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Fulwood Free Methodist Church

Talks Series - Advent 2018

Morning Series - 16th December 2018 to 30th December 2018
John’s Good News about Jesus does not have a traditional Christmas story.
When it comes to Jesus arriving on planet earth, John unwraps the big picture
and dazzles us with his portrait of Jesus as he shouts from the roof tops who
Jesus is and what it meant that God became a man.
Evening Series - 2nd December 2018 to 23rd December 2018
God became a man? What does this mean?
How could it happen? And how does it affect us today?
2nd December 2018
Morning: Justyn Towler from Renewal Christian Centre, Solihull
Evening: CHRISTMAS UNWRAPPED | Unwrapping the mystery
Ephesians 3:7-13
The mystery is out - God’s wisdom is unwrapped in Jesus
Dave Sewell
9th December 2018
Morning: BREAKFAST IN BETHLEHEM | Nativity Gathering
Breakfast served at 8:45am and 10:30am
Wear any costume from the nativity story - children and adults
Evening: CHRISTMAS UNWRAPPED | See through wrapping
Colossians 1:15-19
The package explodes – Paul reveals amazing and challenging
truths about Jesus as God and as man.
Ian Clarkson
16th December 2018
Morning: CHRISTMAS UNWRAPPED | Unwrapping the WORD
John 1:1-2
Why did John begin with the WORD as a name for Jesus? Why is he
describing his coming this way?
Ian Clarkson
Evening: CAROL SERVICE | Refreshments from 5:30pm
CHRISTMAS UNWRAPPED | Brown paper packages
Philippians 2:5-8
God in human form – just like us, but with a HUGE difference
Andrew Gardner
23rd December 2018
Morning: 10:00am only
CHRISTMAS UNWRAPPED | Unwrapping the Light
John 1:3-9
Have you ever switched a light on in a dark room? It can be
blinding. This is how people reacted to Jesus – they still do!
Andrew Gardner
Evening: CHRISTMAS UNWRAPPED | Too big to wrap!
Hebrews 1:1-4
He made the universe! - He’s got the whole world in His hands.
Trevor Crawford
25th December 2018
Morning: CHRISTMAS DAY | 10:00am for 45 minutes
CHRISTMAS UNWRAPPED | Unwrapping the Father
John 1:10-13
An amazing invitation, you can receive and believe to become a
child of God – HIS gift unwrapped for you.
Andrew Gardner
30th December 2018
Morning: 10:00am only
CHRISTMAS UNWRAPPED | Remove the wrapping
John 1:14-18
Who can you see? Open the wrapping to be dazzled by who Jesus
Andrew Gardner
Evening: Testimony Evening

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