Chapter 05 Using Water To Cure PDF

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Chapter Five Using water to cure cancer: the power of hydrotherapy Using water to cure cancer: the power of hydrotherapy. This may be the most important chapter in this manual. Itis so important that I have just added new information in November 1998 to help produce more cures in the toughest cases. Water therapy can produce cures that are not possible with herbs. Cold water stimulates and hot water relaxes. Together, they are like a universal pump that makes blood flow. Circulation produces cures. Herbs cannot cure if blood cannot circulate. | call this Biser's First Law of Natural Healing. Memorize it. When I speak of water therapy, I am not talking about soothing baths to relax tired and tense healthy people. I am talking about water treatments so strong that cancer tumors can shrink by half in four hours. If you avoid these water cures out of timidity, you are cheating yourself out of a cure. What you are about to learn here is NOT taught in more than one major herbal school. The herbal leaders are afraid of lawsuits, or as one of their wives said, “Do we have to mess up the kitchen with herbs?” “Yes, Virginia, I'm afraid we might have to get some messy herbs on the countertop. Try to pull yourself together. And, I don’t know how to break this terrible stinky secret to you, but we might actually have to get some sheets dirty (I know, an awful thought!), and heaven forbid, throw them out and buy clean, new ones. Now there, try to calm down, it's just the poisons from the cancers being removed.” Page 98/ Sam Bisers SAVE YOUR LIFE Cowards should leave the building. I am now about to teach you how to cure like they did hundreds of years ago. Do this Cold Sheet Treatment once weekly if you are doing the incurables program. Here is the procedure: STEP ONE: First, you take a cold enema to clear loose fecal matter ‘out of your colon before you begin the procedure. You can add herbs to the ‘Water, such as catnip or red raspberry. A cold enema causes the rectal area to contract, which helps you retain the fluid longer before you expel the tea and the fecal matter. After expelling it, proceed to Step Two. STEP TWO: After expelling the herbal tea, the second step of the old sheet treatment is an “injection” of a garlic mixture. You will need 4 rectal syringe from the drug store to do this; an enema tube will get clogged up. Put eight to ten large garlic cloves in a blender with 50 percent apple cider vinegar and 50 percent distilled water. Dr. Schulze says it’s like Napalm in your rectum. Put it in with a rectal syringe — and you have to get it in all at once, because once you get it in, it will come right back out. According to Richard Schulze, “It’s powerful. It burns. That person Jights up. They will run to the toilet, but it doesn’t all come out. In about 2 minutes, the burning and the cramping go away. | think it’s incredibly jrounding. It seems to break any psychological armoring the person has. ‘The person knows immediately that this is something that they have never had before.” STEP THREE: Get in a hot bath, as hot as you can make it without hurting the flesh. The water is kept at its hottest for as long as the patient can stand it. Before you enter the tub, have your helper place in the water, an ounce or more of cayenne pepper, an ounce or more of ginger, and an ounce or more of dry mustard. Get good high-potency mustard. A lot of the Using Water to Cure Cancer / Page 99

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