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Tetrahedron Letters 56 (2015) 5010–5012

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Tetrahedron Letters
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A new set of orthogonal protecting groups on a monosaccharide

Károly Ágoston a,⇑, Gregory M. Watt b, Péter Fügedi a
Institute of Organic Chemistry, RCNS-HAS, Magyar Tudósok Körútja 2, 1117 Budapest, Hungary
Carbosynth LTD, 8&9, Old Station Business Park, RG20 6NE Compton, UK

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: A monosaccharide unit was synthesized bearing four different temporary protecting groups. The protect-
Received 13 May 2015 ing groups used (Fmoc carbonate, NAP ether, levulinoyl and chloroacetyl esters) and the anomeric thio-
Revised 28 June 2015 glycoside form a new set of orthogonal protecting groups. The orthogonality of these groups has been
Accepted 4 July 2015
demonstrated on the monosaccharide scaffold.
Available online 9 July 2015
2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Orthogonal protection
Protecting groups
Monosaccharide Scaffold
Full orthogonality

Introduction This orthogonality permits the selective modification of any posi-

tion, allowing oligosaccharide synthesis or small molecule library
The synthesis of small molecule libraries by creating diversity preparation from monosaccharides.
around a rigid ring system is a well established strategy that is fre- There are few literature examples where the hydroxyl func-
quently used by pharmaceutical companies during lead compound tional group of a monosaccharide residue is protected with 4 dif-
identification. Monosaccharides could serve as an ideal scaffold for ferent orthogonal protecting groups.3 In the first example3a the
these processes since they are cheap raw materials that contain hydroxyl functional groups of a galactose thioglycoside were dec-
multiple chiral centers. These chiral centers fixed on a rigid ring orated with two esters (chloroacetyl and levulinoyl) and two
system provide a platform to create molecular diversity.1 The ethers (p-methoxybenzyl and TBDPS). This monosaccharide unit
diversity around a monosaccharide ring could be established for was then used as a scaffold to synthesize an oligosaccharide
two different purposes. Firstly, the targeted compound is a deco- library. Depending on the desired disaccharide linkage, the rele-
rated monosaccharide unit where their hydroxyl functional groups vant temporary protecting groups can be removed and the product
have been modified to bear the appropriate pharmacophores for subsequently glycosylated. The deprotection-glycosylation steps
the targeted drug candidate.2 Secondly, the modified monosaccha- were repeated to create a library. Even though orthogonally-pro-
ride unit is used to build oligosaccharides. In this case the hydroxyl tected monosaccharides potentially have very broad use, since this
functional groups of a monosaccharide unit are masked with pro- publication only two similarly protected monosaccharide deriva-
tecting groups, while in the first case the hydroxyl functional tives have been reported.3b,c Herein, we report the synthesis of
groups are permanently modified with the appropriate pharma- novel, orthogonally protected monosaccharide derivative with a
cophore moieties. Although in both cases differentiation between stable thio-ether group at the anomeric position that can be acti-
the hydroxyl functional groups of a monosaccharide unit is vated under specific conditions. This thioglycoside serves as a
required, this is not always straight-forward since the various model compound to test the orthogonality of the selected protect-
hydroxyl substituents often have similar reactivity. ing groups and potentially allows the preparation of diverse
In some cases all of the monosaccharide hydroxyl groups are oligosaccharide sets in a generalized fashion.
modified with protecting groups that are orthogonal to each-other.
Results and discussion

Corresponding author at present address: Carbosynth LTD, 8&9, Old Station
Business Park, RG20 6NE Compton, UK. Tel.: +44 0 7840 347437; fax: +44 0 1635 The most common temporary protecting groups used in
579444. carbohydrate chemistry are esters (acetyl, benzoyl, chloroacetyl,
E-mail address: (K. Ágoston). and levulinoyl), carbonates (Fmoc) and ethers (benzyl, allyl,
0040-4039/ 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
K. Ágoston et al. / Tetrahedron Letters 56 (2015) 5010–5012 5011

1 Naphth 1 Naphth 1 Naphth

O a O b O
1 2 3

OFmoc OFmoc
5 4

Scheme 1. Reagents and conditions: (a) ClAcCl, CuCl 2, NaH, THF, 15 C, 1 h, 68%; (b) FmocCl, Pyridine, DCM, rt, 3 h, 60%; (c) BH3 THF, TMSOTf, DCM, rt, 3 h, 76%; (d) LevOH,
DCC, DMAP, DCM, rt, 2 h, 72%.

p-methoxybenzyl, and silyl). Several orthogonally protected in a mixture of CH2Cl2/pyridine, affording the fully protected
monosaccharides have been synthesized to date and their ability derivative 3.
to be selectively deprotected has been tested. Protecting group Opening of the napthylidene acetal with borane-THF and
combinations of levulinoyl ester, Fmoc carbonate, and diethyliso- TMSOTf7 as a catalyst gave compound 4 (Scheme 1) in high yield
propylsilyl ether (DEIPS) were proven to be orthogonal,4 as were with no observed loss or migration of the chloroacetyl functional
2-(allyloxy)phenyl-acetyl, levulinoyl, and acetyl.5 Recently, other group during work-up or purification. Protection of the 6-OH resi-
sets of protecting groups were tested,6 but there are still numerous due using levulinic acid and DCC gave the fully protected target
combinations left to be examined. compound 5 as white crystals.
Glucose is a monosaccharide that can be obtained and With fully protected D-galactose containing five different pro-
hydrolysis of sucrose (cane sugar) or polysaccharides such as tecting groups in hand, the orthogonality of the protecting group
starch and starch which are mostly found in sweet potatoes, corn, pattern was tested by the selective removal each protecting group
rice, potatoes and others. Glucose contains primary alcohol (Scheme 2). Removal of the levulinoyl ester from 5 with hydrazine
groups and secondary alcohols that can undergo oxidation. acetate9 in a mixture of CH2Cl2/MeOH afforded the 6-OH derivative
Generally primary alcohols are more easily oxidized and 4 in excellent yield with no decomposition of the other protecting
secondary alcohols. Glucose oxidation can occur in several places groups. Chloroacetate ester cleavage using thiourea10 in a mixture
depending on the reaction conditions and the type of oxidizer of toluene/methanol at reflux gave compound 6, having a free
used and produces various types of acids temperature (Scheme 1). hydroxyl in the 3-position, in almost quantitative yield (Scheme 2).
which was very difficult to purify due to migration and/or loss of For the removal of the Fmoc group from compound 5 different
the chloroacetyl functional group during column chromatography. conditions were tested. Hünig’s base in CH2Cl2 resulted in only
To avoid this problem we decided to first protect the remaining trace cleavage of the carbamate, even after 24 h. Treatment with
free hydroxyl functional group (2-OH) of derivative 2 as the triethylamine in CH2Cl2 resulted in almost complete cleavage of
Fmoc carbonate using Fmoc-chloride significant chloroacetate the Fmoc-group after 24 h. However, this also resulted in

OLev ClAcO
O 7
c O
OFmoc OFmoc
6 b OLev d
a 5 e OLev
f OH
4 ClAcO
10 OMe

Scheme 2. Reagents and conditions: (a) H2NNH2/AcOH, DCM, MeOH, rt, 30 min, 85%; (b) Thiourea, Toluene, MeOH, 80 C, 45 min, 94%; (c) DBU, DCM, rt, 2 min, 65%; (d) CAN,
MeCN, H2O, rt, 2 h, 71%; (e) NBS, Acetone, H2O, 0 C, 10 min, 68%; (f) NIS, TfOH, methyl 2,3,6-tri-O-benzyl-a-D-glucopyranoside, MeCN, DCM, 30 C, 10 min, 72%.
5012 K. Ágoston et al. / Tetrahedron Letters 56 (2015) 5010–5012

significant chloroacetate ester migration to the 2-position. Finally, Supplementary data

catalytic DBU in DCM was found to cleave the Fmoc group with a
very short reaction time to give compound 7. Short reaction times Supplementary data (detailed experimental procedures and
were found to be necessary as stopping the reaction after 10 min NMR data of the compounds) associated with this article can be
resulted in partial chloroacetate ester migration to the 2-position. found, in the online version, at
Reducing the reaction time to 2 min suppressed ester migration, 2015.07.015.
while still permitting complete cleavage of the carbonate protect-
ing group. References and notes
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We are grateful to RCNS-HAS for their generous support of this

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