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Renxi Liu

Dr. Nicole Harris-Sealey


December 8, 2017

Academic plan of study

1. Introduction of International Commerce and Policy Graduated Program

I choose International Commerce Policy as my major during my graduate study at George

Mason University. Before I chose to study the subject, I learned by browsing the official website

of GMU. I found the ICP program is an innovative Master’s degree program. It combined with

real-time policy to develop student’s skills of international trade, global finance, and investment.

In addition, the professor in Schar School are experts with extensive who share their work

experiences in the class. Professors often invite professionals to share real-world experiences to

providing the student with mentorship and skillsets needed to advance in their career. For

example, when I was studying some ICP courses during my pathway program, my professor

invited professionals from World Bank and IMF to share the experience for us. Moreover, as

GMU is located close to DC, a lot of internship opportunities are provided for us. Some

internships be posted on school walls and is designed to allow us to better apply theories into

practice. In addition, during studying international commerce and policy at GMU, the

department will provide the opportunity to study abroad and professional internship for us (Schar

School of Policy and Government at George Mason University, 2018). This is very important for

my future career because it is a proof of ability in the field of business.

2. Academic Goals

According to using the SMART goal setting technique, I have set three specific learning goals
in my current study (COLLEGE OF NURSES OF ONTARIO, 2017). First one is I plan to

complete the extra 50 practice questions of the microeconomics by December 5th; and then, to

check the answers with my professor at his office hour. Because the final exam will test all of the

knowledge learned during this semester, I have to prepare it before final exam. The second one is

I’m going to take an internship in the summer of next year in order to accumulate some work

experience. The last one is a long-term goal. After finishing my ICP program, I plan to take extra

9 credits to get one more certificate in Schar School.

3. Disciplinary Resources List

There are some trustworthy books I have to read. The first book’s name is“An Introduction to

International Economics: New Perspectives on the World Economy” (Kenneth, 2012). The

author of this book is the professor at GMU Schar School of Policy and Government, and he is

the director of the international commerce and policy program. He has consulted for the WTO,

the World Bank, the OECD Development Centre, and the U.S. Department of Commerce. This

book designed for courses in international economic majors and programs in business,

international relations, public policy and development studies, and it takes a practitioner

perspective rather than a standard academic view, introducing the student to the material they

need to become effective analysts in international economic policy. (Kenneth, 2012). The second

book’s name is “Macroeconomics” (Krugman & Wells, Macroeconomics, 2018). The author is

American economist and a columnist for The New York Times. He was awarded the Nobel

Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences; therefore, I think the books he publishes are very

authoritative. The third book’s name is “Microeconomics” (Krugman & Wells, Microeconomics,

2017). Compared with other books, this book emphasizes the application of economic principles

and policy analysis. Most chapters in the book provide examples to illustrate how economic
principles can apply to the analysis of real economic problems to let students understand the

economics of life.

4. Courses Plan

As a student who has a Bachelor Degree in Business Administration, I think my academic

background meets the requirement of the International Commerce and Policy program. I have to

complete 36 credits to successfully complete my graduate study. 21 credits require for core

courses and 15 credits require for elective courses. I intend to the Global Finance, Investment

and Trade as my concentration. There are some courses I can select during my graduate studies,

and it is shown below (Schar School of Policy and Government at George Mason University,


Courses Requirement and courses description

ITRN 500- Global Policy Economy “Foundations in the ICP. Introduces students

to key concepts, policies, and experiences that

underpin international commerce,

international relations more broadly, and non-

govrnmental transnational activities It is a 3

credits course” (Schar School of Policy and

Government at George Mason University,


ITRN 503- Macroeconomic Policy in the Provides an analytical introduction and

overview of basic concepts in macroeconomic

Global Economy theory with an emphasis on applications to

problems in the United States and the

contemporary global economy. Covers topics

such as inflation, growth and business cycles,

fiscal and monetary policies, balance of

payments and exchange rates, and it should be

taken after ITRN 504. (Schar School of Policy

and Government at George Mason University,


ITRN 504-Microeconomics and Trade Policy Provides a foundation in microeconomics,

including supply and demand analysis,

elasticities, the theory of the firm, allocative

efficiency and market failure. Covers

applications of this microeconomic foundation

to international trade theory, trade policy

analysis, preferential trade agreements, and

international production. Emphasis is on

graphical and algebraic analysis. It is a 3

credits course. (Schar School of Policy and

Government at George Mason University,


ITRN 501- Methods of Analysis for ICP “Students obtain practical information on

sources of data, their origins, strengths, and

weaknesses. Helps develop tools for statistical

analysis of data, and includes use of

computers for analyzing and displaying

information. It covers major data sources as

well and literature and indices related to

international policy, including trade data,

economics and financial indicators, and

development indicators. It is a 3 credits

course. It is 3 credits” (Schar School of Policy

and Government at George Mason University,


ITRN 602- Global Financial Crises and Examines the modern financial sector: how it

Institutions operates, its regulation, and its role in risk

transmission and crisis formation. Reviews

global financial markets and instruments.

Considers the role of multilateral and regional

financial institutions in management of crises,

macroeconomic adjustment, development

policy and capital flows with emphases on

financial crises including the 2007-09 crisis,

and it should be taken after ITRN 503. It is 3

credits (Schar School of Policy and

Government at George Mason University,


ITRN 603- Global Trade Relations Examines U.S. trade policy in the context of

global trade relations. Considers the global

trading system from legal, institutional and

political perspectives, giving particular

attention to trade agencies in the United States

and abroad, international agreements, and the

World Trade Organization. Trade policy

formation is analyzed within the context of

competing interest groups and corporate

strategies, and it should be taken after

ITRN504. It is 3 credits (Schar School of

Policy and Government at George Mason

University, 2018).

ITRN 605-Technology, Culture and Examines and applies the major dimensions of

Commerce technological and cultural analysis to global

commerce and policy. The course assesses

theories of technological change and cultural

perspectives that have relevance to the flows of

peoples, information, goods, capital and

technology across national and cultural

boundaries. It focuses on the political economy

implications of technological change for

commercial, national and global policies. It is

3 credits, and it is only offered in the Fall

(Schar School of Policy and Government at

George Mason University, 2018).

ITRN 612-International Business Operations Examines international business environment

and the Multinational Corporation and challenges facing companies in

conducting operations in increasingly

interconnected global marketplace. Focuses on

issues of management and organization, and

resolution of conflicts that may arise between

business organizations and home and host

governments. Also focuses on role of

multinational corporations in international

environment, and impact on global trade,

economic development, and political system.

Also studies trade and international investment

theories and world financial environment.

Explores broad issues such as sovereignty of

decision making and global impact of business

activities. (Schar School of Policy and

Government at George Mason University,

ITRN710-International Business Transactions: “Focuses on techniques for financing trade and

Finance and Investment payment methods, including letters of credit,

counter trade, and other approaches. Covers

issues of direct concern in financing

international business operations, such as

preparing financing proposals, risk insurance,

international taxation, pricing policies, and

currency conversion and foreign exchange risk

management. Introduces foreign direct

investment, alliances and acquisitions, joint

ventures, and other methods for investing

overseas. It is 3 credits” (Schar School of

Policy and Government at George Mason

University, 2018).

ITRN 731-Business-to-Business Marketing in Provides understanding of concepts of

International Commerce international marketing process and

international environment within which

companies operate. It is 3 credits (Schar

School of Policy and Government at George

Mason University, 2018).

ITRN 791-Advanced Trade Policy Covers international trade theory, trade policy

analysis, regional economic integration, and

institutional arrangements governing world

trade. Examines dispute settlement regimes,

and relationship between trade and

environment. Includes WTO and constituent

agreements in the areas of goods, services,

intellectual property, and trade-related

investment measures. It is a 3 credits course

(Schar School of Policy and Government at

George Mason University, 2018).

ITRN 782-International Financial Policy Addresses theory of international finance,

application to financial policy such as

exchange rate regimes, and institutions of

international finance. Covers operations of

International Monetary Fund and World Bank,

development of European Monetary Union,

and debate over "international financial

architecture." It is a 3 credits course (Schar

School of Policy and Government at George

Mason University, 2018).

5. Academic Reflection

This semester, I participate in a group study. My profession randomly assigned three students

to a group for group study. The main task of this group is to design one-hour-class based on a

journal article to share the results of analyzing this article. The entire study group needs to

complete four sections which are warm-up, article summary, issues discussion and grammatical
analysis. My responsibility is to complete the warm-up part and the grammar part. Before that, I

had never prepared such a long presentation, and I never did a similar presentation before that.

This is a big challenge for me, but it is also my biggest gain in this semester. My grammar was

not good, this group study to push me to review grammar seriously. Through this presentation, I

reviewed the knowledge of grammar again, and got a deeper understanding of English grammar.

I enjoyed the process that got good grades through make heavy efforts.

First of all, the most important thing I’ve learned from this group study is the ability of

teamwork. The ability of teamwork is important for my academic study because this is the basic

ability each graduate students must possess in the academic field. During my graduate studies, I

will have a lot of group study activities. This group study allows me to better adapt to future

graduate studies. Meanwhile, through this activity, I learned how to communicate with my team

members because effective communication can avoid internal misunderstandings and improve

the efficiency of group study. Furthermore, through this semester, I also realized that I still need

to improve in some aspects. For example, I need to improve my speaking fluency when I speak

English, and I cannot think about academic issues deeply like native students, but I’m still trying

my best to learn the way of the domestic thinking.

During my studies in this semester, I not only improved my own learning abilities but also

realized that I still had some deficiencies. I believe that I will overcome all difficulties to achieve

my all academic goals in the future study.

COLLEGE OF NURSES OF ONTARIO. (2017, November 28). Developing SMART Learning
Goals. Retrieved from College of Nurses of Ontario:
Kenneth, R. (2012). An Introduction to International Economics: New Perspectives on the World
Economy. New York: Cambridge University Press.
Krugman, P., & Wells, R. (2017). Microeconomics. New York: Worth Publishers.
Krugman, P., & Wells, R. (2018). Macroeconomics. New York: Worth Publishers.
Schar School of Policy and Government at George Mason University. (2018, December 1). MA
International Commerce and Policy at The School of Business. Retrieved from Schar
School of Policy and Government at George Mason University Web site:
Schar School of Policy and Government at George Mason University. (2018, December 1). Schar
School of Policy and Government. Retrieved from Schar School of Policy and Government
at George Mason University Web site:

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