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Rhythm Church of Mason City, Iowa



These by-laws shall function within the life of Rhythm Church of Mason City, Iowa as rules of
procedure. Although the procedures have a biblical and theological basis, this is not a
statement of faith.


"Church" All members, as defined below, of Rhythm Church of Mason City, Iowa.

"Members" Anyone who is a member of Rhythm Church of Mason City, Iowa, according to the
process outlined in Article 3, Section 2.

"Elder Team" All elders (defined in Article 4, Section 1), who serve on the Elder Team.

Article One


The purpose of this church shall be to glorify God, revealed as Father, Son and Holy Spirit in the
Scriptures. This church shall obey Christ's directive for the Church recorded in The Gospel
According to Matthew, 28:18-20.

Article Two


The Bible is the ultimate authority in all matters of faith and practice for this church. The Bible
consists of the sixty-six books of the Old and New Testaments. All Scripture is inspired by God (cf.
2 Timothy 3:16-17; 2 Peter 1:20-21; 1 Thessalonians 2:13), and inerrant in the original manuscripts.
When properly translated from existing textual evidence and interpreted according to sound
principles of interpretation, Scripture is both understandable and applicable.

Article Three


Section 1: Qualifications for Membership

A. Members shall have trusted the Lord Jesus Christ for their salvation, as described in the
New Testament, and shall have been approved for membership by the Elder Team.

B. If transferring membership from another church, he or she must be a member in good

standing in the other church and meet the requirements of Section 1A.

C. Church membership is determined by regular and active participation in the life of the
church which includes: attempting to live life in harmony with the scriptures, regularly
attending corporate worship services which include Sunday services, being a regular
part of Community Groups, serving the church and community with the spiritual gifts God
has given them, and regularly tithing (if possible) to the church.

Section 2: Receiving Members

Anyone wanting to become a member shall follow the procedure below:

A. The prospective member shall fill out a membership request form.

B. The Elder Team will review the form.

C. At least one elder will review the application to learn if they meet the qualifications
outlined in Article 3, Section 1.

D. If the Elder Team decides that the prospective member meets the qualifications outlined
in Article 3, Section 1, he or she shall become a member of the church and added to the
membership roll of the church.

E. If the prospective member does not meet the qualifications listed in Article 3 Section 1,
he or she shall be denied membership in the church.

F. If the Elder Team learns that a prospective member is not in good standing with the
church where he/she is currently a member, they shall deny membership until the
problem is resolved. After resolving the problem, the Elder Team will review the
prospective member's request and meet with him/her. The Elder Team may contact the
leadership of the church where the prospective member is a member to learn if the
problem has been resolved. If there has been resolution, the prospective member will be
added to the membership roll of the church.

Section 3: Releasing Members

Any member shall cease to be a member of this church for any of the following reasons:

A. A request for transfer of membership to another church is received. The Elder Team shall
grant a release letter unless the member is under church discipline.

B. The individual has been received as a member of another church and the Elder Team
can confirm it. A credible person other than the individual concerned may supply oral or
written confirmation.

C. The member personally presents an oral or written request to cancel membership to any
of the elders. A request to cancel membership is not subject to a decision of the elders
to become effective. (Unless the member is under church discipline). (cf. Article 3,
Section 5E)

D. The member dies.

Section 4: Suspension of Membership

Members who have been absent from all public meetings of the church for six months can have
their membership suspended. To suspend membership, the procedure below shall be followed:

A. The Elder Team shall attempt to locate and contact the absent member of the church.

B If the member of the church is not located and contacted within a month, his or her
membership shall be suspended by the Elder Team.

C. If the member of the church is located, the Elder Team shall suspend his or her
membership in the church if he or she fails to give sufficient reason for not attending, or if
he or she does not resume attendance.

Section 5: Disciplining Members

Church discipline is a biblical process followed by the church only when a member is in serious
violation of biblical truth. The goal of church discipline is not to punish a member. Church
discipline is an act of love that has repentance and restoration as its end.

A. If the Elder Team becomes aware of allegations regarding a member who is intentionally
violating biblical morality and/or espousing heretical doctrine (as determined by the
Elder Team), the Elder Team shall approach the member in question to find out if the
allegations are true. Again, whether it’s an issue of morality or doctrine, the first priority of
the Elder Team is restoration.

B. If the allegations are found to be false, the Elder Team shall dismiss the case and clear
the name of the accused member in a manner appropriate to the situation.

C. If the allegations are found to be true, the Elder Team will meet with the member in
question to appeal to him/her to repent of the sin or the wrong teaching in question.

D. Once under discipline, the member shall be removed from the membership roll of the
church and listed as a suspended member under discipline.

E. While a member is undergoing church discipline, he/she may not voluntarily resign
his/her membership under the provision of Article 3, Section 3C of these by-laws.

F. A suspended member under discipline may be received again as a member if the Elder
Team determine that he/she has repented of the offenses for which discipline was
exercised. A suspended member under discipline will not be given a verbal notice or
letter of transfer to another church.

Section 6: Membership Record

All membership records shall be retained permanently either in an active membership file or in a
membership file archive. These records shall indicate whether a person is currently a member, a
suspended member or a suspended member under discipline, how he or she was received into
membership, and how those released from membership were released. The Elder Team and/or
other member(s) enlisted by the Elder Team shall periodically review the current church
membership record.

Article Four

Church Officers

This church recognizes two primary groups of officers called elders and deacons who are
selected from among the church's membership, (cf. Acts 20:17-35; Philippians 1:1; 1 Timothy 3:1-
13; Titus 1:5-9; 1 Peter 5:1-3; Hebrews 13:17; et al. and see Sections 1 and 2 below).

Section 1: Elders

The elders are the overseers ("shepherds") of this local church. They have the responsibility and
authority to give pastoral leadership in the church.

A. Recommending Prospective Elders.

A member may be recommended as a prospective elder by the Elder Team, by another

member, or by himself or herself.

B. Evaluation of Prospective Elders.

Elders must meet the qualifications found in 1 Timothy 3:1-11 and Titus 1:5-9. The Elder
Team will evaluate a prospective elder and determine whether the member meets the
listed qualifications. If the Elder Team determines that a member is not qualified to serve
as an elder, he or she cannot be appointed as an elder.

C. Appointing Elders.

If the Elder Team determines that a member is qualified, he or she will be brought before
the church for approval. To be approved by the church a member must receive a
three-fourths majority vote of at least 20% of the members. Voting will be done at a
special or regular church meeting. After the voting, each "no" vote will be evaluated by
the Elder Team in order to determine why the "no" vote was cast. If, after evaluating the
"no" votes, the Elder Team determines that a man is still qualified, he can be appointed
to the Elder Team. If, after evaluating the no votes, it is determined that the prospective
elder does not qualify, the Elder Team has the authority to not allow the prospective
elder to be appointed.

If an elder is removed during the middle of his or her tenure, then a provisional elder may
be put in place to be approved by the church members during a special meeting. All of
the previous rules still apply for approval such as three-fourths majority vote of at least
20% of the members.

Also when appointing elders, under consideration is that there never be more than one
elder member that is also Rhythm Church pastoral staff.

D. Tenure of Elders.

The tenure of an elder on the Elder Team is one year. In order to continue to serve on the
Elder Team after each one year term, an elder must be recommended by the Elder
Team and approved by the church. There is no limitation to the number of terms an
individual is allowed to serve.

E. Dismissal of an Elder.

An Elder can be dismissed from office at any time he or she is deemed to be disqualified.
Any accusation against an Elder must be brought to the Elder Team by two or more
members (1 Timothy 5:19). If the Elder Team determines that a fellow elder is disqualified,
he or she will be dismissed from the Elder Team.

F. Elder Responsibilities.

Elders are servant-leaders who shepherd/oversee the church by:

1. Exemplifying Christlike lives.

2. Teaching sound doctrine.

3. Leading the church.

4. Guarding themselves and the church.

5. Refuting those opposed to sound doctrine.

(See: Matthew 20:24-28; John 13: 1-17; Acts 20:28; I Thessalonians 5:12;
I Timothy 3:1-7; Titus 1:5-9; II Timothy 2:2; Hebrews 13:17; James 5:14-15;
I Peter 5:1-4.)

G. Elder Decision-Making Authority.

The Elder Team has the authority to carry out the responsibilities listed in Article 4, Section
1F of these By-laws. All matters of church business will be under the decision-making
authority of the Elder Team except where restricted in the following areas:

1. Appointment of elders. (see "Appointing Elders" Article 4, Section 1C)

2. Appointment of deacons. (see "Church Meetings" Article 5, Section 3)

3. Approval of the church budget. (see "Church Meetings" Article 5,

Section 3)

4. Special appropriation of church funds. (see "Church Meetings" Article 5, Section


5. Long range decision making. (see "Church Meetings" Article 5, Section 3)

Section 2: Deacons/Deaconesses

Deacons/deaconesses are servants of the church under the authority of the elders. (See Acts
6:1-7; Philippians 1:1; 1 Timothy 3:8-13; et. al.)

A. Recommendation of Prospective Deacons/Deaconesses.

A member may be recommended by the Elder Team, by any church member, or by him
or herself.

B. Qualifications for Deacons/Deaconesses.

Deacons/deaconesses must meet the qualifications listed in 1 Timothy 3:8-13. The Elder
Team will evaluate a prospective deacon/deaconess and determine whether he or she
meets the listed qualifications. If the Elder Team determines that he or she is not qualified
to serve as a deacon/deaconess, he or she cannot be appointed.

C. Appointing Deacons/Deaconesses.

To appoint deacons/deaconesses, the Elder Team will approach the church at a regular
or special church meeting. The church will at that time vote to approve those deacons
put forward by the elders. After the voting, the Elder Team will appoint the

D. Tenure of Deacons/Deaconesses.

The Elder Team shall determine the tenure of a deacon/deaconess based upon the
needs of the particular ministry that the deacon/deaconess is appointed to.

E. Dismissing a Deacon/Deaconess.

A deacon/deaconess can be dismissed from office from the Elder Team at any time he
or she is deemed to be disqualified.

F. Deacon/Deaconess Responsibilities.

Deacon/Deaconess responsibilities are determined by the Elder Team according to the

need for which they are set apart.

Article Five

Church Meetings

Section 1: Purpose

Church meetings are a forum for the Elder Team to communicate with the church. These
meetings are also for the church to vote on items in which the authority of the Elder Team is

Section 2: Scheduling

A. The annual church meeting will be scheduled in December primarily to approve the
budget for the next calendar year. This meeting also serves as one of the two regular
church meetings.

B. Regular church meetings will be scheduled at least once every six months by the Elder
Team. A list of decision items for which a church vote is necessary or desired should be
made available to members at least one week in advance of that meeting unless a
longer period of notice is required for an item addressed in these By-laws.

C. Special church meetings may be called at any time by the Elder Team. If a church vote
is needed or desired in any special church meeting, a list of items for vote must be made
available at least one week prior to that meeting, unless a longer period of notice is
required for an item addressed in these by-laws.

Section 3: Voting

When the church meets to vote, the following definitions and guidelines shall apply, unless
specified otherwise in these By-laws.

A. Quorum

1. A quorum of this church is 10% of the members.

2. A majority of the Elder Team must be present when the church meets to vote.

B. Moderator

The moderator for a church meeting may be any one of the Elder Team or any willing
member appointed by them.

C. Procedure

1. Votes of the church can be taken either by a show of hands or by written ballot
at the discretion of the moderator of the church meeting. Voting by proxy shall
not be allowed. An absentee vote will not be accepted unless the Elder Team
approves it. A decision to allow absentee voting must be made by the Elders at
least two weeks before a vote is to be taken and reasonable attempts should be
made to inform the congregation of this change to voting procedure.

2. A simple majority vote of a quorum of members is needed to approve an item in

a regular or special church meeting, unless otherwise indicated in these by-laws.
The Elder Team reserves the right to table a decision for an indefinite period of
time if a vote appears to threaten the unity of the church.

Section 4: Rules of Order

A. An agenda shall be provided for any church meeting. Any member wanting a decision
to be brought before the church for a vote must submit that item in writing to the Elder
Team in advance of the meeting.

B. The moderator will recognize those who wish to address the church meeting.

C. The moderator may limit debate after a reasonable amount of time has been allowed
for every person wishing to comment on a motion.

D. Any motion may be amended.

E. If he believes it will promote church harmony, the moderator may divide a motion so that
the parts are discussed and decided separately.

F. All motions shall be decided by a simple majority unless otherwise indicated in these by-

Article Six


Section 1: Church Finance Team

The Church Finance Team shall be comprised of three people who shall have been appointed
by the Elder Team. They shall work in cooperation with the Elder Team to formulate and
administer the finances of the church. This team shall be appointed by the Elder Team prior to
the beginning of the budget formulation process, and shall serve a one-year term (December 1
through November 30).

Section 2: Budget Formulation

By December 1 of each year, those responsible for overseeing church finances shall request
detailed budget proposals from those responsible for lines in the budget. These proposals shall
itemize all proposed expenditures for the next calendar year. The budget proposals shall be due
by October 1. These proposals shall be reviewed by the Elders and those responsible for
overseeing church finances prior to a formal recommendation to the church.

Section 3: Budget Approval

The Church Finance Team shall cooperate with the Elders to bring a formal budget
recommendation to the church for a vote in a regular or special church meeting scheduled no
later than December 15. Approval of the budget by the church shall constitute approval for
expenditures for every item having to do with

A. missions,
B. paid church staff,
C. utilities,
D. insurance,
E. office supplies, and
F. supplies used in various church ministries.

Those responsible for other items in the budget are authorized to spend per month no more than
10% of their approved budget (for items detailed in that budget) or $500, whichever is greater,
without church approval. Additional expenditures must be approved by the Church Finance
Team and reported to the church in the next regular or special church meeting. In no case may
commitments be made in excess of the amount budgeted for any line item without prior church

Section 4: Subsequent Church Action

No amendment to the budget can occur until the member(s) responsible for the line item
affected has had an opportunity to consider the matter. If delaying the action would result in
substantial spiritual or financial loss, the church may amend the budget at any regular or special
congregational meeting without notifying those affected.

Section 5: Other Financial Matters

The Church Finance Team shall maintain an accurate list of financial responsibilities and those
who are assigned those tasks.

Article Seven


By-laws may be amended at any regular or special church meeting. An amendment may be
proposed by any member of the church. A written copy of the proposed amendment must be
given to the Elder Team at least two weeks before the church meeting. If the Elder Team
approves the proposed amendment, a copy shall be mailed to every member of the church.

December 1, 2018


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