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Board Meeting Notes

November 11, 2018
Present: Gordy Runyon
Betty Elenbaas
Judy Smyth Beam
Rebecca Ferris
Section Leaders: Traci Chetter (section 1)
Ginger Merlau (section 3)


Play Date versus Clinic:

The discussion of what makes an event a Play Date or a Clinic: A Play Date is zero dollars
to participate unless you have not joined or renewed you membership. Where a Clinic is
where we pay someone (a clinician, a horse trainer, a lesson instructor etc.). Also help
pay for the arena or indoor facility where the clinic will be held.

For new members its $20 for Single and $25 for family, will receive 1 free Mich-A-Roo
sticker. Renewal membership is $15 for single and $20 for Family. The money from the
membership will go towards, t-shirts, raffle tickets, stickers and administration.

Board Members:
We need two more board members, a Vice President and one more board member.
Section Leaders are needed for Section 5 and possibly Section 2.
One of their roles will be if an event is hosted in their section that they will be
responsible for getting the treasure any new membership money.

Getting Members more involved:

Trying to find more ways to get others to participate at events, some suggestions are:
Prize – who was involved (with or without a horse) participating in the most
events. Maybe those who sponsor or host an event.
Meet and Greet for 2019:
The next Meet and Greet will be March 9, 2019 at 4pm at the Pizza House in Lansing,
MI. Since quite a few of you go the MSU Stallion Expo, we are hoping that those
attending the Expo will take the time to join us. We would like to discuss at this Meet
and Greet any ideas on what activities to do for 2019. Also, those who would like to host
and event can let us know when they would like to do their event. We can then put on
the calendar with more info coming from the host.

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