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MacDennis​​ ​

Ages 21+ to participate. Should be treated as an idea generator based off a fictional television show, not an actual suggestion. Please
limit alcohol consumption to a safe limit
● Last updated: September 24th, 2018. Version 2.4. Games the creator has won: 1
● This adaptation of Chardee MacDennis derives its inspiration from ​It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia:​ Season 7: Episode 7,
“Chardee MacDennis: The Game of Games,” and Season 11: Episode 1, “Chardee MacDennis 2: Electric Boogaloo.”
● This adaptation also takes much material from woefully unfinished versions of the game and seeks to build upon them and expand
so that all may enjoy the “Game of Games.”
1. General
a. Timer: 7.5 minutes per team playing. Time does not start until after the Pregame
Wine and Cheese Reception. Time stops between rounds and for penalties. The
referee may stop time at will, for example, if a challenge will take longer than 4
b. Ritual of Sportsmanship: The Pregame Wine and Cheese Reception is necessary
to give the illusion of respect for the other team(s). One glass MUST be consumed
by each player at this time. ​Schubert Moment Musicaux No. 3 in F Minor
MUST be played on-loop at this time.
c. Team flag raising ceremony with single instrument performance. Preferably the
musician is terrible. Don’t forget the Haka!
d. No questions are allowed while time is running. If asked, all members of the
asker's team must chug their drinks for 5 seconds. The first team to reach Level 2
gets to count. If that first team is caught breaking this rule, then the second team
gets to count---the torch can be passed only through intention to deceive;
SHAME! Questions may be asked between rounds during intermissions.

2. Levels
a. There are three levels to the game: Level 1 Mind, Level 2 Body, and Level 3
Spirit (no Level 4 Horror). Everyone starts in Mind. When a team advances to the
next level, that team's character tokens are placed in the next circle.
b. Teams advance in level by obtaining cards. 5 cards are required to advance from
Mind to Body, 4 from Body to Spirit, and 3 to win. Cards are obtained through
c. Chance to steal: If a team decidedly fails a card's instructions, other team with the
least cards at the same level have a chance to steal. Coin-flips on who goes next.
●If a card involves all players or one player from each team, there is no
chance to steal.
3. Cheating
a. 2 Team Game: If a team is caught cheating, the other team advances to the
cheaters’ current level

● Last updated: September 24th, 2018. Version 2.4. Games the creator has won: 1
● This adaptation of Chardee MacDennis derives its inspiration from ​It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia:​ Season 7: Episode 7,
“Chardee MacDennis: The Game of Games,” and Season 11: Episode 1, “Chardee MacDennis 2: Electric Boogaloo.”
● This adaptation also takes much material from woefully unfinished versions of the game and seeks to build upon them and expand
so that all may enjoy the “Game of Games.”
b. Multiple Teams: Cheating team loses all cards on their current and previous level
and moves back to the beginning of the previous level.
c. If the team is caught cheating in Level 1, the cheating team loses all cards and all
other teams advance one level.
4. Penalties
a. If someone spills his/her drink, the team of the spilled must chug ALL other
drinks---includes members of all other teams regardless of level.
●If teams are uneven, such as one team of three and one team of two, for
penalties and requirements of ‘finishing all the drinks of the opposing
team,’ the larger team will consume one average drink for each
additional person on their own team to even the playing field.
b. Trivia cards in Level 1 have the answer written on them. The team of the person
who drew the card must answer correctly, or else the opponents have a chance to
c. Swearing is not allowed after a team reaches Level 2. As with questions in ​1.d.​​,
all members of the swearer’s team must chug their drinks for 5 seconds. The first
team to reach Level 2 gets to count. If that first team is caught breaking this rule,
then the second team gets to count---the torch can be passed only through
intention to deceive; SHAME!
d. In Level 3, if you draw a card and are not willing to perform the task AND no
opposing teams act on the chance to steal, then everyone playing the game must
take a shot.
●If the Level 3 card already lists a penalty (like another shot) for failing to
earn it, then the drawer of the card or team of the drawer of the card with
no sticktoitiveness must perform all additional penalties listed; whereas
the opposing teams do not.
e. Anyone who uses their phone while time is running must chug for 5 seconds.
f. If the game is played on St. Patrick's Day, anyone not wearing green must take a
shot of their liquor of choice during the Pregame Wine and Cheese Reception.
5. Vomiting Policy
a. No vomiting! As this is a drinking game, and the goal is to get drunk, then
vomiting is to be punished. Any player who vomits from alcohol consumption
must consume a greater or equal volume of that which was expelled from his/her
body. Exceptions are made when the purpose of the activity is to vomit.
6. Details
a. Wine is served in Level 1. Beer is served in Level 2. Liquor is served in Level 3.
Teams switch over to the new liquids individually advancing from level to level.
● Last updated: September 24th, 2018. Version 2.4. Games the creator has won: 1
● This adaptation of Chardee MacDennis derives its inspiration from ​It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia:​ Season 7: Episode 7,
“Chardee MacDennis: The Game of Games,” and Season 11: Episode 1, “Chardee MacDennis 2: Electric Boogaloo.”
● This adaptation also takes much material from woefully unfinished versions of the game and seeks to build upon them and expand
so that all may enjoy the “Game of Games.”
b. Each Level has its own set of cards.
c. CHANCE cards are split and mixed evenly between all three levels before the
start of every game by a neutral party (referee).
d. CHANCE cards DO NOT count towards completing levels, yet not following
through with the card will result in a penalty shot.
●If the CHANCE card already lists a penalty (like another shot) for
failing to earn it, then the player with no sticktoitiveness must perform
all penalties
●You cannot take a penalty shot to get out of jail. You must go directly to
jail. You cannot pass go. You cannot collect $200.
e. Cards ideally are identical in look/feel to minimize cheating
f. If a card says “until the end of the round,” and is the round winning card, the task
carries over to the end of the next round.
g. Each time a team earns a card, the other team members have to take a sip of their
h. A team advancing to the next round must finish whatever it is that is currently
considered his/her own drink.
i. Nobody wants to hear your opinion:
●Should a player/teammate comment that a card is “easy”, they must take
a shot and complete the challenge.
●Concurrently, should an opponent say it, the opponent must complete
the challenge or face the penalty of a shot (no card may be won). After
the opponent’s action, the original drawer of the card may either
complete the original challenge or draw a new card.
o If the card was an “All Play” or “One Player From Each
Team,” then a new card must be drawn.
j. If a team loses a card or fails to keep it in pristine condition, then the card no
longer counts for them. Say, for example, the team is in Level 2 but spills beer all
over its cards from Level 1: that team must now go back to Level 1 to re-earn the
cards. The team may then return to its original point in Level 2. If a team damages
a CHANCE card, it counts negatively for the Level the team is currently at.
7. Last Minute Rules
a. Richard Garfield Corollary: If the rules say to do one thing and a card says
something different, the card wins.
b. Anything that is not clear like a ‘who goes first sorta thing,’ will be settled by a
Coin Flip or series of Coin Flips​.
c. Throughout the various cards—particularly in Level 2—there are nondescript
examples of players taking paces. To settle arguments around the definition of
● Last updated: September 24th, 2018. Version 2.4. Games the creator has won: 1
● This adaptation of Chardee MacDennis derives its inspiration from ​It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia:​ Season 7: Episode 7,
“Chardee MacDennis: The Game of Games,” and Season 11: Episode 1, “Chardee MacDennis 2: Electric Boogaloo.”
● This adaptation also takes much material from woefully unfinished versions of the game and seeks to build upon them and expand
so that all may enjoy the “Game of Games.”
what exactly a ​pace is, the players of CharDee MacDennis will use the
measurement of ​pace​ as provided by Wikipedia:
● A ​pace​​ is a ​unit​ of ​length​ consisting either of one normal ​walking​ step (~0.75 m), or of a
double step, returning to the same foot (~1.5 m). Like other traditional measurements,
paces started as informal units but have since been standardized, often with the specific
length set according to a typical brisk or military ​marching​ stride. In the ​US​, it is an
uncommon ​customary unit​ of length denoting a brisk single ​step​ and equal to 2½ ​feet​ or
30 ​inches​ (76.2 ​cm​).​[1]​[2]​ Pace also refers to the inverse unit of speed, used mainly for
walking and running. The most common pace unit is ​minutes per mile​.[3] ​
8. Ending the Game
a. The winning team of the game gets to do whatever they want to the flags and
game pieces of all other participants.
b. Should the game run out of time and there is more than one team in Level 3, the
Black Card must be drawn.

● MIND​​:
o Smart-Ass: ​Pontificate on a topic chosen by the opposing team for 60 seconds
without any fillers (er, um, uh, y’know) or pauses over 3 seconds.
o Phone Number: ​Have an opposing team write down a 10-digit number on a piece
of paper and hand it to a player on your team. The player can then speak the
● Last updated: September 24th, 2018. Version 2.4. Games the creator has won: 1
● This adaptation of Chardee MacDennis derives its inspiration from ​It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia:​ Season 7: Episode 7,
“Chardee MacDennis: The Game of Games,” and Season 11: Episode 1, “Chardee MacDennis 2: Electric Boogaloo.”
● This adaptation also takes much material from woefully unfinished versions of the game and seeks to build upon them and expand
so that all may enjoy the “Game of Games.”
number only once. The remaining players on the team then have to keep the
number in their heads (no speaking) for 30 seconds starting after the last number
was spoken. During the 30 seconds the opposing team can use whatever verbal
attacks they want in order to confuse the other players.
o NewlyWed Game: Write down your favorite _______ on a sheet of paper while
simultaneously having a teammate write down YOUR favorite _______ on
another. Flip the papers at the same time to show everyone. You win this card if
it’s the same you and your teammate had the same answer.
o “I’m going to Paddy’s Pub…”: ​One person from team plays this game. The one
who draws this card starts by saying, “I'm going to Paddy’s Pub and I need to get
a ______.” After that, the ensuing player repeats the drink the previous player
said, but adds another Drink to the list. Keep going until Players mess up, single
elimination style. Last two players flip a coin to determine who takes a shot or
drinks a glass of wine. All other losers drink as per the usual.
o Spelling Bee: One player from each team attempts to spell words from the rule
book without pausing as soon as a neutral party who reads the words from the
rulebook out loud. Single elimination, standard spelling bee rules.
o 3 Cups and a Coin: An opposing team takes three Solo cups and places a coin
underneath one of them. The person who drew this card must select the correct
cup. The player may watch as the person switches everything around. The
opposing team(s) have the chance to steal, however, they cannot earn the card
simply by faking-out the team which drew this card. This card must be earned in
its own right.
o Hand me the spatula​​:​ All play: Hand me the spatula.
o Speech!: ​You have three minutes to give a speech on any topic you wish for 90 to
120 seconds. You must use three words/phrases that the opposing team gives you
during the speech in order to win this card. You have 30 seconds to prepare.
● Trivia​​:
o Explain a Film Plot: Give a synopsis of the plot of three separate films in under
15 seconds
o Name the 6 steps of the D.E.N.N.I.S. system. (Demonstrate value, Engage
physically, Nurture dependence, Neglect emotionally, Inspire hope, Separate
o Dennis is asshole. Why Charlie hate? (Because Dennis is a bastard man)
● Last updated: September 24th, 2018. Version 2.4. Games the creator has won: 1
● This adaptation of Chardee MacDennis derives its inspiration from ​It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia:​ Season 7: Episode 7,
“Chardee MacDennis: The Game of Games,” and Season 11: Episode 1, “Chardee MacDennis 2: Electric Boogaloo.”
● This adaptation also takes much material from woefully unfinished versions of the game and seeks to build upon them and expand
so that all may enjoy the “Game of Games.”
o Common Core: Have your opponents give you two two-digit numbers to
multiply in your head. You have 30 seconds. Opponents may verbally harass you
during this challenge.
o Name the 3 steps of the M.A.C. system. (Move in After Completion)
o Who was the original motherfucker? (Oedipus)
o Decipher this image ​ Nightman! Sneaky and mean.
Spider inside my dreams. You make me want to cry. You make me want to die!
Oh! I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you Nightman!​ (See Appendix A)
● Artistry​​:
o Sensual Drawing: All Play: ​Draw an image to the best of your abilities on a
teammate’s back. First team to identify the drawing strictly by feel, wins the card.
You must tell the opposing team(s) what the image is going to be before you
o Illustrator’s Theatre: All play: The person that draws this card must come up
with something for everyone to draw. A teammate must charade out the clue while
all other players attempt to draw it. No talking is allowed, no gesturing is allowed
by the drawing teammate. There are 45 seconds on the clock, after which the
teams present their drawing and see if they were correctly able to interpret their
teammates’ charade. In the event that multiple teams get it, the winner is decided
with a coin flip.
o Perfect Geometry: ​One person from each team draws a freehand circle. Get a
piece of paper and draw a symbol in place of your name in the corner and draw a
perfect circle in the middle. Circles are then voted on in single elimination. (Be
objective). In the event of a tie, coin-flip.

o Sketch Artist: ​Player who selects this card has 1 minute to draw any other player
in the room, as a rapist, a pedophile, or a murderer. Player’s own team has two
chances to (A) guess the person drawn in the picture and (B) guess what he/she is.
If correctly guessed, subject must drink a full serving of whatever they have. If
not, everyone else must drink a full serving of whatever they have because there’s
a sex offender/killer on the loose and it’s all your fault. Chance to steal.

● Last updated: September 24th, 2018. Version 2.4. Games the creator has won: 1
● This adaptation of Chardee MacDennis derives its inspiration from ​It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia:​ Season 7: Episode 7,
“Chardee MacDennis: The Game of Games,” and Season 11: Episode 1, “Chardee MacDennis 2: Electric Boogaloo.”
● This adaptation also takes much material from woefully unfinished versions of the game and seeks to build upon them and expand
so that all may enjoy the “Game of Games.”
o Feet: ​One member from each team draws a picture of a sexual position with their
foot using a marker. First team to guess within 2 guesses wins. Write down what
you will draw on a sheet of paper and keep it to yourself until all guesses have
been made to prevent cheating.
● Puzzles​​:
o Jigsaw: ​Complete a puzzle in under five minutes. Every member of the team must
finish at least one glass of wine.
o Memory: ​One player from each team will take all cards out of a deck. Mix them
up and arrange them on a table face down. Participants will have 30 seconds to
prepare. A game of Memory will commence: Spades match with Clubs and Hearts
match with Diamonds (e.g. black-to-black and red-to-red). Those playing Memory
are the only ones who can look at the cards, everyone else must stay back but can
verbally harass the players to distract them. Once a player misses twice after
his/her first match, then he/she is out​.
o Inception: ​You have 2 minutes to draw a maze that a member of an opposing
team has to solve. Maze must have a solvable route or drawing team must finish
their beverages. If the opposing person solves the maze in 1 minute, they get the
card. If not, he/she must finish his/her beverage and the team that drew the maze
gets to keep the card. Card cannot be earned by maze-drawing team if maze is not
o Paper Planes: All Play: Everyone makes a paper airplane. Team with the farthest
plane wins this card.
o Honorable Mention: ​Opposing team chooses a movie. Another team chooses a
player to act out the movie using only their hands and sound effects. No actual
words may be spoken and actor must remain seated. If team guesses correctly
within 30 seconds, they get the card
o Jenga IRL: All play: ​See who can stack any objects in the room the highest in
thirty seconds. The team with the tallest tower or the last team to knock over its

● Last updated: September 24th, 2018. Version 2.4. Games the creator has won: 1
● This adaptation of Chardee MacDennis derives its inspiration from ​It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia:​ Season 7: Episode 7,
“Chardee MacDennis: The Game of Games,” and Season 11: Episode 1, “Chardee MacDennis 2: Electric Boogaloo.”
● This adaptation also takes much material from woefully unfinished versions of the game and seeks to build upon them and expand
so that all may enjoy the “Game of Games.”
● BODY​​:
o Flip-Flip-Flipadelphia: ​All play​​, a team relay race using standard flip cup rules.
Single Elimination in the case of multiple teams.
o Kitten Mittens: ​Player must fit four tiny mittens on a cat's feet. While this is
happening, player's teammate must chug. Player can only stop chugging when all
four mittens are on the cat
o Kramer chug a beer:​​ (smoking a cigarette while downing a beer).
● Physical Challenge:
o Acrobatics: ​Successfully flip a lit cigarette into your mouth, with the right end
out, in five attempts or fewer. No sneezing, coughing, choking, or vomiting or you
lose the challenge.
o Push-up Challenge: ​Push-ups until you either drop or your team finishes a
pitcher of beer. Push-ups should be done non-stop, only allowing for 2 seconds of
rest in between each push-up.
o Plank Challenge: ​Plank until you either drop or team finishes a pitcher of beer.
o Grape Gobble: Pour a bucket of grapes across a table. One contestant from each
team attempts to pick up as many grapes in seven seconds as possible without
using hands. Contestant with the most grapes able to be shown wins (vomiting
them counts).
o Dizzy Bat: ​player has 45 seconds to place his/her forehead on a bat on the ground,
spin around ten times with the bat staying in place, then walk to a table 5 paces
away and chug a full beer, no vomiting.
o Dayman: ​Sing “Dayman” (See Appendix B) while chugging beer. No card is
awarded; instead, you may take the card of another person. Reminder: If you spit
up/vomit during this challenge, you are responsible for making up the lost liquid.
It is recommended to chug while your teammate does the background vocals. (if
everyone else is still on MIND, you can still take a card from them to hinder
progress. If the card is from Level 2 or 3, taking the card will make it yours). See
Appendix B for Lyrics

● Last updated: September 24th, 2018. Version 2.4. Games the creator has won: 1
● This adaptation of Chardee MacDennis derives its inspiration from ​It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia:​ Season 7: Episode 7,
“Chardee MacDennis: The Game of Games,” and Season 11: Episode 1, “Chardee MacDennis 2: Electric Boogaloo.”
● This adaptation also takes much material from woefully unfinished versions of the game and seeks to build upon them and expand
so that all may enjoy the “Game of Games.”
o Nightcrawlers: ​Each team nominates one player to have hands duct-taped behind
back and legs duct taped together to compete in a caterpillar race. Players decide
on course beforehand.
o Fresh Prince of Bel-Air: ​Must do five handstand pushups (can use the wall or
teammate to help balance) while drinking a beer through a straw. No card if you
do not EITHER finish your beer or complete the five pushups
o Chubby Bunny: One player from each team must stuff their mouth with as many
marshmallows as possible to play a game of “Chubby Bunny.” Each player only
has 2 chances to say it, and choking then failing to say it results in a
o Occifer plz: ​Player takes a sobriety field test by walking one foot in front of the
other 10 paces in a straight line (use painter’s tape), turn, and return to the start
o We ‘can’ do it: ​Two players from each team stand 5 paces from one another and
play catch with a can of beer using their off-hand. After 30 seconds, all players cut
the distance in half. Losers must open the cans of beer near their face​.
o Relay: All Play: ​All teams engage in a relay race. Teams run a set route (around
the block, for example) and must consume a full beer before/during/after. Team
that finishes beer AND footrace first wins.
● Pain:
o Fraternity: ​Choose one member of the opposing team to strike your ass with a
ruler. Please keep your underwear on. No flinching.
o Five Cereals: Any member of the opposing team gives you a purple nurple and
will not let go until you name five <brands of cereal, Pokemon, 90s bands, etc> or
tap out.
o The McPoyle Chug: one player from each team must drink as much milk as they
can. Player that drinks the most without vomiting wins for his/her team. Losers
must remove their clothes and wear only underwear and a bathrobe for the
duration of the game (or complete another challenge to get their clothes back) If
they do not have a bathrobe, they must wear only underwear until the next
challenge. Players are not punished for vomiting.
o Five Star: ​A member of the opposing team gets to five star you. In order to obtain
this card, you must not flinch or show signs of pain.

● Last updated: September 24th, 2018. Version 2.4. Games the creator has won: 1
● This adaptation of Chardee MacDennis derives its inspiration from ​It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia:​ Season 7: Episode 7,
“Chardee MacDennis: The Game of Games,” and Season 11: Episode 1, “Chardee MacDennis 2: Electric Boogaloo.”
● This adaptation also takes much material from woefully unfinished versions of the game and seeks to build upon them and expand
so that all may enjoy the “Game of Games.”
o William Tell: ​The Player who Draws this Card must Place an Apple on their
Head (A Solo cup may be used as a last minute substitution), their Teammate
must walk 5 paces from them and then Turn. They must then attempt to knock the
Apple off with a Tennis Ball. No flinching. A miss with no Flinch = Teammates
Switch. Game continues until Apple is knocked off or a Flinch occurs.
o Vomit​​. Vomit
o Hoppity Hop: All Play: ​Each player grabs a pillow and hops on one foot. No
grabbing/grappling other players or pillows. Physical contact expected. Last
man/team standing on one foot wins.
o Ice bucket challenge: Ice bucket challenge with clothes on. Alternatively, player
may donate $50 to ALS Association (
o Firing Squad: ​All Play: ​Player who drew this card stands 5 paces away from
everyone else. At least one player from each team must chug a beer and throw the
can at the player—the player’s eyes must always remain open. If the player
flinches, he loses. During chance to steal, beer must still be consumed.
o “It’s Not a Game, It’s a War”: ​Player must shotgun a beer then place his/her
forehead on a bat on the ground, spin around 21 times and slap a teammate in the
face. If teammate flinches or player misses, teammates switch places. Maximum 3
attempts total.
o Dollar Shave Club: ​Opponent applies a 6-inch strip of duct tape to anywhere on
the player’s body that is not the head to remove hair.
o Duel: ​One player from each team holds a can of beer and stands back-to-back.
Each player then begins to chug their beer at the same time. Upon finishing the
beer, the player then quickly takes five paces and throws the empty beer can at the
opponent. Last man standing wins. In the event that there are more than two
teams, players may decide if there will be a Mexican stand-off or whether it will
be a double elimination. Two cans per person encouraged for Mexican stand-off.
● Endurance:
o For Your Health: All Play: Whichever team can smoke the most cigarettes in
two minutes wins the card. Cigarettes must the same brand and type and must be
smoked to the filter.
o Hot Potato: One player from each team pass around the hot potato with only
underhand throws. When it is just one player from each team remaining, the hot
potato is replaced with a flaming tennis ball which has been soaked in a
● Last updated: September 24th, 2018. Version 2.4. Games the creator has won: 1
● This adaptation of Chardee MacDennis derives its inspiration from ​It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia:​ Season 7: Episode 7,
“Chardee MacDennis: The Game of Games,” and Season 11: Episode 1, “Chardee MacDennis 2: Electric Boogaloo.”
● This adaptation also takes much material from woefully unfinished versions of the game and seeks to build upon them and expand
so that all may enjoy the “Game of Games.”
flammable alcohol of your choosing. ​Winning team gets to pelt the loser with the
hot potato until it is mush. If there are many teams, the last two teams must flip a
coin to figure out who the winner will pelt.
o Michael Phelps: All Play: ​Whichever Team can hold their Breath the Longest
Wins this Card. Passing out is a disqualification. Opposing player should hold
onto one another’s noses to prevent cheating.
o Helicopter: ​One player from each team spins. Players on the sideline may yell out
‘faster’ and you have to comply. Last man spinning after a minute wins.
o Burn Notice: ​One player from each team holds onto a match. All matches are lit
at the same time. Last person to hold onto the match wins. (Tip: light all matches
at the same time with an already lit match)
o Hydration: ​Chug a bottle of water faster than an opponent. You choose your
o Dragon’s Breath: ​Take a shot of Sriracha. You may not drink anything to ease
the pain until the next event is over.
o Nena: ​Team of player who drew this card must keep a balloon up in the air until
their next turn to earn this card.

o Betrayal: Make a teammate take 3 shots back-to-back. Must not throw up for
five minutes to earn this card. All opposing teams vote on which teammate of
yours must take the shots.
o Russian Roulette: ​Player plays one player from each team in a game of Russian
roulette with shots. Shot glasses are all filled with water, except one is vodka.

● Last updated: September 24th, 2018. Version 2.4. Games the creator has won: 1
● This adaptation of Chardee MacDennis derives its inspiration from ​It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia:​ Season 7: Episode 7,
“Chardee MacDennis: The Game of Games,” and Season 11: Episode 1, “Chardee MacDennis 2: Electric Boogaloo.”
● This adaptation also takes much material from woefully unfinished versions of the game and seeks to build upon them and expand
so that all may enjoy the “Game of Games.”
Shots should be randomized. If someone reacts to the shot, they are disqualified.
Last remaining team gets the card.
o Weekend at Bernie’s: ​You are now Bernie, from ​Weekend at Bernie’s​. Wear
sunglasses for two turns and act dead. You have to participate in the next two
challenges as a dead person. Breaking character means losing this challenge and
will be considered cheating. Your teammates will have to help you complete
challenges by moving your body for you. All other teams should be attentive to
your movements.
o Cry: ​Produce real tears. You have 1 minute.
o Where is he??? ​Your team has to find Waldo. ​
o Last Water Bender: Jump into the nearest natural body of water and shove a
handful of whatever is at the bottom (physical) into your mouth.
o Zamboozle: Steal a piece of furniture from an owner not associated with the
● Emotional Battery:
o Motherfucker: ​The player who draws this card must sit with a straight face
through 90-second stories about how each player from all opposing teams met
his/her mother/father. Excruciating detail encouraged.
o Loser: ​Provide a compelling reason as to who playing the game would die first in
real life and why.
o The Airing of Grievances: ​Identify a severe personality deficiency in each
member of the opposing team before they can identify as many deficiencies in
o Stoic: ​Whoever pulled the card has 30 seconds to do one job: keep a straight
face. The other team can do everything it takes to break them, except for physical
o Intervention! ​The Player who Draws this Card must sit through a 3 Minute
Intervention from his Opponents. Opposing Teams will Huddle up and Decide a
Strategy / Intervention Topic. Player must Retain a Straight Face to get this
Card. Opposing Team should also repeatedly yell "Intervention" at the Subject at
some Point.
o Minimalist: ​Cut up either your driver’s license or all of your credit and debit
● Last updated: September 24th, 2018. Version 2.4. Games the creator has won: 1
● This adaptation of Chardee MacDennis derives its inspiration from ​It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia:​ Season 7: Episode 7,
“Chardee MacDennis: The Game of Games,” and Season 11: Episode 1, “Chardee MacDennis 2: Electric Boogaloo.”
● This adaptation also takes much material from woefully unfinished versions of the game and seeks to build upon them and expand
so that all may enjoy the “Game of Games.”
● Public Humiliation:
o Conceptual Bicuriousity: ​Identify the member of the group for whom you
would “go gay/straight” and provide a compelling argument for why.
o Bicuriousity Applied: ​Kiss one of your same sex partners on the lips for 5
o Pantomime: ​Mime oral sex for 60 seconds. If you break character, you lose.
Other players may give you commands.
o Teamwork!: ​Give a mock demonstration of 5 sex positions with a teammate of
the same sex. Yelling your partner’s name is encouraged.
o Mohawk: ​Give yourself a Mohawk using shaving cream.
o Bird is the Word: ​You are now a baby bird. The host must give you some food
which you will feed as a Mama Bird to your young (a teammate). You and all
teammates may take a shot to skip this challenge.
o TP: ​Go to a neighbor’s house and acquire two rolls of toilet paper. The opposing
team gets to decide what your opening line is and which house you visit. You
may not tell them you are playing CharDee MacDennis. Two attempts maximum
to obtain toilet paper.
o The Registry: ​Go to a neighbor’s house and tell them that you have just moved
into the area and you are a registered sex offender and that you need a signature
for their approval. The opposing team gets to decide which house you visit. You
may not tell them you are playing CharDee MacDennis until they agree to give
you a signature. An opponent may tail you with a clipboard to simulate a social
worker. Two attempts maximum to obtain a signature.
o Craigslist: ​Opponents have 5 minutes to put up a CraigsList ad with your
personal information. May not be taken down until after the game. If you
complain, ask them to stop, or obstruct the other team in any way you lose.
o Top Gun: ​With a teammate, perform an interpretative dance to Berlin’s “Take
My Breath Away” for the entire song. If successful without breaking, you win the
o I’m the Golden God!: Player must apply golden face paint. Must run at least 1/4
mile If ever confronted they must say “I AM YOUR GOLDEN GOD.” Ding
Dong ditch at the end - must wait 30 seconds for someone to open door.

● Last updated: September 24th, 2018. Version 2.4. Games the creator has won: 1
● This adaptation of Chardee MacDennis derives its inspiration from ​It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia​: Season 7: Episode 7,
“Chardee MacDennis: The Game of Games,” and Season 11: Episode 1, “Chardee MacDennis 2: Electric Boogaloo.”
● This adaptation also takes much material from woefully unfinished versions of the game and seeks to build upon them and expand
so that all may enjoy the “Game of Games.”
● All Play: ​Each Player takes turns Rolling 1x Six Sided Die. The idea is to Eventually
hit 21 or to stay or to stay at a High Number near 21. If you go over 21, take a Shot. If a
player gets 21 exactly, they make another player take a shot.
● Player must do Charlie Work for 5 minutes. Host of the game decides. This is a good
time to get some chores done.
● Handcuff yourself to a teammate for the rest of the level on which your team is
● Tie your shoes together for two rounds. You may not be seated throughout this
● Take the money from every person’s pocket. (Only if you have at least $5.00 in your
● If you don't have at least $10 in your pocket, you have to order and pay for a large pizza for
everyone else. You thought you were so smart trying to avoid risking having to give
someone all the money in your pocket.
● Swallow this card whole.
● Go to jail: One player from the team must sit in a dog kennel and eat the raw ingredients
of a cake (2 raw eggs, ½ cup of flour, ½ cup of water, ¼ cup of sugar, ¼ cup of cocoa
OR small vanilla extract bottle)
● Eat 10 saltines in one minute. No drinks allowed.
● Advance to the next level. Does nothing if you’re on level 3.
● Lose all your cards on the level you are on.
● Eat a whole lemon
● Player and teammates must list 3 benefits of the Holocaust each. Must be believable, if
not, drink.
● Challenge a member of the opposing team to ‘Five Finger Fillet’. The winner becomes
owner of the house med kit and has the right to refuse treatment to anyone. (Players who
opt to go the hospital are disqualified)

● Last updated: September 24th, 2018. Version 2.4. Games the creator has won: 1
● This adaptation of Chardee MacDennis derives its inspiration from ​It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia​: Season 7: Episode 7,
“Chardee MacDennis: The Game of Games,” and Season 11: Episode 1, “Chardee MacDennis 2: Electric Boogaloo.”
● This adaptation also takes much material from woefully unfinished versions of the game and seeks to build upon them and expand
so that all may enjoy the “Game of Games.”
● The CharDee MacDennis Sampler: prepare and consume a drink consisting of 1 part
wine, 1 part beer and 1oz of a hard liquor of your choice.
● Opposing team selects a number between zero and fifty. Scroll through the contacts in
your cell until you find whoever corresponds to this number and inform them you have
been diagnosed with cance. rThey cannot be informed of the deception until the end of
the game.
● Free Refills: an opposing team must serve you and your teammates your drinks for the
remainder of the game. When handing you your drink they must say “your drink, Sir (or
Madam)” in a supplicating manner. Failure to do so means their team must drink for 5
● You are now a dog. Put on dog collar. Dogs are not allowed to sit on the furniture or
stand on two feet. Dogs may not speak, only bark. Dogs may only drink from a bowl. 4
events, then back to human. Continue to wear the dog collar for the rest of the game.
● All Play: Each team must yell out the name of the member of their team not pulling their
weight. Most voted has to take a shot
● Handcuff two players of your choice together for the next two rounds. May be from
opposite teams.
● Toast! Come up with a toast and have everyone take a drink.
● Spaghetti Policy: Roll a 6-Sided Die. If you Roll a ​1 through ​3​, Boil a Pot of Spaghetti
and Keep it in your Pockets until the End of the Game. Roll a ​4 and take a Shot. Roll a
5​​ and your Teammate takes a Shot. Roll ​6 ​and nothing happens.
● Read this card aloud: The floor is lava! For every second the player who drew this card
is touching the floor, you must drink beer for three seconds. Start counting aloud as soon
as you finish reading this card. Opponents may try to knock you down to the floor. 20
● Read this card to yourself: Yell “WILDCARD” and grab an opponent’s game token and
run out of the room. Leave this card visible. However long it takes someone from that
team to catch you is how long they have to drink collectively. Cap at ​one minute ​twenty
● Take a shot from any condiment in the refrigerator. Vomiting encouraged.
● Make up a rule for the remainder of this game. If anyone asks you any questions, remind
them about the ‘no question’ policy

● Last updated: September 24th, 2018. Version 2.4. Games the creator has won: 1
● This adaptation of Chardee MacDennis derives its inspiration from ​It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia​: Season 7: Episode 7,
“Chardee MacDennis: The Game of Games,” and Season 11: Episode 1, “Chardee MacDennis 2: Electric Boogaloo.”
● This adaptation also takes much material from woefully unfinished versions of the game and seeks to build upon them and expand
so that all may enjoy the “Game of Games.”
● All men on your team must urinate outside for the remainder of the game. Mad respect
for the women on your team who do so out of solidarity.
● Reverse the turn order. This card counts as the drawing player’s turn. Turn order now is
reversed and whoever played before this card drew goes next, then the person before,

Appendix A

Appendix B

● Last updated: September 24th, 2018. Version 2.4. Games the creator has won: 1
● This adaptation of Chardee MacDennis derives its inspiration from ​It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia​: Season 7: Episode 7,
“Chardee MacDennis: The Game of Games,” and Season 11: Episode 1, “Chardee MacDennis 2: Electric Boogaloo.”
● This adaptation also takes much material from woefully unfinished versions of the game and seeks to build upon them and expand
so that all may enjoy the “Game of Games.”
Dayman (ah-ah-ah)
Fighter of the Nightman (ah-ah-ah)
Champion of the Sun (ah-ah-ah)
You're a Master of Karate
And Friendship
For Everyone!

● Last updated: September 24th, 2018. Version 2.4. Games the creator has won: 1
● This adaptation of Chardee MacDennis derives its inspiration from ​It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia​: Season 7: Episode 7,
“Chardee MacDennis: The Game of Games,” and Season 11: Episode 1, “Chardee MacDennis 2: Electric Boogaloo.”
● This adaptation also takes much material from woefully unfinished versions of the game and seeks to build upon them and expand
so that all may enjoy the “Game of Games.”

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