Actual % Progress
Status Date completion completion Complete (R, Y, G)
date date
Business Case Value W ### 12/30/1899 0% R
Day 1 Readiness W ### 12/30/1899 0% R
Adoption Realization N ### 12/30/1899 0% R
Deployment Schedule N ### 12/30/1899 0% R
Training / Communication N 5/3/2018 5/25/2018 0% R

Program Office Health Check

Last Review Scheduled Actual % Progress
Status completion completion Complete (R, Y, G)
Date date date
Project Plan Maturity N ### 12/30/1899 0% R
Program Personal & Resource Management N ### 12/30/1899 0% R
Consulting Partner(s) N ### 12/30/1899 0% R
Budget N ### 12/30/1899 0% R
Meetings N ### 12/30/1899 0% R
Methodology/Document Output & Sign-of N ### 12/30/1899 0% R
Audit Readiness N ### 12/30/1899 0% R
Action Items & Decision Logs N ### 12/30/1899 0% R
Risk & Issue Management N ### 12/30/1899 0% R
Staffing N ### 12/30/1899 0% R

Solution Health Check

Scheduled Actual
Last Review % Progress
Status Date completion completion Complete (R, Y, G)
date date
Scope Defined N ### 12/30/1899 0% R
Milestone Deliverable Status N ### 12/30/1899 0% R
Out of the Box Capability N ### 12/30/1899 0% R
Industry Best Practices Adoption N ### 12/30/1899 0% R
Gaps and Customizations N ### 12/30/1899 0% R
Business Processes Updates W ### 12/30/1899 0% R

Technical Health Check

Scheduled Actual
Status Last Review completion completion % Progress
Date date date Complete (R, Y, G)

Application Requirements N ### 12/30/1899 0% R

Technical Infrastructure / Architecture N ### 12/30/1899 0% R
Disaster Recovery and Backups N ### 12/30/1899 0% R
Project Team Training N ### 12/30/1899 0% R
Bugs and Issues N ### 12/30/1899 0% R
Go Live Readiness N ### 12/30/1899 0% R

* Note: These cells are pulled from the detailed tabs

ERP Organizational Readiness
Organizational readiness is a view of the organization's ability to
sustain change including alignment with strategic plans/objectives,
senior management's commitment to the project, and organizational
alignment/commitment to the change.
Please Fill in the Green Cells. Other Cells are Calculated
C = Complete
W = Work in Progress
N = Not Complete

Organizational Strategy, Leadership & Sponsorship Status

Overall Status N
This initiative is fully integrated into organization's strategic plan
including objectives and an associated roadmap to achieve those
objectives. N

A clear business case/justificastion has been documented for this

initiative and the governing board is in agreement with its content and
endorses its necessary resource needs. N
There is an identified executive sponsor or project champion in place
who actively supports the initiative N
Organizational risks have been identified with clearly documented and
managed risk plans. N
The organization has reviewed the impacts of the change against all
regulatory and compliance requirements and certifies that NO major
regulatory/compliance issues exist that would jeopardize the delivery of
the project. N

Stakeholder Change Management & Communication Status

Overall Status N

All change management and communication strategies have been

documented and are in place for the initial review with Stakeholders. N

Organizational Impacts Status

Overall Status N
The organization has agreed to develop an organizational change
management, training, and communications plan. N
ERP Business Readiness Checklist
The business readiness checklist is used to determine if an
organization is prepared to begin the specific project delivery activities.

Business Case Value

Overall Status W
Business Signed off of Proposed Solution
Deployment Strategy Approved and Signed off
A Level Timeline
Day 1 Readiness

Overall Status - Day 1 Readiness W
Cut Over Plan Created and in Project Plan

Physical resource needs are known, allocated and appropriate for the
successful accomplishment of the project and organizational change.
Recovery Plan Documented and in Project Plan N
Adoption Realization

Overall Status N
Roll out strategy defined and in projected plan N
Deployment Schedule

Overall Status N
An employee resource plan (for full-time core team and subject matter
experts) has been documented and approved. N
The implementation / rollout strategy is defined and agreed. N
Training / Communication

Overall Status N
Organizational change management, training, and communications N
plans have been created.
Program Office Health Check
The business readiness checklist is used to determine if
an organization is prepared to begin the specific project
delivery activities. Total Task in Plan 859

Project Plan Maturity

Status Status Points date
Overall Status N 6 12/30/1899
B Level Plan Created N 3
Project Plan Contains all Milestone Task N 3
Program Personal & Resource Management
Status Status Points date
Overall Status N 3 12/30/1899
Key Resources Committed
N 3
Consulting Partner(s)
Status Status Points date
Overall Status N 6 12/30/1899
Consulting Agreement Executed N 3
Resources Assigned and Working N 3
Status Status Points date
Overall Status N 3 12/30/1899
Detailed Budget by Milestones has been created and
N 3
Status Status Points date
Overall Status N 6 12/30/1899
Team/Group Weekly Meetings N 3
Quarterly/Monthly Communications Plan

N 3
Methodology/Document Output & Sign-off
Status Status Points date
Overall Status N 3 12/30/1899
Repository for all documentation has been created and
being used
N 3
Audit Readiness
Status Status Points date
Overall Status N 3 12/30/1899
Testing Plan in Project Plan
N 3
Action Items & Decision Logs
Status Status Points date
Overall Status N 3 12/30/1899
Action Items and Decision Log in place and accessible
(using meeting summary to track on this project)

N 3
Risk & Issue Management
Status Status Points date
Overall Status N 15 12/30/1899
Risk & Issue Log in place and accessible N 3
Risk Planned Closure Date is Blank
N 3
Risk Planned Closure Date < Today's Date N 3
Risk Modified Date is > 2 weeks N 3
Risk Priority is Critical N 3
Status Status Points date
Overall Status N 3 12/30/1899
Adequately Staffed

N 3

C = Complete
W = Work in Progress
N = Not Complete
Scheduled Act.
Completion Actual % Progress Task
Date Completion Date Complete (R, Y, G)
12/30/1899 12/30/1899 0% R
0% R
0% R
Completion Actual % Progress
Date Completion Date Complete (R, Y, G)
12/30/1899 12/30/1899 0% R

0% R
Completion Actual % Progress
Date Completion Date Complete (R, Y, G)
12/30/1899 12/30/1899 0% R
0% R
0% R
Completion Actual % Progress
Date Completion Date Complete (R, Y, G)
12/30/1899 12/30/1899 0% R

0% R
Completion Actual % Progress
Date Completion Date Complete (R, Y, G)
12/30/1899 12/30/1899 0% R
0% R

0% R
Completion Actual % Progress
Date Completion Date Complete (R, Y, G)
12/30/1899 12/30/1899 0% R

0% R
Completion Actual % Progress
Date Completion Date Complete (R, Y, G)
12/30/1899 12/30/1899 0% R

0% R
Completion Actual % Progress
Date Completion Date Complete (R, Y, G)
12/30/1899 12/30/1899 0% R

0% R
Completion Actual % Progress
Date Completion Date Complete (R, Y, G)
12/30/1899 12/30/1899 0% R
0% R

0% R
0% R
0% R
0% R
Completion Actual % Progress
Date Completion Date Complete (R, Y, G)
12/30/1899 12/30/1899 0% R

0% R








Solution Health Check
The business readiness checklist is used to determine if an
organization is prepared to begin the specific project delivery

Scope Defined
Status Status Points date
Overall Status N 12 12/30/1899
"As-Is" business processes are documented N 3
"To-Be" business processes have been documented, validated and
approved. N 3
Business requirements have been documented, prioritized and
Signed Off by Business Process Owner

N 3
A business contingency plan has been created and approved.
N 3
Milestone Deliverable Status
Status Status Points date
Overall Status N 3 12/30/1899
Solution Milestone Complete and Sequenced N 3
Out of the Box Capability
Status Status Points date
Overall Status N 3 12/30/1899
OOB Functionality has been demonstrated and accepted N 3
Industry Best Practices Adoption
Status Status Points date
Overall Status N 3 12/30/1899
Benefits Realization scorecard has been established.
N 3
Gaps and Customizations
Status Status Points date
Overall Status N 6 12/30/1899
Business Requirements Gaps Documented N 3
Business Process Changes Documented and signed off by
Process Owner N 3
Business Processes Updates
Status Status Points date
Overall Status W 3 12/30/1899
Impacted Business Processes identified, document, and Signed
Off by Business Owners N 3

C = Complete
W = Work in Progress
N = Not Complete
Scheduled Actual Status
Completion Completion % Progress Points
Date Date Complete (R, Y, G)
12/30/1899 12/30/1899 0% R 3
0% R 3

0% R 3

0% R 3

0% R 3
Scheduled Actual Status
Completion Completion % Progress Points
Date Date Complete (R, Y, G)
12/30/1899 12/30/1899 0% R 3
0% R 3
Scheduled Actual Status
Completion Completion % Progress Points
Date Date Complete (R, Y, G)
12/30/1899 12/30/1899 0% R 3
0% R 3
Scheduled Actual Status
Completion Completion % Progress Points
Date Date Complete (R, Y, G)
12/30/1899 12/30/1899 0% R 3

0% R 3
Scheduled Actual Status
Completion Completion % Progress Points
Date Date Complete (R, Y, G)
12/30/1899 12/30/1899 0% R 3
0% R 3

0% R 3
Scheduled Actual Status
Completion Completion % Progress Points
Date Date Complete (R, Y, G)
12/30/1899 12/30/1899 0% R 3
0% R 3
Attach document

Need to identify the business and get sign

off - will create a form to add to this type of
project. The business has agreed to the
Hector to add contengency plan to the
project workbook

Attach document




Technical Health Check
The IM readiness checklist is used to determine if an
organization is prepared to begin the specific project
delivery activities.

Application Requirements
Status Status Points date
Overall Status N 33 12/30/1899
Functional Requirements and Documentation Complete N 3
Functional Configuration Requirements Schedule Complete
N 3
RICEF Functional Requirements Documentation Complete
N 3
RICEF Functional Requirements Schedule Complete N 3
System Process Flows Complete N 3
Primary Software Requirements Complete N 3
Primary Software Acquired N 3
Primary Software Installation in Schedule N 3
3rd Party Software Requirements Complete N 3
3rd Party Software Acquired N 3
3rd Party Software Installation in Schedule N 3
Technical Infrastructure / Architecture
Status Status Points date
Overall Status N 12 12/30/1899
Environment Requirements Complete N 3
Environment Schedule Complete N 3
Hardware Acquired N 3
Hardware Installation in Schedule N 3
Disaster Recovery and Backups
Status Status Points date
Overall Status N 6 12/30/1899
Requirements for Project DR/Bkup completed N 3
Project Documentation storage defined and communicated
N 3
Project Team Training
Status Status Points date
Overall Status N 9 12/30/1899
Oracle Functional Training Complete N 3
Technical Training Complete N 3
3rd Party Training Complete N 3
Bugs and Issues
Status Status Points date
Overall Status N 12 12/30/1899
Applications N 3
3rd Party Applications N 3
RICEF Items N 3
Hardware N 3
Go Live Readiness
Status Status Points date
Overall Status N 12 12/30/1899
Cut Over Strategy Complete and in schedule N 3
Outage Communications Complete and in schedule N 3
Day 1 Readiness Plan complete and in schedule
(hypercare) N 3
Knowledge Transfer to Production Support Defined and in
schedule N 3

C = Complete
W = Work in Progress
N = Not Complete
Scheduled Status
Completion Actual % Progress Points
Date Completion Date Complete (R, Y, G) Notes
12/30/1899 12/30/1899 0% R 3
0% R 3 Screen shots for AST

0% R 3 Screen shots for AST

0% R 3
0% R 3
0% R 3 This exists for the EBS suite
0% R 3
0% R 3
0% R 3
0% R 3 Not needed
0% R 3 Not needed
0% R 3 Not needed
Scheduled Status
Completion Actual % Progress Points
Date Completion Date Complete (R, Y, G) Notes
12/30/1899 12/30/1899 0% R 3
0% R 3
0% R 3
0% R 3
0% R 3
Scheduled Status
Completion Actual % Progress Points
Date Completion Date Complete (R, Y, G) Notes
12/30/1899 12/30/1899 0% R 3
0% R 3

0% R 3
Scheduled Status
Completion Actual % Progress Points
Date Completion Date Complete (R, Y, G) Notes
12/30/1899 12/30/1899 0% R 3
0% R 3
0% R 3
0% R 3
Scheduled Status
Completion Actual % Progress Points
Date Completion Date Complete (R, Y, G) Notes
12/30/1899 12/30/1899 0% R 3
0% R 3
0% R 3
0% R 3
0% R 3
Scheduled Status
Completion Actual % Progress Points
Date Completion Date Complete (R, Y, G) Notes
12/30/1899 12/30/1899 0% R 3
0% R 3
0% R 3

0% R 3

0% R 3

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