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Teacher: Ansley Lindstrom Date: October 2nd, 2018

School: Poudre High School Grade Level: 9th-12th Grade Content Area: AP Calculus

Title: Review for Unit 2 Exam Lesson #:_1_ of --_1_

Lesson Idea/Topic and I will be teaching a review for the upcoming

Rational/Relevance: What are Unit 2 Exam. This lesson is important
you going to teach and why is this because it brings together the concepts,
lesson important to these gives students another opportunity to ask
students? What has already questions for confusion, and reviews the
happened in this classroom material. Students have been learning new
surrounding the subject you will information and techniques to find
be teaching? What do students derivatives of equations, equations of a
already know? Why are you going tangent line, implicit differentiation, and the
to teach this topic now (how does graph of a derivative. I will be teaching with
it fit in the curricular sequence)? interactive material in a competitive manner
What teaching methods/strategy to gain students interests but still covering
will you be use and why? the proper material that needs to be

Content Standard(s) addressed by this lesson: (Write Content Standards directly from the standard)

CMS IF-4 Demonstrate an understanding of the definition of the derivative of a function at a point, and the
notion of differentiability.
a. Demonstrate an understanding of the derivative of a function as the slope of the tangent line to the
graph of the function.
b. Demonstrate an understanding of the interpretation of the derivative as instantaneous rate of change.
c. Use derivatives to solve a variety of problems coming from physics, chemistry, economics, etc. that
involve the rate of change of a function. d. Demonstrate an understanding of the relationship between
differentiability and continuity.
e. Use derivative formulas to find the derivatives of algebraic and trigonometric functions.
CMS IF-5 Apply the rules of differentiation to functions.
a. Use the Chain Rule and applications to the calculation of the derivative of a variety of composite

● Derivative: slope
● Implicit differentiation, explicit differentiation
● Tangent line
● Equation, function
● One-to-one function

Understandings: (Big Ideas)

A derivative is the slope of the equation at any given point.

A tangent line can be used to approximate the slope.
Implicit differentiation is useful for equations that are not one-to-one functions.
Inquiry Questions: (Essential questions relating knowledge at end of the unit of instruction, select
applicable questions from standard)

What is a derivative of a function?

How can we approximate a derivative?
Why can a derivative be approximated?
How is implicit differentiation different than taking the derivative of a function?

Evidence Outcomes: (Learning Targets) AND (Success Criteria)

I can:
● I can differentiate equations.
● I can evaluate and find the tangent line.
● I can identify the graph of a derivative.
● I can apply the meaning of a derivative.
This means:
● I understand that different equations require different methods of differentiation. I can identify
what rule to use while differentiating or use the definition of a derivative. I understand what a
tangent line is and its purpose in calculus. I can use given information to determine the
necessary/specific tangent line so I can determine the instantaneous slope of a function.
● I understand that the graph of the derivative represents the slope of the original equation at any
given point, based on this knowledge I am able to determine specific points and characteristics of
these graphs.
● I can find and evaluate the instantaneous slope of an equation at at any given point.

List of Assessments: (Note whether the assessment is formative or summative)

● Kahoot: formative
● Escape Room: formative
● Ticket out: formative
Planned Lesson Activities

Name and Purpose of Lesson Escape Room Review. The purpose of this lesson is to bring
Should be a creative title for you and all students up to speed on the content that is required of
the students to associate with the them for the exam. This should leave students with a better
activity. Think of the purpose as the
understanding of what concepts they do and do not
mini-rationale for what you are trying
to accomplish through this lesson.
understand well. It will give a better idea of what they need
more practice on and have confusions about.

Approx. Time and Materials Kahoot: Large screen that connects to a laptop. (15 minutes)
How long do you expect the activity to Escape room: Prepared envelopes containing the practice
last and what materials will you need? material for each round and group (60 minutes)
Ticket out: half sheet of paper for each student (5 minutes)
Anticipatory Set The “hook” I am choosing to grab students attention is to play
The “hook” to grab students’ attention. a kahoot. The kahoot will be composed of trig identities that
These are actions and statements by the students need to have an understanding of for this course.
teacher to relate the experiences of the
Many students need to review their knowledge so this will be
students to the objectives of the lesson,
To put students into a receptive frame
helpful before the main lesson. I will use the results of the
of mind. Kahoot to select the top 6 scoring students to be in charge of
● To focus student attention on the first hint of the next game. They will each form their own
the lesson. groups of about 4-5 students (No top scoring student can be
● To create an organizing in the same group & there will be 6 total groups).
framework for the ideas,
This will get students in the right frame of mind for the rest of
principles, or information that
is to follow (advanced
the lesson because of the competitive nature. I want students
organizers) to be actively working as a team to try and complete the
An anticipatory set is used any time a Escape room as efficiently as possible.
different activity or new concept is to
be introduced.

How do you intend to engage your The strategy I intend to use is tapping into students love for
students in thinking during the technology and competitive nature.
Anticipatory Set?

Why are you using it at this point in I am using this because a Kahoot get everyone engaged on
your lesson? the topic and brings out a fun competitive side. This will set
the scene perfectly for the competitive Escape Room.
Procedures Take Attendance
(Include a play-by-play account of what Kahoot: Students will use the Kahoot app and challenge their
students and teacher will do from the peers to see who can score the highest in a trig review. (10
minute they arrive to the minute they
leave your classroom. Indicate the
length of each segment of the lesson.
Form 6 Groups: The top 6 students from the Kahoot will be
List actual minutes.) given an envelope which they can not open. They will be
Indicate whether each is: asked to assemble their team of 4-5 students. Students can
-teacher input arrange desks if necessary so they can work the best as a
-modeling group. (5 minutes)
-questioning strategies
Escape Room: Students must solve 4 envelopes to escape
-whole-class practice
the room. Each envelope will contain “hints” and problems
-group practice that they will need to solve related to a topic on their
-individual practice upcoming exam. Once an envelope is solved a group member
-check for understanding must show their solution (or code) to me in order to get the
-other next envelope. The students will be given 60 minutes to
escape the room. The first team to escape will be granted a
prize. (60 minutes.
Ticket out: Students will return desks back to normal and
transition back to their seats. They will be asked a few
questions so I will be able to collect data on the lesson.
How do you intend to engage your The strategy I intend to use is engaging students in hands on
students in thinking during the activity that can relate to students.

Why are you using it at this point in Escape Rooms are a large trend right now, they are popping
your lesson? up all over the country. My hope is that a few students will
have already completed an escape room and have a general
understanding of the idea. Of course, I will still explain how it
works and the rules of the game. I want students to be
thoroughly engaged throughout the review.

Closure A few minutes before the end of the lesson, the instructor will
Those actions or statements by a bring the students back together and ask guided questions for
teacher that are designed to bring a the students to answer on half sheets of paper. Some
lesson presentation to an appropriate
conclusion. Used to help students bring
things together in their own minds, to
● How do you think you worked as a team?
make sense out of what has just been ● How do you feel about the upcoming exam?
taught. “Any Questions? No. OK, let’s ● Was this lesson a useful review?
move on” is not closure. Closure is used: ● Is there something that still confuses you?
● To cue students to the fact
that they have arrived at an
Students will hand in the answers to these questions as a
important point in the lesson
or the end of a lesson.
ticket out the door.
● To help organize student
To help form a coherent picture and to

How do you intend to engage your The strategy I intend to use is personal reflection.
students in thinking during CLOSURE?
I am using this strategy here because: it is a way to bring the
Why are you using it at this point in
your lesson? lesson to a close where students can reflect on their current
knowledge of the content for the exam. This will also be
helpful for me because they can assess the usefulness of the
lesson and their personal opinions.

To differentiate the lesson some students who are

Differentiation: understanding the content less than their peers can ask
Differentiation should be questions and feed off of their group members energy for
embedded throughout your support. This will also give them the opportunity to fill in gaps
whole lesson!! in knowledge or clarify understanding.
This is to make sure you have
met the needs of your students I specifically chose to have the 6 top scoring students of the
Kahoot be in separate groups because it is a way to even out
on IEPS or 504
the playing field where everyone feels like they have an
To modify: If the activity is too
advanced for a child, how will you “expert” in their group. Though this will not be stated, it will be
modify it so that they can be successful? introduced as a reward for students who did well on the
To extend: If the activity is too easy for Kahoot to form their own groups for the next challenge.
a child, how will you extend it to
develop their emerging skills?

Assessment Reflection: (data The learning targets will be met when the students are able to
analysis) work together to escape the room. They will need
How will you know if students met the understanding of the content to do so. I can actively assess
learning targets? Write a description of groups as the activity is going as well as make notes on
what you were looking for in each students who seem to be struggling or uninvolved. This
assessment is designed to be a more personal reflection of
where they think they are at in regards to the upcoming exam.
The data I collect at the end will be helpful for me to
determine the success of the lesson.

Envelope 1: Matching (cut each box individually).

There will be more solutions than questions. Students must present the correct 6 digit code, A-G
respectively. (160348)

A. y2= -x2 +9 3. 4sin(x)cos(x)

B. y= cos2(4x) 4. 20x

C. y= cos2(x) + sin2(x) 5. 1

E. y= sin2(x) - cos2(x) 1. -x/y

F. y= 2(5x2 -10) 6. -8cos(4x)sin(4x)

G. y= 2(x-10)10 7. 2(5x2-10)(10x)

2. 2sec(x)tan(x) 8. 20(x-10)9

9. 0 Unlock the next level.

Envelope 2: Tangent Line

Students must tell the “time” by finding the coordinate on the graph f(x) where the tangent line is
parallel to the given line. (1:01)
The tangent line will tell the “time”. ___:____

y= -2x3 +3x

y= -3x +5

Envelope 3: Product, Quotient, Chain rule

Students will use the derivation rules to find f(2). The code is the two largest values f(2). In order
they are.. 14, 4,10,-6. Thus, the code is 1014

Find the next clue where x is

f(x) =g(x)h(x) g(2)= 1 2.

f(x) = g(h(x)) g’(2) = 5 h(1)=2

You will only need the largest

f(x) = h(g(x)) h(2) = 2 two to find the clue.

f(x) = h(x)/g(x) h’(2) = 4

Envelope 4: Special points on the Graph of a derivative.

Students will assess both f(x) and f’(x) and determine where two points on f(x) where the slope
is zero. The code is therefore -1 4 0 1

Where the slope is zero, you will find your four digit code. Beware of which is f(x).

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