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Every day in our province, the drivers don't have an optimal driving behavior, which causes a

lot of accidents. The most common habits are driving too fast, even in places where speeding
is not allowed or where there are many walkers. There are also drivers who talk on the phone
or send texts while driving, which by law these actions are prohibited. To a lesser extent, there
are drivers who don't stop at red lights or don't signal when they turning, this last action
causes collisions at the corners. In some cases, drivers stare angrily or make rude gestures at
other drivers and this causes fights between them.

Good drivers respect speed limits and avoid exceeding them. They don't use their phones
while they're driving to pay attention to the road and also with this they avoid breaking any
law. There are also drivers who signal their intentions early to other drivers by means of
taillights or turn signal lights, in this way the other drivers know what the driver will do on
time. And they also avoid have any aggressive attitude towards other drivers.

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