Storyboard Hygiene

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Screen: 1 of 14

Multimedia Storyboard

Project: Hygiene for Kids

Date: 21/11/2018

Scene Description: The first scene in this webpage will be the drop down Menu Bar for
Navigation; Home, Personal Hygiene, Credits. This scene will also include our Home Page.

Functionality/Interactivity: Clickable Navigation Bars

Home Personal Hygiene Credits

About us Objectives of Lesson
Individual Story Boards What is Personal Hygiene
Types of Hygiene
Benefits of Good Hygiene
Healthy Hygiene Habits Healthy Kids

Fonts: Times New Roman 14
Speech: None
Music: None
Sound Effects: None

Text Attributes:
Home: Introduction to the Team, Our Purpose

About Us: We are a team of Instructional Designers called the Camtasia Developers.
The team consists of Dauran McNeil, Shenelle Mohammed and Orthwin Simmons. A
picture with each name should be shown with a short summary of self.

This educational site is a non-profit site used by us, students of the University of the West
Indies, to fulfill requirements for the course EDID 6508 Developing Instructional Media.
Our Multimedia project is geared towards primary school student’s ages 4-8 years old
within the English Speaking Caribbean. The aim is to use education technology tools to
teach children of these age groups about proper hygiene. The aim is to inform and
educate so as to create a culture of personal cleanliness.

Individual Storyboards: Links to Click on the Individual Storyboards. As a group we

have decided to choose the storyboard topic “Personal Hygiene” by group member
Shenelle Mohammed.

Personal Hygiene: Introduction to topic, What is Personal Hygiene? Types of Personal

Hygiene, Benefits of Good Hygiene, and Healthy Hygiene Habits.

Credits: list any references to material used

Still Images: None

Screen: 2 of 14

Multimedia Storyboard

Project: Hygiene for Kids

Date: 21/11/2018

Scene Description: The second scene in this lesson will be an introductory scene to the
webpage where the background is set with attractive pictures and music, a title and a Brief Voki
Introduction to the learners. A video will also be shown on a story about proper hygiene.

Functionality/Interactivity: Clickable Voki Tool

Fonts: Big, Bright and Bold Text will be used.

Speech: Voki Tool for Introductory Audio which gives the experience of a personal tutor
Hello Boys and Girls, we are here to teach you about proper hygiene. Do you know that bathing,
brushing your teeth, proper use of the toilet, cutting your nails, combing your hair and not
spreading germs when you are sick are all forms of proper hygiene?. We are going to teach you
about these basic hygiene principles that will keep you clean, make you comfortable to be around
and keep you healthy. So spread the word and invite your friends to join in our website and have
fun learning about personal hygiene.

Video: Show a video with a story on hygiene

Music: Background Music will be used
Sound Effects: Sound Effects on clickable items/links

Text Attributes: Welcome note to encourage children to navigate the page

Still Images: Attractive background Pictures of Proper Hygiene

Screen: 3 of 14

Multimedia Storyboard

Project: Hygiene for Kids

Date: 21/11/2018

Scene Description: The third scene in this lesson includes informing learners of the objectives

Functionality/Interactivity: Audio and Video Explaining Objectives

Fonts: Arial, 12

Speech: PowerPoint Screencast using Camtasia
Music: Background Music for Presentation
Sound Effects: None

Text Attributes:
At the end of this lesson you will learn;
1. What is Personal Hygiene
2. The Benefits of Personal Hygiene
3. Some Basic Types of Hygiene
4. Some Healthy Hygiene Habits

Still Images: Images will be used in PowerPoint

Screen: 4 of 14

Multimedia Storyboard

Project: Hygiene for Kids

Date: 21/11/2018

Scene Description: The fourth scene in this lesson will be teaching children what is Personal

Functionality/Interactivity: Audio and Video Explaining What is Personal Hygiene


Personal hygiene is generally defined as cleanliness of the

body and proper maintenance of personal appearance

Fonts: Big, Bright and Bold Text will be used Throughout the Page

Speech: Audio on Powerpoint explaining what is Personal Hygiene
Music: None
Sound Effects: None


Text Attributes:

Still Images: Definition

Screen: 5 of 14

Multimedia Storyboard

Project: Hygiene for Kids

Date: 21/11/2018

Scene Description: The fifth scene in this lesson will be teaching children about washing their

Functionality/Interactivity: Audio and Video Explaining Washing your hands

Fonts: Big, Bright and Bold Text will be used Throughout the Page

Speech: None
Music: None
Sound Effects: Sound Effect for Answering the Questionnaire

Video: Video on why washing hands are important

Text Attributes: Questionnaire:

Do you always wash your hands?
How do you wash your hands? Click the Correct Sequence
Do you wash them squeaky clean?
Do you enjoy washing your hands?

Still Images: Images of steps for washing your hands


Screen: 6 of 14

Multimedia Storyboard

Project: Hygiene for Kids

Date: 21/11/2018

Scene Description: The fifth scene involves learning about brushing your teeth

Functionality/Interactivity: Audio and Video Explaining Brushing your teeth


Speech: None
Music: None
Sound Effects: None

Video: Brushing your Teeth Song

Video with step by step instructions to brush your teeth (includes taking care of your

Text Attributes: None

Still Images: Images of Brushing your teeth

Graphic Organizer for Teeth Care
Screen: 7 of 14

Multimedia Storyboard

Project: Hygiene for Kids

Date: 21/11/2018

Scene Description: This scene involves learning how to bathe

Functionality/Interactivity: Clickable Simulation

Fonts: Big, Bright and Bold Text will be used Throughout the Page

Speech: None
Music: None
Sound Effects: None

Video: None

Text Attributes: A simulation will be used here to ensure all the body parts are clean using an
animal animation

Still Images: Images on bathing, Comic Strip

Screen: 8 of 14

Multimedia Storyboard

Project: Hygiene for Kids

Date: 21/11/2018

Scene Description: This scene involves Nail Hygiene

Functionality/Interactivity: Audio and Video showing Nail Hygiene

Fonts: None

Speech: PowerPoint Screencast on cutting your Nails
Music: None
Sound Effects: None

Text Attributes: None

Still Images: Cutting your nails

Screen: 9 of 14

Multimedia Storyboard

Project: Hygiene for Kids

Date: 21/11/2018

Scene Description: This scene involves Toilet Hygiene

Functionality/Interactivity: Audio and Video describing Toilet Hygiene


Speech: Steps to Using the Toilet
Music: None
Sound Effects: None

Text Attributes: None

Still Images: Steps to using the Toilet

Screen: 10 of 14

Multimedia Storyboard

Project: Hygiene for Kids

Date: 21/11/2018

Scene Description: This scene involves sickness Hygiene and explains how diseases are

Functionality/Interactivity: Audio and Video showing sickness hygiene

Fonts: None

Speech: None
Music: None
Sound Effects: None

Video: Video of how sicknesses are transmitted from one person to another

Text Attributes: None

Still Images: Graphic Organizer for Children when they are sick
Screen: 11 of 14

Multimedia Storyboard

Project: Hygiene for Kids

Date: 21/11/2018

Scene Description: This scene involves teaching hair hygiene

Functionality/Interactivity: Audio and Video showing hair hygiene

Fonts: None

Speech: None
Music: None
Sound Effects: None

Video: Video on caring for your hair

Text Attributes: What happens when you don’t care for your hair

Still Images: Pictures of when you don’t care for your hair
Screen: 12 of 14

Multimedia Storyboard

Project: Hygiene for Kids

Date: 21/11/2018

Scene Description: This Scene gives a brief summary on the benefits of Personal Hygiene

Functionality/Interactivity: Audio and Video describing the benefits of good hygiene


Fonts: None

Speech: PowerPoint Screencast on the Benefits of Good Hygiene

Music: None
Sound Effects: None

Text Attributes: None

Still Images: None

Screen: 13 of 14

Multimedia Storyboard

Project: Hygiene for Kids

Date: 21/11/2018

Scene Description: This scene summarizes all the good hygiene habits learnt

Functionality/Interactivity: Audio and Video describing reinstating good hygiene habits

Fonts: None

Speech: None
Music: None
Sound Effects: None

Video: A cleanliness song to develop Healthy Hygiene Habits

Text Attributes: Quiz with Audio - Test

Feedback – Rate our page 1-5 stars

Still Images: Pictures of Healthy Children

Printable Graphic Organizer Chart - Review
Screen: 14 of 14

Multimedia Storyboard

Project: Hygiene for Kids

Date: 21/11/2018

Scene Description: This scene gives credit to all educational references used

Functionality/Interactivity: Link to Other Resources

Fonts: Times New Roman, 12

Speech: None

Music: None
Sound Effects: None

Text Attributes: References

Still Images: None

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