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Presentation rubric

(For grade K-12)

Preparation: 10pts

Exellcent (10pts) Good(8-5pts) Improve(4-0 pts)

Students will have all the Students have most of the Students do not have
material they need for the material they needed but anything they need and not
presentation and well need more time to prepare ready for the presentation

Presentation skills: 30pts

Exellcent(30-25pts) Good(24-14 pts) Improve(13-0 pts)

● Students present ● Student appears to ● student does not
clearly and explore be prepared to Demonstrate
their opinion. present. effective
● student effectively ● Student uses communication.
demonstrates the communication ● Student appears to
communication skills make minimal use
skills. ● Student addresses of the poster.
● Including everything most of their poste​r
on the poster

Poster: 10pts

Exellcent (10pts) Good(8-5pts) Improve(4-0 pts)

The poster covered The poster have most of The poster does not put
everything needed and the material. any efforts in there

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