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Come = ven Freckles = pecas

Too = tambien Letter = carta

Either = ya sea Beard = barba

I'm not either = Yo tampoco Wear = vestir

I don't either = Yo tampoco Ask = pedir

I can't either = Yo tampoco puedo Meet = reunirse

Crowded = concurrido That = eso

Fewer = menos Saying = diciendo

Less = menos Was = estaba

More = mas Were = fueron

Hair = pelo Often = a menudo

Shorter = más corto Let's see = veamos

Heavier = más pesado

Do you mean … = Te refieres , quieres decir

Ponytail = cola de caballo

I’ll help = Yo ayudare

Won’t = no lo hara

Become = convertir

graduate from college = graduado de la universidad

go on for a master's degree = ir para una maestria

ask for a promotion = pide una promocion

buy a house = comprar una casa

go on a trip = ir de viaje

have a baby = tener un bebe

retire = retirarse

journalist = periodista

pólice officer = oficial de policia

paramedic = paramedic

firefighter 0 bombero

receptionist 0 recpcionista

nurse = enfermera
computer especialist


letter carrier

business executive

lamp = lampara

armchair = sillon

coffe table = mesa

rug = alfombra


cushions = cojines

end table = mesa final

clock = reloj

nightstand = mesa de noche

curtains = cortinas

carpet = alfombra

dresser = vestidor

microwave = microondas

cabinets = armarios

stove = estufa

oven = horno

faucet = grifo

dishwasher = lavavajillas

mirror = espejo

sink = lavado

toilet = inodoro

shower = ducha

bathtub = bañera
Blog entry:

I'm going to graduate and then I'll look for a job. I guess I'll work in an office. I'll probably move
to a bigger city. I might move to another country, too. Maybe I'll move to France. I'd like to
learn French. I'd like to travel all over the world, but it's so expensive. I guess I'll have to get a
really good job!

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