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Lesson Plan Guide

Teacher Candidate ___Lauren Gowans Date: 12/02/2018_

Grade and Topic: Fifth Grade Writing Length of Lesson: 30 Minutes for 5 days

Mentor Teacher: Grace Hangs School: Idlewild Elementary School_


● Students will plan a draft to develop a biography by using appropriate organizational strategies.

● Biography research and graphic organizer

 5.W.TTP. 1

Writing - Text Types and Protocol

Cornerstone: Write arguments to support claims in an analysis of substantive topics or texts, using valid
reasoning and relevant and enough evidence.
Write opinion pieces on topics or texts, supporting a point of view with reasons and information.
a. Introduce a topic or text.
b. Develop an opinion through logically-ordered reasons that are supported by facts and details.
c. Create an organizational structure in which ideas are logically grouped to support the writer’s purpose.
d. Provide a concluding statement or section related to the opinion presented.
e. Link opinion and reasons using words, phrases, and clauses.
f. Apply language standards addressed in the Foundational Literacy standards.

Library Books


Students are to focus on previous information given over citations. Express how a writer can use appropriate
details and organization to express a real event.
● Introduction:

1. Is there someone in your life that inspires you?

2. What is a biography?
3. Does the Biography persuade the reader about how a person was or is, or does a biography give
informative information about the person triumphs and flaws?

● Procedures:
Monday: Students will be given a handout describing “Who”, “Early Life”, “Character traits”, “What
they are known for”, & “Fun Facts”. (Graphic organizer)
Tuesday: Students will take notes of the proper ways to write a biography. They will begin
brainstorming on the person they choose to write about. Students will complete a KWL chart about the
person and focusing on “What they learned”, “What they want to learn”, and “What they know”.
Students will focus on what main things peak their interest and choose these things to write about.
Wednesday: Students are to choose their topics, collect information to develop a biography. Students
graphic organizers should be completed.
Thursday: Students are to choose how they will present their biography. i.e. – slide show, make a comic
strip, Prezi, or an interact presentation. Students will begin to organize the information they have
collected by topic and continue to organize their writing. They will conference with the teacher to ensure
plagiarism is prevented.
Friday: Students will continue to work on their biography and will begin working on the project of their

(Students will complete their presentation in the computer lab and will rotate by having a peer check
their work)

● Closure: Students will present their presentation to the classroom

● Using appropriate details and organization to express a real event
● Can the writer create structure when writing a biography to create a clear message?
● Do the elements of dialogue shape a literary nonfiction text?


Students who did not master the objective will focus on understanding what a biography is, and what goes into a

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