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Sanctuary forthe Soul
Dedicated in Love and Gratitude to LesterLevenson

General Releasing Sheet (20 times/day or more – Everyday) Could you let it go?
1. Who or what am I afraid of now?
2. Who or what do I want to control now?
3. Whose approval do I want now?
4. Am I insecure now?
5. Who or what do I want to be separate from now?
6. What is the worst thing that could happen to me right now?
7. Who or what am I resisting now?
8. Could I let go of protecting myself with fear?
9. Could I let go of being so smart and allow it to be other than I think it

A good way toexperience freedom is to tell your ego:

Good Morning
This is Beingness
Iwill be HANDLING all of your PROBLEMS today.
I will not need your help,so have a

Daily Practice
1. Stop being OFFENDED
2. Let go of your need to WIN
3. Let go of your need to BE RIGHT
4. Let go of your need to BE SUPERIOR
5. Let go of your need to HAVE MORE
6. Let go of identifying yourself on the BASIS of your ACHIEVEMENTS
7. Let go of your REPUTATION
8. BE KIND a) Kindness towards YOURSELF b) Kindness towards

TICKETS to Bliss and Abundance

1. Could you stop asking your mind which does not have any answer?
2. Could you let go of wanting to figure things out?
3. Could you let go of wanting to know what to do?
4. Could you let go of wanting to know the answers?
5. Could you let go of wanting to know anything (for this moment) right
6. And again, and again, etc.
7. Could you let go of wanting to think?
8. And again, and again, etc.
1. Now, could you let go of disapproving yourself right now?
2. Could you let go of beating yourself up for not having an answer?
3. And again, and again, etc.
4. Could you give yourself approval (for no reason)?
5. And again, and again, etc.

List of things you want in life Let go? Things you have in life

Did I
let go?

Releasing on the 3 Wants Let go?
Ways in which I seek Approval (love/acceptance)

Ways I seek Control (change)

Ways I seek Security/Safety/Survival

1. Write your goal with correctwording.
2. Read the goal. Write down the first thought or feeling that comes to mind inrelationship to it.
3. Ask yourself, does that come from a sense of w/a, w/c or w/s?
4. Could I let go of w/a, w/c and w/s?
5. Keep working on the goal until you either get it or decide you no longerwant it.

Goal: ________________________________________________________________________


What is my NOW feeling about my goal? Let go? Feel Good?

Did I completely I now feel good

let go? about it.

1. Write your goal with correctwording.
2. Read the goal. Make a list of the thingsyou believe you must do to accomplish your goal.
3. Write down your NOW feeling about doing each item in the list.
3. Ask yourself, does that come from a sense of w/a, w/c or w/s?
4. Could I let go of w/a, w/c and w/s?

Goal: ________________________________________________________________________


“To do” list to accomplish my goal What is my NOW feeling Let go? Feel Good?
about doing each item?

Did I I now feel

completely good about
let go? it.

TOPIC: ………………………………………………………………………………
(e.g. Money, Wanting, Disapproving myself,Figuring things out, Health, any Stuckness, Worrying,
Thinking, Doingsomething, Holding on, Letting go, Satisfaction, Trusting, Sharing the Methodwith

Stream of Consciousness:
(a) Let your mind think of things aboutthe attachment. Write it down and see what you wrote
or thought is w/a, w/c or w/s andthen release the want.

i) ………………………………………………….. Let go?

ii) …………………………………………………. Let go?
iii) ……………………………………….……….. Let go?

(b) Let your mind think of things about the aversion. Write it down and seewhat you wrote
or thought is w/a, w/c or w/s andthen release the want.

i) ………………………………………………….. Let go?

ii) …………………………………………………. Let go?
iii) ……………………………………….……….. Let go?

What ADVANTAGE is it to me Let go? What DISADVANTAGE is it to Let go?

to . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . me to . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Did I Did I
completely completely
let go? let go?
What do I LIKE about Let go? What do I DISLIKE about Let go?
........................ ..........................

Did I Did I
completely completely
let go? let go?
1 a) Imagine, never, ever being ableto________________________________. Let go?
b) Imagine, always ________________________________.Let go?

2 a) Could I let go of my entire attachmentto___________________________. Let go?

b) Could I let go my entire aversionto ________________. Let go?

Any time you feel like you have to,must do or should do anything, it brings up your resistance.

Things I feel I have to do What is my NOW feeling Let go? Feel Good?
about that?

Did I I now feel

completely good about
let go? it.

“Good” and “Bad”exercise

What’s good? Let go? What’s bad? Let go?

Did I Did I
completely completely
let go? let go?

TOPIC: ………………………………………………………………………………

What do I need to be happy? Let go? What do I need to avoid to be Let go?
Did I Did I
completely completely
let go? let go?

Releasing Pride
(e.g. being stubborn, being smart,being able to drive others crazy by us acting negative etc.)
1) Ask yourself, “What am I proud of?”
a) …………………….. Let go?
b) ………………………. Let go?

2) Ask yourself, “Could I let go of holding on to thepride?”

Digging Deeper
1) Who or what am I judging? …………………………………… …..Could I let that go?
2) Who or what I am guilty about? ……………….……………….. Could I let that go?
3) Who or what do I want to be separate from? ……………… Could I let that go?
4) Who or what I am rejecting? ……………………………………… Could I let that go?
5) Who or what I am resisting? ……………………………………… Could I let that go?
6) Who or what I am jealous of? ……………………………….…… Could I let that go?
7) Who do I think I am better than? ……………………….Could I allow that person to beequal to me?
8) Who do I think is better than me? ....................... Could I allowmyself to be equal to them?
9) What is my persona (personality)? ……………………. List and release.


1) Take full Responsibility for everything that happens to you. But, letgo of beating yourself up.
2) Ask yourself, “Wherein did I cause this to happen to me?”
3) Sit quietly until the answer comes. Write it down and keep releasing untilyou are 100%
released about it.


1) Get everything by releasing only.
2) Practice witnessing things more while releasing.
3) Take Responsibility for everything.
4) Take all your joy from within.
5) Be all giving.
6) Be Yourself.
7) Identify with everyone/every atom as being you.
8) Constantly identify with your Beingness.
9) Do not identify with your body and mind.
) fy y y
10) Be not the doer.
11) Take every down as an up.


Repeat these questions until you cananswer “yes” to question #3

1.Did this person try to control me?

2. Did I try to control this person?
3. Do I now grant this person the right for this person to be as this personis?

Repeat these questions until you cananswer “yes” to question #3

1.Did I dislike or disapprove of anything in this person?

2. Did this person dislike or disapprove of anything in me?
3. Do I have only love/acceptance feelings for this person?

Repeat these questions until you can answer “yes”to question #3

1.Did this person challenge, oppose or threaten me?

2. Did I challenge, oppose or threaten this person?
3. Do I have only a feeling of well being, a feeling of safety and trust withthis person?


1. …………………………………………………………………. Let go?
2. …………………………………………………………………. Let go?
3. …………………………………………………………………. Let go?

1. ………………………………………………………………….
2. ………………………………………………………………….
3. ………………………………………………………………….

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